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CHAPTER 1 forest, but the heat was the least of Rose Say brother Samuel lay ill in his bed, and sh to death. Rose was sitting at Samuel’s bedsic to sofily say his prayers, she lowered her head together, ‘Samuel prayed to God to bless the mis. spent so many years building, In the decade Rose and Samuel had successfully conv to Chri Then, World War On changed. The Germans, who were occ time, attacked numerous villages them. These people were then forced in the German army. Samuel almost wept when he had attacked his mission years of hard work in mi women and children and took | left behind was the Reverend small house. ‘Samuel continued to pray quietly; he prayed that the war would end soon and he prayed for peace. He also prayed that England would rise up and defeat the Germans. “Amen! Amen!” said Rose as tears ran down her cheeks. ‘Then Samuel fell asleep and Rose went to her room. She lay awake for some time, thinking about the mission and her brother. In the carly hours of the morning, Rose heard Samuel call out to her, She quickly jumped out of bed and ran to his room. ‘Rose...” Samuel murmured when he saw his sister approach [eee EXTREMELY HOT NIGHT IN THE him, “I'm here, Samuel,” said Rose. Samuel gasped. “The mission... The Germans destroyed “T know, Samuel, I know,” whispered Rose. 4 ‘Minutes ater, Samuel died. Rose was devastated; she kneeled down at her brother’s bedside and wept. When she felt that she could cry no more, Rose stood up and walked out on to the veranda, It was a clear, beautifull morning and the sun was beating down on the vi surrounding her home. The huts were empty — the happy, sm people who used to live in them were gone. Suddenly, Rose was fi of hatred for the Germans. They were responsible for her brot death — the destruction of the mission had broken to helping her brother build the mission, and she had no idea what she would do next. As Rose wondered about her future, familiar figure in the distance. It was Charlie Allnutt, the mechanic who worked at a gold mine further up the had always disapproved of Allnutt because he never we but he was English and a friendly face and Rose waved to come nearer. inutt approached the house with caution, “Where is everyone, miss?” he asked. “Gone,” said Rose. “The Germans took them.” Allnutt shook his head. “The same thing happened at the m he said. “I took the Boat to Limbasi to get food and supp! the time I got back everyone had disappeared.” “You have a boat?” said Rose. “Yes, miss,” replied Allnutt. “The African Queen. She's tied up nearby.” “Ise,” said Rose. “Where's the Reverend, miss? Your brother?” asked Allnutt, Rose paused. “He's..he’s inside,” she said. “He's..dead.” Allnutt gasped, “Oh, 'm sorry to hear that, miss. Rose nodded. She could feel tears in her eyes, but refused to start crying. ‘ “Are you all right, miss?” asked the mechanic. “Yes, yes, I’m fine,” said Rose. “Why don’t you come inside?” Allnutt removed his hat and followed Rose into the house. He mumbled his condolences when he saw her brother's body. “How long has he been dead, miss?” he asked. “About two hours,” said Rose. 6 ‘yourself, miss, And I can do the service, “have my prayer book,” said Rose, “All right, miss,” said Allnutt, “But we'd bet Germans come back.” Once Samuel had been buried, Rose stood q grave, while Allnutt nervously looked around for “We really should go now, miss,” said All you here. You should come to the river with Rose realised she didn’t have any choic stay at the house alone, so she quickly pai followed the mechanic down the steep pat ‘An hour later, Allnutt’s boat fina Queen was a nine-metre long, flat-bott explained to Rose that the boat was pon which included a boiler and a furnace. the furnace had to be regularly filled wi ‘burning fuel then turned the wate steam made the engine work. Once Allnutt had helped Ro: container of hot ashes fro The engine quickly sprang to took hold of the tiller and stecre small islands. We should find. somewhere, where we tal “Yes,” Rose agreed, “that sou About a kilometre up the “ Germans to pay for what they had do CHAPTER 2 ALLNU 66 “LL, HERE WE ARE, MISS,” SA the sweat from his brow. “Sa now is, what do we do ne» ned food and water fora few mo this war will go on, mi Rose, who was lost in hee thor Allnutt wanted to remain hidden ‘over. But Rose had other ideas. She w: “| suppose itll depends on how ‘Allnutt continued. “There are Br “The Queen Louisa?” Rose re} “Yes,” said Allnutt. “The € German steamship that patrol gun on board called a six-po If it wasn’t for the Queen Lou German army, wouldn't last a “We have to help the suddenly. Allnutt looked surprised. “WI Rose thought for a moment into the lake, doesn’t “Well, yes, mis, replied Allnutt. “But there’s no way we can get to the lake in this boat, if that’s what you're thinking,” “Why nit?” wondered Rose. ‘Rapids, miss. Rapids, rocks and cataracts. There are 160 kilometres of rapids separating us from the lake. Even if we managed to get past the rapids, we'd have to cross the Bora Delta to enter the lake. We'd never make it in this bo: “But we have to do something!” said Rose. She looked a the boat and her gaze fell on a stack of red boxes. “What's in those boxes?” ye hundred-ton ans keep a huge a small cannon. he leader of the said Rose do you mean, miss?” nut, this river, the Ulanga, runs 10 “Blasting gelatine, miss,” answered Allnutt. “It’s a kind ofexplosive. We used it at the mine all the time. “Js it dangerous?” asked Rose. “No,” replied the mechanic, “You can wet it or set fire to it and nothing will happen. The only thing that can set it off is a detonator. Ican throw it overboard if you want.” “No, don’t do that,” said Rose, “we might need it later. And what are those?” “They're cylinders,” replied Allnutt. “Oneis filled with oxygen and the other is filled with hydrogen. I doubt we'll be needing those.” “We might,” said Rose, “You know those cylinders remind me of, torpedoes... Allnutt, would you be able to make a torpedo? ‘Allnutt laughed, “A torpedo, miss? Are you joking? That would be impossible.” “But Pm sure it can be done!” Rose insisted, “I remember reading something about torpedoes in a book once... Perhaps we could take those cylinders, fill them with explosives and position them so that they stick out over the edge of the boat. Then we could attach detonators to them, and drive the boat into the Queen Louisa. The -cylinders would explode, just like torpedoes.” Allnutt looked at Rose, “Yes, miss, I suppose they would, But what ‘would happen to us? We'd get killed, too.” “Obviously we'd jump off before the explosion,” said Rose. Allnutt sighed. He knew that the African Queen moved too slowly to take any ship by surprise. It was pointless trying to explain all this to Rose, but the mechanic felt that there would be no harm in agreeing with her. “It’s not a bad idea...” said Allnutt. “So you agree that these cylinders would make good torpedoes?” asked Rose. “Yes, they probably would,” said Allnut. All right,” said Rose, “then we'll go to the lake and torpedo the Queen Louisa!” Alinutt gasped. “Don't be silly, miss!” he said. “You can't do that, I told you already, we can't get down the rive Ve can try!” said Rose. “Let’s get moving!” ow?” exclaimed Allnutt. “There are just two ho 2 fe can go a long way in two hours,” said Rose. Allnutt sighed, There was no point in trying to argue with Rose, s0 he decided to do what she wanted. The mechanic pulled up the ef lesson on howto turn the tiller, then turned Learning to steer the boat was dl began to enjoy her task aging for Rose, but soon she Rose thought about her brother and the life she had left bel she had now was her plan to sink the Queen Louisa. ‘A few hours later, Allnutt found a suitable spot to drop anchor for the night, and the water and offered Rose a cup of tea, ‘They dined on bread and tinned meat, swatting flies an as they ate, When it was time to go to sleep, Allnutt made a bed for himself on top of the boxes of blasting gelatine, while Rose lay down rugs on the deck. CHAPTER 3 RTLY BEFORE DAWN THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Rosi Was awakened by loud thunder. A sudden, fierce wind caused the African Queen to rock from side to side, and soon Rose feltwarm irops on her face. “What can we do?” she called the boat was full of water and now pump the water out manually, otherwise they we1 . Allnutt showed Rose how to use the hand pump, then hore to collect more wood for the furnace. ut’ instructions seemed easy, but Rose soon discovered that \s very hard work. She had to move the handle of the pump up forcefully to return the water into the river. But the