Heinz (Henry) Kissinger: 40yrs MK-Ultra Pimpin'

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Heinz Alfred (Henry) Kissinger: Over 40yrs

of MK-Ultra PIMPIN’

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Heinz Alfred (Henry) Kissinger MK-Ultra Mind Control Slave PIMP

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BBC News (VIDEO ) China oil s pill
Part 1 & Part 2
after pipe blas t 'wors e than thought'
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news /world-
“Anatomy of Sarah L. Palin”
as ia-pacific-10708375 5 months ago
Mas s ive O il Spill in China Too...WTF!
http://www.ft.com/cms /s /0/e548185c-
For ole Henry, one of the
5 months ago
GMT consigliere, before
BP buying s cientis ts to hide data;
Sarah L. Palin, there was media blackout -
Brice Taylor who provides http://tinyurl.com/2485dnr; als o s ee
http://intheknow7.wordpres s .com/
stunning “photographically
5 months ago
memorized” POV testimony
MUST READ Mr. Pres ident Whos e
of legendary performer Bob Team Are You O n? Who Are Your
Hope & Henry’s antics in her Mas ters ? on Scribd
http://www.s cribd.com/doc/30993758
shocking memoir Thanks For
#Readcas t 5 months ago
The Memories Brice takes us
MUST READ BP Eco-Terror &
“behind the veil” of secrecy O ccultis m: Tyranny by Fools
strictly maintained by (VIDEO )" on Scribd
http://www.s cribd.com/doc/34408801
http://www.s cribd.com/doc/34408801
Rothschild controlled media
#Readcas t 5 months ago
HK MK P-I-M-P under the aegis of National
Security (NSA), facilitated
by Unified Intel Agencies (esp. CIA-Mossad) ole Henry is stripped naked of his
persona as “senior statesman” and revealed to be a sociopathic-psychopathic To p Sto rie s
megalomaniac Global Mgt. Team Pimp Extraordinaire, using (abusing) MK-Ultra
Mind Controlled Slaves to do the bidding of his masters, members of the Black Recent Posts
Nobility Bloodline Dynasties who remain cloaked behind a multilayered MK-Ultra Monarch Prog’mg Modes ID:
architectural structure of camouflage and concealment –wrapped in syrupy sweet “I Gotta See It”

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Dis ney Mas s Hypnos is
MK prog’mrs/handlers such as…
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Cheyenne Cas e: O ath Keepers
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“Hiding In Plain Sight”

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By Fools (VIDEO )
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Coas tal Region O nly Beginning!

50yrs of MK-Ultra BETA Sex Slaves


Heinz Alfred (Henry) Kis s inger: O ver

40yrs of MK-Ultra PIMPIN’
Anatomy of Sarah L. Palin (revis ed
[1:56] see ole Henry’s latest Beta Sex Slave/Human Laptop, Mrs. Evangelical more VIDEO /PICS)

Pentecostal Christian giving Occult shout-out flashing “double” Baphomet Speaking With O ne Voice: Roths child
(devil horns) Signs –”hiding in plain sight” Funded Naz i-Mind Science Controls
Media (VIDEO )
MUST read brilliant work on Heinz Alfred (Henry) Kissinger a.k.a. “Dr. K”
“Kissinger The Secret Side Of The Secretary Of State” by Gary Allen
Select Month
Heinz Alfred Kissinger was born on 27 May 1923 in Furth in central Germany,
son of a rabbi. His parents immigrated to the United States in 1938 and Heinz Categories
became Henry. From 1943 to 1945 he worked for US intelligence. Later he Select Category
taught political science at Harvard University. Kissinger himself was educated by
Professor William Yandel Elliott, who adhered to H. G. Well’s crazy ideas. 4shared File Sharing
ITK7GMT (Global Mgt. Team Structure
& Players ) MK-Ultra Prog’mg in
In 1955, the Rockefeller Syndicate put young Henry to work as a “change agent Geopolitical s pheres
” to implement their centuries old plot of One World Rulership w/ (13) Satanic ITKEK7 Certified Monarch Slaves
Black Nobility Bloodline Dynasties as “hereditary monarchs” (Frank Capell, online catalog of celebs imprinted w/
MK-Ultra Prog’mg Modes
Henry Kissinger: Soviet Agent . Cincinnati, 1992, p. 29). The poor Jewish refugee
ITKEK7 MK Programming In Culture
was supremely elevated via Rockefeller Syndicate using him as a proxy. In 1956,
online catalog of MK-Ultra Monarch
he was named editor of the influential magaz ine Foreign Affairs (official Prog’mg Modes
publication of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) the American branch of
RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs) functions as global gov’t
Alaskan Bloggers
staffing agency.
Immoral Minority (IM) BANNED &

Heinz (Henry) Kissinger is a high-ranking official of the Zionist-Masonic org B’nai PalinGates BANNED & SCRUBBED

B’rith, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. He belongs to the Swiss Grand Shannyn Moore

Lodge, Alpina, Bohemian Club, and Phi Beta Cappa Club, Cosmos Club, Federal The Mudflats

City Club, and Century Club. Kissinger has been positively identified as a sadistic
MK-Ultra Monarch Mind Controlled Slave user/abuser…
ole Henry’s currently PIMPIN’ MK’d Kitten Sarah L. Palin the Alaskan Alex Jones Zionis t Shill expos ed as
controlled oppos ition
controlled oppos ition
“Caribou Barbie”
Coalition O n Political As s as s ins

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No person(s) or group(s) operate independently within multi-layered architectural Es oteric Kitten blog Monarch
structure of Global Mgt Team (Illuminati or NWO) Gary Allen’s brilliant expose Programming in Pop Culture

“The Rockefeller File” details the nefarious deeds of this Black Nobility Bloodline INCO G MAN: Sick of all the BS…

Dynastic scourge who for centuries has been “walking to and fro, in and out of InSearchof BlackAs s as s ins

the earth” Labvirus .com blog global mgt. team

MK Culture
fr: “The Rockefeller File” – Gary Allen Ps eudo-O ccult Media MK-Ultra
Monarch Programming
We know that Henry Kissinger was deeply involved in wire tapping his own staff Public Vigil great info MK-Ultra
and several journalists. But the one member of the White House staff who Prog’mg Pop Culture

apparently never had his remarks taped in the Oval Office was Herr Kissinger Snippits & Slappits

— who also, as it happens, was chief of all US intelligence gathering The Propaganda Project Goebbels
Propaganda Principles
operations. And who also, we now know, was responsible for establishing the
The RR Black Nobility, MK-Ultra,
Plumbers in the first place!

