One Man's Decision Made The Difference: R. W. Grand Master

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Grand Chapter Adopts One Man's Decision Made the Difference

Several Amendments No one needs to be reminded that the establishment of our Republic in large
measure was created through the ability, resourcefulness, character and con-
At December Meeting stancy of Bro. George Washington. Lesser known is the specific action of
The adoption of a large number of Washington in dealing with the urgent request .of his officers that he become
amendments to its constitution was the the monarch of the struggling young country. H1s response could be the reason
principal feature of the December we have a Republic, not a Monarchy·
Quarterly Communication of the Conditions in the Army reached a
Pennsylvania, held in Renaissance at Yorktown. To the Congress, the
Hall in the Masonic Temple in Phila- war was over and the soldiers were
practically forgotten. VOLUME XIII FEBRUARY • 1966 NUMBER 1
delphia, December 2, 1965. The
amendments are designed to stream- The troops were ill-fed, ill-clothed,
line some of the procedures of the
subordinate chapters.
discouraged and bitter. The prospect
of peace brought them small consola- Bro. Robert E. Deyoe Installed R. W. Grand Master
tion, because it was evident that the
Grand Master of Masons in Penna. Seeks Help of Craft
As is customary in odd numbered
years; all the officers of Grand Chapter Congress had little inclination to pay
were re-elected. They are: W. Irvine them or even thank them.
There were secret meetings and Bro. Robert E. Deyoe, of Oil City, Dear Brethren:
Wiest, Most Excellent Grand High
Priest; Arthur R. Diamond, Most Ex- discussions. In April of 1782, Col. a retired florist and businessman, was I am most appreciative of the high
cellent Grand King; James D . Smith, Lewis Nicola, one of Washington's installed as R. W. Grand Master of honor you have, in your confidence,
Most Excellent Grand Scribe; Charles ablest officers, wrote a confidential asons in Pennsylvania on December bestowed upon me, when on Decem-
E. Tull, Most Excellent Grand Treas- memorandum to the Commander in 7, 1965. ber 27, at high noon, I was installed as
urer; and John C. F. Kitselman, Most Chief setting forth in logical form the The ancient installation ceremony your Grand Master.
Excellent Grand Secretary. many advantages to be gained by was held at the Annual Communica- Realizing my own limitations, I am
The Grand Chapter was honored forming a monarchy with Washington tion of the Grand Lodge of Free and humbled by the knowledge of the
by visitors from the Grand Chapters as king. It echoed the sentiments of ~ccepted Masons of Pennsylvania in great responsibility I have assumed. I
of Rhode Island, New York, Connecti- the complete staff. asonic Temple, Philadelphia. will do my best within the limits of
cut, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, New With the support of his officers and Born in Oil City on February 5, my ability to give you an adrnil)istra-
Hampshire, North Carolina, Canada, m en, and with the prestige and respect !1.899, Bro. Deyoe is a Past Master and tion of dignity, quality and substance.
District of Columbia, Delaware and he enjoyed everywhere, it would have n'rustee of Petrolia Lodge No. 363, To that end I ask your help so that
West Virginia. In addition, the Pro- been an easy matter for Washington !Free and Accepted Masons, Oil City. we together may continue this great
vincial Grand Master of the Royal to accept a crown. Many persons be- I He served as District Deputy Grand institution in the manner in which it
Order of Scotland, the presiding offi- lieved it was the only way to save the ~aster of the Twenty-third M asonic was handed down to us by those de-
cers of the Grand Council of Royal country. District from 1949 until 1959 when he voted Masons of the · past whose faith
and Select Masters of Pennsylvania But Washington possessed a deeper ~as installed into the Grand Lodge in the Great Architect of the Universe
and of the Grand Commandery of faith and a greater dedication to the line as Junior Grand Warden. and responsibility to their Fraternity
Knights Ternplar of Pennsylvania principles for which he and his coun- In York Rite M asonry, he is a Past and to their fellow man have made
were received. The famou s pastel portrait from life trymen had fought. His letter of reply High Priest of the Oil City Royal Arch Masonry in this Jurisdiction such a
Bro. and Companion E arl F. Herold,
of Bro. George Washington by Bro. was direct and decisive. Although Chapter No. 236; P ast Thrice Illus- force for good.
William Williams, a Philadelphia art- there was a second attempt to influ-
Right Worshipful Grand Master of ist. Portrait was made in 1794 at the rious Master of Keystone Council No.
M asons in Pennsylvania, accompanied request of Alexandria Lodge, No. 39, ence him to change his decision a year 42, Franklin; and Past Commander of Fraternally yours,
by a large number of his officers, visit- A. Y. M., warranted b y the Grand later-March, 1783- his original sen- f!:albot Comrnandery No. 43, Knights
Lodge of Pennsylvania in 1783, and timents prevailed . rfernplar, Oil City.
ed the Grand Chapter and delivered now Alexandria-Hamilton Lodge, No.
an address . . 22, A. F . & A. M. of Virginia.
