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Reciprocating compressor suction and

discharge valve monitoring

A decision making guideline evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the
most common online monitoring technologies

Daniel Goebel PROGNOST Systems GmbH

ROGNOST Systems failure mode survey of Description of the methods
most common reciprocating compressor Highlighting these completely different methods,
failure modes in 2009 is showing valve fail- it becomes obvious that valve monitoring can be
ures as the most frequent root cause for improved regardless whether it is delivered with
unplanned compressor shutdowns. New valve a new machine or retrofitted to an existing
designs and improved materials have been intro- machine. In any case it is the main objective to
duced in the past 10 years and have reduced the detect a leakage of a valve that is causing a loss
percentage significantly. However, for many in efficiency of the compressor. Other damages
compressor operators valve monitoring is a main such as broken valve springs or cracks in the
concern when evaluating condition monitoring valve plate or rings are considered as early
systems to reduce unplanned downtime. stages of a leaking valve.
While the high percentage against other • Valve temperature monitoring
machine failures calls for further improvement, In compressor thermodynamics it is considered
valve leakages in an early stage are usually not that a gas leakage in either a suction or discharge
safety relevant. Undetected suction valve failures valve is causing an increase of the gas tempera-
might lead into a complete loss of compression ture in the valve pocket. Two installation options
causing more dangerous failures, e.g. seizing are common to monitor the valve temperature:
crosshead wrist pins resulting
from missing rod load reversal.
In the early days of reciprocat-
ing machine monitoring,
maintenance strategies were
mainly based on temperature
measurement. Today, different
methods of online condition
monitoring can be applied to
create precise diagnostic informa-
tion of the valves and other
By comparing strengths and
weaknesses of temperature moni-
toring with cylinder acceleration
vibration measurement and pV
diagram analyses this article
provides a decision making guide-
line to identify the best suitable Figure 1 PROGNOST Systems failure mode survey 2009; an evaluation of
permanent monitoring technology 524 compressor damage records detected at 192 machines, located in
for a specific compressor. 72 different plants February 2013 1

Figure 2 Online acceleration signal and segmented analysis with two thresholds

a) Temperature sensor mounted into the valve requires the installation of one pressure sensor
cover for each compression chamber to monitor the
b) Temperature sensor mounted in a sleeve condition of suction and discharge valves. The
installed in the valve pocket through a drilled sensors can be installed on indicator taps
valve cover. prepared by the machine manufacturer and may
In both cases, typically one temperature sensor not be mixed up with the suction and discharge
is installed on each valve cover. The valve pocket cylinder pressure sensor installed in the pulsa-
temperature b) provides a higher quality of the tion dampers or piping. Such taps are required
measurement in terms of early detection of the for API 618 machines and typically indicator
leakage. Valve cover temperatures are subject to valves are installed between the sensor and the
bigger influences from environmental conditions cylinder to allow easy replacement of sensors
such as sunlight or wind. Temperature sensors without machine shutdown. If indicator taps are
installed through the valve cover into the valve not available, e.g. old machines, suction or
pocket provide an earlier indication of changing discharge valves can be modified with a special
temperatures. The signal coming from e.g. RTD centre bolt.
or thermocouple sensors can be transferred to pV diagram analyses are based on dynamic
the Distributed Control System (DCS), to a PLC pressure measurement and require sensors that
or machine monitoring system (MMS). In the allow sampling rates in the kHz range to allow
DCS or MMS, temperatures can be trended to detect small leakages and high frequency pres-
generate long-term information about the valve sure pulsations caused by valve dynamics or
condition. Condition monitoring systems provide stepless unloaders. The pV diagram can be visu-
additional analyses for the signals such as the alized with suitable software. Intelligent
group deviation analysis to maximize the value diagnostic systems automatically monitor the pV
of valve temperature monitoring, no matter at diagrams. In addition to the suction/discharge
which position (cover or pocket) the sensor is valves, the pV diagram analysis indicates leakage
mounted. of various other sealing elements such as piston
• pV diagram monitoring pV diagram analyses sealing rings, piston rod packing etc.

