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CDPXXX10.1177/0963721415601971Van Vugt, GraboThe Many Faces of Leadership

Current Directions in Psychological

The Many Faces of Leadership: An Science

© The Author(s) 2015
Evolutionary-Psychology Approach Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0963721415601971

Mark Van Vugt1,2 and Allen E. Grabo1

Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and 2Institute for Cognitive
and Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Oxford

Many psychological studies have shown that facial appearance matters in the people we select as leaders. An
evolutionary-psychology approach suggests that facial cues serve as inputs into an adaptive, context-sensitive
followership psychology. That is, leadership suitability may be contingent upon the match between facial cues
(indicating, e.g., dominance, trust, competence, and attractiveness) and follower needs. There is much support for this
evolutionary-contingency hypothesis in the psychological literature. People prefer leaders with dominant, masculine-
looking faces in times of war and conflict, yet they prefer leaders with more trustworthy, feminine faces in peacetime.
In addition, leaders with older-looking faces are preferred in traditional knowledge domains, whereas younger-looking
leaders are preferred for new challenges. We speculate about whether such followership heuristics are evolved or
culturally learned, currently adaptive or mismatched, and, finally, we address the implications of the evolutionary-
contingency hypothesis for leadership theory and practice.

facial appearance, leadership, followership, dominance, evolutionary psychology

Presidential elections in the United States, shareholder leadership ability (Lawson, Lenz, Baker, & Myers, 2010).
confidence in CEOs, and war and peace in the Middle Surprisingly, people infer these attributes even after mini-
East all point to the significance of leadership in human mal exposure (100 ms) to facial images, and such instant
social affairs. An important adaptive challenge for indi- judgments matter. Snapshot judgments of the attractive-
viduals and groups is to choose the right kinds of leaders. ness of politicians’ faces predict their electoral success
An evolutionary approach suggests that our judgments of (Berggren, Jordahl, & Poutvaara, 2010), while dominance
leadership have been shaped by cues conveying the abil- and competence judgments inferred from images of
ity of individuals to solve specific coordination chal- CEOs’ faces correlate with company profits (Rule &
lenges in human evolutionary history (Van Vugt, Hogan, Ambady, 2008).
& Kaiser, 2008). Many new studies have suggested that Which facial cues do people use in their judgments of
an individual’s physical appearance in general, and facial leadership? The literature suggests that people judge
traits in particular, are key inputs into an evolved follow- faces primarily on gender, age, and ethnicity (Zebrowitz
ership psychology. & Montepare, 2008). In addition, people use various sec-
ondary facial cues, such as facial symmetry, baby-faced-
ness, and height-to-width ratio, to infer leadership
Faces and Leadership qualities (Re et  al., 2013). In this review, we apply the
People draw inferences about the traits, attributes, and logic of evolutionary psychology to understand why—
competencies of individuals from their facial appearance and when—people infer specific leadership attributes
(Todorov, Olivola, Dotsch, & Mende-Siedlecki, 2015). In
the context of leadership, there appears to be consider-
Corresponding Author:
able agreement about which faces look more, or less,
Mark Van Vugt, Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology,
leader-like. Facial cues are used to judge individuals’ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Van der Boechorststraat 1, 1081 BT
competence, dominance, trustworthiness, and attractive- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ness, and these judgments correlate with perceived E-mail:
2 Van Vugt, Grabo