In part, the letter to Nicola reads: For his work in the York Rite
"Be assured, sir, no occurrence in 1.?odies, Bro. Deyoe was elected into
the course of the war has given me the Council of Anointed Kings of
THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON Second Class · more painful sensations than your in- Pennsylvania, the Keystone Priory R. W. Grand Master
Distribution Office POSTAGE formation of there being such ideas !No. 26, Knights of the York Cross of
Eli:rabethtown, Pa. 11022 Eli:rabethtown
existing in the army . . . I am much f!onour; and the United States Pre- Bro. Robert E. Deyoe
I Send FORM 3579 to Above Address)
Pe nnsylvania at a loss to conceive what part of my
conduct could have given encourage-
~ier Conclave, Knights of the Red
Cross of Constantine.
Right Worshipful Grand Master
Full Time Doctor
ment to an address which to me seems
big with the greatest mischiefs that
can befall my country. If I am not
In Scottish Rite Masonry, Bro.
D eyoe is a member of the Venango
ber of Syria T emple, Pittsburgh, and
Lu Lu Temple, Philadelphia. Needed at Homes
Lodge of Perfection, Oil City; and in He is a m ember of the Christ Epis- The Masonic Homes at Elizabeth-
deceived in the knowledge of myself, he Valley of Coudersport, Princes of copal Church, Oil City, where he has town are in need of a full time doctor.
you could not have found a person \f~rusalem, Rose Croix and Consistory. served as a Vestryman and ,S enior M asonic affiliation is not required, but
to whom your schemes are more dis- f!.e is P ast Most Wise Master of the Warden. desirable.
agreeable ... If you have any regard Coudersport Chapter of Rose Croix. A World W ar I veteran, Bro. Deyoe A new horne is available a short
for your country, concern for yourself For his years of Masonic work, B ro. is past president of Oil City Lions distance from the hospital.
or posterity, or respect for me, . . . , eyoe was coroneted an Honorary Club. Doctors interested in further details
banish these thoughts from your mind, jl'hirty-third Degree Scottish Rite Ma- The Deyoes, who have lived in Oil should contact the Committee on Ma-
and never communicate, as from your- son. City all their lives, have a daughter, sonic Homes, in care of the Superin-
self or any one else a sentiment of He is also a member of Zern Zem Mrs. James C. Cassidy, of Ann Arbor, tendent, M asonic Homes, Elizabeth-
POSTMASTER: Please include Comple t e Name, Address and Identification No. on Return clipping. like nature." f['emple, Erie, and an honorary mern- Michigan, and two grandchildren. town, P a. 17022.
THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON Lodge of Colombia-Cali; United Grand
Issued Quarterly
February, May, August and November at
Recent Masonic CultureWorkshops From Our Grand Secretary's Office Lodges of Germany; Grand Lodge of
Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, by
The. Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most
Ancrent and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Ac-
Most Successful-Others Urged December Quarterly Communication
December I, I965
Annual Reports were also presented
by the following Committees: Future
c~p!ed Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Juris- Your Grand Lodge Committee on during the past two or three years are Planning for the Masonic Temple and
drctron Thereunto Belonging, through its
Masonic Culture is pleased to report urged to consider a Workshop either Well over 700 Brethren attended this very
COMMITTEE ON MASONIC CULTURE-William E. important Communication of Grand Lodge. All other Properties in Philadelphia; Ma-
Y~ager, ~· G. M., Chairman, William E. Montgomery, that successful Masonic Culture Work- on a District level or possibly a joint sonic Culture; Masonic Temples, Halls
Vrce-Charrman, W. Frederick Warren, Blaine F.
shops have recently been conducted in effort of two or more Districts. of our living R. W. Past Grand Masters and
Fabian, W. Irvine Wiest and Paul C. Rodenhauser.
sixty-four District Deputy Grand Masters were and Lodge Rooms; General Relief;
Approved and Authorized To Be Printed by Pittsburgh, Kane and Coatesville. The Grand Lodge · Committee on Almoners, Bursars and Stewards.
ROBERT E. DEYOE Masonic Culture is always ready and present. Distinguished Guests were formally
The Workshop held in Pittsburgh received from Virginia, New York, Maryland, These complete Reports will be print-
Right Worshipful Grand Master
included officers and Masonic Culture willing to cooperate and participate. Vermont, Delaware, District of Columbia, In- ed in the proceedings.
WILLIAM A. CARPENTER, Editor Committees of Lodges in eight Ma- The initiative should be taken by the diana, the Scottish Rite and the Shrine. Bro. William Campbell, M . W .
Mailing Address: sonic Districts in the Pittsburgh area. District Deputy Grand Master and his The Amendments to the Ahiman Rezon Grand Master of Connecticut, spoke
MASONIC TEMPLE The Workshop at Kane included three District Chairman to the Grand Lodge which had been proposed at the June Quarter!; for the Distinguished Visitors.
One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107
Masonic Districts and the one in Committee on Masonic Culture. Communication, were unanimously approved. Bro. Herold commented briefly on
Send Form 3579 to Distribution Office
Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022
Coatesville was conducted for the 5th These Amendments were discussed at length his final Annual Report as R. W.
Masonic District only but was well Grand Master, w hich will be printed
Second Class Postage Paid at
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania attended. PURPOSES OF FREEMASONRY in the August and November Issues of this pub-
lication. in full in the Proceedings.
Vol. XIII February, 1966 No. A Masonic Culture Workshop is Freemasonry is a charitable, benev- The Annual Election was held at which the Promptly at high noon, the Grand
scheduled for March 12, 1966, in the olent, educational, and religious so- following Brethren were duly elected to serve Lodge Officers were duly installed.
