A Review of The Fundamental Studies of The Copper Activation Mechanisms For Selective Flotation of The Sulfide Minerals Sphalerite and Pyrite PDF

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Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110

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Advances in Colloid and Interface Science

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / c i s

A review of the fundamental studies of the copper activation mechanisms for

selective flotation of the sulfide minerals, sphalerite and pyrite
A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson ⁎
Applied Centre for Structural and Synchrotron Studies, University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia 5095, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 9 September 2008 A review of the considerable, but often contradictory, literature examining the specific surface reactions
associated with copper adsorption onto the common metal sulfide minerals sphalerite, (Zn,Fe)S, and pyrite
Keywords: (FeS2), and the effect of the co-location of the two minerals is presented. Copper “activation”, involving the
Flotation surface adsorption of copper species from solution onto mineral surfaces to activate the surface for
Copper activation
hydrophobic collector attachment, is an important step in the flotation and separation of minerals in an ore.
Due to the complexity of metal sulfide mineral containing systems this activation process and the emergence
Pyrite of activation products on the mineral surfaces are not fully understood for most sulfide minerals even after
decades of research.
Factors such as copper concentration, activation time, pH, surface charge, extent of pre-oxidation, water and
surface contaminants, pulp potential and galvanic interactions are important factors affecting copper
activation of sphalerite and pyrite. A high pH, the correct reagent concentration and activation time and a
short time delay between reagent additions is favourable for separation of sphalerite from pyrite. Sufficient
oxidation potential is also needed (through O2 conditioning) to maintain effective galvanic interactions
between sphalerite and pyrite. This ensures pyrite is sufficiently depressed while sphalerite floats. Good
water quality with low concentrations of contaminant ions, such as Pb2+and Fe2+, is also needed to limit
inadvertent activation and flotation of pyrite into zinc concentrates. Selectivity can further be increased and
reagent use minimised by opting for inert grinding and by carefully choosing selective pyrite depressants
such as sulfoxy or cyanide reagents. Studies that approximate plant conditions are essential for the
development of better separation techniques and methodologies.
Improved experimental approaches and surface sensitive techniques with high spatial resolution are needed
to precisely verify surface structures formed after copper activation. Sphalerite and pyrite surfaces are
characterised by varying amounts of steps and defects, and this heterogeneity suggests co-existence of more
than one copper–sulfide structure after activation.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2. Activation of sphalerite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2.1. Mechanisms of Cu(II) activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2.2. Reaction kinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
2.3. Mechanisms of Cu(OH)2 activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
2.4. Zeta potential and isoelectric point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
2.5. Copper concentration and activation duration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
2.6. The effect of sphalerite iron content on copper activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.7. Sphalerite surface oxidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.8. Lead and iron sphalerite activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3. Copper activation of pyrite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.1. Unactivated flotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.2. Mechanisms of Cu(II) and Cu(OH)2 activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.3. Effectiveness of activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 8302 3044; fax: +61 8 8302 5545.
E-mail address: andrea.gerson@unisa.edu.au (A.R. Gerson).

0001-8686/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
98 A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110

4. Mixed pyrite and sphalerite flotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

5. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

1. Introduction It has been well established that copper activation of sphalerite

follows an ion exchange mechanism where the uptake of Cu(II)1
Flotation is an important and versatile mineral processing step results in approximately 1:1 release of Zn2+ into the solution [5,13,15]
used to achieve selective separation of minerals and gangue. It utilises and is generally represented by Eq. (1) [16].
the hydrophobic (aerophilic) nature of mineral surfaces and their
propensity to attach to rising air bubbles in a water–ore pulp as the ZnSðsÞ þ Cu2þ 2þ
ðaqÞ →CuSðsÞ þ ZnðaqÞ ð1Þ
basis for separation [1]. Metal sulfide minerals, for which this process
Cu(II) on the sphalerite surface is subsequently reduced to Cu(I) with
was originally developed, are generally weakly polar in nature and
consequently most have a hydrophilic surface [2]. Hence, collector the resulting oxidation of the surface sulfide. Collector molecules, such
as xanthates, then react with the surface copper sulfide species formed,
molecules such as xanthates and dithiophosphates are normally used
to increase hydrophobicity [3]. Certain sulfide minerals such as thus increasing the flotation response [17]. Cu(I)–xanthate is the main
surface product formed, especially at low pH [15]. The uptake of copper
sphalerite (ZnS) do not respond well to short chain thiol collectors,
due to the relative instability of zinc–xanthate and hence require the and subsequent flotation of sphalerite is seen to depend on impurities,
such as iron, present within natural sphalerite, surface oxidation,
use of “activators” to enhance the adsorption between collector
molecules and the sphalerite surface [2,4]. The cupric ion (Cu2+), copper and xanthate concentration, activation time, solution O2
concentration (pulp potential) and most importantly on pH.
generally in the form of sulfate or nitrate, is the most widely used
activator. Other heavy metal ions such as lead, silver, cadmium, Under contrasting pH conditions either an abundance of hydro-
phobic (collector absent) or hydrophilic species maybe present on the
mercury and Fe2+/Fe3+ can also activate the sphalerite surface, but are
either not used commercially or are present as impurities within the sphalerite surfaces [14]. Hydrophobic species such as polysulfides (S2− n )