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Two O uts iders
But through all of this, Kissinger’s loyalty was not with his President, it was with
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the Rockefellers! Kissinger had been through three losing campaigns with Nelson
Rockefeller and openly spoke of despising Nixon. Biographer David Hanna
Word Pres s .com
quotes Kissinger as stating, after Nixon’s nomination in 1968: “That man is unfit
to be President. I would never work for that man. He is a disaster.” Yet Kissinger
was the first appointment made by Nixon. BP/Rothschild Eco-
Black O ps in Gulf Region Gulf region
Nixon did not know Kissinger well; in fact, he had only met the man once before under s iege

in his life-at a cocktail party. And Kissinger was on record as standing 180 Gulf Dis as ter Health Cris is Map daily
reports of health is s ues
degrees to the left of Nixon’s campaign utterances. Clearly Kissinger was put in
http://www.ifitwas myhome.com/
http://www.ifitwas myhome.com/
the Nixon Administration by Rockefeller (who sent his protégé off to
s uperimpos es BP dis as ter footprint
Washington with a tidy little gift of $50,000). In his VP [Senate confirmation] on your town
hearings, Nelson Rockefeller even acknowledged Kissinger took the job because Military Bans CNN Anders on Cooper
Rocky [David Sr.] asked [ordered] him to do so. banned
NO AA Natl. O ceanic Atmos pheric
As s oc
While it was Henry Kissinger who set Nixon’s head on the chopping block, it was
Prudhoe Bay O il Dis as ter
another Rockefeller agent, General Alexander Haig, who applied the axe . Haig was
Texas City Refinery
appointed at Kissinger’s suggestion-as an interim replacement for the hastily
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
deposed Bob Haldeman.
Wackenhut Media Ban In Effect
Fas cis t State Unveiled
Like Dwight Eisenhower and George Marshall, two generals whose careers had a
bad case of the blahs until anointed by the House of Rockefeller, Haig’s career
took off like a Saturn rocket when he joined the Rockefeller team through the
Global Management
Council on Foreign Relations. In 1969, he was a colonel. Four years later he
13 Ruling Bloodlines 13 Ruling
had miraculously become a four star general, having skipped the three star rank Dynas tic Bloodlines
entirely. What happened to trigger this remarkable rise in 1969, Haig became an Amer Friends Patriot Network Total
assistant to Kissinger; subsequently, he was catapulted over 240 general officers Mind Control Slave (text)

when Nixon raised him to four-star rank. Such a promotion should mark Haig as Architecture of Modern Political
Power Geopolitical Structure
one of the great military leaders in our history…”
Bank For Intl. Settlements (BIS) global
currency clearing hous e

So critical was the Kissinger appointment that Nixon waived the customary FBI Brown Bros . Harriman (BBH) GMT
inves tment bank; funded Third Reich
security clearance for his nominee as Secretary of State — Haig was now a
Carlyle Group GMT larges t defens e
general in the Rockefeller Army, an army which tells other armies when to
contractor; s tock holding co
Chatam Hous e (RIIA) global gov’t
s taffing agency

From Nixon to Obama (1973-2010) this Rockefeller agent has been calling Clinton Global Initiative GMT Steering
shots, manipulating U.S. domestic/foreign policy from behind the scenes,
cons piracy archive expans ive s ite re:
executing the agenda of his Black Nobility Bloodline masters, using MK-Ultra
global demonic cabal
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Cons piracy Archive Dr. Henry Makow

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Schemes /Fritz Springmeier

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intheknow7’s Channel Jews Not Zionis ts z ionis m is NO T
judais m (crucial dis tinction)
Now let’s take a “photographically memorized” behind the scenes POV of Herr
Judicial-Inc O rg
Heinz (Henry) Kissinger’s sinister deeds over the past 40 years…
Labvirus .com blog global mgt. team

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click here to purchase Thanks For The Memories (copyrighted)
Modern His tory Project
fr: Thanks For The Memories - Brice Taylor, Chap. 4, pg. 65 Naz i Propaganda by Jos eph
Goebbels 1933-45
“Well I was “hired” at a very young age, but was never paid a cent. And Uncle New World O rder quotes
Charlie was my representative, come to take me to meet first, Bob and, soon after, NSA (Natl. Sec. Agency) MK-Ultra
Henry. Sharon was indeed programmed to be precocious and one day reported the Nerve Center

following joke repertoire to Henry and later to audiences Bob and Henry sent me O ne World Scam

to: “I told my owners, it’s enough that you clowns expect me to work for free. You Patroits Q ues tion911

know it was bad enough that they broke the child labor laws and I told them about Protocols of Zion Zionis t O ne World
Rulers hip Plot & End Game
that when I learned it in school. They just laughed. But on top of that was SLAVE
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LABOR, and I recited the Constitutional Amendment that was causing a problem in
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my internal mind file legal systems. I told Henry it kept getting thrown out and I
Red Ice Creations
pretended it was repeatedly escaping and leaping out of my right ear. He thought I
Rome Reports Vatican propaganda
was funny and told me to re-file it anyway – then I was sent off for more channel
reconditioning. I never thought they would stop with that stuff and I was right. Zap, Secret Societies
z ap, z ap.” These were the type of jokes that Bob Hope programmed into me for Snippits & Slappits
shows when I was demonstrated to others that had similar mind control “interests.” Sullivan Cromwell s ee “Devil’s
The first time I recited it to Henry for his approval, he raised his eyebrows and Advocate” s tarring Al Pacino

looked at me over his glasses; he usually seemed either pretty amaz ed or leery at The Cons piracy Zone excellent MK-
Ultra, NWO , Illuminati info
the jokes Bob installed into me. I was too young and too fragmented to have come
The Forbidden Knowledge Henry
up with this type of material on my own.”
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* * * The Propaganda Project Goebbels

