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A new value stream mapping approach for healthcare

a b a
Daniel Barberato Henrique , Antonio Freitas Rentes , Moacir Godinho Filho & Kleber
Francisco Esposto
Department of Industrial Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos, Rodovia
Washington Luiz km 235, 13565905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of São Paulo, Avenida Trabalhador São-
Carlense, 400, 13566-590, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Published online: 17 Jul 2015.
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To cite this article: Daniel Barberato Henrique, Antonio Freitas Rentes, Moacir Godinho Filho & Kleber Francisco Esposto
(2015): A new value stream mapping approach for healthcare environments, Production Planning & Control: The Management
of Operations, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2015.1051159

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Production Planning & Control, 2015

A new value stream mapping approach for healthcare environments

Daniel Barberato Henriquea, Antonio Freitas Rentesb, Moacir Godinho Filhoa* and Kleber Francisco Espostob
Department of Industrial Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos, Rodovia Washington Luiz km 235, 13565905, São Carlos,
SP, Brazil; bDepartment of Industrial Engineering, University of São Paulo, Avenida Trabalhador São-Carlense, 400, 13566-590, São
Carlos, SP, Brazil
(Received 1 September 2014; accepted 6 May 2015)

Hospitals worldwide are giving a growing emphasis to the application of lean concepts in the healthcare sector,
commonly known as ‘lean healthcare’. A fundamental tool that allows such implementations is the value stream
mapping (VSM). The problem is that VSM models used in implementations of lean healthcare are simple adaptations of
the original VSM model, which was initially directed towards manufacturing and may not always represent important
support activities for the patient flow that directly impact treatment time. Within this context, this paper presents a new
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

VSM approach for healthcare environments. This new VSM model, specifically designed for healthcare environments,
contemplates all activities that directly affect the treatment time. In addition, the present paper also presents an action
research in a Brazilian hospital where the proposed VSM model is compared to other VSM models found in the litera-
ture. The results shown that the proposed VSM model was able to identify some operational bottlenecks and wastes that
interfere in the patient’s treatment that could not be identified by other mapping models studied.
Keywords: lean healthcare; value stream mapping; quality improvement

1. Introduction (Dickson et al. 2009). Growing emphasis is being given

Hospitals have increasingly sought to improve their to the application of lean concepts in the healthcare sec-
operations to remain competitive. The growth of demand tor, commonly known as ‘lean healthcare’. The literature
for healthcare services, emergence of new technologies, shows various cases of hospitals that have initiated their
increased competition and requirement for higher quality lean journey and have already achieved excellent results.
standards have forced hospitals to adapt to a new reality Womack (2005) defends the application of lean
in which the survival of the business is directly thinking in the hospital environment. Gill (2012) reports
connected to the efficiency of its processes (Porter and that, in an organisation, the need to ‘see the whole’ to
Lee 2013). rethink systemic functioning is the basis for process
Baker and Taylor (2009) state that hospital medical improvement. In hospital environments, there is an enor-
services are generally of good quality. The greatest mity of disconnections, and it is necessary to recognise
problem that hospitals face is associated with a lack of these disconnections and work carefully with them to
operational capacity, which generates long waiting lines ensure that the performance of the whole is better. A
for hospitalisations and consultations, among other prob- fundamental tool for approaching this problem is value
lems. Squire Jr. (2008) adds that the greatest cause of stream mapping (VSM).
these problems is that many hospitals do not emphasise VSM, broadly used in manufacturing by Rother and
the business as a whole and instead operate as individual Shook (2003), comprises the material and information
departments with their own objectives, information sys- flows to transform a raw material into a final product. In
tems and separate internal processes. Haraden and Resar the case of hospitals, Slack, Chambers, and Johnston
(2004) state that hospitals have responded to this prob- (1999) state that the primary purpose is to transform sick
lem for years by increasing their resources, investing in patients into healthy patients.
hiring and adding beds. To the authors, this is not a solu- Although VSM is considered an essential tool in the
tion, as the problem at hand is not a resource problem search for continuous improvement, a bibliographic sur-
but rather a flow problem. vey performed in the period from 2000 to 2013 demon-
To address this challenge, various hospitals have strated that the VSM models used in implementations of
co-opted techniques adopted in manufacturing to lean healthcare (see, e.g. Baker and Taylor 2009;
solve their problems and manage their processes Tapping et al. 2009; Jimmerson 2010) are adaptations of

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

2 D.B. Henrique et al.

the Rother and Shook (2003) model, which was initially

directed towards manufacturing and may not always • Definition of the problem
represent important support activities for the patient flow Stage 1
that directly impact treatment time. The VSM from
Rother and Shook (2003) handles only the information
and product processing and its adaptation to the hospital • Definition of theobjectives
environment; thus, because it does not consider a third Stage 2
dimension, it does not represent the processing of materi-
als, such as medications and laboratory exams, showing
only the patient flow (product) and related information. • BibliographicReview
In this context, the objective of this study was to pro- Stage 3
pose a new VSM approach that considers on a single
map all of the flows that directly affect the duration of
patient treatment and serves as a standard model for lean • VSM proposal
applications in hospitals. Additionally, this study also Stage 4
shows a practical example of its use in a Brazilian hospi-
tal. The results from the application of the VSM pro-
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

posed in the studied hospital showed that the patient • VSM application
performed activities that really transformed them from Stage 5
being ‘sick’ to ‘healthy’ in only 0.04% of the total treat-
ment time. It was also possible to identify operational
bottlenecks and innumerable wastes that affect patient • Conclusions
Stage 6
treatment and could not be identified by other mapping
models existing in the literature.
This article is organised in the following manner: the
methodology used in this study, which considers the pri-
mary stages developed, is shown in Section 2. Section 3 Figure 1. Development stages of the study.
contains a literature review that provides the basis for
the proposal of the new VSM, which is detailed in VSMs proposed specifically for hospitals (such as
Section 4. Section 5 shows the application of the model those by Baker and Taylor 2009; Tapping et al. 2009;
in a Brazilian hospital and Section 6 presents the conclu- Jimmerson 2010), the information flow is represented in
sions and proposals for future work. a simplified manner, and it is not possible to determine
its impact on the patient treatment time. Additionally,
material processing also occurs in a hospital, such as in
2. Research methodology the medication and laboratory exams flow, which is only
This study can be divided into six primary stages, represented in the VSM from Baker and Taylor (2009),
schematically represented in Figure 1. albeit in a superficial manner, as it is not possible to
The study reported in this article was primarily moti- observe the impact of the material flow on patient treat-
vated by the difficulty of representing on a single map ment time.
all of the flows involved during the transformation of a To circumvent this problem, this article proposes a
sick patient into a healthy patient, in one lean imple- new VSM model for hospital environments. It is
mentation in a Brazilian hospital (Stage 1). Although expected that this model will be able to take into account
VSM is a commonly used tool in lean healthcare all of the flows that directly affect the duration of treat-
applications, there is not a single model or standard that ment of the patient on a single map and serve as a stan-
supplies all of the information necessary to understand dard model for lean applications in hospitals (Stage 2).
all of the variables that can affect the duration of medical Following the establishment of the problem and the
treatment. The most used model to map the patient flow research objectives, a bibliographic review was per-
is the simple adaptation of VSM by Rother and Shook formed that sought to identify the VSM models currently
(2003), in which the patient flow substitutes the product used in lean healthcare implementations and their main
flow. For the information flow, a hospital does not func- characteristics (Stage 3), in the period from 2000 to
tion in an analogous manner to a factory, where there is 2013. The following databases were searched: Google
a production control and planning department. In hospi- Academics, ISI Web of Knowledge, IEEE Explore,
tals, the processing of information moves together with Scielo and Google Scholar.
the patient flow, and many times, the information pro- The keywords ‘lean healthcare’ and ‘lean hospital’
cessing may be the bottleneck for treatment. In the were used for a primary search separately and the
Production Planning & Control 3