sphalerite lattice or in process water [5,6]. and elemental sulfur (S0n) appear to predominate at mildly acidic
Separation of sphalerite through copper activation becomes conditions while hydrophilic species such as zinc hydroxide and
problematical when other minerals within the pulp are inadvertently copper hydroxide, along with some sulfite/sulfate, occurs at higher pH
[14,15,18]. Polysulfides or elemental sulfur forms as a result of
activated along with the sphalerite. Pyrite (FeS2) is one such mineral
that responds to copper activation and can be floated together with oxidation of metal-deficient sulfide on sphalerite surfaces, however
it is still unclear if one or both of these products form and their relative
sphalerite [2]. Being the most abundant sulfide mineral pyrite is
undesirably associated, and in most cases fine grained and intimately abundance on the surface [14,18,19]. The presence of such hydrophobic
species tends to promote collectorless flotation of sphalerite which is
intergrown, with minerals of economic value [7]. This gangue pyrite is
a cause of reduced concentrate grade and increased smelting costs, for more prevalent at low pH [5,15]. Collectorless flotation of sphalerite
may also be seen when impurities such as copper and iron, diffuses
most minerals such as sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. Pyrite is
also a primary contributor towards the substantial environmental from the bulk to the surface under acidic conditions [20]. This happens
after zinc dissolution when bulk cationic impurities migrate to the
problem of acid mine drainage resulting in acidification of natural
water systems. Mining industry treatment costs, in the US alone, are metal-deficient (sulfur-rich) sphalerite surface resulting in a “self-
activating” mechanism. Surface hydrophilic species are seen to reduce
over $1 million/day [8].
Sphalerite and pyrite frequently occur together in ore deposits recovery by flotation with xanthate collectors, only within the pH
range where such species are stable [14].
along with galena and copper containing ores such as chalcopyrite.
The common practice in mine flotation is to first float the copper Fig. 1 shows the various processes that may take place simulta-
neously during copper activation of sphalerite that result in the
containing minerals (if present) followed by galena [2,9]. The tails
from the galena flotation are then used to float sphalerite away from production of hydrophobic and hydrophilic species. These processes
may also occur during activation of other sulfides. Selective adsorption
pyrite primarily using copper activation. Effective separation is
needed to minimise iron in the final zinc concentrate that may of Cu(II) is the desired process. However, depending on activation
conditions, precipitation of hydrophilic copper containing hydroxide
occur through pyrite copper activation and flotation. Loss of selectivity
and unwanted activation can also occur due to contaminants present species onto sphalerite surface takes place. In addition, aqueous Cu2+
and/or Cu(OH)2 also reacts with collector molecules leading to non-
in the mine water used for separation of these minerals. Despite
continuous process improvements the problem of pyrite misreporting selective adsorption of hydrophobic CuX or dixanthogen (X2) on
sphalerite surfaces.
to sphalerite concentrates still remains [10,11].
A review of the key factors affecting copper activation of sphalerite
2.1. Mechanisms of Cu(II) activation
and pyrite is presented herein. Special attention is given to the role of
sphalerite iron content. A discussion of the proposed activation
It has been noted that out of the many stable and metastable
products as identified by various fundamental studies is provided as is
an examination of the literature regarding the activation and flotation intermediates present in a copper/sulfur system, researchers have
mainly considered CuS (covellite) and Cu2S (chalcocite) as possible
response of the mixed sphalerite/pyrite system. While only sphalerite
and pyrite activation is discussed, the issues raised may also apply to end products of copper activation of sphalerite (Buckley et al. [20]).
other sulfide minerals. Buckley et al. [21] found a Cu 2p3/2 Auger parameter of 1850.0 eV on
copper-activated sphalerite which was about 0.3 eV lower than that
2. Activation of sphalerite for covellite and hence suggest that even if a CuS-like phase forms it is
not same as covellite. They also did not find any evidence of elemental
The activation of sphalerite has been studied extensively over several sulfur formation. Buckley et al. [20] describe the activated sphalerite
decades [5,12–14]. While there is general agreement on the overall
process of copper activation, the actual mechanism and surface reaction 1
The nomenclature (I), (II) or (III) is used throughout to denote surface or bulk
products controlling activation/flotation still remains controversial. species while superscript oxidation state numbers are used to denote aqueous species.
A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110 99