Propaganda Principles

fr: Thanks For The Memories – Brice Taylor Chap. 4, pg. 65 The Watcher Files 13 Bloodline
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“Henry created my personality system and Bob handled the dialogue, jokes, songs, Third World Traveler CIA info
dances, and entertainment, and supplied Henry with famous friends and Trance-formation Cathy O ’Brien
connections from all over the world, including Hollywood celebrities and business homepage

and political connections. Henry said contacts were everything, and that he and Trilateral Cmms n GMT s teering
Bob worked well together because, despite their differences, together they more
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than doubled their influence and efficiency. They did wield influence over a large
Vatican As s as s ins Eric Jon Phelps
group of people. Henry had the mind and Bob had the means and the connections
Webs ter Tarpley blogs pot Tarpley

World Net Daily geopolitical info

* * *

fr: Thanks For The Memories - Brice Taylor, Chap. 4, pg. 66

“Henry worked with me more in the beginning to set up all my systems. He even Chatam Hous e (RIIA) global gov’t
s taffing agency
s taffing agency
marked my forehead all over with little X’s delineating what he called a “stellar
Fact Check.org
map” of my system. Then he had me look into the mirror and what I saw, in addition
Foreign Affairs mag official
to my little five or six-year-old face, framed by short hair, was black x’s all over
publication of CFR
me. He said those were planets within my inner universe of knowledge and that they
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were laying in wait for the day they would be occupied. Later he attached the
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foreign countries, using It’s a Small World for the different planets. This kept the
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information totally separated since the planets had no way of communicating with
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each other. So all the information remained self-contained but held in orbit in the big
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blue vastness by stars. All the stars were used as mind files for different movie
Want To Know Info
“stars” or politicians I was used with. The larger stars held larger files of
personalities I was used with more regularly and the smaller stars were reserved for
people I only saw on occasion. The largest stars were reserved for Presidents, Kings, IT & Science
Queens, etc. The Council, that all-powerful group of men secretly orchestrating this Firefox 3.6 Windows FREE
whole drama, had very specialized, highly advanced satellite systems that traveled all
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over inside my mind, constantly monitoring my internal “worlds.” They could also
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wanted about any area or person in the system. Council members were the only
ones who didn’t have any security blocks throughout the system anywhere. They
had full and total access like Henry. Bob’s access was limited only by his ability to Military
be able to fully access every part of the system. Henry just didn’t inform Bob about FAS 1s t s top for all things military

planets or stars he didn’t want him to know about. And Henry told me that he and Janes Defens e Weekly official DoD
Uncle Bob rode on little space cycles all around inner space in my head in order to
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police everything and make sure everything was always in perfect order, with no file
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on any planet or star ever getting out of order or loose. That way Henry kept my
mind files in perfect order. Henry told me the mind files are limitless because the
universe is limitless and contains an infinite vastness, always new areas to chart.
Henry said it could never be full.”
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fr: Thanks For The Memories - Brice Taylor, Chap. 4, pg. 66
MK-Ultra Monarch
Kissinger And Ever More Sophisticated Programming Mind Control
Be Wis e As Serpents Fritz
Kissinger was the mastermind behind my personality structure, and used others to Springmeier’s book
further his creation. He was usually inside the top security places my father and Educate Yours elf Illuminati
others took me. There they did all the “prep work,” they called it, before I was taken Schemes /Fritz Springmeier

to Henry for his expertise. Prepping, to me, meant torture in machines, chairs, all Es oteric Kitten Hollywood O ccult
Practices & Monarch Prog.
sorts of horrors and then, when I couldn’t function any longer, didn’t know my
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own name, or if I was even real, they would take me to Henry. Henry had a
Programming in Pop Culture
notebook of diagrams he worked from. A “distilled” diagram meant that the original
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idea and intent had been identified and worked out, and the succeeding diagrams
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were a further refinement until the end result was total perfection. That’s how
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Henry created my personality structure. Mind control was a secret weapon that he ultra, occult
perfected over the years. Henry had other “robots,” as he called them, but I was the PDF Bloodlines of Illuminati
one with whom he spent the most time perfecting. He said I was the perfect subject PDF Deeper Ins ights into the Illuminati
and that my father had done such a great preliminary job that his work was Formula

guaranteed a success, where other robots fell short because they “bled through” PDF Illuminati Formula Us ed To
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and so couldn’t be relied upon. I knew Henry had other robots because he said he
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had them for various and sundry things but said that I was the cream of the crop. & Fritz Springmeier
Henry said we had a “roving headquarters,” and that was always his black PDF Project Monarch: Naz i Mind
briefcase. When I saw his briefcase I was programmed to feel familiar, and my Control — Ron Patton
surroundings didn’t matter. I could now do my work knowing that everything was PDF Tranceformation of America –
Cathy O 'Brien
okay. At least that is what was suggested for me to think and feel.
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* * * Jeanne Sars on & Linda
MacDonald,MEd, BScN, RN

fr: Thanks For The Memories – Brice Taylor, Chap. 4, pg. 66,67 Ps eudo-O ccult Media MK-Ultra
Monarch Programming
“As I grew older, I was taken to military bases for more sophisticated Thanks For The Memories – Brice
programming…” Taylor purchas e @ Amaz on.com

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The Watcher Files 13 Bloodline
Palin’s constant presence on military bases serves as “predictive Families lis ting
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serving” Are you referring to Manchurian-Delta Prog’md Track? homepage

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May 2010
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 101112131415
« Apr Jul »

FEMA Camps
H.R. 2647 National Defens e Authoriz ation
Act For Fis cal Year 2010 Bas ically foreign
troops fr Aus tralia, Canada, Mexico, UK
brought to U.S. us e GPS coordinates to help
impos e martial law “in the event of a
terroris t incident” in U.S. -- locate/arres t
domes tic terroris ts (as defined by Attorney
General Eric Holder) taken to military
ins tallations , held in detention in FEMA
concentration camp-s tyle facilities ...USA!
Kuwait 2007 (MK’d Prog’mg/photo ops in prep for 2008 campaign) THIS BILL IS LAW as of 01/06/2010
H.R. 645: National Emergency Centers
Es tablis hment Act Budgeted $180M by Sen.
Robert Byrd, Chmn Appropriations Cmmte
(Sen. Byrd identified by MK-Ultra s urvivor
Cathy O ’Brien as her
mas ter/handler/torturer) Not later than 1 yr
after enactment of Act, Secy of Homeland
Sec (Vaderland in German), acting jointly w/
Secy of Defens e (Chief War Monger) s hall
s ubmit to Congres s report containing ea.
des ignated s ite-- (A) finaliz ed info detailing
trans fer of control of the s ite (B) finaliz ed
cooperative agreement for es tablis hment of
national emergency center at s ite
See FEMA camp locations
v=Vxd_hs iZ1Ak