Scottish Rite Cathedral and Masonic ciety with a purpose to teach by ritual Bro. Hiram P. Ball was unable to be
'A Remarkable and Temple at Harrisburg when the offi- and symbolism the building of good
Grand Lodge for the ensuing year:
Bro. Robert E. Deyoe, R. W. Grand Master
present because of illness, and his in-
cers and interested Members of Lodges character. stallation was deferred until January
Unique Institution . . in four Masonic Districts will partici-
Bro. John K. Young, R. W. Deputy Grand Master
Bro. Hiram P. Ball, R. W. Senior Grand Warden 8, 1966.
It is charitable in that its income is
Freemasonry is the most remark- pate. Similar Workshops are now not expended for private gain, but is Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, R. W. Junior Bro. Ashby B. Paul Bro. W. LeRoy McKinley, R. W .
able and altogether unique institution Grand Warden R. W. Grand Secretary Past Grand Master, in a most impres-
being planned for the Delaware Coun- _devoted to the improvement and pro- Bro. Louis Bacharach, R. W. Grand
on earth. ty area and also the Wilkes-Barre area. motion of the happiness and well being Treasurer sive manner, presented the Past Grand
Will you tell me of another that Special Communication Masters Jewel, Apron and Gavel to
Districts that have not participated of mankind. Bro. Ashby B. Paul, R. W. Grand
girdles the world with its fellowship Secretary December II th
in these Masonic Culture Workshops It is benevolent in that it reaches
Bro. Earl F . Herold.
and gathers all nations and the most At this Special Communication, held
altruism- an unselfish concern for the Committee on Masonic Homes at Kittanning, Seneca Lodge No. 805 Appointed Floor Officers
ancient religions as well as our own
welfare of others-as a duty and ex- Bro. Scott C. Rea was Constituted with 33 Warrant Bro. Robert E. Deyoe, the newly
into its brotherhood?
Will you tell me of any other that Bro. Earl F. Herold, P. G. M., emplifies it by relief of poor and dis- Bro.
Robert E. Woodside, Jr.
Scott S. Leiby, R.W.P.G.M. Members. This brings the total num- installed R. W. Grand Master, ad-
is as old or nobler; more brilliant in tressed Brethren and their needy wid- Bro. C. Howard Witmer ber of Lodges in our Jurisdiction to dressed Grand Lodge briefly and an-
its history; more honored in its con- Again Heads Committee on ows and orphans. Bro. Wi~liam E. Yeager, R.W.P.G.M. 611. nounced the following newly appointed
It is educational in that it teaches Bro. Elhs E. Stern
sistency; more picturesque in its tradi- Grand Lodge Floor Officers:
tions? Temples, Halls, Lodge Rooms by prescribed ceremonials a system of Bro. Willis R. Michael Annual Grand Communication
December 27, I965 Senior Grand Deacon
Today it lies in the hands of the Bro. Earl F. Herold, immediate R. morality and brotherhood based on the Committee Reports
Included in the over 350 Brethren, BRO. THEODORE OTTO HELBERG
modern man, largely an unused tool, W. Past Grand Master, has been ap- Sacred Law. It emphasizes the duty The ever busy Committee on By- who were present, were Distinguished
Lodge No. 392
capable of great achievements for God, pointed Chairman of the Committee of man to be curious about the world; Laws offered resolutions recommend- Guests from South Carolina, New junior Grand Deacon
for country, for mankind, but doing on Masonic Temples, Halls and Lodge to develop his intellect and skill; to ing favorable action on all but 9 of York, Maryland, Georgia, New Jersey,
Lodge No. 272
very little. Rooms, a position he held prior to be- be just; to follow precepts of con- the new or amended By-Laws sub- Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode
For one, I believe that circumstances coming Grand Mast er two years ago. science and exercise self-control; to be mitted by 43 Lodges. The above Island, Kentucky, Delaware, Ohio,
Grand Stew.a rds
BRO. RAYMOND A. MYERS, SR., Lodge No. 781
may easily arise when the highest and earnest and sincere. Freemasonry's resolutions were adopted by Grand
Also serving on this active Com- Lodges, Temples and Libraries are Tennessee, Maine, Wisconsin, Mich- BRO. WILLIS R. MICHAEL, Lodge No. 266
most sacred of all freedoms, if threat-· mittee are Bro. W. Frederick Warren Lodge. igan, West Virginia, Ontario, the Grand Grand Marshaii
ened in this land will have Free- of Lodge No. 340, in the Philadelphia aids to this end. The Committee on Finance sum- Chapter, Grand Council, and Grand BRO. WILLIAM E. YEAGER, JR.