and outwards resulting from the shorter Cu–S bonds as compared to

bulk Zn–S bonds, and elongation of the attaching Zn–S bonds. It was
found that the copper-activated sphalerite surface has Cu–S bonds
0.009 ± 0.001 nm shorter than bulk Zn–S bonds with a copper to zinc
distance 0.013 ± 0.006 nm longer than the zinc to zinc distance.
Buckley et al. [21] recently examined a relatively pure copper-
activated sphalerite surface (from Santander, Spain) using synchrotron
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, Cu, Zn and S 2p3/2 binding
energies) and XANES (Cu L2,3 edge). This study reconfirmed that
copper on activated sphalerite surface exists predominantly as Cu(I),
although a higher than expected d9 character was found. Moreover it
was also found that some Cu(II) ions were present on the surface,
associated with oxygen (Cu(II)–O species) possibly due to chemi-
sorbed water on the sphalerite surface. Buckley et al. [21] suggested
the formation of a metastable phase (Zn1 − xCuxS) with formal
oxidation state of sulfur being more positive than −2. This notion of
S being more positive is consistent with the model proposed by
Gerson et al. [13]. Furthermore, on the basis of the poor correlation
seen between the concentration of high binding energy sulfur and
Fig. 1. Schematics of sphalerite copper activation showing the various simultaneous surface copper concentrations, Buckley et al. [21] suggest unsubsti-
processes likely to occur under different activation conditions.
tuted (by copper) oxidative losses of zinc (Eq. (3)) from the sphalerite
lattice which leads to the development of enhanced sulfur regions
with oligosulfide-like electronic environments.
surface as a copper-substituted sphalerite lattice with the formation of
Zn1−x Cux SðsÞ →Zn1−x−y Cux SðsÞ þ yZn2þ
ðaqÞ þ 2ye