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o c c ult nume ro lo g y: 6 +6 +6 =(18); bro wn bo xe s rig ht a bo ve , 6 6 6 c o mbo s; (1) o ne o f o ur (8) re f.

rockefeller rothschild
to "Ma rio ne tte " (DO LL) Pro g 'mg , ste p no . e ig ht, se e MK-Ultra Pro g G uide ; c o lo r c o ding : rupert murdoch sarah palin
re d/bla c k/white o n bo a rd -- no t c o inc ide nta l! tig er wo o ds todd palin wiz a rd o f o z

"Ma rio ne tte " (DO LL) Pro g 'mg Re info rc e me nt w/ (8) so ldie rs

…love this shot, all elements present — Occult-Masonic “blue-gold-white” color
scheme; Military-Industrial-Apparatus; CIA-Secret Service; Black Nobility
Bloodline “red carpet” ; NSA asset, MK-Ultra Mind Controlled Beta Sex
Slave/Human Laptop Sarah L. Palin

MK’d “Caribou Barbie” playing with guns…

Sa ra h L. Pa lin Ac tio n Fig ure -- this pic so lidifie d ima g e a s
"g un to ting pisto l pa c king Ma ma " (c k ba rre l, it's la se r)

Lights, Camera, Action!

Scene: “you’re hitting pretty close to dead center”

Question: How would we know? Has anyone actually seen this woman hunt or
kill anything?

* * *

fr: Thanks For The Memories – Brice Taylor, Chap. 4, pg. 67,68) Helplessly hooked
up to high-tech machines that did things to my brain, I had no way of
understanding what these people were doing to me or why. I was placed in large
metal chambers and left in isolation, sometimes spun, with colored lights, always
with only one color at a time. I was restrained in sophisticated chairs with electrodes
attached to my head, then electroshocked in a variety of ways . Sophisticated audio
equipment also was used on me. Often loud, piercing sounds were relayed through
earphones, usually with different sounds being fed into each ear. I didn’t know what
exactly they were accomplishing with all of this technology, but I felt tortured by


* * *

MK’d Palin uploaded w/coded Intel by her master/prog’mr/owner ready for

next Global Mgt. Team mission

fr:– Thanks For The Memories – Brice Taylor, Chap. 4, pg. 67

Mind File System

I also continued to be taken to Disneyland for base programming for my

government mind file system. At around 8 years old , Henry made up some clever
programs to create a place and organization in my head for my international mind
files. He created within my personality system one or two children for each
nationality; as is similarly portrayed in it’s a Small World ride at Disneyland. Henry
said the international themes were to anchor in different mind file systems that he
said were “culturally oriented.” Around The World In 80 Days was a song I sang

over and over again when either my mother or my brother played it on the organ,
or my brother would play it on his accordion. The words I was programmed to
respond to were, “Around The world in 80 days”, I traveled on when Hope was
gone to make my rendez vous…” Henry Kissinger and Bob Hope continued to be
cohorts over the years and played around the world with people and governments,
as much as that song played repeatedly in my head. Henry linked a whole array of
different programs to the “It’s a Small World” ride and said, “When you walk up to
the clock you will hear it tick-tock and then you will dock; tick-tock, tick tock. Keep
all information separate. Keep all information clean and neatly in its space with
little walls in between.” I walked up to the ride, and saw the huge clock tower going
tick-tock, then I was told to file through the turnstile until I got to the ride. Henry
meant for me to think my actual trips abroad were really just memories about this
ride. Due to this programming I had trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy.
Disney fantasy was really meant to hide my international experiences from my
conscious mind. Once I got off the ride Henry said something hypnotic to me to
lock in the program. He spent a good part of the day with me at Disneyland. He
was really funny to the personalities he was programming. I almost laughed when I
first saw him. I knew it wasn’t allowed, but he did look really funny in the disguise.
He had on a beard, wig and hat. He looked okay, but I knew it was really Henry,
and so I said, “Henry, why are you wearing those silly things?” I couldn’t
comprehend why he needed to pretend he wasn’t himself. In his thick-accented,
deep, monotonic voice, he told me to be quiet and with irritation in his voice said,
“You, my child, are too precocious.” Henry put me on ride after ride, and after I
got off the rides, dizzy, nauseated, light headed, disoriented, frightened, or whatever,
he told me to “listen intently,” while he programmed all sorts of things into my
mind file system.

* * *

fr: Thanks For The Memories – Brice Taylor Chap. 4, pg. 68, 69
Carousel Program

“Henry also programmed me in front of a carousel ride . He had me stand in front

of the carousel but he wouldn’t let me sit down on a horse or a bench on the ride. I
was only 8 years old or so and I wanted to get on the ride and have fun, but Henry
said I had to stand up outside of the ride. That day, the carousel in my mind had to
be created with me standing up and the files in my mind were to glide smoothly and
as easily as the carousel turning. Then it would come to a stop, like “The Wheel of
Fortune”, at the country in the mind file that Henry would ask for. He told me,
“There’s a whole other world in your mind files, the whole world.” Then he told me,
“The carousel makes the files in your head turn easily and effortlessly.” My
programmers also linked memory of times I was spun until I was diz z y and
disoriented in their attempt to keep these mind files under the cloak of “National
Security”. As I de-programmed I often mentally bumped into spin, sleep, suicide,
migraine, and drug programs that I had to fight through in order to get to the
original experiences. I was often physically sick, as my program dictated, and
suffered massive migraine headaches and pain in different parts of my body while
retrieving this information I’m sharing with you. Henry told me, “You are a
computer and like magnets repel, if you try to work on a computer, your mind will
repel.” It will go away and you won’t be able to think to operate it. That is of
course unless it’s “apple blossom time,” which was a cryptic reference to New York.
Later he programmed in “cherry blossom time,” as a code for JFK. In 1991, some
30 years later, as I attempted to document my memories on computer from the
Island of Kauai [Hawaii] I was continually frustrated, as I would become
disoriented upon starting to write my remembered experience. Often after I
tenaciously battled my way through the journaliz ing of my memories, I would smile
having won, only to become immediately disoriented, and look again the next
moment to find that the information I had just spent one to two hours documenting
had been erased by another part of my personality structure who was still following
the ordered command of my controllers. It was extremely frustrating, but I was
stubborn and refused to give up!”

