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Rayana Wilder

Professor Their L. Wyckoff

Edu. 299

4 July, 2020

Exam requirements

To become a teacher, you need to be able to have basic skill sets and knowledge to be

able to be able to watch over students. In order to evaluate this knowledge, the Praxis Core Exam

is part of it. Other colleges, like UNLV need to see that you can make through the educational

process. Passing the exam shows that you are ready to move on. It shows what you remembered

throughout the years.

Exam Preparations

I did some practice problems just to get a gist of what the test was about. These practice

problems were provided by my class to help the students out. I also had an exam booklet and

worked out of that a little bit. Despite having these tools, I let my other classes and my two jobs

get in the way. I rushed when I studied for the praxis practice exams and didn’t give my best


Exam Results

As said in the previous paragraph I had the tools to get prepared but didn’t use them like I

should have, and because of that I ended up in the 30% to 40% range on all exams when I took

them. This means I will not so well on the real exams and end up failing if I do not prepare

better. Those scores were lower than fifty percent, which is not where I should be. This is not my

full potential and I believe I will show that on the real exam.

Future Exams

I have not passed the real exams yet but in future I plan on using all links possible for

practice exams. I also plan on reading books, working with a study group, going to a tutor, and

other possible techniques to get myself ready for the exam. This is a big goal of mine and I need

to do better. I will cut off distractions while I am studying and use all the free time I possibly

can. I will also, borrow books from the library that focus on praxis exams, and talk to people

who have taken the exam as well. All of things I will do and continue to do to better my exam

grades in the future.

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