pump ind rusty, and it pinched Rose's fingers; she very quickly tet When Allnutt finally returned, the pair ate breakfast and drank several cups of tea, The African Queen set sail a few hours later, with Rose at the tiller and Allnutt at the engine. In the days that followed, Rose became an expert at steering the boat, which was fortunate because the pair encountered many obstacles on their journey down the Ulanga River. Most of the channels of the river were filled with lilies and thick weeds which caused the propeller to get stuck; Allnutt had to dive down several times to cut the weeds away. There were occasional thunderstorms ‘which almost flooded the African Queen, and Rose and Allnutt spent hours pumping water out of the boat. The heat was unbearable and there were always alot of mosquitoes and insects. Despite the difficulties, Rose soon realised that she was happier than she’d ever been in herllife. Sailing down the river, onan important mission to torpedo the Queen Louisa, was much more exciting than doing housework at the village. And she was thoroughly enjoying the company of her new friend, Charlie Allnutt. Unfortunately, Rose was unaware of Allnutt’s true feelings about their plan to attack the German steamer and there came an evening when the mechanic could no longer hide his thoughts. Rose noticed that Allautt’s mood had changed when they dropped anchor in a backwater. “Please tell me what's wrong,” Rose pleaded over and over again, but Allnutt said nothing. Finally, after a dinner eaten in silence, Allnutt told Rose how he really felt about the plan. “We're not going any further down the river,” he said. “We've gone far enough, I'm not going to go to the lake.” “What?” exclaimed Rose. “But we have to go!” “No, we don’t!” shouted Allnutt. “You don’t understand how dangerous this plan of yours is, Rose. If we carry on, we'll pass Shona village next. The German troops there will open fire on us right a If, by some miracle, we manage to pass Shona, well hit the rapids. ‘There’s no way this boat will get through the rapids in one piece. We just can’t go on, Rose, we can’t.” “But Charlie, we have to do something for England!” Rose Degged. 16 “Not if it costs us our lives,” said Allnutt. “You have to get this crazy idea out of your head, Rose, it’s just too dangerous.” Rose was disappointed. She tried to talk to Allmutt, but he refused to listen to anything she had to say. Allnutt went to sleep soon after, bbut Rose stayed awake all night, thinking, She was absolutely furious with Allnutt for standing in the way of her plan to get revenge on the Germans. She had to convince him to go on, but how? ‘The only solution was to make Allnutt’s life as difficult as possible. ‘And so, the next morning the Great Silence started. Rose decided not to say a single word to Allnutt until he changed his mind about going down the river. Allnutt didn’t say much to Rose the next day either, and only seemed to notice that Rose was angry with him at around midday. He tried to make conversation with her, but she simply ignored him. “We could do with some rain, Rose said nothing. “Aren't you speaking to me, Rose?” asked the mechanic. Rose took a needle and thread out of her sewing kit and began to sew one of her dresses, She didn’t even look in Allnutt’s direction, “Look; ifyou’re upset about what I said last night, I'm sorry,” said Inutt, “But I’m making this decision for our safety, can’t you see that?” Rose continued to sew in silence. ‘Allnutt shook his head, He turned his attention to the engine, then decided to shave. The day passed slowly, as did the day after that, id Allnutt at one point. The silence almost drove Allnutt mad. Finally, he asked Rose what itwas she wanted from him. “L want to go down the id Rose simply. ‘Allnutt thought of the dangerous rapids and the Germans wi their rifles, He was afraid, but he couldn't stand the silence any n and felt he had no choice but to obey Rose's wishes. “Allright, Rosey he said. “Let's go.” Sometime later, the African Queen moved out of the back, and into the main river. 18 CHAPTER 4 ‘Allnutt had expected, He kept throwing wood into the furnace to make sure that they would move swifily through the rapids. Rose wasat thetiller and Allnutt shouted instructions to her whenever it was necessary. When the Askaris (the local African soldiers) at Shona village saw the boat coming, they immediately ran to inform the German commandant. The commandant quickly surrounded the village and checked the river with his binoculars. Hee smiled when he saw the African Queen. Von Hanneken had umboat; the Germans had the boat ever since she'd left the mission, but had Jost sight of her when she'd entered a backwater. The commandant assumed that the mechanic and the English missionary had decided to surrender. The German was pleased. He was looking forward to telling von Hanneken that he had successfully captured the runaways and was sure he could make good use of the African Queen. ‘The commandant continued to watch the boat, Soon, however, it became clear that Rose and Allnutt had no intention of surrendering at all. The commandant had no idea what the pair were up to; all he knew was that they had to be stopped. He ordered the Askaris to open fire on the boat. The soldiers took up their positions and began to shoot. But the boat continued on its course, untouched by the bi The commandant looked through his binoculars. “Again shouted. ‘The soldiers opened fire once more, but the African Queen carried on down the river. The boat was about a kilometre away and was apparently out of range of the rifles. ‘The commandant was frustrated. He grabbed a rifle from one of the Askaris and began to shoot at the boat himself. He missed. He fired, reloaded and fired again, but the reflection of the sun on the water made it difficult to take aim. The commandant watched as the boat disappeared down the T= REACHED THE HILLS OF SHONA MUCH FASTER THAN he 20 river. He was furious that the African Queen had escaped, but was convinced that she would be torn to pieces in the cataracts. “Poor devils!” thought the commandant, “No one has ever managed to successfully pass through the rapids and cataracts of the Lower Ulanga. That little steamboat doesn't stand a chance at all!” The commandant decided not to tell von Hanneken about the incident; he knew there would be trouble if he did, ‘Meanwhile, the strong currents of the Ulanga River were carrying the African Queen towards the rapids with frightening speed. “Were those gunshots?” shouted Rose. “Yes!” said Allnutt, “Keep going, Rose! We're approaching the cataracts!” Rose gasped when she saw the rushing water and dangerous rocks ahead of her. The boat swayed and rocked violently as they entered the rapids. The air was suddenly full of spray and the sound of the raging waters was terrifying, Allnutt kept his attention focused on the engine ~ Rose was struggling to keep the African Queen on course, and he was too frightened to look up. He started to prays seconds later, the boat was flying down a dangerous cataract. ‘They reached a second series of rapids, and Rose turned the tiller sharply to the right in a desperate attempt to avoid the black rocks in the water. She knew that the rocks would tear open the bottom of the boat if she touched them. The current started to push the boat to the opposite bank, and Rose threw herself on the tiller to make it turn. Once they had passed a third series of rapids, Rose realised that Allnutt was trying to get her attention, He was waving a piece of ‘wood at her; their fuel was running out and they would have to find a place to stop. Rose looked around frantically, then she saw what she was looking for. Further up the river, Rose noticed a gap in some rocks, The waters there were clear and calm, Rose aimed the boat at the gap and the strong current carried the boat down into a gorge. “We made it!” said Rose as Allnutt dropped anchor. “We made it through the rapids!” Rose and Allnutt hugged each other, with tears of joy and relief 22 running down their cheeks. “Well done, Rosie,” said Allnutt. “You did a fine job.” Later, Allnutt went ashore to collect wood, while Rose pumped water out of the boat. The gorge was cool and pleasant; there were no insects to bother them, and no danger of being discovered by the Germans. When Allnutt returned, drank several cups of tea. They talked and laughed for hours ~ the difficulties they had faced had clearly made their friendship stronger and it seemed that they both enjoyed each other’s company very much, After dinner, Rose and Allnutt fell asleep under the starry African sky. CHAPTER 5 EY DOWN THE ULANGA RIVER CONTINUED THE Rose had learnt a great