* * *

intheknow7’s Channel

SITREP: Now are you beginning to see why there’s so much secrecy
surrounding Sarah L. Palin, ole Henry’s latest MK’d Beta Sex Slave & Human
Laptop? Why do you think Palin has such close ties to military bases?

Palin is criss-crossing the country fomenting racial hatred, spewing xenophobic,

folksy fear-based rhetoric as “Mommy The Presenter” , under the aegis of Military
Industrial Apparatus (Todd Palin & Jason prog’mr and handler NSA-CIA asset)
having her brains fried and scrambled (electroshock) then served up on a silver
platter for Global Management Team to use as they see fit!

What do you think is going on with her underage daughters NEVER in

school? These young girls are in grave danger! They are constantly surrounded
by degenerate adults in the worst possible environments — Hollywood, military and
political. GMT believes in “maximizing shareholder value” Palin girls are mere
commodities to be “bought and sold” on the underground market…

Piper Palin 5/10/2010 under full parental supervision at Time 100 Gala,
Lincoln Center, New York , of course standard Occult color coding (red/black)
was in full effect. Piper was too cute in her flip flops…a definitely an
improvement over these…

Piper’s new MK’d buddy Taylor
Swift of MK’d Kanye West “imma
letchu finish” infamy was happy to
sign an autograph for her…

click here for event pics

Oh yeah, Todd & Sarah are doing a

stellar job as parents, raising their
Mo mmy "the pre se nte r" & Da ddy "the a buse r" MK'd daughters…how did 19yr old Bristol
da ug hte r in 4" he e ls a t 7yrs o ld
get into NYC hot spot 10ak? I
wonder how Willow is doing in
MK’d “Charm School”? Btw this guy gets around doesn’t he?

MK-Ultra Mind Files (ALTERS) programmed, now off to capture hearts of
American Sheeple

* * *

purchase @ Amazon.com

MK-Ultra PIMP Extraordinaire Heinz (Henry) Kissinger

Thanks For The Memories - Brice Taylor (COPYRIGHTED) was Kissinger’s

Sex Slave/Human Laptop for 30yrs — SARAH L. PALIN IS A BRICE
TAYLOR UPGRADE! Must read how sadistic ole Henry uses MK’s for sexual
blackmail, couriers of coded Intel, drug mules, and for lucrative underground
porn market, U.S. Presidents from “I Like Ike” to “Slick Willie” Clinton
regularly enjoy kiddie sex w/ MK’s…

Tranceformation of America - Cathy O’Brien/Mark Phillips; born into multi-

Tranceformation of America - Cathy O’Brien/Mark Phillips; born into multi-
generational MK’d family like Sarah L. Palin (hierarchical) Sen. Robert Byrd,
ex-Chrmn Senate Appropriations Committee was her Master/Prog’mr/Owner
along w/her and underage daughter used(abused) by Presidents, Cabinet
Officials, Military leadership, Hollywood elites, major Mafia figures – Cathy
positively ID’s G HW Bush, Sr. as “pedo” abusing her underage daughter…

Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier’s treatise on (13) Black

Nobility Bloodline Dynasties

Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave –

Cisco Wheeler (born into Illuminati cult/family) & de-programmer Fritz
Springmeier treatise on methods of MK-Ultra Monarch Mind Control

Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula To Create Totally Undetectable Mind
Controlled Slave -Cisco Wheeler & Fritz Springmeier details actual programming

* * *

intheknow7’s Channel

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Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

Kissinger, Palin, Mengele…How Deep Does The Rabbit Hole Go?

Monarch Mind …
Esoteric Kitten’s Hollywood MK Deception Presenters:w/ ITK7
Commentary (V…

Call To Action Memo: Enough Is Enough!
#49 The Uncommon Commoner

Filed under Alaskan MK-Kitten Sarah Palin, MK-Ultra 16 Comments

Monarch Programming, Political Paradigm
Tagged as al haig , brice taylor, henry kissinger, illuminati, mind control, mk
ultra , nelson rockefeller, new world order, nixon, nsa , nwo, sarah palin, todd

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16 Responses to Heinz Alfred (Henry)

Kissinger: Over 40yrs of MK-

Pingback: Palin/Obama 2012: More MK Oz -Disney Mass Hypnosis | intheknow7's


Pingback: Esoteric Kitten Intel in NH DCYF Baby Cheyenne Case: Oath Keepers
“Hiding In Plain Sight” (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO) « intheknow7's Blog

Pingback: Animal Skins: BETA Sex Kitten Prog’mg Reinforcement (VIDEO) «

intheknow7's Blog

September 27, 2010 at 3:36 PM

ATTN: NEW 4shared account for Global Management Team (ITK7GMT)

w/DOWNLOADABLE PICS/VIDEOS for:Jesuits (SJ), SMOM Knights of
Malta, Steering Commitees, MK-Ultra Prog’mg Centers, Chivalric Orders,
Rothschild & Rockefeller Dynasties, Bush Syndicate, Unified Military
Command, Occult Gov’t Seals, Masonic Grips & Hand Signs, Media Barons,
MK’d Sarah L. Palin (Henry Kissinger Prog/Handler), Occult logos and more…

Let’s look into the EYE that’s always looking at us, from the back of their
worthless fiat currency, from GPALS, 2-way FLATSCREENS everywhere
and their built-in backdoor technology we’re hooked on. You have no idea
how amused they are to see us staring into our PDA/GPS devices. They’ve
snared us in an electronic web of tracking and surveillance! We’re determined
to help readers see into this cabal that HIDES IN PLAIN SIGHT, EVER
CONCEALING and NEVER REVEALING by shining the spotlight on them

Be sure to subscribe to this account for folder updates!

