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Centro Regional Universitario de Barú

Evaluación Final 415a.

Phd. J. Smith Gallardo July 6th, 2020

First Part. Answer clear and neatly in a paragraph style.

a. What means Deductive and Inductive method? (10 points)
b. Answer investigation: (20 points)
 Type of investigation (3)
1. Theoretical research

Its objective is the generation of knowledge, regardless of its practical application. In this case,
data collection is used to generate new general concepts.

2. Applied research

In this case, the objective is to find strategies that can be used to tackle a specific problem. Applied
research draws on theory to generate practical knowledge, and its use is very common in branches
of knowledge such as engineering or medicine.

3. Descriptive research
As its title indicates, it is in charge of describing the characteristics of reality to be studied
in order to understand it more accurately. In this type of research, the results do not have
a qualitative assessment, they are only used to understand the nature of the

 Which is the roll of investigation

c. Vocabulary. What is: (20 points)

 Variable
 Hypothesis
 Close question
 Open question
d. Which is the difference between: (10 points)
 Quantitative investigation
 Qualitative investigation
e. Explain one theoretical research method (10 points)
Second Part: Think about a problem to investigate in your classroom or University. (write
it) (30 points)
a. Make five hypothesis
b. Five open questions and five close questions

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