a metal-deficient sulfide (sulfur-rich) surface layer in both acidic and
alkaline media. This, according to them, is better represented by Kartio et al. [19] suggested that there may be difficulties in assigning
Eq. (2), than by Eq. (1), where the product is metastable. Cu 2p3/2 binding energies (even from synchrotron XPS) to either CuS
or Cu2S. The variable XPS S 2p binding energies observed have led to
ZnSðsÞ þ xCu2þ 2þ
ðaqÞ →Zn1−x Cux SðsÞ þ xZnðaqÞ ð2Þ
the suggestion that sulfur was present in different oxidation states
Using conventional X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron micro- (non-integer) depending on the extent of copper activation and most
scopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and proposed mechanisms fail to account for this [13]. On this basis it was
electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), Vinals et al. [22] found digenite proposed that increased copper activation resulted in less negative
(Cu1.8S) to be the main activation product at pH 1.1–1.3 and sulfur oxidation states. The reaction mechanism provided for surface
temperatures of 180–212 °C while chalcocite appears to predominate substitution (Eqs. (4) and (5) for an initial and then a second copper
at 225 °C. These temperatures are well above the temperatures found substitution respectively) and bulk substitution (Eq. (6) for a single
within mineral processing plants. Chen and Yoon [23] conducted rest substitution) of zinc with copper result in the formation of a similar
potential measurements and voltammetry at pH 9.2 using a carbon distorted trigonal planar geometry with copper bonded to three sulfur
matrix composite (CMC) electrode containing sphalerite particles, to atoms but variable sulfur oxidation states. Note in Eq. (5) the less
show that when copper activation is carried out at open circuit negative oxidation state of the bridging sulfur atom.
conditions a CuS-like activation product forms while activation
2þ 2− 4− 0:9 −1:63 4−
conducted at lower potentials produces a Cu2S-like product. They Cu2þ
ðaqÞ þ ðZn S3 ÞðsurfaceÞ →ðCu S3 ÞðsurfaceÞ þ Zn2þ
ðaqÞ ð4Þ
further showed that activation conducted under slightly oxidising
conditions produced hydrophobic species, such as copper polysul-
fides, on the surface. Cu2þ 1:63−
ðaqÞ þ ðS2 Cu0:9þ −S1:63− −Zn2þ S2− 6−
2 ÞðsurfaceÞ ð5Þ
Pattrick et al. [17] used Cu K edge and S K edge X-ray absorption →ðS1:63−
2 Cu0:9þ −S1:28− −Cu0:9þ S1:63−
2 Þ6− 2þ
ðsurfaceÞ þ ZnðaqÞ
spectroscopy (XAS, consisting of both extended X-ray absorption fine
structure, EXAFS, spectroscopy and X-ray absorption near edge
spectroscopy, XANES) data to show that copper on activated ½S2− 2þ 2− 2þ 0 2þ 1:63−
Cu0:8þ 4:09−
3 Zn −S Zn3 ðbulkÞ þ CuðaqÞ →½S3 ðbulkÞ
sphalerite, at pH 10–12, exists in a tetrahedrally coordinated form,
þ ½S0:8− Zn1:63þ
3 6− 2þ
ðbulkÞ þ ZnðaqÞ ð6Þ
bonded to three sulfur atoms and one oxygen atom. However, these
measurements were carried out on dry samples and hence chemad- Activation by Cu(II) results in the formation of a conducting layer
sorbed water may have been present that is not localised on the (with the band gap as low as 1.1 eV) on sphalerite surfaces [14,19].
adsorbed copper atoms within wet slurry. Upon addition of xanthate Sphalerite is naturally an insulator with a band gap of 3.5 eV. This
collector the oxygen of the Cu–O (2.07 Å) bond is replaced by sulfur reduced band gap aids in electron transfer reactions and allows the
from the xanthate and a primitive covellite species forms. thiol collectors to form an insoluble collector complex on the
However, also using XAS, it was shown by Gerson et al. [13] that sphalerite surface through mixed potential electrochemical reactions
under mildly acidic conditions both bulk and surface copper is [19,20]. Ab initio cluster model calculations have also shown that
coordinated only to three sulfur atoms in a distorted trigonal planar copper atoms incorporated into the sphalerite lattice enhanced the
geometry with a Cu–S average bond length of 2.27 ± 0.02 Å. These electron acceptor ability of sphalerite [25]. Cu(I)–xanthate and
measurements were carried out using wet slurry. It was proposed that dixanthogen formation in solution in acidic medium is proposed to
this geometry cannot be attributed to the formation of a distinct occur via Eq. (7) [26]. Dixanthogen adsorption is more prevalent on
crystallographic copper sulfide phase and the data could not be unactivated sphalerite [17] or when the Cu(II) concentration is low [4].
adequately fitted to a structural model encompassing Cu–O bonds. It
has been further shown in Gerson et al. [24] that this distorted trigonal
planar structure (Cu–S3) on the sphalerite surface is slightly pushed up 2Cu2þ −
ðaqÞ −4EXðaqÞ →2CuEX2ðaqÞ →2CuEXðaqÞ þ X2ðaqÞ ð7Þ
100 A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110