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Pingback: Esoteric Kitten’s Hollywood MK Deception Presenters:w/ ITK7

Commentary (VIDEO) « intheknow7's Blog

Augus t 18, 2010 at 3:31 PM

ATTN: Reactivation

After much deliberation, cajoling, urging and downright insistence I have decided
to return to blogging on regular basis. As regular readers are aware I generally
do about one post per month; they’re quite lengthy by blog standards and this is
by design. This schedule may or may not increase, as I’m much more mobile
then before, but there will be at least one per month. I must confess in doing
research for BP Eco-Terror I was extremely dismayed at the state of
military/corporate siege occurring in the Gulf of Mexico region and the ongoing
corporate controlled media blackout. These events along w/constant monitoring,
attacks, being banned & scrubbed on sights weighed heavily on my decision to
end this endeavor. I have since reconsidered my position and will continue to
provide analysis of ongoing MK-Ultra Mind Control activity, as well as
commenting on our rapidly degenerating Hegelian Dialectical phony political

ATTN: Readers should also be aware that I’ll be working closely w/ Esoteric
Kitten whose You Tube Channel & blog Big Screen Deception have been
providing excellent analysis of MK-Ultra Programming in Hollywood & Music
Industry… her work is meticulous and her dedication is tireless. She can be
rightfully credited w/ launching this blog, having once accused me of “hiding in
her inbox”…I urge all to check her out!
http://bigscreendeception.blogspot.com/?z x=989b274338d15a08

NEW ITEMS: at Esoteric Kitten’s suggestion I’ve added a Current Events Tab
to focus on tidbits of Intel discovered in my travels that don’t necessitate a full

I look forward to our continued mutual edification…

0 0 Rate This

July 27, 2010 at 5:08 PM

ATTN: this blog will no longer provide “free downloads” of:

“Thanks For The Memories: The Truth Has Set Me Free” by Brice Taylor

This is copyrighted material and should not be reproduced without her express
permission. I know we all agree she more than deserves every penny. This
material was produced at great cost to her personally and financially, and there
is no way for her to recoup what has already been lost.

Thank you for your understanding.

Please click here to purchase @ Amaz on.com

0 0 Rate This

June 30, 2010 at 4:11 AM

Thanks to all for making this blogging experience a major success!

Listed on WordPress.com “Growing Blogs” at no. 95


*see SITREP (SP003) at end of Anatomy of Sarah L. Palin (revised)

Would again urge all to read accounts of MK-Ultra Mind Control Survivors in
PDF version, listed in sidebar and at bottom of most posts…

For those unfamiliar w/ongoing abominable Mind Control please read MK-Ultra
Program Guide

Be Well & Stay Vigilant

0 0 Rate This

May 17, 2010 at 12:29 PM

Hello Friends;

One person wrote my Lady recently about Neuro-Linguistic-Programming with

Questions… we chose to write YOU all. Please read if You are Researchers.


The Problem is people are missing the Links on this Subject and NOT ONE has
mentioned this Guy:

Anthony Robbins.

This is a KEY Guy beyond NLP which is antiquated, alright? Take that from one
who was Insider though very young.

My Lady L.R. had the Imprinting from childhood (age 5 on) on this and would
have been Programmer like Svali but was set aside as Vestal in their Mystery
Rites for the “Starfire” at puberty. (She was Bloodline related to the Rulers of
Toulouse around the 1200′s Albigensian Crusade, thus a Cathari descendant.)

Quote.. READ THIS:


“Robbins started his career promoting seminars for Jim Rohn. Robbins says:
“My first mentor was a man named Jim Rohn. He taught me that happiness and
success in life are not the result of what we have, but rather of how we live.
What we do with the things we have makes the biggest difference in the quality
of life.”

Robbins worked for Rohn from the age of 18 to 22 years old.

Later Robbins began teaching neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) which he

had learned from NLP co-founder John Grinder.

In 1983, Robbins learned how to firewalk from Tolly Burkan and he began to
incorporate firewalking into his seminars and later began to teach NEURO-
ASSOCIATIVE CONDITIONING (NAC) and “Human exploitation
Psychology” ”

Sooo… John Grinder was the NLP co-founder.

Research that; no one has mentioned HIS name anyplace I’ve seen on
Conspiracy yet they all hit on NLP and mind-control people,

BUT… NLP is an antique in mind-control all over… the “Elites” know this and
probably laugh their asses off at Conspiracy Researchers who mention NLP all
the time not knowing it is old and long past rotting like a corpse….

Look… Anthony Robbins pilfered his own Research from Freemason 33rd
Degrees or close to it here in Masonry:
Other reviewers dispute the book’s originality, pointing to many ideological
similarities with Maxwell Maltz , Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, and Dale
Carnegie. ALL these guys were Masons. Masonic High Initiates ALL of them.

Names like Positive Thinking=33rd Degree Mason Norman Vincent Peale ring
any Bells?

Peale’s Game was used by his 33rd Degree Masonic Brother, Preacher man
Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral infamy to get his Scam going long

Schuller got his start in Religion-as-Business from his Masonic 33rd Degree
Brother Billy Graham who also started his other 33rd Degree Masonic Brother,
Oral Roberts off in the Religion-Business Scam Game of ORU a breeding
ground for Monarch now…

Roberts got his little 33rd Degree Mason Brother, Kenneth Copeland off the
ground in the Religion-Racket…

I believe his Buddy-in-Crime Kenneth Hagin was part of this Masonic

Conspiracy in the Charismatic Christian Game… like their Masonic Brother TBN
Paul Crouch who uses blatant couched Masonic language even seen on videos
on YouTube saying they’re “Little Gods”=Gnostic/Masonic Mysteries.