m asonry as its most powerful defender, area; Bro. Raymond A. Myers, Sr., of It is religious in that it teaches be- marized the Budget Receipts and Ex- Lodge No. 726
Commandery of Pennsylvania, Grand
unifying all minds and commanding Lodge No. 781, in the central area of lief in one God, a belief prerequisite penditures for the fiscal year ending Encampment Knights Templar o~ the Grand Sword Bearer
our best citizenship. the Jurisdiction, and Bro. Philip B. for membership, though without refer- November 15, 1965 and presented the United States, the Scottish Rite and
BRO. FLOYD W. HUGHES, Lodge No. 316
Driver, Jr., of Lodge No. 609, also of ence to dogma or creed-for Free- proposed new Budget with estimated the Masonic Service Association'. Grand Pursuivant
BRO. WILLIAM H. DAVIS, Lodge No. 466
Statement of Ownership
the Philadelphia area. Bro. Herold masonry is not concerned with creeds Receipts and Expenditures of $3,292,- The proposed amendments to the Grand Tyler
Management and Circulation is a member of Lodge No. 272, held or theology. Every Lodge must have 500. The Budget was approved. It By-Laws of 6 Lodges were approved BRO. CHARLES HIGGINS, Lodge No. 646
(A ct of October 2 3, 1962; Sect ion 4 369, at Butler, Pa. an altar, and on it, when the Lodge is is interesting to note that over 70 per upon the recommendation of the Com-
Ti t le 39 , United Sta t es Code ) in session, must be opened a Volume cent of the above Expenditures are for A resolution was adopted whereby
Februa ry 20, 1966; The Pennsylvania Freemason ; This Committee stands ready at all mittee on By-Laws.
published qua rterly at Distribution Office, Ma- of the Sacred Law. purely charitable purposes. the number of Trustees for the
times to assist Lodges desiring to pur-
sonic Homes of Pen nsylvania, Eliza bet htown, Po. Freemasonry is secret only in its Bri~f reports were presented by the New Grand Lodge Recognitions Thomas Ranken Patton Masonic In-
17022, with location of headquarte rs at Masonic chase real estate, plan new buildings stitution for Boys, who are appointed
followmg Committees or Trustees: Bro. Richard A. Kern, R. W. Past
or renovate present buildings and methods of recognition and of its sym-
Te mp le, One North Broad Street, Philadelp hia,
Po. 19107 . Publ isher : The Right Worshipful
Masonic Culture; Masonic Homes; by the R. W. Grand Master, may be
Grand Lodge of t he Most Ancient a nd Honorab le Lodge Rooms. All matters pertaining bolic instruction. It is not a secret Grand Master and Chairman of the
increased from 9 to 15.
Fra t ernit y of Free ond Accepted Masons of Patton School and Masonic Temple. C_ommittee on Correspondence, re-
Pen nsy lvania. Editor, W illiam A. Carpenter, to such activities must have the ap- society as many claim. Grand Lodge closed at 1: 15 P.M.
Libraria n and Curator, Grand Lodge F. & A. M.
Freemasonry is social in that it fos- The above complete reports will be VIewed Freemasonry in various other
o f P ennsylvania; Owne r, The Right Worsh ip ful proval of the Grand M aster before
Gra nd Lodg e of t he Most A ncient and Honorable ters the natural friendliness and a true included in the 1965 Proceedings. Countries and our Grand Lodge ex-
work can proceed. Fraternally,
Fraterni t y o f Free and Accept ed Masons af Bro. Waldron C. Biggs, M. W. Grand tended fraternal recognition to the fol-
Pennsylva nia . Known bondholders, n one. St ock- Inquiries should be addressed to the spirit of brotherly love and affection

holders, no ne. No a dvertising ha nd led . Free M aster of Vermont, spoke for the Dis- lowing Grand Lodges on the recom-
d istribution o verages 254,000 each q uarte r. I Office of the Grand Master, Masonic that should take place in the lives of ~inguished Guests. His speech is also mendation of this Committee: Grand
certify tha t the st a t eme nts mode by me ore
correct ond com plete: W illiam A. Carpenter, Temple, One North Broad Street, men associated and united for noble tn the Proceedings.
purposes. Lodge of Mato Grosso, Brazil; Grand
Ed itor. Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. Grand Lodge closed at 2:30 P.M. Lodge of Rio Grande do Sul; Grand
lntroclucing PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR Joseph Fort Newton's
LODGE SECRETARY OF lfn .memoriam Definition of a Mason
Our R. W. Junior Grand Warden CHANGE OF ADDRESS BRO. MAX F. BALCOM BRO. SCOTT S. LEIBY When is a Man a Mason? When he
Copies of The Pennsylvania Right Worshipful Grand Master Right· Wor shipful Grand Master
Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, a Harrisburg funeral director was installed as can look out over the rivers, the hills,
R. W. Junior Grand Warden of the Grand L odge of Free and Accepted Masons Freemason returned by Post Pennsylvania Masonry lost one of One of the most active and widely and the far horizon with a profound
of P ennsylvania at the Annual Communication on D ecember 27, 1965. Offices, due to incorrect ad· its dedicated members when death known Masons in P ennsylvania, Bro. sense of his own littleness in the vast
Bro. Kimmel was born in H arrisburg, P a., on J anuary 2, 1908. H e is a P ast dresses, cost ten cents each. came to Bro. Max F. Balcom, R. W. ScottS. Leiby, R. W. Past Grand Mas- scheme of things, and yet have faith,
Master of R obert Burns Lodge No. Several hundred of these Post· Past Grand M aster, at his home in E m- ter, died suddenly in his H arrisburg hope and courage. When he knows that
464, H arrisburg, a nd a trustee of the al Returns can amount to a porium on Monday, home on Tuesday, down in his heart every man is as
Charles A. and Ellen C. Wilson Memo- sizable expenditure. J anuar y 17, 1966. February 1, 1966, at noble, as vile, as divine, as diabolic,
rial Fund of Grand L odge. D eath came as he the age of 85. and as lonely as himself, and seeks to
You can help us reduce this
In York Rite Masonry, Bro. Kim- was dressing to at- Bro. Leiby was know, to forgive, and to love his fellow
additional postal fee by no·
mel is a member of P erseverance tend Lodge. chairman of the Ex- man. When he knows how to sym-
tifying your J~odge Secretary
Royal Arch Chapter No. 21, H arris- Bro. B alcom began ecutive Committee pathize with men in their sorrows, yea,
immediately when you
burg Council of Royal and Select his Masonic career of the Committee on even in their sins-knowing that each
change your address.