deal in the short ble to navigate fact, Rose was le steamboat the most dangerous waters in Africa, ee started to widen, Rose and Allnut ‘ch of water. Once again, Al Rose to admire the scenery for the egun, The water was cleat, green colours the riverbank ue and yellow flowers, and a rainbow danced in a Rose smiled. She was truly content and extremely she and Allnutt had come. 1 so later, Rose saw Allnutt coming towards the boat. ied the boat ow that moment. ‘The pair spent the rest of the evening chatting and drinking tea, before finally falling asleep. After breakfast the next morning, Rose and Alinutt set sail down the river. Their journey was peaceful until they reached rough waters. ‘With waves crashing all around them, Rose and Allnutt realised, too c, that they had entered a very narrow channel which was filled with obstructions. Suddenly, Rose heard aloud noise and the African Queen shook violently. Rose panicked — she felt that something was very wrong and she frantically searched for a place to stop. Allnutt shouted something at her, but she couldn’t hear him. Finally, Rose found a suitable place to stop the boat and Allnutt shut down the engine. “What was that noise?” asked Rose nervously. Her cheeks were red and she was out of breath. “T don’t know,” replied Allnutt. “But it seems there’s something ‘wrong with the propeller, I'll have to go down and take a look.” Allnutt jumped into the water and came up a few minutes later. “Did you see anything?” asked Rose anxiously. Allnutt climbed back into the boat with a sigh. “Yes. The propeller is damaged. One of the blades has broken off. We must have hit a ” said Rose. “Fix it?” repeated Allnutt. “How on earth do you expect me to fix itouthere? It’s impossible, No, Rose, this isit. Our journey down the river is over.” But Rose, who was the more optimistic of the two, wouldn’t let Allnutt give up so easily. “It’snot the end yet,” she said. “All you have to do is make another “Noy” said Rose. “We'll find a way to fix it.” Allnutt shook his head. “How? If I had the right equipment, 1 could fix it, but I don’t. This isn’t a workshop, Rose, this is the ‘African jungle!” “{ know, that, Charlie,” said Rose, “But Faso know that you can fix the propeller. [believe in you.” Allnutt shook his head. “I don’t know...” he mumbled. Rose looked at Allnutt seriously. “You can do this, Charlie, I know you can.” The mechanic sighed deeply, He just couldn’t say no to her. “I suppose I can give ita try,” he said. “That’s the spirit!” said Rose with a broad smil ‘0 what do we “P'll have to remove the propeller and bring it up to check the answered Allnutt. took a great deal of effort to remove the propeller and bring it back up. Every time Allnutt dived into the dark waters, Rose's heart beat fast with worry, Once on board, the mechanic examined the propeller, and realised that only half of the blade had broken off. It was possible, in theory, to make a new blade out of scrap metal. But the metal would have to be softened so that it could be hammered into the shape of a propeller blade. The only way to soften the metal was with heat, so, Rose and Allautt built a fire on a nearby bank. Rose kept the fire going, while Allnutt shaped the metal with a hammer. Allin all, the repairs took about three days. It was both Rose and Allnutt, but they enjoyed it. They spent most of the time talking and laughing ~ Charlie enjoyed her company and Rose hadn’t laughed so much in her whole life. When the new propeller blade was finally ready, Allnutthammered it to the broken one. Then, he tied the three blades together with a thick piece of wire. “That should do it,” said Allmutt. Rose smiled. “You've done a wonderful job, Charlie.” “{ hope so,” said the mechanic, “I suppose we'll find out in the morning.” 28 CHAPTER 6 ‘that the propeller was working perfectly. They travelled quietly for some time but, when they passed the point where the Ulanga River becomes the Bora, the pair was faced with a new challenge: crossing the Bora Delta. The delta was about fifty kilometres long and was fled with dense vegetation and thick, black mud, It was ‘more like a swamp than a river, and the journey through it was slow, difficult and unbearably hot. ‘About an hour after they had entered the delta, Rose and Allmutt noticed that grey clouds had gathered in the sky. Thunder was heard in the distance and lightning lit up the sky. “We should stop here!” Allnutt'called out, “It looks like it’s going to bea bad storm.” . Rose nodded and steered the boat towards the shore, while Allmutt prepared to drop anchor. It started to rain heavily, and Allnutt and Rose could do nothing but wait for it to stop. Finally, the storm passed and the sky brightened once more. Then, the insects came. ‘Swarms of flies and mosquitoes suddenly attacked the crew of the ‘African Queen. Each bite felt like the prick of a needle and the insects TT: NEXT MORNING, ROSE AND ALLNUTT WERE RELIEVED TO SEE flew into their mouths, ears and nos Rose and Allnutt tried to fight off the attack, with no luck. When night came, they wrapped themselves up in an old sheet of canvas, the insects continued over their bodies, and had to crave through thick mud to get more ‘wood. Soon, they were on their way again, ig night, Rose and Allnutt decided to anchor the boat afew metres away from the shot, to avoid another inseet attack. His joyed a tasty dinner of t. We survived the trip down the Ulanga. I didn’t think it was possible, but we made it. You should be proud of yourself.” “[ didn’t do it alone,” id Rose, rubbing the sores on her arms, 30 “You fixed the propeller and you kept the engine going. No other ‘man would have been able to do what you did. Now we just have to get through the delta.” “Allnutt nodded. “With a little luck, we'll be at the lake soon.” Allnutt went to sleep a short while later, while Rose stayed awake and thought about the journey ahead. It was a beautiful night; the water surrounding the boat was still and dark and it reflected the light of a thousand stars. Despite the painful insect bites, Rose felt happy and peaceful, and, eventually, she too fell asleep. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on Rose and Allnutt’s side, The channels of the delta were narrow, muddy and filled with reeds and by the following afternoon, the African Queen had come to a [can use this boat-hook,” he said, picking up a thin, curved piece of ‘Il hook it onto the reeds and pull the boat along.” Rose looked at the thick reeds on either side of the boat and sighed, “Using a boat-hook will relly slow us down,” she said. “We have no choice,” said Allnutt. “The propeller won’t turn in mud.” It took Allnutt two hours to move the boat just a few metres forward. The work was exhausting and when the insects returned, Allnutt collapsed on to the floor of the boat. I can’t go on,” he said breathlessly. “I'm sorry, Rose.” > me the boat-hook- Allnutt was too tired to argue. He gave Rose the boat-hook, but as much as she tried, she wasn’t that successful either. After about ten ‘minutes, she threw the boat-hook down next to Allnutt. ‘We'll go on tomorrow, Later that night, after Allnutt had fallen asleep, Rose heard the sound of raindrops on the stern and almost jumped for joy. Now 32 the water level in the channel would rise and by morning, the boat would be above the mud and reeds. They would be able to continue to herself and fell asleep. sail after a quick breakfast. By lunchtime, they had entered another channel, only this one was full of water lilies. It was a matter of +s before the boat got stuck again, This time, Allnutt used his boat-hook and Rose used a canoe paddle to move the boat forward. But it was no use. The boat ‘wouldn't move, “What do you think is wrong?” asked Rose. “Sounds like something's happened to the propel have to go down and take a look.” Rose looked concerned. “Do be careful, Charlie,” she said softly. ‘Allnutt nodded. He dived into the water and disappeared under the carpet of weeds while Rose looked on anxiously. She sighed with relief when Allnutt finally reappeared. “There are weeds wrapped around the propell informed Rose. “I managed to cut some of them away come up for ai. It shouldn't take me too long to cut away the rest.” “Please be careful,” said Rose as Allnutt went under a second time. ‘He had to dive four times to cut the weeds away from the propeller, When Allnutt came up for the last time, his face was shining with e mechanic announced as Rose helped him on to the boat, Suddenly, Rose let outa little cry; Allmutt was covered in fat, black leeches, They were stuck on his arms and legs and were quickly up with his blood. et them off?” Allnutt shouted as he hopped