2 February 2013

Furthermore, the dynamic cylinder pressures The table below shows a simplified view to the
in conjunction with other parameters, e.g. speed different strengths and weaknesses of the meth-
of the compressor, connecting rod ratio and ods that are affecting the initial investment,
weight of the piston, allows the calculation and maintenance cost of the valves and associated
monitoring of the dynamic piston rod load and efforts to operate the measurement loops during
its reversal periods. Piston rod load is amongst operation for the lifetime of the equipment.
the most critical when monitoring the condition Valve temperature measurements are only
and integrity of a compressor and help to iden- reasonable in case each valve is equipped with a
tify critical overload conditions. temperature sensor. This results in a large
• Cylinder acceleration monitoring The third temperature channel count of at least 16, in most
method of interest involves acceleration sensors cases 32 channels for a standard 4-cylinder
typically mounted on the cylinder. For perma- compressor. Temperature as a measurement
nent installation, cylinder vibration sensors can parameter is considered an easy to understand
either be installed by screwing them to a drilled information that reflects the condition of the
thread hole in the cylinder or using a drilled dedicated valve it is monitoring. The cost for
mounting pad that is glued to the surface of the installation and maintenance of the loops stress
cylinder. the budget throughout the lifecycle of the
Combining this piezoelectric sensor with suita- system.
ble software enables users to identify failures of Valve cover temperature measurements with
suction and discharge valves based on segmented fixed temperature sensors require all valve
vibration monitoring, making use of individual covers to be drilled for the installation of probes.
threshold monitoring for each segment. The For this measurement, the valve covers have to
segmented monitoring requires only one vibra- be drilled through either by the OEM or retrofit-
tion sensor per cylinder to monitor four groups of ted to the existing covers. This creates a
valves (suction and discharge valves on head end potential source for gas leakage that needs to be
and crank end side) on a double-acting cylinder. maintained throughout the lifecycle of the
Strengths and weaknesses The advantage of having one dedicated sensor
What are the criteria to be evaluated when per monitored valve is often neglected in main-
deciding about the best suitable method for tenance routines. In most cases if one discharge
valve monitoring? Starting point, typically, is a valve has been identified as damaged; typically
cost - benefit analysis. Examining solely the all discharge valves on the affected cylinder are
investment for sensors and the monitoring replaced and not only the one identified as leak-
system is insufficient. Additional effects have to ing. Hence the benefit of having one temperature
be taken into account such as MTTR optimiza- value for each valve is lost.
tion, increase in machine uptime or the system’s In the same way the cylinder acceleration
ability to detect critical failures other than valve vibration measurement identifies functional
problems. groups of valves on the same cylinder side

Strengths and weaknesses of valve monitoring methods

Low cost for instrumentation pV, vibration _ Temperature High cost for instrumentation
Early detection of component
condition changes pV, vibration _ Temperature Slow detection of component condition changes
Definite assignment of failing
component Temperature pV, vibration _ Vague assignment of failing component
Versatile usage of signal for
monitoring additional components pV Vibration Temperature No usage of signal for monitoring additional
No CMS required Temperature _ pV, vibration CMS required

Figure 3 February 2013 3

Figure 4 Comparison of trended suction/discharge valve temperature, cylinder vibration and two monitoring
parameters derived from pressure measurement three weeks

(head end or crank end). However, this is dismounted before valve maintenance can take
achieved by installing only one sensor on a place with further time spent to install them
double-acting cylinder and applying segmented back and checking the installation for proper
vibration monitoring of the acceleration signal. sealing.
This method allows to locally and functionally While pV diagram analyses and cylinder vibra-
determine impending valve failures at a very tion monitoring call for a suitable monitoring
early stage. Vibration impacts are measurable software, the temperature measurement is a
before e.g. a broken valve plate causes a signifi- simple parameter that can be trended even in
cant increase in gas or valve cover temperature. less sophisticated systems such as PLC or DCS.
Unlike valve temperature sensors, the accelera- However, a temperature increase can be caused
tion sensors mounted on the cylinder do not by other reasons than leaking valves e.g. an
have to be removed during valve replacements increase in differential pressure. Such changes in
and no gas sealing needs to be checked and operating conditions can cause false warnings.
maintained after servicing the valves. Furthermore temperature crosstalk between
Figure 4 shows the temperatures of a suction neighbouring valves mounted in angles of 90
and a discharge valve (blue/red) along with two degrees or smaller can cause uncertainty on the
monitoring parameters derived from the pV leaking valve. Only with a more sophisticated
diagram (purple) and one segment of the maxi- monitoring method that compares valve temper-
mum cylinder acceleration vibration (black) for atures of the same function, a reliable failure
one cylinder.. The change to bad condition assignment can be produced.
became noticeable with the pressure and the While valve temperature monitoring focuses
cylinder vibration signals. The temperature did on the valve condition information, pV diagram
not change significantly before the machine was and cylinder vibration monitoring provide condi-
stopped by the operator. tion information of additional components as
Taking into account the downtime of the well. Vibration monitoring provides information
machine which is related to the MTTR, the cylin- about the piston rings, the piston and the cylin-
der vibration is most convenient, as the valves der liner due to specific changes in the
can be exchanged without disassembling the vibrational behaviour.
sensors. Using temperature measurement, all With pV diagram analyses, piston rings and
temperature sensors have to be carefully packing leakages are monitored in addition to the