redundancies were eliminated; 702 articles were selected. In Stage 6, the discussion and final conclusions about
Based on the objective of this paper, the primary list of the study and the proposed model will be presented. A
results were crossed to the secondary keywords ‘value proposal for future research is also presented.
stream mapping’, ‘patient flow’ and ‘hospital process
mapping’. These secondary keywords were used as fil-
ters to the primary searches. The redundancies were
3. Literature review
eliminated off this list and the remaining articles and
books selected composed the final list of works consid- 3.1. Lean healthcare
ered in the bibliographic review in this paper. Lean manufacturing aims to embody both process
A new VSM model was then proposed for hospital improvement and enhanced customer service (Radnor
environments unifying the positive points of each studied and Johnston 2013). According to Lindgaard Laursen,
model and is able to portray the vision of the whole, Gertsen, and Johansen (2003), companies from diverse
reuniting the patient, information and material flows that sectors around the world have applied lean production
occur during the transformation of the patient from sick concepts and techniques to manage their operations in an
to healthy (Stage 4). efficient manner. Initially used in the automotive indus-
In Stage 5, the proposed VSM was applied in a try, lean philosophy spread to the manufacturing industry
Brazilian hospital through action research. Action as a whole and later to other areas of these companies,
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

research requires that the research team participates in such as the administrative and product development sec-
the implementation process and engages with the practi- tors. After the success achieved with the results obtained,
tioners to observe the process. Therefore, action research lean thinking was broadly spread to service companies.
has been selected as an appropriate research methodol- More recently, and specifically associated with this study,
ogy (see, e.g. Westbrook 1995; Coughlan and Coghlan lean applications in hospital environments have rapidly
2002; Hendry, Huang, and Stevenson 2013). Action moved into use in hospitals around the world due to the
research is a grounded, iterative and interventionist excellent results that have been observed. Figure 2 shows
research approach which is considered to have great this evolution.
potential for theory building (Westbrook 1995). So, it is The application of lean production concepts in hospi-
appropriate when the focus of the research is on learning tals seeks to increase the quality of assistance to patients,
about changes and making improvements over time supporting the collaborators and doctors to eliminate
(Coughlan and Coghlan 2002). wastes and allow them to focus on providing care,
Action research has been used in a series of recent according to Graban (2012). Today, operations and sup-
studies related with the implementation of change. This ply chain management researchers are giving a great
includes Westbrook’s (1995) development of an order emphasis to healthcare field. One such example of mod-
book model, Karlsson and Ahlstrom’s (1996) study on ern technology applied to hospital is collaborative plan-
the implementation of lean product development, ning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR), as can be
Nonthaleerak and Hendry’s (2007) study on the imple- seen in the paper of Lin and Ho (2014). Other example
mentation of new six sigma execution tools in service is simulation, as can be seen in the paper of Wang et al.
processes and Hendry, Huang, and Stevenson’s (2013) (2009). Despite becoming extensive, research on
study on the implementation of a new production plan- improvement in healthcare focuses on distinct charac-
ning and control concept. teristics of the system rather the system as a whole (Rich
Basically, action research is based on a nested set of and Piercy 2013).
plan-do-check-act cycles specified by authors such as Brandao de Souza (2009) emphasises that the USA
Coughlan and Coghlan (2002) as: diagnosis, planning, is the country with the most publications related to lean
action and evaluation. Following Hendry, Huang, and healthcare with 57% of the publications and the UK is in
Stevenson (2013), there are two main issues to avoid the second place with 29%. Only two studies were found in
pitfalls associated with action research and ensure rigor- Brazil, which represents an enormous opportunity for
ous, high-quality outcomes: (i) effective roles and rela- future studies. According to Mazzocato et al. (2010),
tionships; and (ii) appropriate data collection methods. some of the main results observed in lean implementa-
Regarding (i), in this action research project, the team tions are wait time reduction, reduction in the time of
relied on a strong support from the hospital Superinten- stay, capacity increase/liberation and cost reduction. The
dent Director. Since he was also the project sponsor, his same authors report that the VSM, Kaizen events and
presence ensured commitment from both external (con- work standardisation are among the most used lean tools
sultants) and internal (hospital staff) teams. Concerning in hospital environments. For issues about implementa-
(ii), structured interview guides and structured data col- tions of lean healthcare, see for example Chiarini and
lection methods were used by the research team. Bracci (2013).
4 D.B. Henrique et al.

Lean Healthcare

Lean Thinking

Lean Manufacturing

Automotive Industry
Lean Manufacturing

≈1940 ≈1984 ≈1992 ≈2002

Figure 2. Evolution of lean philosophy.

Source: Adapted from Lindgaard Laursen et al. (2003).
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3.2. VSM for healthcare environments flows (patients, materials and information) are considered
According to Parthanadee and Buddhakulsomsiri (2014), for each studied model.
VSM is a tool for portraying the system to identify areas Among the studied models, the only one that repre-
for improvement. Seth and Gupta (2005) define VSM as sents the three mentioned flows is the Baker and Taylor
the process of mapping the material and information model (2009). The largest critique of this model, how-
flows of all components and sub-assemblies in a value ever, is related to the representation of the information
stream that include manufacturing, suppliers and distribu- and material flows that directly affect the patient flow. In
tion to the customers. Hall et al. (2006) state that various this model, these flows are represented in a simplified
flows are present in a hospital environment, including manner, with all of the information centralised at a single
the patient, sample, employee, information, materials and point of the value stream. It is impossible to discern how
pharmaceutical product flows. According to the authors, the processing of some information and materials can
the largest delays are often related to flows that are affect the patient lead time (LT). In other words, it is not
invisible to the patient. Therefore, the authors state that known whether the processing of exams, for example,
the patient lead time will depend, in part, on how they can affect long wait times or contribute to a longer time
physically move through the hospital and, in part, the for the treatment duration.
manner in which the information, equipment and other The VSM model proposed by Jimmerson (2010) also
materials flow and meet their needs. Graban (2012) represents the information flow, in addition to the patient
states that the bottleneck in the patient flow is frequently flow. However, the material flow that directly affects the
the material or the information flow involved in trans- patient LT is completely neglected; that is, it is not possi-
forming the sick patient into a healthy patient. For exam- ble to clearly visualise the interfaces between the activi-
ple, in this study, some of the main causes of the patient ties performed by the patient and some support activities
staying in the hospital are the waiting time for exam that are cited as being vital for the global understanding
results and treatment approval. of the patient flow by Hall et al. (2006) and Graban
The literature review conducted in this study showed (2012) through the application of this model.
that the largest concentration of studies in lean health- In the same manner, in the model proposed by
care, where the VSM was applied, is related exclusively Tapping et al. (2009), the patient flow is mapped in
to the patient flow. Some authors such as Baker and detail. However, the information flow is represented in
Taylor (2009), Jimmerson (2010) and Tapping et al. an extremely simplified manner and materials flows, such
(2009) proposed adaptations to the Rother and Shook as possible medication and exam processing, are not
model (2003), seeking to meet the needs of the hospitals. cited in their study.
To complement this study, two other VSM models, The ISM proposed by Tapping and Shuker (2002) is
which specialise in administrative flows and were found a model aimed at the exclusive mapping of information
in studies related to lean healthcare, were also studied: flows. What then occurs, in many cases, is the separation
the information stream map (ISM) proposed by Tapping of the patient stream map from the ISM into two distinct
and Shuker (2002) and the ISM known as Makigami maps. Therefore, it is still not possible to observe the
cited by Chiarini (2013). Figure 3 demonstrates which interfaces between the information and the patient flow
Production Planning & Control 5


Flows considered in the model (Baker and Taylor) (Jimmerson) (Tapping et al.) (Tapping and Shuker) Makigami
Patient flow
Material flow
Information flow

Figure 3. Flows considered for each studied model.