around the boat. He hated leeches more than anything in the world. Rose remembered that the best way to remove leeches wasto pout salt over them, and she rushed to the storacupboard to get the tin of, salt. She rubbed the salt on the leeches and they rapidly let go of their victim, The creatures fell on to the floorboards one by one, and Rose threw their remains into the water. gusted. “Let’s get away from here, Rose!” he a 5” said Allnutt. * Ten minutes later, Rose and Allnutt continued their journey through the delta. CHAPTER7 oon, ROSE AND ALLNUTT ENTERED ANOTHER CHANNEL OF THE delta. Unfortunately, this channel was filled with mangroves. hese thick, weed-like plants made it almost impossible for the boat to move forward. “We can’t use the engine here, the propeller will get stuck again,” said Allnutt. “TIL have to use the boat-hook.” “1 wish we had two boat-hooks,” said Rose, as she examined the mangroves that lay before them, “Do you think you'd be able to make one for me?” i “T can certainly try,” replied Allnutt. It didn’t take the mechanic very long to beat a piece of iron into the shape of a hook. With both Rose and Allnutt using hooks to move the boat forward, they began to make steady progress. But the mangrove swamp was approximately twenty kilometres long, and Allnutt estimated that it would take a least two to three days to reach the end of Rose and Allnutt encountered numerous obstacles in the swamp, including twisted tree roots, thick branches and even some snakes. Huge trees like fences were all around them and the heat was terrible. ‘The worst part, though, was the swarms of mosquitoes, an Jong before Rose and Allnutt began to show signs of malaria. They both experienced high fever, terrible thirst and muscle pain, which slowed down their progress. Fortunately, Allnutt had medication on board which offered some relief from the symptoms. Days passed slowly in the dark mangrove swamp. nally, the African Queen entered another channel. This one was wider than the one before, and it was some time before Rose and Inutt realised that they had left the mangrove swamp behind. “Do you think we're through yet, Rose?” asked Allnutt, Rose stared into the distance. “Yes, Gharlie, I think we are,” she replied. ‘Too weak and tired to celebrate, all Rose and Allnutt could do was smile at each other. After days of suffering in the swamp, the pair looked terrible, ‘Their hair was full of mud; their clothes were tor 36 ‘The Queen Louisa was truly impressive. She was painted in bright white, and Rose and Allnuit could see the flag ofthe Imperial German Navy flying proudly on the stern. The six-pounder gun on the deck ‘was also clearly visible, ‘The Queen Louisa seemed to be getting closer and Allnutt was suddenly filled with dread. and dirty and the malaria had turned their skin yellow. Stil, they were relieved to have reached this poi not be far away now. “Do we have enough wood?" asked Rose. “Enough for half a day,” “Then we should get some more,” said Rose. ‘The pair tied the boat and gathered more wood before continuing their journey down the river. To their great surprise, it took just a couple of hours to reach the clear waters of the lake, The water shone like gold in the afternoon sun, and there was not a rock, cataract or mangrove to be seen. Alinutt anchored the boat and they decided to bathe in the refreshing water. Then, the pair washed their clothes and * cleaned the boat, Once Rose had finished her chores, she got down on and prayed for the first time since leaving the mission, looked on quietly. Rose prayed for guidance and strength and courage, and when she was finished, she found she was filled with a renewed feeling of determination, Nothing would stop her from Later that evening, after Rose and Allnutt had eaten an early jticed a white dot in the distance. she exclaimed, as she jumped to her feet. “Look over Allnutt looked in the direction in which Rose was pointing. “That's her, all right,” he said. “The Queen Louisa.” said Rose excitedly. “Can you believe it, Charlie? Allnutt frowned. “I can’t be sure, Rose, but it looks like she’s coming this way.” “Do you think so?” asked Rose. “They mustn’t see us, Charlie, We let them see us, We have to hide the boat.” inutes for the capable crew of the African Que: to hide the boat in the reeds that grew against thé riverbank. No would be able to see the boat now, unless they were actually lool for it, and Rose was sure the Germans were unaware that the Af Queen had reached the lake. CHAPTER 8 Ine watched the boat coming closer “No,” said Rose. “I'm sure they're just patrolling the lake.” Thope you're right,” said Allnutt, struggling to look calm. Just then, the Queen Louisa began to move in the opposite direction. “She’s changing course!” exclaimed Rose. ‘She can’t have seen us, then,” said Allnutt, He sounded relieved, ‘The pair watched as the Queen Louisa moved slowly in the direction of a nearby group of islands. “She's going to anchor there for the night,” said Allnutt. “Th probably move on down the river in the morning,” Rose was suddenly disappointed. “We should have been ready for them,” she complained. “What if they don’t come back?” Allnutt laughed. “They'll be back, Rose, don’t you worry.” “Flow can you be so sure?” she asked. “Because the Germans are predictable,” replied Allnutt. “Surely they patrol the lake according to a schedule. I have no doubt they'll be back in a few days.” Rose thought for a moment. “Charlie, how long make the torpedoes?” “A couple of days, I suppose,” said Allnutt, “It won't take very long to put the blasting gelatine in the cylinders; the detonators ‘might take « while, though, because I’m still not sure how I’m going to make them,” I it take you to suppose you want us to be ready to attack the Queen Louisa as soon as she returns?” asked Allnutt, though he already knew the answer. Rose nodded. “Ye “You know; Rosie,” said Allnutt as he took Rosé’s hands in his, “you don’t have to put yourself in any further danger. Ican carry out the plan on my own,” 40 Rose was touched but refused. “No,” she said, “that wouldn't be fair, I'm definitely going to come with you. Besides, one person has to steer the boat, while the other person looks after the engine.” Allnutt smiled. Rose was a stubborn woman and he knew that it would be impossible to change her mind. “Allright, Rose,” said Anat. “But when we're at least half a kilometre away from the ‘want you to put on the lifebuoy and jump into the water, all Rose argued briefly with Allnutt ~she felt he should be the one to put on the lifebuoy. In the end, she agreed to Allnutt’s terms. ‘They went to sleep a short while later, and’Rose spent most of the night dreaming of the Queen Louisa. : ‘After breakfast the next morning, Rose and Allnutt set to work preparing the torpedoes. First, Allnutt turned on the taps of both cylinders so that the gas could pour out. Then, he opened the boxes of blasting gelatine. In Rose’s mind, the explosives resembled thick, yellow candles. Slowly, Allnutt placed the explosives in the cylinders and filled the spaces between them with mud, so that they were as tightly packed as possible, Rose helped Allnutt by bringing mud from the riverbed onto the boat. “That should do it,” said Allnutt finally. “Now it’s time to make the detonators. I worked out how to make them last night” He got to work immediately. He used a cartridge of bullets in order to make the detonators that would trigger an explosion and then nailed them to the bow of the boat, Allnutt worked hard for hours until finally he presented his invention to Rose. Rose was impressed. “I’m sure that will work,” she said, “Good thinking, Charlie.” The torpedoes were finally ready, but the hardest part was yet to come — Rose and Allnutt still had to wait for the Queen Louisa to return, ‘Those days of waiting were the greatest torture of all. To pass his time, Allnutt cleaned out the engine, while Rose busied herself with 42 washing and mending their clothes. A week went by, and Rose began to doubt that the ship would ever come back. She feared that her plan would fail ‘Then, onemorning, Roseand Allnuttsawblacksmokeand small, white dot in the distance. The Queen Louisa had finally returned. “Rosie,” said Allnut. “I think we should wait until the early hours of the morning to attack. What do you say?” “Yes,” answered Rose. “Let’s surprise them. They won't know what hit them.” ‘Towards evening, the ship dropped anchor at a nearby island. The pair had much to prepare and stayed up the whole night to ensure their plan went smoothly. ‘Allnutt dived down into the water to cut away the reeds that surrounded the propeller. Then, once the boat had been tied to