2.2. Reaction kinetics [18]. A similar process has also been observed for pyrite [31] however
Cu(I) was observed on the pyrite surface prior to Cu(OH)2 deposition.
The initial stage of the activation process, generally, is very fast There has been suggestions that X-ray based techniques (especially
with a high rate of copper uptake within first 10 to 15 min [15,19,27]. in ultrahigh vacuum, e.g. XPS) may cause an increase in the Cu(I) signal
This initial copper migration into the sphalerite surface can have a from activated sphalerite, through photoreduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I)
diffusion coefficient of 1.0 × 10− 11 to 1.5 × 10− 10 cm2·s− 1 in the [5,18]. Such a reduction process has now been shown to be confined
temperature range of 80 to 400 °C [28]. It has been proposed that only to Cu(OH)2 over-layers, at extended X-ray irradiation time, and
the rate of reaction is first order with respect to copper concentration, does not affect Cu(II) involved with activation [32]. An associated
with the rate controlled by diffusion through the solution phase [5]. reduction in the surface concentration of oxygen was however
Thereafter the rate of copper uptake generally slows and shows observed, and authors have suggested the use of a N2-cooled sample
logarithmic time dependency [19] which is associated with copper holder to minimise this loss. An additional experimental uncertainty
diffusion into the bulk of sphalerite lattice [5,29]. Vinals et al. [22] may result from the necessity to conduct measurements on dry
found that this latter reaction rate followed a parabolic kinetic law at samples where the surface species may not necessarily be represen-
high temperatures (160–225 °C) and had a high activation energy of tative of those in mineral slurry. The use of in situ techniques such as
147 kJ·mol− 1. This indicated a kinetic control of the reaction by solid- IR will be ideal as it eliminates the need to house samples in ultrahigh
state counter diffusion of Cu(I) and Zn(II) ion through the copper vacuum.
sulfide layer. Some researchers believe that for sphalerite in alkaline media the
The two step activation kinetics observed may be due to a surface Cu(OH)2 directly interacts with the xanthate, where the OH−
difference in mechanism for the adsorption/absorption of surface ion is exchanged with the xanthate ion [4,15]. The resulting product
and bulk copper. It has been proposed, based on EXAFS data, that then decomposes to form Cu(I)–xanthate and dixanthogen on the
copper is incorporated onto the surface via replacement of three Zn–S surface (Eqs. (10) and (11)).
bonds with commensurate low activation energy [13]. However, the
bulk copper results from replacement of four Zn–S bonds to form only CuðOHÞ2ðsurfaceÞ þ 2EX−ðaqÞ →CuðEXÞ2ðsurfaceÞ þ 2OH−ðaqÞ ð10Þ
three Cu–S bonds which requires greater activation energy.
XPS depth profiling showed significant Cu 2p signal even after 2CuðEXÞ2ðsurfaceÞ →2CuEXðsurfaceÞ þ ðEXÞ2ðsurfaceÞ ð11Þ
15 nm of argon ion etching [14,18]. Such copper diffusion processes
may however reduce the formation of surface Cu(I)–xanthate 2.4. Zeta potential and isoelectric point
especially in dilute acidic solutions [26]. Popov and Vucinic [26]
showed, through IR internal reflection measurements, that when the The zeta potential and the isoelectric point (iep) of sphalerite are
activation time was long and copper was allowed to diffuse into the also influenced by the surface speciation resulting from variations in
bulk sphalerite structure, the concentration of Cu(I) xanthate on the pH, conditioning time, reagent, and reagent concentrations
surface was reduced. Flotation studies however do not show any [14,15,33,34]. Popov and Vucinic [15] used microelectrophoresis and
significant decrease in sphalerite recoveries as a result of this decrease performed electrokinetic measurements on sphalerite particles,
in surface xanthate (refer Section 2.5 for further details) [30]. conditioned with different reagents of varying concentration, as a
function of pH. It was found that sphalerite on its own had positive
2.3. Mechanisms of Cu(OH)2 activation zeta potential in acidic conditions and negative zeta potential in
alkaline conditions with the iep at pH 6.5. This remained the same
Prestidge et al. [18] studied the activation of synthetic sphalerite, when sphalerite was conditioned with xanthate.
conditioned for 30 min at pH 9, using different concentrations of However conditioning sphalerite with copper sulfate solution
copper nitrate. Using conventional XPS, they showed that at high yielded a different zeta potential–pH curve with copper solutions of
copper concentrations (10 or more monolayer coverage) the sphaler- different concentrations resulting in different sphalerite zeta potential
ite surface becomes heavily coated with Cu(OH)2. SIMS results by pH dependencies. Zeta potential for sphalerite was negative below pH
Gerson et al. [13] confirmed the occurrence of colloidal Cu(OH)2 on 6 for all copper concentrations used, which according to Popov and
sphalerite particles at high pH and high nominal copper coverage. Vucinic [15] showed the exchange of Cu(II) with Zn(II) from
Similar results were also found by Fornasiero and Ralston [14], while the sphalerite lattice. The negative zeta potential value suggests that
Popov and Vucinic [15] also noted an “apparent depressing effect” on the surface was stabilised and no H+ adsorption took place. Zeta
sphalerite flotation at high copper concentration and alkaline pH. potential of sphalerite conditioned with higher copper concentration
Prestidge et al. [18] explain that Eq. (2) is more representative of (8.0 × 10− 4 mol·dm− 3) showed two charge reversals with increasing
copper activation in an acidic medium where the activating species is pH. According to Popov and Vucinic [15], the first charge reversal from
only Cu2+. According to them, activation in alkaline conditions where negative to positive at pH 6 was due to adsorption and precipitation of
surface Cu(OH)2 precipitate is found to be the predominant activating positive hydrolysed copper ion species (Cu2(OH)2+ +
2 , Cu(OH) ) pre-
species, is better represented by Eqs. (8), (9). dominantly on the sphalerite surface while the second charge reversal
from positive to negative at pH 7.6 resulted from deprotonation of the
nZnðsÞ þ xCuðOHÞ2ðpptÞ →ðZnSÞn d xCuðOHÞ2ðsurfaceÞ ð8Þ copper hydroxide that predominantly covered the sphalerite surface.
This behaviour is in contrast to the less concentrated copper solution
The Cu(II) from the hydroxide may then exchange with the Zn(II)
(1.56 × 10− 4 mol·dm− 3) which showed a significant decrease to more
from the sulfide.
negative zeta potential values from pH 6 to 8 and no charge reversals.
ðZnSÞn d xCuðOHÞ2ðsurfaceÞ →Znn −xCux d xZnðOHÞ2ðsurfaceÞ ð9Þ Sphalerite conditioned with copper and xanthate showed negative
zeta potential throughout the pH range (5.8 to 9.2) due most likely to
The zinc hydroxide formed undergoes dissolution and/or dispersion, the adsorption of xanthate (X−) onto the sphalerite surface. Charge
the extent of which controls the surface hydrophobicity [14,18]. The reversals are usually common in mineral oxides, silicates and sulfides
resulting Cu(II) sulfide then undergoes redox disproportionation to in the presence of adsorbing metal ions and this behaviour can vary
form Cu(I) sulfur products. These products may then form Cu(I)– depending on type of metal ion, its salt and its concentration [35].
xanthate upon collector addition by combining with xanthate [17]. At Zhang et al. [34] used a similar technique to study the zeta
increased copper concentration the copper-substituted zinc sulfide potential of sphalerite alone and conditioned with various concentra-
layer becomes coated with an inhibiting copper hydroxide over-layer tions of ferrous ion and xanthate as a function of pH. While basic zeta
A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110 101

