Coronavirus Ficha 2 PDF

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Let’s work:

I. Lee el
pequeño texto sobre el coronavirus y escoge la opción correcta.)
1. Which city did the virus come from?
a) Shanghai b) Wuhan c) Beijing
2. On what day did the virus start?
a) 31st December, 2019 b) 31st January, 2019 c) 31st December, 2020
3. The virus looks like a _______________.
a) spiky lizard b) spiky head c) spiky crown
4. The symptoms are similar to the ___________.
a) fever b) flu c) headache
5. How many people are infected with the virus?
a) More than 3 millions b) 4 millions c) 2 millions

II. Find the words in the soup letter. (Encuentra las palabras en la sopa de letras.)

covid-19 crown
face mask fever
flu headache
home quarantine
soap sore throat
stay touch
wash worldwide


➢ First, you have to choose a way to prevent COVID-19. (primero, escoge una
forma de prevenir COVID-19)
➢ Then, in a piece of paper draw a picture and write the sentence
choosen like in the example. (Luego, en una hoja de papel bond dibuja y escribe la
oración escogida como en el ejemplo.)

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