a bundle of reeds, only one thing remained. Allnutt dived again and attached the detonators to the cylinders. It was a difficult and dangerous job — one slip of the hand and the boat would have been blown to pieces. bed back onto the boat and filled the furnace with ‘wood, while Rose took up her position at the tiller. The boat entered the dark water, moving slowly in the direction of the dim lights of the Queen Louisa. At that very moment, a powerful wind blew across the lake. High waves crashed against the African Queen and the boat began to rock from side to side, Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning followed by a loud boom of thunder. Then, it started to rain. The rain caused the water to switl iolently, tossing the little boat about like a toy. Rose desperately to keep the boat on course, but it was no use. Within minutes, Allnutt was by Rose's side, putting the lifebuoy over her head. The African Queen was sinking fast. Allnutt was gone, and it was a matter of seconds before Rose, too, was swallowed up by the water. tr CHAPTER 9 officers brought the prisoner to his cabin, His crew had founda an wandering on & nearby island that morning, and thought that the man may have been a spy. The man was unable to respond to any of the officers’ questions and he seemed to be very sick. ‘The prisoner had long, dirty hair and torn clothes, and he could barely stand, “He can’t be a spy. He must be a madman,” the Ca thought. “But what had he been doing in the middle of nowhere?” Allnutt was barely aware of what was going on around him. He felt weak and dizzy and hardly had the strength to talk. He knew that he was aboard the Queen Louisa, but he didn’t care, He didn't care what the Germans did to him either; he had already lost Rose and the African Queen, and that pain was greater than anything that the Germans could do to him. “What is your nationality?” asked the Captain in German, ‘Allnutt stared at him, confused, “Belgian?” asked the Captain. “English?” Allnutt nodded when he heard the word T: CAPTAnN OF THE QUEEN LOUISA WAS AMAZED WHEN HIS ‘And what were you doing on that islan jing,” replied Al ‘The mech: be wise to mention the plan to sink the Queen Louisa. Just then, the cabin door burst open and an officer brought in is itt stared as the officer id been found on one of the other islands. The officer then showed the Captain the orange lifebuoy the woman had been wearing. The name ‘African Queen’ was printed on it, + ‘African Queen?” murmured the Captain, The name sounded familiar to him. The Captain searched through some papers on his desk until he found a notice that had been sent out by von Hanneken. ‘The notice said that a steamboat named the African Queen had gone 46 ‘missing on the Upper Ulanga; a mechanic and a missionary’ sister ‘were aboard the boat. ‘The Captain thought. He assumed that his two prisoners had abandoned their boat on the Upper Ulanga and come down the river in a canoe which had probably been destroyed during the storm the night before, “Please sit down,” said the Captain to Rose. Her clothes were torn and she felt uneasy. The Captain seemed to notice that, He opened a locker and took out a white uniform jacket, which he gave to Rose. ‘This made her feel better. The Captain then started questioning Rose, and was most. surprised to discover that she and Allnutt had brought the steamboat down the rapids of the Ulanga and through the Bora Delta, jut, gracious lady,” said the Captain, “that was a very dangerous thing to do. You could have both been killed.” Rose shrugged. “We had no choice,” she said simply. She glanced at Allnutt and smiled. Though she was happy to see him again, Rose was extremely disappointed that she had lost her opportunity to destroy the Queen Louisa, ‘The Captain thought for a moment, It was clear that the prisoners were not spies and definitely not a threat for the Germans. Secretly, he admired them for their bravery; few people would have been able to bring a boat through such dangerous waters. “But, madam,” asked the Captain, “why did your friend here not explain to us what happened?” Rose stood up, walked over to Allnutt and put a protective hand on his shoulder. “Because he is ill and tired,” she replied and gently stroked Allnutt’s face. “He should be in bed.” “You are ill too, madam,” said the captain, Rose didn’t bother to answer back, ‘The Captain didn’t know what to do with his prisoners, Von Hanneken would want them to be sent to the mainland and imprisoned. But the Captain did not think that it would be right to imprison two such courageous people, especially since they were so ill, ‘The Captain sighed. Von Hanneken would be furious if he found out that the prisoners had been released, but he wasn’t too worried 48 about that, The Captain considered himself to be the master of the lake and he could do what he liked on his own ship. CHAPTER 10 EANWHILE, THE LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER ABOARD HMS Matilda was pacing up and down on the deck impatiently. The British naval ship had been searching for the Queen Louisa for weeks, without much luck. The lieutenant- commander’s mission was clear: destroy the Queen Louisa so that the British troops can cross the lake into Central Africa and take the Germans by surprise. But the ship had proved almost impossible to find, and the lieutenant-commander was becot frustrated. The lieutenant-commander stopped his pacing long enough to stare across the lake, when he suddenly spotted something in the distance. There was smoke on the horizon, and below it, a white dot. ‘At that moment, 2 lieutenant came running towards the lieutenant- commander, waving a pair of binoculars. “We've spotted her,” said the lieutenant breathlessly, as he gave the binoculars to his superior. ‘The lieutenant-commander looked through the binoculars and smiled. “That’s the Queen Loui ill right,” he said. Then, he noticed something else: the Germans had raised a white flag. “What do you think they're up to?” the lieutenant-commander asked his lieutenant. The lieutenant shrugged. “I don’t know, sit. I doubt they plan to surrender.” ‘The lieutenant-commander watched as the Germans pulled the flag halfway down the mast and then raised it again. “That means they want to talk,” he said, “Talk?” exclaimed the lieutenant. “Talk about what ‘The lieutenant-commander said. “I don’t kno ‘m certainly going to find out. I’m leaving you in charge while I’m out there. If this turns out to be some sort of trick, I'm giving you strict instructions to open fire on the boat, understand: The lieutenant nodded. “Yes, sr. ‘The lieutenant-commander and two of his offi limbed into a lifeboat which was then lowered into the water. The licutenant 50, ig increasingly ‘watched as the boat slowly made its way to the Queen Louisa. Once the lifeboat had reached the German ship, the lieutenant saw the Germans help the lieutenant-commander climb aboard. Then, his superior disappeared into a cabin. Fifteen minutes later, the lieutenant-commander reappeared. He and two new passengers climbed into the lifeboat and headed back saluted and began to move in the opposite direction, itenant-commander was back on. board the Matilda, he instructed his officers to take the unidentified passengers to his cabin, The lieutenant was shocked to see the new arrivals. “Who are ‘A mechanic and a missionary’s sister,” replied the lieutenant- commander. “The Germans said they found them wanderingaround on the islands after their boat had been destroyed in a storm.” The lieutenant looked surprised. “It was very decent of the Germans to let them go,” he commented. fs,” the Lieutenant-commander agreed. “But I have no idea what I’m going to do with them. This is no place for civilians.” “Perhaps they can give us some information about the Germans?” said the licutenant. “Should we ask them if they know anything?” “We could do that,” replied the lieutenant-commander, “but I doubt they'd be very helpful.” ‘The lieutenant-commander was right; Rose and Allnutt knew nothing about the Germans’ military strategy, and he quickly lost interest in the pair. He was only interested in attacking the Queen Louisa. The lieutenant-commander ordered his officers and Allnutt to their own cabin, while he prepared for batt! ‘The next day, the Matilda and another British ship, HMS Amelia, attacked the Queen Louisa together. The crew aboard the Queen Louisa hardly had a chance to react when the two Bi suddenly opened fire on them, The bullets blew holes of the Queen Louisa and the steering gear was smashed to pieces. Thick, black smoke rose from the ship and some brave German soldiers tried to fire on the British ships with their