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Alison came up with an | Long Head

Greg Langmead


Long Head

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Alison came up with an

Feb 28, 2002 Personal
Alison came up with an interesting quote in her dissertation research on 12th
century France:
Scholars of that time delighted in exploring complex interlocking
patterns and eschewed univocal interpretations.*
As I hear more and more about this time period from Alison, I see why she
studies history. It sheds light forward onto our own time. Would you describe
our current ways of thinking as “eschewing univocal interpretations,” because I
wouldn’t. I forget who said the following but I agree and I guess so would the
scholars of 1100: the older I get, the more I learn that not only is it okay to
hold contradictory beliefs, but the deepest, most important elements of life are
bound up in such opposing truths.
*Stephan Borgehammar, “A Monastic Conception of the Liturgical Year,” in
The Liturgy of the Medieval Church, ed. Thomas J Heffernan and E. Ann Matter

(Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University,
2001), 18.

Greg Langmead
Machine Learning Engineer
I am a software engineer and mathematician. I work on NLP algorithms for Apple
News, and research homotopy type theory in CMU’s philosophy department.

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