and the impact of one on the other. Two studies that use With the surveying of the characteristics of the
ISM in practical applications are those of Casey (2007) studied models shown in this bibliographic review,
and Radnor et al. (2006). Casey (2007) cites the applica- some of the main positive points addressed can be
tion of lean concepts in the administrative environments identified so that the VSM represents the whole in the
of hospitals like the Kaiser Permanente Facility in clearest manner possible in hospital environments.
California, the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the These characteristics will serve as requirements for the
Clearview Cancer Institute and a medical clinic in Iowa, new proposed model and form the basis of its con-
a US state. Radnor et al. (2006) cite some results from struction. The experience of the authors in lean imple-
the application of ISM in the public hospital sector of mentations in hospital environments also contributed to
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

Edinburgh, Scotland, emphasising the 48% reduction in the selection of these requirements. Table 1 brings
patient LT. It is important to emphasise that the ISM by some characteristics used for the elaboration of the
Tapping and Shuker (2002) has an exclusive characteris- proposed model, identifying the authors that cite them
tic among the studied models, to list the inputs and out- in their studies.
puts for each activity represented at the map. Tapping
and Shuker (2002) suggest that every activity must have
information that feeds it and, after being processed, must 4. The proposed VSM
produce results in the form of new information. Accord- The largest challenge of the proposed model is to repre-
ing to the authors, this makes the value stream clearer sent the information, material and patient flow involved
and easier to understand. Another important suggestion in the transformation of a sick patient into a healthy
that is only found in this model is to differentiate each patient on a single map.
activity by colour, according to the department that per- Adapting the ‘swimlanes’ concept used in Makigami,
forms it. This facilitates the visualisation of transitions in which each activity moves on the map according to
and refluxes during information processing. the department in which it is performed, it is proposed
Makigami, an ISM model, is more recent, but it that this model has three sections dedicated to each one
brings a new perspective for value stream visualisation of the three flows. Thus, depending on the flow that is
through ‘swimlanes’. These ‘swimlanes’ are utilised by being processed, the activity will move between one
many process modelling methodologies and perform as a section and another.
mechanism to organise activities into separate visual Regarding the layout, it is also proposed that the
categories in order to illustrate different departments or model have a section dedicated to the timeline in the
areas (White 2010). This model was also adapted to map same manner as that found in the models by Jimmerson
a patient flow and was successfully applied in the St. (2010), Baker and Taylor (2009) and in the ISM by
Elizabeth hospital in the USA in 2006. An important Tapping and Shuker (2002). Additionally, the proposed
characteristic of Makigami, that is not present in the model will have a section dedicated to the identification
other studied models, is the identification of activities of the problems and wastes by process as used in
that add value and do not add value to the map itself Makigami.
through red and green labels that make it possible to The construction of the map is divided into two
clearly distinguish waste. Additionally, Makigami was phases:
the only mapping model among those surveyed in this
• Pre-mapping
bibliographic review that showed the patient travelling to
• Mapping
and from home. However, it too does not work with the
material flow and its relationships with patient total LT. Each one of them is more fully detailed in the
In general, all authors of the studied models empha- following sections.
sised the importance of the involvement and participation
of people during the mapping. For these, the VSM must
be capable of elucidating problems and wastes along the 4.1. Pre-mapping phase
value stream to identify possible bottlenecks and con- The preparation for mapping must involve the following
tribute to basing the improvements propositions. steps:
6 D.B. Henrique et al.

Table 1. Characteristics used as requirements for the new proposed model.

VSM characteristics Authors

Be able to see, on a single map, all flows that directly impacts on Hall et al. (2006), Graban (2012)
the patient´s lead time, showing how the support activities,
including laboratories, pharmacies and information services
could influence the treatment´s duration
When creating a current state VSM, identify the main problems Baker and Taylor (2009), Jimmerson (2010), Tapping et al.
and wastes across the value stream (2009), Tapping and Shuker (2002), Chiarni (2013), Graban
(2012), Gill (2012)
Identify the problems and wastes in the interactions or handoffs Tapping and Shuker (2002), Chiarni (2013)
between departments
Identify all the value-added and non value-added steps across Baker and Taylor (2009), Jimmerson (2010), Tapping et al.
department boundaries (the value stream) from a patient’s (2009), Tapping and Shuker (2002), Chiarni (2013), Porter
perspective (2013)
Identify all the inputs and outputs of each activity that is Tapping and Shuker (2002)
necessary for understanding the value stream
The steps and times captured on a value stream map must be Baker and Taylor (2009), Jimmerson (2010), Tapping et al.
enough to identify the bottleneck processes (2009), Tapping and Shuker (2002), Chiarni (2013)
When mapping a end-to-end patient processes, it is important to Baker and Taylor (2009), Jimmerson (2010), Tapping et al.
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

have representatives from all departments and functions that (2009), Tapping and Shuker (2002), Chiarni (2013)
work in that value stream

activity within the value stream. To know which depart-

(1) Identify the value stream that will be mapped; ments affect the value stream, it helps to identify which
(2) Identify the departments and personnel involved; key people must be present in the mapping.
(3) Detail all of the value stream activities on paper;
(4) Prepare the material to be used; and
(5) Invite the involved personnel. 4.1.3. Detail all of the value stream activities on paper
To conduct the mapping process, the leaders must keep
all of the points that are important to the analysis of the
4.1.1. Identify the value stream that will be mapped
current situation in mind (Jimmerson 2010). For this,
The central focus of the improvement process is the prior to performing a mapping, the leaders must detail
patient value stream, considering groups of patients with all of the value stream activities on paper.
similar needs for the delivery of services. The patient
families are defined by the similarity of processes that are
performed to transform a sick patient into a healthy 4.1.4. Prepare the material to be used
patient. These groups are broader than the classifications Mapping will be performed using a roll of paper and
based on diseases. They are defined by the grouping of post-it notes, as proposed by Tapping et al. (2009). For
patients with similar value streams, such as patients that the mapping to be performed with the required profes-
visit the emergency room and later return home or patients sionalism and organisation, some materials and acces-
with rapid procedures. The creation of these patient fami- sories must also be prepared previously. In general, the
lies simplifies the redesigning process. The value stream following can be highlighted: a roll of paper; post-it
for a specific patient family must be designed to meet their notes of different colours; red and green round labels;
needs and the needs of the operators (McGrath et al. rulers; pencils; erasers; and stickers representative of the
2008). Sim and Rogers (2009) address the problem of houses of the patients. Another important action on this
resistance to change and why implementing lean systems phase is to communicate the mapping meeting that will
can be difficult at times. King, Ben-Tovim, and Bassham happen and the lean project as a whole for the organisa-
(2006), Ben-Tovim (2008), Trilling et al. (2010) and tion. Worley and Doolen (2006) define communication
Graban (2012) share the vision that the initial direction of as an essential variable to reduce resistance to change on
lean projects in hospitals must seek rapid and simple a lean implementation.
gains, as this facilitates employee involvement and min-
imises the barriers to change.
4.1.5. Invite the involved personnel
Womack (2005), Dickson et al. (2006), Graban (2012)
4.1.2. Identify the departments and personnel involved and Egolf et al. (2007) emphasise the importance of
Tapping and Shuker (2002) emphasise the importance of involving the employees that act on the operation for the
involving each individual that contributes to perform any success of the implementations. Graban (2012) and
Production Planning & Control 7