from diverse facial characteristics. Our main argument is probably were, in ancestral times—of the physical and
that because such cues were reliably associated with psychological attributes of leaders. We now evaluate this
leadership success in ancestral human environments, evolutionary-contingency hypothesis by examining the
they continue to affect people’s attributions of leadership main leadership attributes that humans infer from faces—
today. Thus, such judgments are manifestations of a dominance, trustworthiness, competence, and attractive-
deeper, domain-specific followership psychology (Van ness/health—as well as their likely adaptive function (for
Vugt et al., 2008). a summary, see Table 1). Subsequently, we address sev-
eral challenges and opportunities suggested by this evo-
lutionary-contingency hypothesis for research on faces
The Evolutionary-Contingency
and leadership.
An evolutionary perspective assumes that leadership and
followership emerged to solve coordination challenges
among social animals (Van Vugt et al., 2008). For early People quickly infer dominance from faces, and one of
humans—our lineage appeared about 2.5 million years its best predictors is facial masculinity (Todorov et  al.,
ago—group living produced many benefits but yielded 2015). More masculine faces—characterized by features
various costs. Such costs entailed finding good locations such as a squared face, strong jawline, pronounced eye-
to sleep and forage, finding reliable trading partners, brows, and thin eyes and lips—are judged as more domi-
fighting off predators and infectious diseases, and man- nant. Dominant-looking individuals are more likely to be
aging conflicts within and between groups. Leadership— judged as leaders (Spisak, Homan, et al., 2012). The asso-
in which one individual has a disproportionate influence ciation of dominance, facial masculinity, and perceptions
on group activity—likely emerged to solve such coordi- of leadership ability may reflect a deeper evolutionary
nation challenges (Van Vugt & Ahuja, 2011). Leadership logic. Throughout human evolutionary history, various
is indeed common across all social species, from ants to leadership tasks such as defending the group or resolv-
elephants and birds to bees (King, Johnson, & Van Vugt, ing internal conflicts involved an aggressive component,
2009) and from small-scale societies to large, complex and physical formidability would have been a reliable
modern societies (Price & Van Vugt, 2014). indicator of one’s ability to resolve such conflicts (Von
Leadership poses an adaptive challenge for individuals Rueden, Gurven, & Kaplan, 2008), as it does in nonhu-
and groups, as they must decide whom to follow. man primates (Blaker & Van Vugt, 2014).
Evolution has likely crafted a followership psychology The evolutionary-contingency approach hypothesizes
that includes, among others, psychological mechanisms to that facial cues of dominance are particularly relevant for
(a) assess situations in terms of the need for leadership, leadership in domains of conflict and war. In accordance
(b) compare individuals in terms of leadership qualities with this hypothesis, the faces of soldiers are rated as
for different group challenges, (c) encourage these indi- more dominant than the faces of politicians and busi-
viduals to take the lead, and (d) monitor their effective- nessmen (Mazur, Mazur, & Keating, 1984), and military
ness. Furthermore, this followership psychology is likely cadets with more dominant-looking faces attain higher
to be domain specific: The best person to follow in war- future ranks (Mueller & Mazur, 1996; but see Loehr &
time may not necessarily be the best to follow for broker- O’Hara, 2013). An experimental study in which the face
ing peace (cf. Little, Burriss, Jones, & Roberts, 2007). shapes of George W. Bush and John Kerry were manipu-
These followership mechanisms can be thought of as lated found that the masculine faces were favored when
stimulus-response systems—or psychological heuris- people were asked to vote for a wartime leader (Little
tics—that utilize particular inputs from the environment et al., 2007). This finding has been replicated in studies
to produce specific outputs pertaining to leadership using both morphed faces (Spisak, Homan, Grabo, & Van
emergence (Laustsen & Petersen, 2015). Inputs into this Vugt, 2012) and real faces in both Western and Asian
adaptive followership psychology likely consist of a mix- samples (Spisak, Dekker, Krüger, & Van Vugt, 2012).
ture of external environmental cues (e.g., peace, con- When people imagined choosing a president when their
flict), leadership cues (e.g., faces, bodies, expertise), and country was at war, significantly more people voted for
followers’ individual differences (e.g., in age, personality, the candidate with the masculine-looking face. Such pref-
political orientation). The evolutionary-contingency erences for masculine-looking leaders appear to be par-
approach hypothesizes that leadership judgments will ticularly strong among conservative voters, presumably
vary as a function of the match between environmental because they perceive intergroup relations as inherently
demands and the needs of followers. Facial cues may more antagonistic than do liberal voters (Laustsen &
serve as inputs into this system as they are predictive—or Petersen, 2015).
The Many Faces of Leadership 3

Table 1.  Facial Appearance and Leadership: An Evolutionary Framework

Leader attribute Facial cues Adaptive domains Follower heuristic Examples

Dominance Masculinity, height-to-width Conflict, war Follow dominant individual Military leader, CEO of
ratio major company
Trustworthiness Femininity, ethnicity Cooperation, peace Follow prosocial individual Politician, NGO leader,
hospital director
Competence Age, baby-facedness Knowledge (social, Follow informed individual Scientist, statesperson,
physical) entrepreneur
Attractiveness, health Facial symmetry/asymmetry, Physical challenge Follow healthy individual Sports captain, explorer
skin coloration