rifles, but it was no use. 52 ‘The Matilda and the Amelia fired upon the Queen Louisa for a second time, and it was a matter of minutes before the ship began to sink. The British ships then made an effort to rescue the German, ‘The lieutenant-commander was delighted with his victory. With the Queen Louisa gone, the British forces would be able to cross the lake and crush von Hanneken’s army. The lieutenant-commander looked forward to receiving a medal or a promotion for his efforts, but first he had to deal with Rose and Allnutt, Two days after the attack, the lieutenant-commander called the pair to his cabin to discuss their future with them. He told Allnutt that he had made plans to send him to South Africa to join the army. Rose, on the other hand, would be sent back to England immediately. Allnutt was content with the lieutenant-commander’s decision, but Rose was furious. She had no intention of going back to Fngland; she could not face a life without Charlie, Once they had returned to their cabin, Rose took hold of Allnutt’s hand and said quietly: “Charlie, we have to get married.” Allnutt was surprised by Rose's proposal; he had secretly been planning to propose to her, but hadn’t managed to find the courage. “And we have to do it as quickly as we can,” Rose added. “I Have no desire to return to England alone; I’m coming with you to South Africa.” Allnutt smiled. “That's about the best idea you've ever had, he said. And so, Rose and Charlie prepared to leave the lake once and for all. Rose's wish that the Germans would be defeated had come true, Now, she and Allnutt could begin their final journey to a new life in South Africa, as man and wife. Ro Activity Section CHAPTER 1 Comprehension [Ey] Read chapter 1 and match the two halves of the sentences. 1. Samuel and Rose had a.aboat 2.'The Germans had destroyed _b, was powered by asteam engine, 3.Afiter Samuel’sdeath Rose. the mission. A."The Aftican Queen A lived in Africa for ten years. 5. Allnutt owned ¢: felt unsure what to do with her lif By) Part the folowing events in the order which they happened. Write 1-5 in the boxes. rie started the engine he took the boat to a safer place, Charlie walked together towards a river «, Samuels death made Rose upset and confused, 4. Rose recognised a friendly face, ‘¢. Rose and Charlie reached the African Queen, Vocabulary [By choose a,b, or cto complete the sentences below. 1. Scientists have explanations for what has happened in the Bermuda Triangle. a. familiar b. suitable ©. numerous 2. We all ‘when we saw the damage done by the hurricane. a. gasped b. kneeled, c. grasped 3. Fireworks must be handled and lit with a. heat b. caution mission 4. Ifyou are planning (o stay ina remote cottage for a holiday, itis important to take__with you. a. steam D.possessions _¢, supplies 5. We shall have to quickly fix the hot water this weekend. a, boiler by service c.anchor or we won't have any 58 By Find words in Chapter 1 which mean the same ast 1. to beatin a battle or war (page 4) 2. 0 express sadness over someone's death {page 6) 3. controls the movement of aboat (page 8) 4. the place in the ground ‘where someone is buried {page 8) 5.0 go somewhere where you can’t be seen (page 8) 6.aheavy object used to stop boat moving SEE LEE ELSE (Bag) Follow-up activities Ey Discuss. 1, Why did Rose and Samuel go to Africa? Do people still do that nowadays? 2. Why did Allnutt offer to help Rose? What would you do if you were in his place? 3. Do you think it was a good idea to try to escape from the Germans ona boat? Why? / Why not? 4. Rose lived in a house in a village. How easy will it be for her to live ‘ona boat on a river? Why? / Why not? 5. Do you think the couple will be safe now? What will they do next? [GJ imagine you are Rose or Alinutt and have decided to keep a diary of your experience in Africa. Write a page in your diary concerning the day you met each other, (100 - 120 words) 59 CHAPTER 2 Comprehension [EU] Read the sentences and decide if they are True or False. Write T or Fin the boxes, 1. Allnutt was worried about their supplies. 2, Rose didn’t want to go to the lake 3, Allnutt explained that blasting gelatine was an explosive, 4, There were some torpedoes on the African Queen. at Rose how to control the boat. (00 cold to sleep during her frst night on the boat. OH80o00o Dy complete the following sentences with the names in the box. Rose Allnutt von Hanneken the Queen Louisa 1 ‘was a German leader, who controlled Central Africa, 2 wanted revenge for her brother's death, 3. ip on patrol on the lake. 4. didn’t believe that the African Queen could get to the lake. 5. and decided they should tise the blasting gelatine to attack the Germans. Vocabulary [Ey choose a, b or cto answer the following questions, A. The on this river make it difficult to navigate. aurapids baflies csedges 2.She with disappointment when she realised she would miss her flight to Paris. a. wiped b. sighed catlached 3. The ship dropped. in the deep blue waters of the lake, a.brow b.oylinder canchor 60 4, Cats ike to sleep on detonators bi. tasks rugs By complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. Learning three languages atthe same time is Sey eaten (CHALLENG! 2. The truck was carrying several boxes of. EXPLODE 3. The bomb is useless + DETONATE 4, John is very stubbor to POINT try and change his 5, Children need a lot of love and, ATTEND tobe happy. 6. I don't like fresh tomatoes in the winter, s0 I use. ‘ones for my cooking, TIN Follow-up activities 1, Do you agree with Rose’s decision to want revenge? Why?/Why né what dangers do you [By tmagine you are Rose. Write your story expressing your thoughts and feelings, beginning with the words: ‘The only thing in my mind was revenge? (100 - 120 words) 61 CHAPTER 3 Comprehension [Ey] complete the following paragraph with the sentences -e. a. The silence made Allnutt restless. b, The boat was in danger ofsinking, The African Queen slowly started its voyage back to the main river, 4d. However, after a while, Rose realised that Alinutt was worried. «e. Rose strongly disagreed with what Allnutt said, A rainstorm woke Rose. The heavy rain filled the African Queen with water. (1) Rose pumped out the water, while Allnutt collected ‘wood for the boiler. During the next few days, Rose learnt how to steer the boat. Allnutt and Rose spent the time chatting and Rose felt happy. He explained that he thought the,plan to get to the lake She’ decided t6 stop being friendly in Rose refused to answer his gaveup After would be the lake and then the fight with the Germans. a | Answer the following questions. 1. Why was the pump hard for Rose to use? the place that Allnutt expected the Germans to start jem? 3. What name is given to the time when Rose refused to speak to All? 4, Why didn’t Allnutt want to go to the lake? 5.Whydidhe finally agree to Rose’ wishes? Vocabulary [Ey Complete the following sentences using the words in the box. dawn manually thoroughly unbearable unaware 62 1.Iwas___thatit was her birthday until saw the presents, 2. As the electricity was off, had to operate the machine 3.We. enjoyed last night atthe theatre. 4, My mum likes to wake up at and hear the birds singing, 5. When the pain became ‘Tim went to the dentist. BQ choose a,b or eto complete the sentences. 1. [fit snows, you should try to find a dry place to take. a. revenge b. shelter ¢. thunder 2, My father is busy this afternoon getting rid of the in our garden, a. troops b, needles weeds 3.lam athim for cheating during the exam. a. furious ». fortunate « fierce 4. The strong wind caused the motorbike to___from side toside, a. pinch b. pump tock 5. Boats and planes have that help them move. a, propellers . obstacles channels Follow-up activities BA Discuss. 1, Allnutt and Rose facea terrible storm atthe beginning of Chapter 3. ‘What do you think is the worst type of weather to survive in? Why? 2, Rose finds steering 2 boat exciting. Would you like to try an extreme sport, such as rafting through rapids or windsurfing? Why? / Why not? Js proud of her country and she attempts to do something to ‘What other examples can you think of when people have done something similar? 4, Why did Rose stop talking to Allnutt? Do you think she was right? Why? / Why not? 5. Do you think the pair will succeed in their mission? [Gj tmagine that you have had a bad quarrel with one of your closest friends and he/she has stopped talking to you. Write a letter toa magazine describing the situation and how you feel about it. Ask for advice, (100 - 120 words) 63 BEE EE EEE eH EEE ee Hee ee ee ime at CHAPTER 4 Comprehension [Ey] Read Chapter 4 and match the two halves of the sentences. a. to avoid the black rocks in the river. 