McGrath et al. (2008) emphasise that the involvement of (9) Calculate the total LT of the value stream and the
employees from other areas contributes to breaking time for adding and not adding value.
paradigms. Despite being cited by Langabeer et al.
Figure 4 illustrates the final format of the proposed
(2009) as being the most resistant portion to changes,
only Ben-Tovim (2008) and McGrath et al. (2008)
specifically cite the involvement of doctors in developing
improvements. Womack (2005), McGrath et al. (2008) 5. Practical application
and Trilling et al. (2010) show the involvement of upper
5.1. The hospital studied
management as an essential factor for the success of lean
healthcare projects. Worley and Doolen (2006) also The hospital in the action research described here was
emphasise that management support does play a role in named the ‘Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Cancer Institute’
driving a lean implementation. (ICAVC). The ICAVC is one of the most important philan-
thropic hospitals in São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil.
The hospital has 77 beds and the clinical staff includes
4.2. Mapping over 100 doctors from different specialties. The ICAVC’s
After preparing everything in the pre-mapping phase, the focus is the treatment of cancer, involving chemotherapy,
stages performed during the mapping meeting with those radiotherapy and surgery. The ICAVC has a structure com-
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

involved may occur as follows: posed of two buildings, called the Outpatient Clinic and
Hospital. The first building houses the administrative body
(1) Divide the map into five lines (material flow, and outpatient operations, such as consultations. In the
information flow, patient flow, time line and second building, for the most part, procedures defined by
problems identification); the outpatient service, such as surgeries, chemotherapy,
(2) Insert demand data; radiation therapy and exams, are performed.
(3) Place a post-it note for each activity on the value The Outpatient building has 10 floors, of which 5 are
stream line to which it belongs; reserved for outpatient services. The Hospital structure is
(4) Trace connection lines between the activities composed primarily of the following:
according to the nature of the process;
(5) Place the necessary inputs and outputs; • Hospitalisation Ward: 77 beds;
(6) Place the waiting times between the processes; • Intensive Care Unit (ICU): seven beds;
(7) Identify the activities that add and do not add • Operating room: four rooms for small-, medium-
value using green and red labels, respectively; or large-scale surgeries;
(8) Identify the main problems and wastes; and • Diagnostics Centre;


Activity data

Input/ Input/
Output Output
Activity Activity
Information Input/
Data Data Output

Patient Activity

Data Data

House House

Problems Problems Problems Problems Problems

Figure 4. Final format of the proposed VSM.

8 D.B. Henrique et al.

• Radiation therapy Centre; In agreement with King, Ben-Tovim, and Bassham

• Chemotherapy Centre; and (2006), Ben-Tovim (2008), Trilling et al. (2010) and
• Pharmacy and Storage Area. Graban (2012) which defend that initial direction of lean
projects in hospitals must seek rapid and simple gains to
minimise possible barriers to change, the surgical value
5.2. Application stream was chosen. An enormous gap between the
5.2.1. Pre-mapping current state of this area when compared with the world-
class level was identified. The surgical value stream is
In the pre-mapping stage, as suggested in the develop-
also extremely strategic for the hospital. For this article,
ment of the new VSM model proposed in Section 4, the
the surgical value stream is also the most interesting, as
following steps were conducted:
it is a value stream found in almost all Brazilian hospi-
tals, which is not the case for the chemotherapy and Identify the value stream that will be mapped.
radiation therapy value streams. The surgical value
The ICAVC has the objective of treating cancer using
radiation and other physical agents, specialised surgery, stream was therefore defined as the scope of the project.
chemotherapy and other means. Figure 5 shows the Identify the departments and personnel involved.
macro value stream of the main treatments performed by
In the case of the ICAVC, Figure 6 illustrates the depart-
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

the Institute.
ments found in the surgical value stream. One colour
It is possible, through Figure 5, to observe the three
was defined for each department, so that it is easier to
main value streams: surgical, chemotherapy and radiation
observe the number of transitions and refluxes between
the departments on the map.

House House


Triage OutpatientClinic Chemotherapy


Figure 5. Value streams of the ICAVC.

Hospital Reception Doctor

Hospital Surgical Center

Oupatient Clinic
(Front Desk) Billing
Oupatient Clinic
(Consultations) Health Secretary

Oupatient Clinic
Oupatient Clinic
(cardio/anesthesiologist) ICU

Figure 6. Departments involved in the surgical patient stream.

Production Planning & Control 9

The chosen patient flow represents the entire trajec- • The individual responsible for the IT department;
tory of a surgical patient in the hospital. This means that • The individual responsible for the financial
the mapping is not limited to the operating room. The department;
mapping was more comprehensive, comprising all of • Two people involved in the operational processes
the processes performed in the hospital that ‘transform’ of scheduling; and
the patient, from Triage to post-surgery, including the • The individual responsible for the quality depart-
material and information flows that affect the patient LT. ment of the hospital.
The technical director of the hospital was involved to Detail all of the value stream activities on paper.
play a role in driving this lean implementation.
To perform the mapping, Baker and Taylor (2009) sug-
Ben-Tovim (2008) and McGrath et al. (2008) specifically
gest that all of the processes must be viewed from the
cite the involvement of doctors in developing improve-
perspective of the patient. For this reason, all of the
ments. Worley and Doolen (2006), Womack (2005),
stages must be physically monitored with a stopwatch,
McGrath et al. (2008) and Trilling et al. (2010) also
including observing the lines between the processes. The
define management support as an essential factor for the
proposed model follows this recommendation, and data
success of a lean project. Other professionals involved
collection for the map was performed from this perspec-
were also chosen taking into account Womack (2005),
tive. For two weeks, the internal hospital team dedicated
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

Dickson et al. (2006), Graban (2012) and Egolf et al.

to this project, along with the consulting team, passed
(2007) which emphasise the importance of involving the
through all of the stages followed by a surgical patient,
employees that act on the operation for the success of
timing activities and surveying problems observed during
the implementations.
the Gemba walk. Prepare the material to be used. The preparation 5.2.2. Mapping using the proposed VSM
stage of the material used in the mapping meeting lasted
After preparing everything in the pre-mapping phase, all
only one day, with the participation of the team that was
of the stages that were listed in Section 4.2 were per-
dedicated full-time to the project. During this stage, the
formed during the mapping process with those involved.
map layout with the swimlanes was drawn on the map,
As a result, the VSM of the current state of a surgical
and its title was added to the roll of paper, which was
patient was generated. Figure 7 illustrates the surgical
placed on a wall. Post-it notes of various colours, red
value stream in a macro manner. For ease of visualising
and green round labels, rulers, pencils and erasers were
the presentation in this study, this complete mapping was
purchased and made available for use. The team also
divided into five figures (Figures 8–12).
communicates to the organisation the mapping meeting
The first process of the surgical value stream in the
and the project as a whole in agreement with Worley
ICAVC is Triage, where a doctor analyses whether the
and Doolen (2006) to reduce a possible resistance to
case is a patient with cancer and the possible treatment
options for the patient (chemotherapy, radiation therapy,
surgery or a combination of these). After Triage a patient Invite the involved personnel. To conduct the
who will be treated by surgery is directed to a consulta-
mapping, the ICAVC had a consulting team that devel-
tion with an oncologist. In this consultation, the doctor
oped a lean healthcare project in conjunction with an
analyses the exams of the patient and, if there is a need,
improvement team from the hospital itself, known as the
requests the pending exams (Figure 8). If necessary, the
internal team. This interaction permitted the development
patient undergoes the exams and after the results from
of the internal team and made greater access to client
the exams are available, they return for another consulta-
information by the consulting team possible.
tion with the oncologist specialised in their disease. All
In addition to the consulting team and the improve-
of the blood exams performed in the hospital are pro-
ment team of the ICAVC, the following were invited to
cessed in an external laboratory. In this consultation, the
perform the mapping, among other involved parties:
specialist doctor determines whether the patient is a
• The technical director of the hospital, who is a surgical case and what exams and consultations he/she
doctor; needs to have for surgery. The surgical patient then
• Two nurses from the operating room; passes through a battery of tests composed primarily of
• The individual responsible for the approval and blood and cardiological exams; they then consult with
billing of surgeries; the cardiologist (Figure 9). The patient consults with the
• The individual responsible for the administrative anaesthesiologist and then return to the specialist with all
sector of the hospital that controls scheduling con- of the necessary exam results. In this return consultation,
sultations, exams and surgeries; the specialist doctor evaluates the patient condition, and
10 D.B. Henrique et al.

VSM – Surgical Patient ICAVC

Materials proc.


