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Jandayan, Ellah Mae G.


Blk 2

Application 2- Customer Focus

Individual Output

1. Are you loyal to any particular businesses? Why or why not?

I am not particularly one that is loyal to a certain business. I choose the products that I buy on the spot
depending on their quality presented to me at such time. I may have developed certain patterns in
buying though for those businesses that match my requirements often and I may have just failed to take
particular attention to such. Still, I am one who shop products without any particular brand in mind. I do
this to provide myself with a variety of choices all the time and not be limiting my choices to only a
certain brand.

2. Construct a list of at least 10 different names for “customer,” for example, buyer, client…

Shopper, consumer, purchaser, regular, user, vendee, prospect, recipient, payee, guest

3. How might a college or university segment its customers? What specific needs might each of these
customer groups have? A college or university may segment its customers based on their motivations
and mindsets. Regardless of demographics, all students are interested in the same fundamental product
— education.

The segments could be:

Aspiring academics

 18-24-year-olds with impressive academic records

 Academically-driven with post-graduate plans
 Attracted to excellent research faculties

Coming of Age

 Not sure what to do after graduation

 Less academically-driven than Aspiring Academics
 Place little value on research faculties
 Motivated by social culture and activities

Career Starter

 Job orientated
 Using higher education for career progression
 Looking for a course that will enable them to reach their goal in the shortest time
 Price sensitive
 Places value on placement opportunities
Career Accelerators

 Usually older
 Aiming to advance their career in current role or industry
 Working adults with some educational background
 Interest in institutions that acknowledge academic and career experience
 Value non-traditional delivery methods (ie. online) and job placements

Industry Switchers

 Often in more unstable financial situations or possibly unemployed

 Looking to start a career in a new field
 Motivated by institutions that can link them with career opportunities and prepare them for the

Academic Wanderers

 Students attending university later in life

 Unsure of what they want to gain from degree
 Least satisfied of all the segments with their university experience
 More likely to be unemployed or on low incomes
 Don’t place importance on their academic performance

4. Classify the following customer requirements for a hotel using the 5 key dimensions of service quality-
reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, or responsiveness.

 Hotel equipment is always functioning Reliability

 Hotel staff is knowledgeable to answer guest’s questions Assurance
 Hotel has comfortable beds, furniture, and fittings Tangibles
 Guests feel safe as services are delivered to their rooms Empathy
 Hotel services are provided as promised Reliability
 Hotel has well-dressed staff Tangibles
 Hotel furnishings appear to be clean and shiny Tangibles
 Guests receive individual attention Empathy
 Guests feel that hotel services are provided at a competitive and affordable price

5. In your handouts about Customer Focus, take a look with Kano Model of Customer Requirements.
Consider the following customer expectations for a fast-food (quick service) restaurant. Classify them as
dissatisfiers, satisfiers, and exciters/delighters.

a. Special prices on certain days- Satisfier

b. Food is safe to eat- Dissatisfier

c. Hot food is served hot- Dissatisfier

d. Service is friendly- Dissatisfier

e. Background music- Delighter

f. Playland for children- Delighter

g. Restaurant is clean inside- Dissatisfier

h. Food is fresh- Satisfier

i. A “one bite” money-back guarantee- Delighter

j. Orders can be phoned in for pickup at a separate window- Satisfier

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