2. Rose tried her best beunder a starry sky. 3, trong river currents cartied the boat _¢ down into gorge. 4, After dinner Rose and Alnutt slept d. when he saw the African Queen. 1. The German officer smiled. [Dy] Are the following sentences True or False? Write T or F in the boxes. 1. Allnutt stayed at the tiller all the time, 2. The commandant was the only one to fire at the African Queen. 3. The commandant expected the African Queen to be destroyed by the cataracts, 4, Rose steered the boat to safe water through a gap in some rocks. 5. The gorge where the African Queen anchored was hot and full of inseas, Vocabulary [By ve the crossword. 1 Oo oo Oo 1 Bs (I person who has esaped from somewhere / something 2, Small metal objects fired FB ee froma gun 4c] ICI 3. Adeep narrow place where i ariver usualy runs inside 5 >) mA the very high “walls” ofa mountain 4, An instrument that makes él faraway things seem closer OOS 7. Type of a long gun 8, Without large waves 64 [By Find words or phrases in Chapter 4 which mean the same as: 1.aplace to burn wood in (page 20) 2 allowing yourself to be caught by the enemy __(page 20) 3. with little hope of success —____—._ (page 22) ide of a —— (page 22) 5. put your arms around and held another person (page 22) 6. to annoy or irritate someone —_____— (page24) Follow-up activities BB Discuss. 1. When the German commandant saw the African Queen coming near the village, he thought it had come to surrender. Do you surrender or give up when you have a problem? On what occasions? Give examples. 2, Should the comma escaping down the and Allnutt? 3, Rose and Allnutt succeeded by helping each other, How important is it to work with others when trying to solve a problem? 4. How do you expect Rose and Allnut’ friendship to develop? int have tried harder to stop the steamboat s? What could he have done to capture Rose [imagine that you are Rose or Allnutt. Write a page in your diary describing your impressions of the other person. Include details ‘on appearance and character. (80 - 100 words) 6 CHAPTER 5 Comprehension [Ey Pat the sentences in the correct order. Write 1-7 in the boxes. a. Rose successfully removed a splinter from Allnutt’s foot. b. The propeller was damaged. c. Rose and Allnutt built a fire on a bank. 4, Allnutt used wire to keep the three blades together. e. Rose felt confident that she knew how to steer the boat. The mechanic realised that only half ofthe blade had broken off 8 The boat entered a very narrow channel. OOOO0000 BD) Match the names with the phrases a-e. L. The Ulanga a. was very happy with the way things were going. 2.Rose had a part ofit damaged and later repaired. 3.llnutt chad a small accident while gathering wood. 4.The African Queen _d.had some rough parts and other parts which were easier to navigate. Vocabulary [By complete the following sentences using the words in the box content blade wire frantically seriously 1, ‘The computer screen has gone black!” “You should check the at the back.” 2. My grandparents are very with their lives. They never complain about anything. a 3. He was ooking for his wallet all afternoon, but he didn’t manage to find it. 4, The. of the knife needs to be sharpened. 5. Luckily, Pat wasn’t hurt in the accident. 66 [2 Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. After the shipwreck two survivors managed to swim SHORE tosafety 2.My sisteris waiting ___"___tosee ifshe ANXIOUS has been accepted at London University. 3. After his wife's death, Mark felt completely ___, HELP 4. Heat the butter to itand then beatin SOFT the eggs. 5. They lived ina village in the mountains, | PEACE 6. It was that they won the game after ‘SURPRISE somany defeats. Follow-up activities By Discuss, 1, When the African Queen's propeller was damaged, Allnutt was able to repair it. Is it important to learn how to fix things yourself? Who can teach you? School? Family? Friends? 2. Tttook three days to complete the repairs. Do you think Rose ever doubted that Allnutt would fix the propeller? Why? / Why not? 3. Rose and Allnutt could have taken the small boat ashore and walked ile to look for help. Why didn’t they try to do that? ik their de 2 ‘appen when the African Queen sets out on its next stage of the adventure? [Gy Your teacher has asked you to write an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of working with others as part of a group or ‘team, (100 - 120 words) 67 CHAPTER 6 Comprehension [Bq] choose a, b or cto complete the following sentences. 1. In the Bora Delta the crew of the African Queen a.attacked flies and mosquitoes. b, were attacked by insects. . wrapped some insects up in an old sheet of canvas. 2. Rose thought that using boat-hooks ‘a. would help them through the delta. 'b. would keep away the insects -¢. would slow them down in the delta. 3, Alloutt dived into the water in the delta 2. to find out why the boat wasn’t moving. get some water lilies for Rose, ¢. to find a canoe paddle. 4. Rose got rid of Allnutt’s leeches me reeds. b. with a boat-hook. . with some salt, a Answer the following questions. 1. Whatis described as being more like a swamp than a river? 2, What did Allnutt and Rose do to protect themselves from the insects atnight? 3. What happened when the boat tried to get through one ofthe channels ofthe delta? 4, What did Allnutt use to move the boat through the reeds? 5. Why did Rose cry out when she saw Alinutt after he had freed the propeller? 68 Vocabulary [By Match the two columns to make expressions. vat fall a. for joy 2. come to ‘b. minutes 3.amatter of c. your side 4,luck on d. speed 5. sigh with relief 6.jump f.a standstill ZA complete the following sentences using the the words from the box. muddy thick gather lump — collapse stern. 1. Thave decided to have the__ of my yacht repainted next week. a, soup is very tasty, especially in cold winter months. 3.The old stone wall looks as ifitis going to : 4, Alot of people are going to in the park for the free concert. 5, My brother has a, ‘on his leg where his friend kicked him. 6.Your shoes are . can you please leave them outside? Follow-up activities BB Discuss. 1.Rose and Allnutt keep facing difficulties, but continue their mission, How important is itt have values and ideals to follow? Why? 2. The weedsin the delta were extremely difficult to clear but Allmutt was determined to keep the boat going, What do you think gave him the strength and courage to goon? 3. When Rose saw that Alin was covered in blood-sucking leches, she ‘immediately went to help him and didn’t think of the danger to her own health. Do you agree with her actions? Why?/ Why not? 4. Do you think the pair willbe ready forthe next challenge on their journey? How do you recover your energy after you have become very tired? [Put yourself in Altnutt’s position and write an account of the event with the leeches. (100 - 120 words) 69 CHAPTER 7 Comprehension [BU] Answer the following questions, 1. How many days did Allnutt think it would take them to get through the mangrove swamp? 2, What were the symptoms of malaria? 3, What did Rose do after getting out of the mangrove swamp and getting herself dean? 4, Where did Rose and Charlie hide the African Queen? ‘5. What kind of gun could be seen on the Queen Louisa’s deck? [By Read the following statements. In each box write Tif the sentence is True and Fif the sentence is False. 1. The heat was the worst part of being in the swamp. oO 2, When Rose and Allnutt reached the lake they found out that the water was very dirty, oO 3. Charlie wanted to attack the Queen Louisa as soon as he saw it. 4. Rose thought that the Germans were unaware ofthe position of the African Queen, a) 5. The Queen Louisa sailed in the opposite direction to the African Queen, Bl Vocabulary [Ey Roses reviewing recent events. Complete the sentences with? words or phrases from Chi My brother has been murdered, ge and the mission have been destroyed. But I must try and help my country. My plan is for the African Queen to attack the Queen Louisa, But Charlie and I are 70 both sick. We have had (1), terrible swamp . Luckily, we reached the lake and had the chance to (3) in the refreshing water. After that, something really important happened, I saw a (4) on the horizon and realised that it was the (6). It isavery impressive ship, (6), Dright white and with a dangerous nits deck. We want to attack the Queen Louisa by so we found a safe place in some (8). to hide an Queen from the view of the Germans. and the days in that dark, [ZQ complete the following sentences with the words in the box. hooks chores determination capable visible dread 1. The idea of bungee-jumping fills me 2, Most modern couples share their houschold__ such as the washing and the ironing. 