Onco. Blood Specialist Exams/ Speacialist

Triage Surgery
Patient Consult. exams Consult. Consult. Retorn

Timeline 30d 7d 7d 10d 32d 10d 90d

Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015


Figure 7. Macro VSM.

if he/she is in an acceptable condition on which to be • Hospitalisation approval (Figure 10);

operated, a date for the surgery is set. Also in this con- • Bed preparation and cleaning (Figure 12);
sultation, a surgery authorisation known as a Hospitalisa- • Surgical set-up (Figure 12).
tion Authorisation (HA) is printed and sent (Figure 10)
for authorisation to the Secretary of Health of the State
of São Paulo (Figure 11). Generally, on the day prior to 5.3. Current state analysis
the surgery, the patient is hospitalised and prepared for The mapping of the surgical value stream in the ICAVC
the surgical procedure. After the surgery, the HA returns made it possible for the Institute to discern the inefficien-
to the billing department, where it will be billed to the cies of their processes from the point of view of the
Secretary of Health of the State of São Paulo (Figure 12). patient. The surgical patient performs activities that add
value in only 0.04% of the treatment time. The patient
It is also possible to observe some problems that were travels a path of 187 days until the surgery.
identified over the VSM in each one of these figures. From the application of the proposed VSM, it was
Some problems are general and are not necessarily posi- possible to identify operational bottlenecks of the surgi-
tioned at the point at which they occur. For example, the cal value stream. Triage, the consultations and the line
patient moves between eight different departments during for scheduling a surgery are the main bottlenecks. In the
the treatment, represented in Figure 10, which is the sum Triage process, for example, it was identified that only
of all of the different departments through which he/she one doctor was available for this activity for two hours
passes over the entire VSM. This also occurs with the per week to see 150 patients per month. It was also
identification of 11 necessary trips to and from home to identified that this first Triage was not necessary, once
complete the treatment. This problem is identified in the oncological doctor could realise this activity. Table 2
Figure 9 but occurs over the entire VSM. shows some activities that do not add value identified by
In general, eight activities are emphasised in the the proposed VSM, their impact on the duration of
generated VSM that do not add value and directly patient treatment and which of the studied VSM models
impact the treatment time. They are listed as follows: would also diagnose it.
• Waiting for the Triage process (Figure 8); All of the VSM models presented in this article
• Waiting for doctor visits (Figure 9); would identify the wait for the patient to perform Triage,
• Waiting for test results (Figure 9); the wait for the patient to pass through the various medi-
• The surgical patient has to go 11 times from the cal consultations, the preparation time to make a bed
hospital to his/her home during the treatment; available and the set-up time for the surgery room. Other
• Unnecessary movement between eight different wastes would be identified by only more than one VSM
departments; found in the literature.
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

Triage + Onco visit

Demand Data
- Triage: 150 pat./month
- External Triage: 250 pat./month
- Hospital: 400 new pat./month
- 2598 Oncological Consultations/month
- 192 surgeries /month
- Eletro: 200/month
- Blood Exams: 2000/month
- Cardio Consultations: 192/month
Information - Anesthetist Consultations: 129/month
- Specialist Consultations: 5800/mês
- 560 admissions / month

Triage Reception Triage

Personal Check-in
Schedule Documents
Dept: Hosp. Reception Dept.: Hospital
Dept: Hosp. Reception
Local: Emergency room
Local: Ground Floor Local: Ground Floor
Resp. 1 Doctor
Resp. Receptionist Resp. 1 receptionist
LT 5 min.
LT 5 min. C/T
LT 2 min. 5 min.
System: Protheus Freq.: Every Friday
System: Manual
Freq.: Daily Shift 10 to 12h
Freq.: Mon - Fri 30 days Shift 24 hours TT 3,2 min./patient Exams and
Shift 24 hours 1 week
Other Triage Patient Fill out Care Oncological Specialist
Patient hospitals Exams
request Personal Registration Protocol Consultation 1
Documents Consultation week
Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Care Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Outpatient
Schedule Clinic
Local: Ground Floor Prot. Local: Ground Floor Fig.
Local: Front Desk Local: Consultations
Resp. 1 Receptionist Resp. 4 Receptionists 10
Resp. 1 Receptionist Resp. 10 Doctors
External Triage LT 15 min. LT 5 min. LT 10 min. LT 10 min. to 1 hour
Production Planning & Control

System: Protheus System: Protheus C/T 1 min. /patient System: Protheus

Outpatient Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri
Freq.: Mon - Fri 20 min. Freq.: Mon - Fri
Clinic Shift 6 to 15h Shift 7 to 19h
Shift 6 to 19h to 4 hrs Shift 7 to 16h
TT 1,2 min. /patient

30 days 1 week 20 min. to 4 hrs

Time line 2 min. 5 min. 5 min. 15 min. 5 min. 10 min. 10 min to 1 h

Long wait for

Wastes the Triage
process Long wait for doctor visits

Figure 8. Triage and Onco visit.

Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015


Exams, laboratory and doctor visits

Laboratory: Laboratory:
Materials Exams Exams
10 days
processing processing
10 days


Blood Specialist Schedule preoperative Specific blood Cardiologist

exams Consultation tests exams Consultation
Dept.: Hospital Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Hospital Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Outpatient Clinic
Patient Local: Laboratory Local: Consultations Local: Laboratory Local: Cardiologist Local: Consultations Fig.11
Local: Groundfloor
Resp. 3 technicians Resp. 5 Doctors Resp. 3 Technicians Resp. 1 Technician Resp. 1 Doctor
Resp. 4 Receptionists
LT 30 min. LT 30 min. LT 15 min. LT 10 min.
D.B. Henrique et al.

LT 10 min.
C/T 10 min. LT up to 1 hour C/T 15 min. C/T 10 min.
T/C 2 min./patient 1 week T/C
C/T 10 min.
Freq.: Mon - Sat 10 days System: Protheus Freq.: Mon - Thu
Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Sat 10 days 10 days Freq.: Every Friday
Shift 6 to 17:00 Shift 7 to 16h Freq.: Mon - Fri Shift 6 to 17:00 Shift 8 to 11h Shift 8 to 12h
TT 8 min / exam TT 1,8 min. / patient Shift 7 to 19h TT 8 min / exam TT 14,4 min / test TT 5 min / patient
5 days

10 days 1 week 10 days 10 days

30 min. 10 min 10 min to 1h 30 min 15 min 10 min
Time line

The surgical patient have to go 11

Waiting for times from the hospital to home
tests results during the treatment

Figure 9. Exams and laboratory and doctor visits.

Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

Doctor visits, HA approval


Delivery Surgical
warning to the
Surgical Centre
Dept.: Doctor
Local: Surgical Centre
Resp. Doctor
15 - 90 LT 5 min.
Freq.: Mon - Fri
Shift 07 to 19hrs
Take HA request
Dept.: Billing
Local: 9th Floor
Resp. Billing employee
Surgery LT 1 min. Fig.12
Freq.: Twice a day
Shift 7 to 16h

Anesthetist Schedule Specialist Specialist HA Report
Consultation return Consultation Delivery
Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Outpatient Clinic
Dept.: Outpatient Clinic
Local: Consultations Local: Groudfloor Local: Consultations
Resp. 2 Doctors Resp. 4 Receptionists Resp. 5 Doctors HA Local: Front Desk
Production Planning & Control

Patient LT 10 min. LT 10 min. to 1 hour LT 10 min. Resp. Patient

C/T 5 min. System: Protheus C/T 2 min. / patient LT 1 min.
Freq.: Every Friday Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri System: Manual 15 - 90
10 days days
Shift 13 to 17h Shift 7 to 19h Shift 7 to 16h Freq.: Mon - Fri
TT 7,4 min. / patient TT 1,8 min. / patient Shift 6 to 19h

10 days
10 min. 10 min to 1 hour 10 min 1 min
Time line

Unnecessary motion beteween

Wastes 8 different departments

Figure 10. Doctor visits and HA approval.

Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015


HA approval


Beds availability HA Status and Surgical Surgical warning to

Do Surgical map
verification map verification patient
Dept.: Surgical Centre Dept.: Hospitalization ward Surgical Dept.: Hospital Reception Dept.: Hospital Reception
Local: 3th Floor Local: 2th, 3th and 4th Floor map Local: Groundfloor Local: Groudfloor
Resp. 1 Nurse Resp. Nurse Resp. Nurse Resp. Receptionist
LT 30 min. LT 30 min. LT 30 min. LT 5 min
System: Manual System: Protheus System: Protheus System: Telephone
Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Sun - Thu Freq.: Daily
Shift 7 to 19h Shift 24h Shift 24h Shift 7 to 18h
Obs.: 1 day before the surgery

Information Surgical Request HA receiving and

avaliation delivery
Dept.: Health Secretary Dept.: Billing
Local: São Paulo HA Status Local: 9th Floor
Resp. Health Secretary Resp. Billing Employee
LT 3 days LT 1 min.
System: DATA SUS System: DATA SUS request
Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri
Shift 8 to 17h Shift 8 to 17h
Obs.: Online Obs.: Online
D.B. Henrique et al.

Dept.: Hospital Reception Fig.13
Local: Groundfloor
Patient Resp. Nurse
LT 5 to 7 min.
System: Protheus
Freq.: Daily
Shift 24h

15 - 90 days
Time line 5 to 7 min.

Long time for hospitalization

Wastes aprovement

Figure 11. HA approval.

Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

Surgery, Incomes


Remove the general

Surgery operating report
registration expenses sheeet Audit
Dept.: Surgery Centre Dept.: Billing Dept.: Billing Dept.: Health Secretary
Local: 3th Floor Local: 9th Floor Local: 9th Floor Local: São Paulo
Resp. Nurse Resp. Billing Staff Resp. Billing Staff Resp. Health Sec. Staff
LT 40 min. LT 45 min. LT 45 min. LT 45 to 90 days
System: Protheus System: Manual System: DATA SUS System: DATA SUS
Information Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri
1 day
Shift 7 to 16h Shift 8 to 17h Shift 8 to 17h Shift 8 to 17h

Post anesthesia Post-Surgical

HA recovery recovery
Dept.: Surgical Centre Dept.: Hospitalization ward
Local: 3th Floor Local: 2th, 3th and 4th Floor
Resp. Clinical Staff Resp. Clinical Staff
LT 1h30 to 2h LT 2 to 5 days
Freq.: Mon - Fri C/T 40 min. to 1h 45min
Shift 7 to 19h Freq.: Daily
Beds 3 Shift 24h
Pre-Surgery TT 1h 12min
Patient preparation Patient Beds 69
Surgery ICU
Dept.: Hospitalization ward Reception Setup 40 min.
Local: 2th, 3th and 4th Floor Dept.: Surgical Centre Dept.: Operating room Dept.: ICU
Resp. Nurse Local: 3th Floor Local: 3th Floor Local: 3th Floor
LT 8 to 12 hours Resp. Doctor Resp. Doctor Resp. Nurse
7 to 10,5 min. LT 10 min. LT 40 min. to 8 hours LT 1 to 2 dias
Production Planning & Control

Beds C/T Freq.: Mon - Fri C/T 10 min. to 2 hours C/T 3 to 6 hrs
Freq.: Sun - Thu
Release Shift 7 to 19h Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Daily
Shift 24 hours
TT 1h 12min / patient Shift 7 to 19h Shift 24h
Beds 69 TT 1h 15 min. TT 7 hrs
Setup 40 min. Setup 1h Beds 8

2h VA = 3,5–8days
LT = 84,5 to
Time line 8 to 12 hours10 min. 40 min to 8 hours 1h30 to 2 hours 1 to 2 days 2 to 5 days NVA = 81 a 194 days
186 days

Wastes There is no standardization for

Long time to Surgical setup
beds preparation and cleaning

Figure 12. Surgery and incomes.

16 D.B. Henrique et al.

Table 2. NVA Activity × Impact × VSMs.

Time % of the total

NVA activity identifyed spent LT Department/local Identifiesd by the follow VSMs
Waiting for the Triage process 30 days 15 Triage centre Baker and Taylor (2009), Jimmerson
(2010), Tapping et al. (2009), Tapping
and Shuker (2002), Makigami
Hospitalization aprovement 90 days 46 São Paulo secretary of –
Waiting for doctor visits 20 days 10 Hospital clinics Baker and Taylor (2009), Jimmerson
(2010), Tapping et al. (2009), Tapping
and Shuker (2002), Makigami
Waiting for tests results 20 days 10 Laboratory –
The surgical patient have to go 11 11 h 1 Hospital Makigami
times from the hospital to home
during the treatment
Unnecessary motion between eight 40 min 0.1 Hospital Tapping and Shuker (2002), Makigami
different departments
Beds preparation and cleaning 1h 0.1 Hospital Baker and Taylor (2009), Jimmerson
(2010), Tapping et al. (2009), Tapping
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

and Shuker (2002), Makigami

Surgical setup 2h 0.2 Operating room Baker and Taylor (2009), Jimmerson
(2010), Tapping et al. (2009), Tapping
and Shuker (2002), Makigami

Makigami, for example, as the proposal VSM, would ready, represented 10% of the total treatment time
also be capable of identifying the 11 times that the patient for the surgical patient. The long delay in this case
needs to interrupt their treatment and return home. For the occurs due to the line to get a schedule in a labora-
calculation, it was considered that each trip from the tory through the Brazilian health system.
hospital to home is performed in 1 h. This time was esti-
It is important to note that these activities, which
mated considering the long distances and the traffic of the
would not be identified by any other studied model
city of São Paulo, where the studied hospital is based. It
except for the proposed model, would have a combined
should also be considered that, in this case, time is not the
impact of up to 110 days of waiting for the patient,
only nuisance for the patient. The cost of transport, the
representing 56% of the total LT of the patient. Thus, the
repeated interruption of treatment and the delay between
importance of discern all of the necessary activities to
the treatment stages are even more serious factors.
transform a sick patient into a healthy patient on a single
Makigami method itself, together with the Tapping
map is clear, whether or not these are performed directly
and Shuker (2002) model, would also identify the
by the patients.
unnecessary and excessive movement of the patient
through eight different departments over the treatment.
To calculate the time, it was also considered that each
transition between the departments would last 5 min on 5.4. Future state proposition
average. This time was estimated based on the distances From the current state analysis, the future state of the
between the sectors of the hospital in question. surgical patient was proposed. The steps taken to pro-
However, some of the main problems identified in pose the future situation are the following:
this practical application could not be diagnosed by other
• Eliminate activities that do not add value and are
models found in the researched literature. Such is the
not required;
case of the following situations:
• Propose improvements to activities that do not add
• The approval process for hospitalisation by the value, but are required;
Secretary of Health could take up to 90 days and • Eliminate, where possible, comings and goings of
represented 46% of the total treatment time of the patient from hospital to home;
surgical patient. This long approval time occurs • Eliminate, where possible, transitions between
due to the large waiting list for surgery in the departments;
Brazilian health system and the enormous bureau- • Propose continuous flow where possible; and
cracy involved in this activity. • Compare the takt time with the cycle time and
• The processing of blood exams and the consequent establish the necessary capacity of each process to
wait for the results, which could take 20 days to be absorb the demand.
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

Triage + Onco visit Demand Data

- Triage: 150 pat./month
- External Triage: 250 pat./month
- Hospital: 400 new pat./month
- 2598 Oncological Consultations/month
Materials - 192 surgeries /month
- Eletro: 200/month
- Blood Exams: 2000/month
- Cardio Consultations: 192/month
- Anesthetist Consultations: 129/month
- Specialist Consultations: 5800/mês
- 560 admissions / month


Patient hospitals

Production Planning & Control


Time line

Same person registries patient
The oncological doctor could in oncological
Solutions and fill out care protocol
realize the Triage Consultation
(Continuous Flow)

Figure 13. Triage and Onco visit (future state).

Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015


Exams, laboratory and doctor visits

Laboratory: Laboratory:
Materials Exams Exams
5 days processing processing
5 days


Blood Specialist Schedule preoperative Specific blood Cardiologist

exams exams Electrocardiogram Consultation
Consultation tests
Dept.: Hospital Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Hospital Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Outpatient Clinic O
Patient Local: Laboratory Local: Consultations Local: Laboratory Local: Cardiologist Local: Consultations
Local: Groundfloor
Resp. 3 technicians Resp. 6 Doctors Resp. 3 Technicians Resp. 1 Technician Resp. 1 Doctor Fig.11
Resp. 4 Receptionists
LT 30 min. LT 10 min. LT 30 min. LT 15 min. LT 10 min.
D.B. Henrique et al.

C/T 10 min. LT up to 1 hour C/T 15 min. C/T 10 min.

T/C 1,6 min./patient 1 week T/C
C/T 10 min.
Freq.: Mon - Sat 5 days System: Protheus Freq.: Mon - Thu Freq.: Every Friday
Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Sat 10 days
Freq.: Mon - Fri
5 days
Shift 6 to 20:00 Shift 7 to 16h Shift 6 to 20:00 Shift 8 to 11h Shift 8 to 12h
TT 10min / exam TT 1,8 min. / patient Shift 7 to 19h TT 10 min / exam TT 14,4 min / test TT 5 min / patient
5 days

5 days 1 week 5 days 10 days

30 min. 10 min 10 min to 1h 30 min 15 min 10 min
Time line

More Continuous Flow between

Kaizen Hire 1 more Kaizen
available Electrocardiogram + Cardiologist and
Solutions performance Doctor performance
time for anesthetist (Work cell)
in laboratory Specialist in laboratory
Blood Exams

Figure 14. Exams and laboratory and doctor visits (future state).
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

Doctor visits, HA approval


Delivery Surgical
warning to the
Surgical Centre
Dept.: Doctor
Local: Surgical Centre
Resp. Doctor
Up to 30 LT 5 min.
Freq.: Mon - Fri
Shift 07 to 19hrs
Take HA request
Dept.: Billing
Local: 9th Floor
Resp. Billing employee HA
LT 1 min. Fig.12
Surgery HA
warning Freq.: Twice a day
Shift 7 to 16h

Anesthetist Schedule Specialist Specialist HA Report

Consultation return Consultation Delivery
Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Outpatient Clinic Dept.: Outpatient Clinic
Dept.: Outpatient Clinic
Local: Consultations Local: Groudfloor Local: Consultations
Resp. 6 Doctors Local: Front Desk
Production Planning & Control

Resp. 2 Doctors Resp. 4 Receptionists

Patient LT 10 min. LT 10 min. to 1 hour LT 10 min. Resp. Patient
C/T 5 min. System: Protheus C/T 1,6 min./patient LT 1 min.
Freq.: Every Friday Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri System: Manual Up to 30
5 days days
Shift 13 to 17h Shift 7 to 19h Shift 7 to 16h Freq.: Mon - Fri
TT 7,4 min. / patient TT 1,8 min. / patient Shift 6 to 19h

5 days
10 min. 10 min to 1 hour 10 min 1 min
Time line

Hire 1 more Doctor HA sends directly by the

Solutions Specialist doctor

Figure 15. Doctor visits and HA approval (future state).

Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015


HA approval

Beds availability HA Status and Surgical
verification Beds availability Surgical warning to
map verification + Surgical
and Surgical map verification patient
warning to patient
planning Dept.: Hospitalization ward Dept.: Hospital Reception
Local: 2th, 3th and 4th Floor Dept.: Hospital Reception
Local: Groudfloor
Dept.: Surgical Centre Resp. Nurse Local: Groundfloor Resp. Receptionist
Local: 3th Floor LT 30 min. Resp. Nurse
LT 5 min
Resp. 1 Nurse System: Protheus LT 30 min. System: Telephone
LT 1h Freq.: Mon - Fri System: Protheus
Freq.: Daily
System: Protheus Shift 24h Freq.: Sun - Thu
Shift 7 to 18h
Freq.: Mon - Fri Shift 24h
Shift 24h Obs.: 1 day before the surgery

Information Surgical Request

HA Status
HA receiving and
Dept.: Health Secretary
Local: São Paulo delivery
Resp. Health Secretary Dept.: Billing
LT 3 days Local: 9th Floor
System: DATA SUS Resp. Billing Employee
Freq.: Mon - Fri LT 1 min. Hospitalization
Shift 8 to 17h System: DATA SUS request
Obs.: Online Freq.: Mon - Fri
Shift 8 to 17h
Obs.: Online
D.B. Henrique et al.

Dept.: Hospital Reception Fig.13
Local: Groundfloor
Patient Resp. Nurse
LT 5 to 7 min.
System: Protheus
Freq.: Daily
Shift 24h

Up to 30 days
Time line 5 to 7 min.

Health Secretary performance Beds availability should happen Eliminate activities that do not add HA Status, Surgical map verification and Surgical warning to patient
Solutions kaizen before the Surgical map planning value and are not necessary should be made by the same person in continuous flow

Figure 16. HA approval (future state).

Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

Surgery, Incomes


Remove the general

Surgery operating report Billing
registration expenses sheeet + Bill Audit
Dept.: Surgery Centre Dept.: Billing Dept.: Billing Dept.: Health Secretary
Local: 3th Floor Local: 9th Floor Local: 9th Floor Local: São Paulo
Resp. Nurse Resp. Billing Staff Resp. Billing Staff Resp. Health Sec. Staff
LT 40 min. LT 45 min. LT 45 min. LT Up to 30 days
System: Protheus System: DATA SUS System: DATA SUS System: DATA SUS
Information Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Mon - Fri
1 day
Shift 7 to 16h Shift 8 to 17h Shift 8 to 17h Shift 8 to 17h

Post anesthesia Post-Surgical

HA recovery recovery
Dept.: Surgical Centre Dept.: Hospitalization ward
Local: 3th Floor Local: 2th, 3th and 4th Floor
Resp. Clinical Staff Resp. Clinical Staff
LT 1h30 to 2h LT 2 to 5 days
Freq.: Mon - Fri C/T 40 min. to 1h 45min
Shift 7 to 19h Freq.: Daily
Beds 3 Shift 24h
Pre-Surgery TT 1h 12min
Patient preparation Patient Beds 69
Surgery ICU
Dept.: Hospitalization ward Reception Setup 40 min.
Local: 2th, 3th and 4th Floor Dept.: Surgical Centre Dept.: Operating room Dept.: ICU
Resp. Nurse Local: 3th Floor Local: 3th Floor Local: 3th Floor
LT 8 to 12 hours Resp. Doctor Resp. Doctor Resp. Nurse
C/T 7 to 10,5 min. LT 10 min. LT 40 min. to 8 hours LT 1 to 2 days
Production Planning & Control

Beds Freq.: Mon - Fri C/T 10 min. to 2 hours C/T 3 to 6 hrs

Freq.: Sun - Thu
Shift 24 hours Shift 7 to 19h Freq.: Mon - Fri Freq.: Daily
TT 1h 12min / patient Shift 7 to 19h Shift 24h
Beds 69 TT 1h 15 min. TT 7 hrs
Setup Up to 9 min. Setup Up to 9 min Beds 8

2h LT max = 60
Time line 8 to 12 hours 10 min. 40 min to 8 hours 1h30 to 2 hours 1 to 2 days 2 to 5 days days

External preparation Admissions Same person removing the

Improve the Eliminate activities that
for quick bed release Increase the SMED – general operating report Health Secretary
Solutions leveling throughout occupancy rate of do not add value and
rotating beds Operating room expenses sheeet and billing performance kaizen
(SMED) the week the surgical center are not necessary in continuous flow

Figure 17. Surgery and incomes (future state).