Trustworthiness predicts electoral success (Olivola, Eubanks, & Lovelace,

2014). A prominent cue to competence is the age of a
Masculine faces are rated as more dominant yet less face. Generally, older-looking individuals are judged to
trustworthy (Penton-Voak et al., 1999). The evolutionary- be more competent and leader-like (Spisak, Grabo,
contingency hypothesis asserts that a trustworthy face Arvey, & Van Vugt, 2014). This reflects an evolutionary
will be particularly important for leadership judgments in logic: Age correlates with wisdom in the animal world, so
settings requiring peace and diplomacy. The adaptive one would expect there to be an (older) age bias in lead-
logic is that a trustworthy leader is better able to promote ership emergence. In elephants, the oldest female—the
cooperation and avoid conflict, both within and between matriarch—takes the lead in moving the troop to a water-
groups. Facial femininity—characterized by features such hole that only she can remember exists (King et  al.,
as a round face, big eyes, small eyebrows, and full lips— 2009). The evolutionary-contingency hypothesis argues
is a cue to trustworthiness, and various studies have that age may be a particularly relevant cue for inferring
shown that people vote for more feminine-looking lead- leadership in knowledge domains. Yet an important dis-
ers when seeking to maintain peace (Little et al., 2007). tinction should be made between traditional knowledge
In a scenario in which people voted for a president when problems (e.g., which rituals to follow in case of the birth
their country needed to broker and maintain a peaceful or death of a child) and new knowledge challenges (e.g.,
relationship with its neighbors, the feminine-looking can- finding new hunting grounds or a medicine against a
didate received more votes (Spisak, Dekker, et al., 2012). novel disease threat). This reflects a more general distinc-
This particular study also showed that facial femininity tion between crystallized and fluid intelligence; the first
(vs. masculinity) was a more important leadership cue correlates positively with age, and the latter negatively
than the biological sex of the face: People preferred a (Horn & Cattell, 1967). Is this distinction relevant to age-
masculine-looking female leader over a feminine-looking face preferences for leaders?
male leader in wartime and the reverse in peacetime. In two experiments involving morphed faces, we
Other facial cues such as baby-facedness and ethnicity— asked people to vote for a president in a fictitious elec-
which reflects group membership—could also affect per- tion when the country required either stability (in eco-
ceptions of trustworthiness. People have an own-race bias nomic and cultural practices) or change and innovation
when judging faces, and we suspect in-group bias occurs (Spisak, Grabo, et  al., 2014). We then presented them
in  judgments of leaders. The evolutionary-contingency with an older-looking face and a younger-looking face
approach suggests that followers prefer leaders from a dif- and examined their leader preferences (see Fig. 1). In
ferent ethnic background only if they have particularly trust- line with the evolutionary-contingency hypothesis, in
worthy faces. One study found that whereas White CEOs stable times there was a strong preference for the older-
are less successful when they have a baby face, Black CEOs looking leader—regardless of his or her sex—yet during
with baby faces perform better (Livingston & Pearce, 2009). times of change, the younger-looking leader was pre-
A baby-faced leader may be perceived as less competent ferred. This age effect was replicated in a business sce-
yet warmer and more trustworthy, and this could be an nario involving the selection of a new CEO for a company
important asset for leaders who are out-group members (cf. involved in the exploitation of fossil energy resources
Zebrowitz & Montepare, 2008). (stability) or the transition to renewable energy resources
(change). An implication is that when societies change
more rapidly, younger leaders will be endorsed. Indeed,
the average age of CEOs of the Fortune 500 companies is
People make quick judgments of the competence of 55, whereas for the Internet companies in Silicon Valley,
leaders based on facial cues, and perceived competence it is just 31 (Korunka, Frank, Lueger, & Mugler, 2003).
4 Van Vugt, Grabo

Fig. 1.  Examples of prototypical faces created using facial-composite software to study age cues of leadership (Spisak, Grabo, Arvey, &
Van Vugt, 2014; Experiment 1; N = 60). Results showed that participants preferred an older-looking face over a younger-looking face when
choosing a political leader to “maintain stability during financially difficult times.” Conversely, they preferred a younger-looking over an
older-looking face when choosing a political leader “during times of technological change.” Reprinted from “The Age of Exploration and
Exploitation: Younger Looking Leaders Endorsed for Change and Older Looking Leaders Endorsed for Stability,” by B. R. Spisak, A. Grabo,
R. Arvey, and M. Van Vugt, 2014, The Leadership Quarterly, 25, p. 809. Copyright 2014 by the authors.

Health and attractiveness threat (involving having an intruder in the house), or no