3. The changing room in the gym has _ on the walls for hanging clothes. 4, An athlete has to show lot of. to become a champion, 5. Mr Jones is a very helpful and head teacher, 6. Jane has a small but, tattoo on her neck. Follow-up activities By Discuss. 1, Rose and Allnutt get sick in the mangrove swamp. How do you think this will affect their plan? What can they do to fight their ness? 2. Who shows the greater strength of character, Rose or Allmutt? Why? 3. How can everyday comforts, or the lack of them, affect our mood? 4, What do you think will happen to Rose and Allnutt if the Queen Louisa discovers the hiding place of the African Queen? Ga Imagine that you are Rose or Allnutt. Write a page in your diary describing the days in the mangrove swamp. (100-120 words) a CHAI Comprehension fe [Ey] Motch the two halves to form true sentences. 1, Allnutt asked Rose ifshe thought that a, could make torpedoes. 2. Rose asked Allmuttifhe b. looked like candles. 3. To Rose's mind the explosives attack in the morning, 4, Rose and Allnutt agreed to d. the boat to sink, 5. The storm caused the Germans had seen them, a ee renaing eens in the order which they happened. a. The African Queen was tossed about in the water like a toy. b, Rose and Charlie saw the Queen Louisa return, © The German ship changed the direction in which it was travelling. d. A sudden storm broke out on the lake, . Charlie explained that he could carry out the attack by himself. £ Charlie finished making the torpedoes | Lo OOO Vocabulary B band ‘words or phrases in Chapter 8 which mean the opposite mn: 1 far away (page 40) 2. with other people (page 40) 3.thin ———_________ (page 42) « 4. a pleasant experience (page 42) 5. jump out of eae (page 44) 6. bright (page 44) By Match the words 1-8 with their definitions a-h, predictable a. lookssimilar to another person or thing, 2.cylinder b. to twist and turnin different directions 3. touched «. something which helps someone float in water 4. lifebuoy 4. feeling happy and grateful because of something somebody has done 5. resemble ¢.a tube with round ends and long straight sides 6. invention £ something you expected T.mend g. something that has been designed or made for the frst time 8.switl bh. to repair something that has been broken Follow-up activities EB Discuss. 1. Charlie and Rose hid from the Queen Louisa because they were planning a surprise attack. Do you like surprises? Why? / Why not? 2, Charlie says that the Germans were predictable and followed ss, Why do you think the Germans kept to the same routine? 3. Charlie knew that it would be very dangerous to attack the Germans, in a safe place on the bank low do you feel when you have to wait a long time for something important to happen? What can you do to stay calm and not get nervous? 5. What will happen to Rose and Charlie? Will they drown? Who could rescue them? [Gy imagine that you are Rose rescued from the boat that sank in storm. Make a poster and write a description of the missing. Allnutt, who fell overboard during the bad weather. (80- 100 words) 2B CHAPTER 9 Comprehension [Ej Answer the following questions. 1. What was the reaction of the Queen Louisa’ captain when Allnutt ‘was brought to him? 2, Why didn’t Allnutt answer the Captain’s questions? 3. Where was the African Queen last seen? 4, How did the Captain secretly feel about the prisoners? 5. What did the Captain decide to do with the prisoners? [By what do the words in bold refer to? 1. He opened a locker and took out a white uniform jacket, which he gave to Rose. (page 48) 2.5... that was a very dangerous thing to do.’ (page 48) 3.'He should be in bed.’ (page 48) .. But he wasn’t too worried about (pages 48-49) Vocabulary [Ey choose a, b or to complete the following sentences. 1, The mountain rescue team found two walkers around lost and confused. a. staring b. wandering cadmiring 2. Alot of sports teams have the name of their sponsors * on their shirts a. printed b. assumed ©. considered 3. Lalways feel calm whenI___my cat. search be release © stroke ara Falls has a number of fast-moving, jonaries b. rapids islands 7” 5. Two men were arrested at midnight at the border crossing, They e suspected. - a. threats b. officers, c.spies By complete the following sentences using the words in the box. respond canoe protective courage master torn 1, Despite hours of training, Tom’s dog never obeys his 2, Many Native Americans still use a for fishing in shountain stream 3. Scientists working in laboratories often have to wear clothing to protect themselves ftom dangerous chemicals. 4, My sister is waiting to see how many people will__to her wedding invitation, 5, You need a lot of _ tobe a stuntman, 66. When I bought this book, I didn’t notice that the last pages were Follow-up activities A Discuss, 1, How do you think Charlie felt when he realised that he was alone on the island? 2, The Germans acted in a kind way to Rose and Charlie. They showed respect for their courage. How should the winners behave toward the losers in any situation, such asin a war or even in a sports game? 3. The Captain ofthe ship made a decision that he knew would make his superior officer, von Hanneken, unhappy. Why did he do thaté What you think the consequences will be? 4, Do you think Rose and Charlie's feelings towards the Germans will ‘change because of the kind way.the Captain of the Queen Louisa treate them? ga ‘Imagine that you are Charlie or Rose and that the Germans are keeping you in separate rooms. A friendly guard has promised {to give a message to the other person. Write your letter to ‘express your feelings and what you've been through until now. (100- 120 words) 5 CHAPTER 10 Comprehension [Ey Read the following statements. In each box write T if the sentence is True and F if it is False. 1. HMS Matilda raised a white flag. 2. Two new passengers joined the British ship on the lake. 3. The Queen Louisa attacked the Br 4. The Germans on board the Qui 5. Rose proposed marriage to Chi 6. Rose and Charlie went home togetier to England. | [Dy Expand the notes below into sentences. Then, put the sentences in the order in which the events happened, by writing 1-5 in the boxes. a, The / lieutenant-commander / be / delight / victory b. ‘The bullets / blow / hole / stern / Queen Louisa ion / be / destroy / Queen ] 4. The / lieutenant-commander / and / two / officers / climb / lifeboat «. The British ships / fire / upon / Queen Louisa / second time Vocabulary Ey complete the following sentences using the words in the hox. frustrated superior delighted furious defeated forces 1. Lastnight taly__ Argentina ina thriling game. 2. Dad has asked his at work for an extra week’s holiday. 76 3.Shewas___tobe chosen as captain of the hockey team. 4, Lalways fel teribly ‘when T don’t have a chance to speak in class. 5.Enemy__are preparing to invade the country. 6.1 really lost my temper! I was so mad and. when Jane refused to give back my Rhianna CD. [Eq] Match the two columns to make expressions. I. receive a. interest b. the army other hand d.a medal e-fire 6.0n the effort Follow-up activities Eh Discuss. te flag before a battle can mean an it can also be a trick. Do you thi iter 1ander was right to trust the enemy? Why? / Why not 2. The Germs wed the lives of Rose and Charlie but the British ‘wanted to have any information they had on the enemy. Do you think twas right to ask Charlie and Rose to tell them? 3. The lieutenant-commander had differen Do you agree that women cannot be in the army? Why? / Why 4, What sort of life do you think Rose and Charlie will have together in [Gj measine that you are Rose or Allnutt and have been asked by newspaper to write about your adventure in Africa, Write an article narrating the main events of the story. (100 - 120 words) 7 EXTRA ACTIVITIES DW crroose a,b or cto select the main ides in each chapter. € Rose Sayer’s and Charlie African Queen. Chapter 2 «a. Rose and Charlie's journey down the Ulanga River. bb, Rose's plan to attack the Queen Louisa. ©. Charlie explains to Rose how they could make torpedoes. Chapter 3 «a. Rose learns how to steer the boat and use the hand pump. , Allnutt has second thoughts about Rose's plan to torpedo the German ship. ¢. Rose stops talking to Charlie to male hi Queen Louisa. Chapter 4 a The African Queen escapes the German attack near $I of the rapids unharmed, ‘escape from the Germans on the accept her plan to attack the and gets out b, The Germans open fire on the African Queen near the village of Shona. © The African Queen escapes the Germans near Shona but falls into dangerous cataracts, Chapter 5

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