Masters, and Pilgrim Commandery, on March 23, 1909 Masonic H omes and man fights a hard fight against many
Knights T emplar, of Harrisburg. Please include your ZIP Code. when he was initi- attended a meeting odds. When he has learned how to
In Scottish Rite Masonry, Bro. Kim- ated in Emporium of the H omes Com- make friends and to keep them, and
mel is a member of the Scottish Rite L odge, No. 382. H e mittee three days be- above all how to keep friends with
Bodies in the Valley of H arrisburg, Rhode Island Medal was elected Worship- .___ ____ fore his death. _ himself. When he loves flowers, can
and has served as Thrice P otent Mas- ful M aster of his L odge for the year H e also was Deputy for the D istrict hunt the birds without a gun, and feels
ter of the Harrisburg L odge of Perfec- Awarded Our Editor 1925. A member of Emporium Chap- of P ennsylvania and Grand Minister the thrill of an old forgotten joy when
tion and Commander-in-Chief of the Our Editor of The P ennsylvania ter, No. 227, R oyal Arch Masons, he of State for the Supreme Council, An- he hears the laugh of a little child.
H arrisburg Consistory. Freemason was honored by the Grand served as High Priest in 1929. H e was cient Accepted Scottish Rite of Free- When he can be happy and high-
He continues to serve as a trustee Lodge of R hode Island at the Annual also a memb_er of Knapp Commandery, masonry, of the Northern Masonic minded amid the meaner drudgeries
of the H arrisburg Consistory and Grand Communication of our own N o. 40, ~ntghts T emplar, R idgway; Jurisdiction. of life. W hen star-crowned trees and
chairman of its Committee on Invest- Grand Lodge on December 27, 1965. the coordmate bodies of the Ancient A native of M arysville, P a., B rother the glint of sunlight on flowing wa-
ments. He also is chairman of the Bro. Char les R. Bonnemort, P ast Accepted Scottish R ite in the V alley Leiby became a member of P erry t ers sufidue him like the thought of
building committee of the Scottish Grand Master of Rhode I sland, asked of Coudersport, and J affa T emple L odge No. 458 in 1904 and was elect- one much loved and long dead. When
Rite Cathedral and Masonic Temple permission of our Grand Master for Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of th~ ed Worshipful Master in 1907. no voice of distress reaches his ears
in H arrisburg. the privilege of the floor and then pro- Mystic Shrine of Altoona. He was Bro. Leiby was appointed a member in vain, and no hand seeks his aid with-
Bro. W. Orville Kimmel
For his work in Freemasonry, Bro. Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden ceeded to present the Christopher crowned an H onorar y Member of the of the Committee on Masonic H omes out response. When he finds good in
Kimmel was coroneted an H onorary Champlin Medal of the Grand Lodge Supreme Council and coroneted a on November 18, 1924, and with the every faith that helps any man to lay
Thirty-third D egree Scottish Rite Ma- of Rhode Island to B ro. William A. T hirty-third D egree Scottish Rite Ma- exception of a few months in 1946 hold of higher things, and to see ma-
son in 1950. ment fund campaign. H e is also a Carpenter, Librar ian and Curator of son in 1952. served continuously until his death. jestic meanings in life, whatever the
He is also a member of Zemba T em- trustee of Findlay College, F indlay, our Grand Lodge. H e served the Grand L odge as Dis- H e was elected R. W . Junior Ward- name of that faith may be. When he
ple, A.A.O.N.M.S., and served as presi- Ohio. This medal is awarded by the Grand trict Deputy Grand Master of the 33rd en in 1937, and served as R. W. Grand can look into a wayside puddle and see
dent of the Zembo Luncheon Club. Master of Rhode I sland to Masons of Masonic District from 1948 to 1954. Master in 1944 and 1945. something besides mud, and into the
He served six years as a m ember of
Bro. Kimmel is m arried, and has a the Board of Directors of the H ar ris- other Jurisdictions who have distin- Elected R. W. Junior Grand Warden In Scottish Rite Masonry, . Bro. face of the most forlorn fellow mortal
daughter and three grandchildren. A burg School District and was chairman guished themselves in M asonic serv- in D ecember 1953, B ro. B alcom served L eiby was elected Commander-in- and see something beyond sin. When
member of the Green Street Church of its Buildings and Ground Commit- ice. It is a r ound medallion of light in the Grand Line with skill and dig- Chief of the H arrisburg Consistory in he knows how to pray, how to love,
of God, H arrisburg, he served as presi- tee. He is a member of the H arrisburg bronze, suspended from a bar by a nity, especially in 1960 and 1961 while 1940. . how to hope. When he has kept faith
dent of the church council, teacher of Kiwanis Club and ser ved as its presi- metal chain. E ngraved on the front is serving as R. W. Grand Master. I n York Rite Masonry, Bro. Leiby with himself, with his fellow man, with