threat at all and were then asked to rate the importance
Leaders with attractive faces are generally more likely to of various leader attributes. People in the disease-threat
do well in politics and business. In a study of Finnish condition, compared with the other two conditions, con-
politicians, researchers found that an increase in facial sidered physical attractiveness a more important charac-
attractiveness by 1 standard deviation increased both teristic of leaders, whereas there was no difference across
male and female politicians’ vote share by 20% (Berggren conditions on such leader attributes as trustworthiness or
et  al., 2010). An analysis of a famous U.S. presidential competence. A set of recent studies showed that facial
election debate between Nixon versus Kennedy sup- cues of health (skin coloration) are more important than
ported this: Voters who listened to the debate on the cues of intelligence for people selecting leaders in hypo-
radio saw Nixon as the winner, whereas those who thetical business scenarios (Spisak, Blaker, Lefevre,
watched the debate on television thought the better- Moore, & Krebbers, 2014). The attractive-face premium
looking Kennedy appeared as the winner (Druckman, may thus be a legacy of an evolutionary past in which
2003). The attractiveness premium in leadership has been leadership was primarily a physical matter. An implica-
attributed to a generic halo effect, whereby people tion is that for in-group challenges that require much
ascribe a range of positive characteristics to attractive- physical effort—such as in team sports or wilderness
looking individuals. Yet an evolutionary approach sug- expeditions—health cues may be particularly important
gests that attractiveness may serve as a specific cue to a in the choice of leadership.
leader’s physical health. Choosing healthy leaders may be
particularly important in environments in which there are
common disease threats. As in small-scale societies today
Conclusions and Implications
(Von Rueden et  al., 2008), leadership in early human There are several remaining questions concerning this
societies was often physical, and thus it was important to novel evolutionary-contingency approach to inferring
choose leaders with no obvious signs of illness, espe- leadership from faces. First, while we have focused here
cially for physical tasks (e.g., group movement). on four primary leader attributes—dominance, trustwor-
Researchers have conducted several experiments to thiness, competence, and health/attractiveness—people
test this version of the evolutionary-contingency hypoth- may also infer leadership from whether faces seem intel-
esis (White, Kenrick, & Neuberg, 2013). Attractive-looking ligent, extraverted, agreeable, or charismatic. A recent
candidates in U.S. congressional districts where disease study showed that charismatic leaders have less symmet-
threats are higher (as measured by life expectancy and rical facial features—presumably, these faces “stand out”
childhood mortality) were shown to receive a greater (Senior et  al., 2012). The evolutionary-contingency
share of the votes. In a subsequent experiment, people hypothesis suggests that charismatic qualities are particu-
were primed with either a disease threat (involving expo- larly important when groups face novel challenges and
sure to disgusting events in a hospital), a physical-safety followers are uncertain of what to do (Van Vugt et  al.,
The Many Faces of Leadership 5

2008). Second, are these attributions as domain specific Recommended Reading

as an evolutionary-contingency perspective implies? Antonakis, J., & Dalgas, O. (2009). (See References). A classic
Research suggests that in conflict situations, people pre- study showing how uninformed individuals—young chil-
fer individuals with more dominant-looking faces as dren—make leadership attributions from facial appearance.
leaders yet not as friends (Laustsen & Petersen, 2015). Poutvaara, P. (2014). Facial appearance and leadership: An
Third, are these contingent preferences evolved or cultur- overview and challenges for new research. The Leadership
ally learned? Hunter-gatherer societies, which resemble Quarterly, 25, 801–804. An introduction into a special jour-
early human groups, have different types of leaders with nal issue on faces and leadership.
different physiologies and psychologies. For instance, the Spisak, B. R., Homan, A. C., Grabo, A., & Van Vugt, M. (2012).
(See References). A representative example of research
Cheyenne (a native American tribe) had younger, aggres-
using face morphs to test evolutionary-psychology predic-
sive, and more masculine leaders during warfare and tions on leadership.
older, politically skilled leaders during peace, suggesting Todorov, A., Olivola, C. Y., Dotsch, R., & Mende-Siedlecki, P.
that this is not a phenomenon restricted to modern, rich, (2015). (See References). A state-of-the art review of the
educated Western populations (Price & Van Vugt, 2014). social-psychological literature on face perception.
Leadership attributions made by young children closely Van Vugt, M., & Ahuja, A. (2011). (See References). An accessible
match those made by adults when looking at the same introduction to evolutionary leadership theory that provides
faces (Antonakis & Dalgas, 2009), and children as young a new perspective on leadership and followership, drawing
as 3 years old already infer dominance, trustworthiness, from research in psychology, anthropology, and biology.
and competence from adult faces (Cogsdill, Todorov,
Spelke, & Banaji, 2014). These findings hint at the possi- Author Contributions
bility that inferring leadership from facial cues is not cul- M. Van Vugt wrote the manuscript, and A. E. Grabo commented
turally sensitive and may not require prolonged social on the manuscript, compiled the references, and created the
experience. table and figure.
A final question to consider is whether these leader
attributions have any basis in reality: Do they actually Acknowledgments
predict the behavior of leaders? There is mixed evi- The authors want to thank Brian Spisak for his input into the
dence. Naive people can accurately infer from facial preparation of this manuscript.
images whether a political candidate is a Republican or
Democrat, and competent-looking CEOs lead more Declaration of Conflicting Interests
profitable organizations (Rule & Ambady, 2008). Yet this The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
latter effect may actually be reversed as more profitable respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
companies hire CEOS with more competent-looking
faces, and once past profit has been controlled for, the Funding
competent-face-advantage disappears (Graham, Harvey, Financial assistance supporting this project was provided by the
& Puri, 2014). As Todorov et al. (2015) remarked, “When Dutch Science Foundation through a Netherlands Organisation
making social attributions of faces, people are making for Scientific Research “Top Graduate School” grant to M. Van
too much out of too little information” (p. 27). Adopting Vugt.
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