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Diapo 1


Scoutlan is uan of di neishon of dI iunaited kingdom. Inglan weils end soutlan ar part of di greit britein.

Di capital of scoutlan is edinburg, eniwey di most popiuleited ciry is gleisgou.

Soutlan jes no an official antem, bat di common antem of di greit britein is God seiv de cuin. Di official
flag of scoutlan is di cros of Sain Endriu, uid a vuait bleid on a blu bakgraund.

Over jalf of di sotish populeishon reported bin a Cristian, vuail nerly tirty seven percent reported not
jevin a reliyion .

Diapo 2

Tradishional cultur

Der is an important artistic activity, de most noteibol tradishional sotish instrument is di bagpaip, in
partiquiular di jailan bagpaip, a vuin instrument consistin of uan or mor saund tiubs fed bai a reservoir of
eir conteined in a bag. Scotish emigrants carred uid dem meny of dis tradishional forms of miusic. In de
modrn miusic shen, der ar meny bands end aartist from soutlan.

Diapo 3


Di tradishional scotish garmen is de kil. Di olso- called “scotish skir”, term dat offends di scots. Di kil I
iushually meid of wol, uid a tartan disain uich is asocieited uid a certain scotish clan. Every scot reseivs a
kil an erly eig end uil ius it on speshial oqueishons sach as uedings, baptism, communions. Di kil is vreip
araun di weist, end covers di bottom to nis, in adishion, sins it jes no pokets, it quen bi supplemented uid
a speshial bag called sporran. Contrary to popiular belif dat ander di kil shuld not bi wering anderwer, di
tru is dat is no established standar on dis.

Diapo 4


Som of di tradishional scotish dishes ar de scotch brod or scotish brod, medi uid barly, mit end
veistablos. Dey jev de scotish neishonal dish, cauld arias oriyinaly uen transporting mit in a pork gut or
lam. Oder tradishional Soutlan’s dish is di aguis is similar tu a blak pudding tru uid lamb or iven dir, end is
tradishionali eaten durin di burns dinner on yanuery.

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