UEMX2423 Assignment 1A PDF

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UEMX2423 Geotechnical Engineering MAY 2020

Individual Assignment 1 (Part A): 40%

Q1. Figure A1 shows the changes of water level at the same ground and piezometer
measurement at Point A. Analyse the direction of ground flow from the Point A to ground
surface, and also the effective stress at the Point A. Show your analysis by presenting the
method how to estimate the effective stress at Point A by assigning and using the
dimensions and soil parameters necessary for the analysis, and state the changes of ground
strength among the three cases. (10 marks)

Figure A1

Q2. Figure A2 shows a 1D flow through a soil column. Plot the distributions of total head,
pressure head, elevation head, total stress, pore water pressure, and effective stress along
Points A to B. The soil properties and cross sectional areas of X, Y, and Z are given in
Table A2. Compute the total amount of flow per hour. (20 marks)

Figure A2
Table A2
Soil Saturated Unit Weight Permeability Area (m2)
X 18 kN/m 2 x 10-3 cm/sec 1.5
Y 20 kN/m3 8 x 10-4 cm/sec 3
Z 16 kN/m3 1 x 10-4 cm/sec 3

Q3. Figure A3 shows a 1D flow through a soil column which should be unsafe against uplift
force. The properties of Soil Z are given in the table in A2. Compute the minimum load to
be placed on Soil Z to prevent the quick sand condition. Also analyse the critical hydraulic
gradient for Soil Z and compare it to current situation. (10 marks)

Figure A3

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