22 D.B. Henrique et al.

Table 3. Future state gains.

Motion between Times from hospital to

departments home Total lead time
current state Future state current state Future state current state (days) Future state
Triage + Onco visit 5 2 2 0 37 2.5 h
Exams, laboratory and doctor visits 5 5 5 3 42 17 days
Doctor visists, HÁ approval 5 4 2 2 10 5 days
HÁ approval 3 1 0 0 90 30 days
Surgery, Incomes 5 5 0 0 8 8 days
Total 23 17 9 5 187 60 days

After preparing everything in the pre-mapping phase, ◦ HA status, surgical map verification and surgical
all of the stages that were listed in Section 4.2 were per- warning to patient should be made by the same
formed again during the future mapping process with person in continuous flow.
those involved. As a result, the VSM of the future state • Surgery and Incomes:
◦ External preparation for quick bed release
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

was generated. For ease of visualising the presentation in

this study, the future VSM was divided into five figures (single minute exchange of die – SMED);
(Figures 13–17) as done to the current state. ◦ Admissions levelling throughout the week;
To evaluate the future state gains, the Table 3 was ◦ Increase the rotating beds;
built. It is possible to observe a large reduction in the ◦ SMED in Operating room;
treatment time, from the Triage to discharge, coming ◦ Improve the occupancy rate of the surgical cen-
from 187 days to 60 days. Similarly, there was a reduc- tre; and
tion of 23–17 transitions between departments and 9–5 ◦ Same person should remove the general operat-
goings from hospital to home. ing report expenses sheet and billing in continu-
The actions proposed have not been implemented ous flow.
yet. They were only presented and approved by the
To obtain the gains projected, these actions must be
leadership of the hospital. It is an opportunity for future
implemented and sustained by all personal involved.
work to discuss these implementations, as well as new
King, Ben-Tovim, and Bassham (2006), Ben-Tovim
applications of the new VSM developed in other hospi-
(2008), Trilling et al. (2010) and Graban (2012) share
the vision that the initial direction of lean projects in
The main solutions proposed during the future state
hospitals must seek rapid and simple gains. For this rea-
mapping meeting are the following:
son, the hospital must plan the initial actions carefully
• Triage and Onco visit: and determine the right prioritisation. In addition, cross-
◦ The oncological doctor could realise the Triage; training will be also very important since several differ-
◦ Same person registers the patient and fills out ent activities will be performed by the same worker or
care protocol (continuous flow); and group of workers (an example of gains reported using
◦ Improvements in oncological Consultation cross-functional teams in healthcare is shown in Larsson
Agenda. et al. (2012)). Finally, Womack (2005), Dickson et al.
• Exams, laboratory and doctor visits: (2006), Graban (2012) and Egolf et al. (2007) emphasise
◦ Increase the available time for blood exams; the importance of involving the employees that act on
◦ Kaizen performance in laboratory; the operation for the success of the implementations. In
◦ Hire one more doctor specialist; and this action research, all personnel involved were part of
◦ Continuous flow between electrocardiogram, car- the team to construct the current situation and also to
diologist and anaesthetist (Work cell). propose the future state. It is very important to involve
• Doctor visits and HA approval: these persons in the same way to implement the actions
◦ Hire one more doctor specialist; and proposed.
◦ HA is sent directly by the doctor;
• HA approval:
◦ Health Secretary performance Kaizen;Please 6. Conclusions
check the clarity of the sentence “Health ... This study had the main objective of proposing a new
Kaizen” and amend if necessary. approach for VSM in hospital environments.
◦ Beds availability verification should happen In this study, it was possible to identify some VSM
before the surgical map planning; and models currently employed in lean healthcare projects
Production Planning & Control 23

and analyse them to observe their main characteristics Notes on contributors

and the positive points of each one, when the objective
is having a vision of the whole. Based on the research Daniel Barberato Henrique is a PhD
student in the Department of Industrial
performed in the literature and on the action research Engineering, Federal University of São
performed, the authors conclude that the VSM concepts Carlos (Brazil). He received his MS from
in hospital environments are highly relevant in the day- the University of São Paulo (Brazil). Daniel
to-day experiences of hospitals; however, there is no sin- has experience on research, development
gle, standard model for their application. This study and implementation of operational excel-
lence and continuous improvement systems
sought to unite the positive points of the mapping mod- at global companies. His areas of expertise
els found in studies related to lean healthcare in a single and interest are production planning and control, lean health-
model and contribute to the development of the area. care, lean manufacturing, quality management, supply chain
The results showed that the proposed VSM model management and layout.
was able to identify some operational bottlenecks and
wastes that interfere in the patient’s treatment that could Antonio Freitas Rentes is a professor in the
not be identified by other mapping models studied. It is Department of Industrial Engineering,
important to note that these wastes and operational bot- University of São Paulo (Brazil). He
tlenecks, which would not be identified by any other received his MS from the University of
Downloaded by [New York University] at 14:42 01 August 2015

studied model except for the proposed model, would Campinas (Unicamp) and PhD from Univer-
sity of São Paulo (Brazil). Rentes was a visit-
have a combined impact of up to 110 days of waiting for ing scholar at Virginia Tech University
the patient, representing 56% of the total LT of the (USA). He has been working with the imple-
patient. Thus, the importance of discern all of the neces- mentation of lean thinking in manufacturing
sary activities to transform a sick patient into a healthy and service companies over the last 15 years. His areas of exper-
patient on a single map is clear, whether or not these are tise and interest are lean manufacturing, quality management,
performance measurement systems and lean healthcare.
performed directly by the patients.
The paper also proposed a future state free of these
wastes. With the solutions proposed, it is possible to Moacir Godinho Filho is a professor in the
observe a large reduction in the treatment time, from the Department of Industrial Engineering, Fed-
Triage to discharge, coming from 187 days to 60 days. eral University of São Carlos (Brazil). He
received his BS from the Federal University
Similarly, there was a reduction of 23–17 transitions of São Carlos, his MBA from Fundação
between departments and 9–5 goings from hospital to Getúlio Vargas (Brazil), MS and his PhD
home, which causes a significant improvement in the from the Federal University of São Carlos.
treatment’s quality. Godinho Filho was a visiting scholar in the
The practical application of the proposed VSM Department of Industrial and Systems Engi-
neering, University of Wisconsin at Madison (USA) and also in
model for hospital environments could also exemplify the Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engi-
and make the proposed mapping process more didactic. neering, North Carolina State University (USA). Godinho Filho
This study demonstrated, therefore, that it is possible to has published approximately 60 papers in journals with a selec-
consider all of the flows that impact patient LT on a sin- tive review process. His areas of interest are production plan-
gle map and be able to clearly visualise the interfaces ning and control, lean manufacturing, lead time reduction,
logistics and supply chain management.
between the activities performed by the patient and the
support activities as information and materials flows.
This study also demonstrates a method that other Kleber Francisco Esposto is a professor in
healthcare institutions can use as a simple and efficient the Department of Industrial Engineering,
tool to discern some problems that are often hidden in University of São Paulo (USP, Brazil). He
received his MS and PhD from University
their day-to-day operations through the inclusion of a of São Paulo (USP, Brazil). Esposto has
new VSM model for lean applications in hospitals. worked in consultancy projects for opera-
The proposed model can be adapted for mapping tions performance improvement based on
streams that involve more than one dimension, as occur- supply chain management and lean thinking
ring with the majority of value streams involving provid- in manufacturing and service companies of
different sectors. His areas of expertise and interest are supply
ing services. Future studies may analyse what chain management, lean manufacturing, lean healthcare and
adaptations would be needed to apply a model in these performance measurement system.
environments and to prove its applicability.

Disclosure statement Baker, M., and I. Taylor. 2009. Making Hospitals Work. Here-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. fordshire: Lean Enterprise Academy.
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