the M en's Bible Class, lay delegate to dent, and is a member of the N ational the bust of the first Grand Master of Bro. B alcom's pioneering in the was a member of P erseverance R oyal his God; in his hand a sword for evil,
the General Eldership and chairman Selected M orticians of the United Rhode I sland, Br o . Chri s top her radio tube industry was formally rec- Arch Chapter No. 21, H arrisburg in his heart a bit of a song-glad to
of the Winebrenner Seminary develop- States. Champlin with his name and dates ognized in 1957, when the E lectronics live, but not afraid to die! In such a
Council No. 7, and P ilgrim Command-
179 1-1793, and the words "For Out- Industries Association awarded him ery No. 11. ' ma n, whether he be rich or poor, schol-
standing Masonic Achievements." The its 1957 Medal of Honor for his out- arly or unlearned, famous or ob~cure,
standing contribution to the industry. H e also was a member of e:embo
seal of the Grand L odge of Rhode I s- Freemasonry has wrought her sweet
Informative Items Available for Purchase land is engraved on the reverse side of Bro. Balcom's wide knowledge of
Admitted to the D auphin County
ministry! Such a man has found the
the medal. all aspects of the radio tube and elec- only real secret of F reemasonr y, and
Po~ular Question and Answers Booklet of pocket size and containing I24 B ar in 1905, he was a member of the
qu«;s~wns and answers on F ree masonr y-IO cents per copy plus 5 cents for To say Bro. Carpenter was surprised tronics fields was developed over a the one which it is trying to give to all
mathng. period of forty-five years while he was legal firm of H ull, Leiby and Metzger. the world.
would be putting it mildly. Those
Set of the Eight Pamphlets used in Grand Lodge Masonic Culture Program-
present, many of whom know Bro. associated with S ylvania Electric In 1916, he was elected State Sen- -JOSEPH FORT NEWTON, 1880-1950
$ 1.00 per set plus 10 cents for mailing. ator from the 31st Senatorial D istrict,
P roducts, Inc., and its predecessors.
Beautiful syz X II inch Color Brochure of Masonic Homes a nd Patton Sch ool "B ill" from his travels around the
Extremely active in civic, welfare serving until 1920.
for Boys at E lizabethtown, Pa.-50 cents plus 15 cents for mailin"' charges. Jurisdiction on speaking engagements Freemasonry i s a fra ternal or~anization,
Colorful 40-page Souvenir Album d escribing Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, P a., or M asonic Culture Workshops, were and commercial activities in Empor- Bro. L eiby had been a member of universal in scope, teaching through sy mbols
the headqu?rter s of Grand Lod ge, and f eatur ing color prints of the various Lodge ium, Bro. B alcom was a J udge of the Trinity United Church of Christ of the garnered wisdom of the ages. It has as
Rooms. Thts Album ~~y b e purchased in a soft-b ound copy for $1.00 p e r copy
som ewhat amused to find him at a its purpose the gathering of men from all
loss for wor ds. C amero n County Common Pleas Marysville practically his entire life. strata of life that they may meet on a com -
plus IO cents for mathng. It can a lso be purchased in a hard-bound copy for
81.50 per copy plus I5 cents f or mailing charges. Court. At the death of his father, B ro. Leiby mon level, and strive to live together l or the
Any. of the ite ms liste~ .above may. b.e ordered in single copies or in quantity- . The Symbolic Degrees of Freemasonry are An active church layman, Bro. Bal- was named to succeed him as an elder. predominance in the human race of the ideals
e nclos•.ng check-by wrtllng to: Wtlham A. Carpenter, Librarian and Curator, srmple and solely an intensive course of in- com was a member of the E mmanuel He was later named an elder emeritus of brotherhood, trust, altruism, charity , hon-
Masomc Temple, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I9107 struction in the ethics of thinking right, and esty, morality and education, that the progress
Episcopal Church of E mporium, P a. of the church. of man be onward and upward.
consequently of living right, acting right and
speaking right. -J. H . HIGHSMITH

4 5
to serve the food during the progress of the
Nine District Deputy History of the 'Table Lodge' meeting. They were obtained from the En-
tered Apprentice and Fellowcraft w ho were
present, a procedure which was in · accord
Grand Masters Named Back in the age s, when existence was peril- over proper m at erials, would give greater sat- w it h t he ancient custom, that initiates serve
ous and life se vere, and when Man was seek- isfaction and add more to the conviviality in that capacity during the period of " re-
Nine new District Deputy Grand ing some noble purpose to pursue, f eastin g of the Lodge than the best scale and com- freshment" in the L odge.
Masters have been appointed by Bro. becam e a major diversion. Its origin was in passes in Europe."