Don’t forget other 33rd Degree Masons in Religion-Racket like Prince Hall
Jesse Jackson who had part in Martin Luther King’s assassination to replace him
in Black Community in Christianity; and his Masonic Islam Bro’ Prince Hall
Louis Farrakhan who replaced Malcolm-X in Islam Black Community after he
helped in that assassination… or how about old Masonic Lion’s Paw and Cornu
hand-gesture man himself, Pat Robertson of 700 Club?

Be sure I have seen such Misanthropes in places of gathering in Masques like
“Eyes Wide Shut” brown-nosing as Courtiers among the “Elites” like alleged
“Conspiracy Researchers” in Secret Societies, Russell Pine=”Jordan
Maxwell”/Michael Tsarion/David Icke/”Sir” Laurence Gardner… they too have
been places in the Masque seeking Favour of “Elites” to spread Hegelian
Dialectic where they ALL use a Lake of Truth to hide an Ounce of Poison.

They all are corrupt and seek Favour and will give a Head to get Ahead. Go
figure out that one-liner…

Why should You waste a lot of money on learning NLP in classes and
seminars? Pointless…. Look, are YOU aware that it (NLP) has been used for
some degree of Good also? BUT… it is an MK Antique in dust like older MK-

Besides, Robbins has gone far past basic NLP and NOT ONE Researcher has
found or spoke on this Guy. And he IS a Key in the Conspiracy & MK.

Perhaps the most famed Motivational Speaker/Writer is the very tall Anthony
Robbins. He comes from NLP Schooling in part:



“Robbins has met with, consulted, or advised international leaders including

Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterrand,
Princess Diana, and Mother Teresa. He has consulted members of two royal
families, members of the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Marines and
three U.S. Presidents, including Bill Clinton. Robbins has had the unique
opportunity to identify patterns and model the underlying strategies generating
consistent results for some of the most successful individuals in the world.”
Those names ring any bells?

He learned NLP but broke away from the Scene and modified to to be more
effective for betterment in part… BUT… Robbins has advised some “Elites”
also… look and see WHO among “Elites” endorse and follow Anthony Robbins:


still worth studying. You can perhaps find Robbins’ books online at scribd.com…
the first two he wrote “Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal
Achievement” and “Awaken The Giant Within.”

Sound a little like trying to be Nephilim/Giants as in Genesis 6, and Matthew

24/25 where the End Days will be as in the Days of Noah, oui?


“In his book Awaken the Giant Within, Robbins says that the difference between
NAC and NLP lies in the use of the word “conditioning” instead of the word

The word “conditioning” implies that the subject has greater responsibility for his
or her own change, as opposed to being programmed by someone else.”

If You buy that, I have London Bridge to sell Vous… LOL

Quote.. see this:

“In his book, Awaken the Giant Within, Robbins recounts meetings with public
figures such as Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, Bill Clinton, Margaret
Thatcher, François Mitterrand, and Princess Diana.

In his books Personal Power and Get the Edge Robbins says that celebrities
have appeared on his infomercials without compensation including Fran
Tarkenton, Pamela Anderson, Quincy Jones, Erin Brockovich and Anthony

According to a 1994 article in the New York Times President Bill Clinton invited
Robbins, Marianne Williamson and Dr. Steven R. Covey for a meeting at Camp
David and the three of them “refuse to divulge the substance of their meeting
with the Clintons.”

Wonder WHY they don’t talk about it… Hmm…oui… I know… do You?

Take a Guess… they are a part of the Criminal Conspiracy.

They are also Proof that many “Elites” may hold the Keys and Triggers of MK
Slaves but don’t fully know how it all operates apart from the highest up the
Food-Chain and they are often clueless in the Hive too but hide it under their
Masques they ALL wear… oh.

And here’s some mass-media trivia that might interest Researcher M.

Willhelmsen even: Ready?


“In Shallow Hal, Tony Robbins appears in a scene with Jack Black in an elevator
and Robbins hypnotiz es Black in order to change his mental state. Black then
sees people’s outward appearance based on their inner personality. During the
scene, Black refers to Robbins’ hands as “banana hands”. Robbin’s wife Sage,
also has a cameo appearance in the movie.

“In Men in Black (1997), an image of Robbins and a Robbins infomercial is

seen in the background during a tour of the control room used to track aliens

living on earth.

“Robbins has also appeared on the TV show, The Sopranos.

“Robbins is scheduled to appear in an upcoming movie The Singularity Is Near:

A True Story About The Future, which is based on the book The Singularity Is
Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (2005) by Ray Kurz weil.

“Robbins also appears in a commercial playing in the background during a

scene of the The Cable Guy.

“In the movie, The Girl Next Door, Tony Robbins can be heard on the stereo of
a truancy officer.

“In the Family Guy episode, When You Wish Upon a Weinstein, Peter goes to
Robbins’ book signing event and Robbins swallows him,”Tony Robbins Hungry!

“In February 2009 the NBC announced a new reality series called
“Breakthrough with Tony Robbins”, a reality show that follows Robbins as he
helps the show’s participants face their personal challenges.

“The author of a video game called Shattered Glass says his video character
Ratbat is based on Robbins.

And here’s a clincher on who/what Anthony Robbins is all about in Beliefs:

“Robbins was married to his first wife, Becky, for 15 years. The marriage ended
in divorce and in a 2001 CNN interview, Robbins said it was the toughest
decision of his life. In June 2001, Robbins married Bonnie Humphrey (now
known as Sage Robbins).

“Robbins alludes to his personal belief in God, giving the grand complexity of
life as evidence of an Intelligent Designer.”

That’s Gnostic/Masonic couch talk… AND please and note this about Robbins:

He has Seminars on Fiji Islands and places BUT read what they do and go read
Ez ekiel 28 about the Covering Cherub who walked the Stones of Fire where this
Occult Practice came from:


“Robbins also conducts seminars, including four-day events such as Unleash the
Power Within (UPW), Mastery University, Date With Destiny, and Wealth

During the UPW seminar participants walk barefoot on hot coals at the end of
the first evening session. The main point of the seminar is that achieving
greatness requires the ability to unleash one’s personal power and take action.”

“In 1983, Robbins learned how to firewalk from Tolly Burkan and he began to
incorporate firewalking into his seminars ”




OK..watch that and then READ THIS from Ez ekiel 28:

“28:14 Thou [art] the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee [so]:
thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the
midst of the stones of fire.