4 February 2013

valves. Furthermore, it is the only method that case a quantitative assessment of the leakage is
can quantify the amount of leakage of compo- requested to determine the best time of replace-
nents and therefore provide critical information ment the pV diagram provides the best results.
for maintenance decisions. Based on the dynamic This is especially true when the compressor is
pressure, the combined gas and inertia piston rod load controlled by (stepless) unloader systems or
load can be calculated - the only way to detect the clearance pockets as those control functions
loss of piston rod reversal conditions which are a result in changes of the valve temperatures.
main cause for severe motion work damages and
complete machine loss. A reliable dynamic piston Questions to be asked
rod load monitoring is a most effective method to General
reduce the risk of machine failure especially on • Is the process or the machine critical?
capacity controlled machines. Yes - More versatile and sophisticated monitor-
If indicator taps are available on the cylinders, ing e.g. p-V diagram as should be considered
as required for new API 618 machines, the No - Simple monitoring such as cylinder vibra-
advantages of having only two indicated pres- tion could be sufficient
sure transducers per cylinder along with
minimum lifetime maintenance efforts for the • Have failures, other than valve failures, been
indicator valves and the loops itself are inherent experienced in the past at the machine?
of the pV diagram monitoring. State of the art Yes - Valve temperature monitoring might be
software informs the users of any change in the too limited. Cylinder vibration and pV diagram
pV diagram. provide more information
The lowest install cost and effort are involved No - Valve temperature or/and cylinder vibra-
for the installation for the cylinder vibration tion could be sufficient
sensors. The vibration sensors at the cylinder
can be retrofitted by gluing special sensor Instrumentation
mounting pads to the cylinder casing without • How many suction and discharge valves are
violating the mechanical machine integrity. installed on the head end and crank end side of
the compressor?
Guideline for evaluating valve monitoring If more than two suction and two discharge
strategies valves are installed per cylinder side, cylinder
Three different options for valve monitoring vibration or pV diagram might be commercially
have been discussed. Each method provides its attractive. If fewer valves than mentioned above
own strengths and weaknesses. Decision makers are installed valve temperature should be the
have to consider, whether monitoring shall choice.
exclusively focus on suction/discharge valves or
shall be part of a monitoring solution, covering • Are free channel inputs available on the local
various machine components. Valve temperature compressor control PLC?
measurements traditionally seem to be the best If a sufficient number of channels exists to inte-
choice, because they are expected to deliver reli- grate temperature signals, valve temperature
able information - one-to-one sensor to valve. installation could be an alternative to cylinder
However, for larger cylinders with multiple vibration. If inputs to existing PLC or DCS have
valves and multi cylinder compressors, one to be installed, valve temperature investment
acceleration sensor per cylinder with a cost have to be evaluated carefully.
segmented vibration monitoring provides a
better cost benefit ratio as it requires less • Is the compressor controlled by a capacity
mechanical work for installation and causes less control e.g. (stepless) valve unloaders?
efforts during valve replacement. This is espe- If so, pV diagram monitoring is the best option
cially true when suction and discharge valves of to monitor, because it allows monitoring the
one cylinder side are always replaced at the valves depending on the load condition of the
same time. capacity control. Valve temperature and cylinder
If advanced monitoring information is vibration are more likely to create false
required, e.g. on the piston sealing rings or in warnings. February 2013 5

measurements. Both methods do not
Monitoring strategies
allow a quantitative assessment of the
leakage volume. This can only be
Temperature pV diagram Vibration
General achieved by pV diagram monitoring.
Machine criticality - ++ -
Failure history besides valves exists -- ++ - • Shall the monitoring solution be
scalable and extendable for future
Sensors required*) 32 8 4 expansions?
Indicator caps exist No relevance ++ No relevance Best options for upgrades are
Integration in existing PLC/DCS + -- -- provided with dedicated monitoring
Fault tolerance with changing
platforms (CMS).
loads, e.g. capacity control -- ++ -

Maintenance • Should other sealing elements e.g.

Installation efforts -- + ++ piston rings or stuffing box be
Maintenance friendliness -- + ++
Monitoring tasks Other sealing elements especially
Early failure detection -- - ++ piston rings can best be monitored
Diagnostic information of other with pV diagram monitoring.
components than valves - ++ -
Monitoring other sealing elements -- ++ ++
Leakage quantity -- ++ -- • Shall the monitoring provide more
than valve monitoring?
*) 4-throw compressor Cylinder vibration and pV diagram
Legend: The better a monitoring strategy meets the specified requirement (left), the
analysis are the most versatile meth-
better the mark; from low (--) to high (++). ods that provide further information
on mechanical changes e.g. loose
1) 1995 API STD 618 (4th Ed 1995): Reciprocating Compressors for petroleum valve cages etc.
Chemical and Gas Industry Service
• Shall the quantity of the leakage be
Installation and maintenance pV diagram analysis is the only quantitative
• Are the cylinder fitted with indicator taps? monitoring methods that allows to determine
Yes - pV diagram monitoring can be done cost the best time for a valve change by assessing the
effective and should be seriously considered quantity of leakage.
No - Valve temperature and cylinder vibration
provide the smallest installation cost. If required
pV diagram monitoring can be installed by
modifying the one valve centre bolt per cylinder LINKS
More articles from: PROGNOST Systems GmbH
Monitoring tasks More articles from the following categories:
• The earliest indication of a valve leakage/damage Condition Monitoring Rotating Equipment
shall be provided? Reliability & Asset Management
Typically the earliest information is received by Safety, Health, Environment and Quality
cylinder vibration followed by valve temperature

6 February 2013

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