Robert E. Deyoe, R. W . Grand Master. the demands of the physical body, but its From the idea of the fea st, and the desire I n our Colonial days the Table
prevalence was due t o the social desires of to promote a greater degree of fellowship and Lodge was Freemasonry's greatest
They are : his soul. k inship in Masonry, was born the Table asset . It buoyed up the spirit of the
Bro. Glen T . Renegar, District First there were family feasts, then Lodge. Both the affection of friends and Brethren when the spirit of the col-
"D", vice Bro. Albert A. B auer, who religious feasts, then national fe asts, love for the Fraternity flouri shed within its onists were low. The repast may h ave
was created a Past District Deputy and finally fraternal feasts. The f easts walls. Its meetings were more like a re union been limited under these conditions,
that are probably the oldest of all fra- tha n a regular Lodge, and it became a center bread, cheese and wine perhaps, but
Grand Master. Bro. R enegar, of El- of relaxation, celebration and inspiration in the fervor was there. The moment the
ternal f e a sts, are the f easts of the
kins Park, Pa., is production manager "Mysteries" of Ancient Egypt, the so- Freemasonry. T a ble Lodge opened, there was added
for the Container Corporation of called "Sons of Light." T h e oldest The Table Lodge had a most un- to the speech of those present an as-
feasts of Masonic origin, of which we usual pattern. Its entire tneeting was sortment of military terms.
Bro. Robert W. Dietrich, District have any record, were the feasts upon c onducted around the table , and th e Under its skillful formula the names of
being "entered," a nd b e ing "passed to helpings of food and beverage were objects in the room were changed. The t a ble
"I", vice Bro. William H. Van Voor- a Fellow of the Craft." How old these served in such a way th ey d id not in- was the Trestle Board, t he cloth-the Stand-
hees, who was cr eated a Past District are, we cannot say, but they go back terfere with the o ther concerns of the ard, the food-the materials, the glasses be-
Deputy Grand Master. Bro. Dietrich, far beyond the reco rds of organized Lodge. The a rrangemnt of tables re- came cannons, the beverage--powder, the
of Philadelphia, Pa., is manager, Phila- Masonry. sembled a giant horse-shoe, with the bottles-casks, the napkin a flag, forks were
In 1 71 7, in order t o revitalize the Lodges Worshipful Maste r in the East, at the pickaxes , knives were swords, and spoons were
delphia Office, Retail Credit Company. center, and both Wardens in the West, trowels. To fill the glass was to "charge" it,
in and around L ondon, a G r and L odge was
Bro. Paul F . Kunkel, lOth Ma- organized. T he reason given, was: "To ce- at the opposite e nds. The Lodge was and to drink it was to "fire."
Mrs. Irene May Berry, a Guest at the Masonic Homes, cele bra ted her lOOth birthday opened with an invocation and closed
on November 25, 1965, and was presented the Pennsylvania Medical Society's
sonic District, vice Bro. Myron P. ment under a Grand Master as t he center of Although Masonic records are brief, all in-
Wehr, who was created a Past District union and harmony,'' and, "to revive the Quar- with a song. dications are that the Table Lodge was a n
Centenarian Award. On hand to help h er observe t h e unusual occasion are , left
to right, Bro. Willis R. Michael and Bro. Ellis E. Stern, members o f the Executive Deputy Grand Master. Bro. Kunkel, t erly Communication and hold the Annual At first, there was an address, f ollowed b y enjoyable experience. Dr. George Oliver, one
Committee of the Committee on Masonic Homes; Bro. Paul S. Shank, Superin- Feast." The latter wa s the most important, many toasts and songs, but as time went by of the most prolific writers of early Masonry,
of Emmaus, Pa., is a professional engi- and Masonic historians are pretty well agreed, the lecture was omitted and the number of wrote in his memoirs of the effect of the
tendent of the Masonic Homes, and Dr. and Bro. Paul R . Evans, Medical Director,
Masonic Homes Philadelphia Freemasons' Memorial H ospital. neer for the Lehigh Valley Coopera- that the move was especially designed to im- toasts and songs decreased. The final fi gure Table Lodge upon those present. These are
tive Farmers. prove the "feast, fun and fe llowship" of t he that was set for the toasts was seven, and in his words: "Their song appears to have more
Bro. John E. Luckman, 24th Ma- Craft. some Jurisdictions that numbe r is still re- zest tha n in private company, the toast thrilled
A few years la ter, at the direction of the tained t oda y. Pennsylvania has designated more vividly upon recollection, and the small
sonic District, vice Bro. Theodore Otto
Philadelphia Area Royal Arch Masons H elberg, who was created a P ast Dis-
Grand M aster, there was installed the "old,
regular and p eculiar Toasts and Healths of
three toasts: To the Right Worshipful Grand
Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable
medicum of punch with which it was hon-
ored, retained a higher flavor than the same
trict D eputy Grand M aster. Bro. Freemasons." In 1723 there was published Fraternity of Free and Accepted M ason s of potation if produced a t a private board."