“28:15 Thou [wast] perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till
iniquity was found in thee.”

Wanna’ know where/why Firewalking as Pagan Occult Practice on Earth came

from really??? There You go…

On that note, I close and oui, I used a bit of crude Anglais to get my Point
across… so what???

Best Wishes… it was late here… I got got this info from my experiences and my
L.R. who was places I was.


PS ~ If one wants the simplest and most effective way to imprint without NAC
or NLP and beyond it and more effective; then go back to Napolean Hill’s old

“Think and Grow Rich”

Better yet… try the Bible either KJV or older but great Geneva Bible in Anglais

2 0 Rate This

May 17, 2010 at 2:55 PM

Tx again for your insightful comments…keep the excellent links coming!

You are contributing greatly to the overall “spirit” of what I would like
this blog to be — a place where people can engage in mutual edification

…sans fear, ridicule or succumbing to “I knew this before you” egotism.
Who cares “when” you learned this or that? The only thing that matters
is are you willing to share!

“using a Lake of Truth to hide an Ounce of Poison”

“give a Head to get Ahead…”

“the difference between NAC and NLP lies in the “use of the word
“conditioning” instead of the word “programming”….

“he has Seminars on Fiji Islands and places BUT read what they do and go
read Ezekiel 28 about the Covering Cherub who walked the Stones of Fire
where this Occult Practice came from…” [add Isaiah 12:14]
some additions to your Christian Charlatan Club Dis-Honor Roll: Benny
(knock em’ down and pick em’ up) Hinn, TD Jakes, Creflo (gimmie your)
Dollar (WTF?) Joyce Meyers, Paula White – not to mention funding source for
seminaries/theological universities…

Now, I “intheknow7” hereby deputize you in the name of “truth seeker” to

comment regularly on this blog; failure to do so will result in severe
consequences and repercussions…:)

Tx much for your contribution to the ongoing dialogue…

* copying these comments to thread on “Mr. President Whose Team Are

You On? Who Are Your Masters?” where the Tony Robbins/NLP fits perfectly

2 0 Rate This

May 21, 2010 at 12:21 AM

Merci boucoup;

I know well about the Charismatic type Christian Cult Games and a
number who are 33rd Degree Masons and hide their Mystery Rites in
couched talk and sermons… I despise them ALL, I admit.

Glad You liked some of my one-liners…

I think and know the “Elites” and their REAL Lifestyles they either try to
hide or advertise in false PR seductions to find and shop for fresh-flesh
Sellouts are Stars in the new NWO Sellout Stephen Queen ‘reality’
whorror movie:

“Children Who’ve Been Corned”

As far as Palin… if that plastic surgery puppet FRAUD comes to Your

town to preach her ignoble filth… go to Homo-Depot and get SKANK-
REPELLANT for Heaven’s sake.

0 0 Rate This

May 21, 2010 at 1:02 AM

new NWO Sellout Stephen Queen ‘reality’ whorror movie: “Children

Who’ve Been Corned”
You know if this blogging thing doesn’t work out for you, there’s
always room on the comedy circuit…

The Alaskan MK’d Kitten comes to my town often (no public

speaking), her masters/owners operate from here, NewsCorp &
Kissinger Assoc., Inc. — after recent TIME 100 Zionist-Mishpucka-
Gala at Lincoln Center, Global Mgt. Team Stars (Pentagrams) paired-off
(grouped-off) for traditional orgies in some of the city’s swankiest hotels
— Plaza, Sherry Netherland & Palin’s like the Ritz Carlton…

Be Well Friend

2 0 Rate This

May 23, 2010 at 4:32 AM

Sounds like the Big Apple… lived there once in Life… funny how
the ‘polite’ Chelsea District becomes Hell’s Kitchen at sundown in
Manhattan west of 8th Avenue; and the mass media with photo
paparaz z i is kept away from there seriously as “Elites” big limos
cruise the streetwalkers there; one end is Females and the other is
Male Gay and in the middle the Female and Gay
transgender/cross-dresser Males mix and the Big Bump there for
the “Elites” is that middle section getting a whoever=whatever that
night to get their sick off on.

And they Natives will tell You that the way You know who’s what

is to look at their necks and if they got a big Adam’s Apple, then
it’s Male in Drag cuz ’ NO amount of Female Estrogen Hormone
can hide the Adam’s Apple…

just like mAnn Coultergeist and “Lady” GAGa who are clear big
“Stars” in Drag who are MALE with big Adam’s Apples and
something poking out below the waist sometimes… thus they are
playing the Androgynous/Hermaphrodite Baphomet Game being
both sexes in one in the “Elites” Rituals like the old
Cybele/Dionysis Cults in their “Eyes Wide Shut” Bacchanalia
parties and so on…

Thinking of Kissinger there with Bill Rockefeller Clinton/Bush

Clan/DICK Cheney… I know those sodomite-boyyys’ favorite
Fast-Food joint is Jack-In-The-Pants cuz ’ they all Luv what’s in
the Secret Sauce at Bohemian Grove every July.

0 0 Rate This

May 15, 2010 at 5:20 PM

Incredible work, your whole blog is giving me new bits of info in many areas,
thank you and keep it coming.

2 0 Rate This

May 15, 2010 at 8:18 PM
May 15, 2010 at 8:18 PM

Tx much…nice page you’ve got there yourself!

1 0 Rate This

May 15, 2010 at 3:45 PM

Have been wanting to take the scalpel to Herr Kissinger for a while — Part 1 of
this multi-part series details just how twisted this man’s mind is! ole Henry is
the personification of the term “evil genius” — sociopathic, psychopathic and
certifiable megalomaniac, being used by Black Nobility Bloodline Dynasties
to effect their centuries old plot of One World Rulership!

This post focuses on ole Henry’s MK-Ultra Prog’mg Techniques as Brice Taylor
provides a stunning account of the who, what, when, where and why of MK-
Ultra Monarch Prog’mg, and gives us an idea of what Sarah L. Palin and other
MK’s are being subjected to, and how she’s being used by Global Mgt. Team.
The implications of this re: our political system, and future of the nation is

Stay tuned, things about to get interesting…

Be Well & Stay Vigilant

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