Sponsor Worthy Proiect, a Camp for Boys Luckman, of E rie, Pa., is retired. "The Constitution s," in which fe asts were Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction There-
Alcoholic bevera ges were not a nec-
further encouraged, and the rules and regula- unto Belonging; to T he Memory of Our De-
A project sponsored by Royal Arch lities and other buildings housing the Bro. Judd N. Poffinherger, Jr., tions which controlled t hem were in detail. ceased B rother, George W ashington, a nd to e ssary adjunct to the Table Lodge, al-
Masons of the Philadelphia area not camp director, staff, and year-round 28th Masonic Dist rict, vice Bro. J. L awrence Dermott, one of the leaders of Freemasonry Around the G lobe. though they did contribute to the
early Masonry and the author of the firs t T he T able Lodge is a tyled Entered Ap- festivities in days of yore. Wine was
well known to the Craft at lar ge custodian. Watson Harmeier, deceased. Bro. the libation, but that change d in our
"Ahiman Rezon ," remarked: "It was thought prentice Masons Lodge. This had several
throughout the state is the Tri-Square Non-sectarian religious services are Poffinberger, of Pittsburgh, Pa., is an expedient to abolish the old custo m of study- advantages. One, it permitted the attendance land when the 18th Amendment was
Camp, located on Creek Road, Bucks conducted each Sunday by an able attorney. ing geom etry in the L odge, and som e younger of Ente red Apprentice and Fellowcraft, and adopted. T hen, out of respect for the
County, near Chalfont. and inspiring M ast er Mason. E very Bro. Robert F. Morris, 35th Ma- Brethren made it appear that a good knife thus promoted their early fellowship in the Law, a sub stitute was selected, and al-
and fork, in the h ands of a dexterous Brother, L odge. The other was, it provided waiters though Prohibition was later rep eale d ,
Started in the depression ridden effort is made to provide the boys with sonic District, vice Bro. Wilmer Schell, Freem asonry d id not follo w suit. It
days of the mid-thirties by a group of wholesome meals. The whole atmo- who was created a Past District D ep- retained the substitution, p artly be-
dedicated Capitular Masons, with no sphere of the camp is geared so that uty Grand Master. Bro. Morris, of cause it had a lways cautioned temper-
money, no equipment, no ground, and the boys go home better trained to Danville, Pa., is general traffic m an- ance in the behaviour of Masons, but
more especially, as an expression of
nothing but a gleam of hope and a grow up and accept their responsibili- ager for Follmer Trucking Company. respect for the a b stinent Brethren on
determination to give worthy boys a ties as adults with the happy memory Bro. Isaac J. Tressler, 46th M a- it's rolls. Today we use fruit p unc hes,
summer vacation in the great outdoors of healthy hours spent in the open sonic District, vice Bro. Dalzell M . or juices, and one Jurisdiction has re-
and at the same time guide them into and the certa in knowledge that some- cently authorized a hot spiced punch.
G riffith, deceased. Bro. T ressler, of Grape juice is of ten used in P ennsyl-
the principles of religion, morality and one does care what they make of them- Herndon, Pa., is an attorney. vania.
self-discipline, the camp continues to selves. Bro. George R . Lines, 52nd Ma-
follow those original plans. The camp season regularly runs for It is not what the glass contains, but the
sonic District, vice Bro. Owen R. Hart- concept that it offers. That is the major idea
The fou nders begged, borrowed and six weeks, b eginning about the middle man, who was created a Past District behind every toast. Our Ancient Brethren
scrounged t ents, cots and utensils and of July. Any boy between the ages Deouty Grand M aster. Bro. Lines, of recognized this f act, even in the early Table
opened the first camp on borrowed of eight and fourteen from Pennsyl- DuBois, P a ., is with the United Stat es Lodge, for they approved of the use of water
when a participant was so disposed. There
land. From such humble beginnings, vania, New Jersey or Delaware is Postal Service. is an old M asonic poem, entitled, "Come
the camp has m anaged to survive and eligible to attend, provided he is Bro. Henry 0. Walker, 56th Ma- Quaff the Mason's Bowl," publish ed in 1847,
to grow little by little until now it sponsored by any M aster Mason rec- sonic D istrict, vice Bro. Arthur C. Van when wine was the custom. It emphasizes
owns over 21 acres of land, fully ognized by the Grand Lodge of Penn- sym bolism of the Cup in Freemasonry.
N ort, deceased. Brother Walker, of The Table Lodge is a heritage of our past.
equipped for camping purposes. There sylvania. Warren, Pa., is retired. It has been stated that " the Table Lodge is
are ten cabins for housing the boys, The camp charges a fee from those the summary of Masonic doctrine." It pre-
each donated and maintained by a who can afford to pay, but for those scribed reverence for Div inity a nd moral law.
Royal Arch Chapter. There is a com- unable to meet the fee, free scholar- ta ining the camp is borne by contribu- It strengthen ed the devotion that Masons held
for L odge and Country. It increased the
bination mess and recr eation hall, with ships are available through the gen- tions. While not a project of the Grand unity and fe llowship of the Craft.
a fully equipped kitchen, which can be erosity of a large number of interested Holy Royal Arch Chapter of P enn- Picture taken o n the occasion of the Officia l V isit ation of the R . W. G ra n d Master L odges in Pennsylvania planning and sched-
used as a r ecreation and craft area M asons and of others whom they h ave sylvania, that body some years ago to Petrolia Lodg.e, No. 363, he!d at Oil City, Pa., on Satur day, January 8., 1966, u ling T able Lodges should first clear it w it h
recognized the worth of the camp and shows (le f t to rtght) Bro. Loms H. O senider, Worshipful Master, B ro. Robert E. the District Deputy G rand Master and should
during inclement weather. An infirm- enlisted. A goodly number of Royal D eyoe, R. W. Grand Master, and Bro. Paul H . Fox, District Deputy Grand Master also consult with the School of Instruction
ary is provided. There is a sanitary Arch Chapters provide other scholar- commended it to the generosity of all of the 23rd Masonic District. ' for procedure.
building with showers an d toilet faci- ships. About half the cost of m ain- M asons.

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