potential–pH trends obtained by Zhang et al. [34] were similar to with increasing copper concentration at mildly acidic conditions [18].
those from Popov and Vucinic [15], the sphalerite zeta potential values The effect of increasing copper concentration on flotation is not evident
of Zhang et al. [34] were predominantly negative for all conditions above pH 12 where Cu(OH)−3 is the stable species (not Cu(OH)2 ppt)
studied throughout the pH range (2–12) and the iep of sphalerite was and below pH 5 where only Cu2+ is the stable copper species [14].
located at pH 2.5. A significant difference in these two studies was the High copper concentrations may also interact with xanthate
iron content of sphalerite samples used. Popov and Vucinic [15] used a collectors in the pulp preventing adsorption onto the activated
natural sphalerite sample containing approximately 13 wt.% iron sphalerite surfaces [15]. To minimise this side reaction, effectively
while Zhang et al. [34] also used a natural sphalerite sample but causing reagent loss, sequential addition (first Cu2+, then collector
containing only 2.8 wt.% iron. followed by lime) is now the preferred technique at Noranda Group
Sphalerite samples with different iron contents are known to operations (Section 4.0) [11].
exhibit different zeta potential values [33]. Gigowski et al. [33] Prestidge et al. [18] found that an increase in activation time or
demonstrated that the zeta potential and iep of sphalerite varies non- aging had the effect of reducing the Cu(OH)2 over-layer, evident from
linearly with the iron content of sphalerite. Mirnezami et al. [36] also the absence of high binding energy components and satellites from
suggests the likelihood of iron content influencing iep (and hence zeta the Cu(II) 2p XPS signal. They proposed that happens due to migration
potential) of sphalerite. While investigating the aggregation mechan- of copper into the bulk sphalerite as surface Cu(OH)2 continues to
ism of sphalerite particles Mirnezami et al. [36] measured the transform into the copper-substituted zinc sulfide structure with
electrophoretic mobilities of sphalerite of different iron contents prolonged activation. Increasing the activation time therefore
and found that the iep of the sample with low iron (mineral sample) increases the copper uptake with subsequent increase in the release
was at a lower pH than the samples with higher iron content (plant of Zn2+ [19] while increasing collector concentrations increases
concentrates). This was attributed to the presence of increased collector adsorption onto the surface [4,5].
concentrations of zinc oxidation products on the plant concentrates, However, increased copper uptake may not be equally beneficial
however the added influence of iron was also suggested. Sphalerite for surface xanthate adsorption Popov and Vucinic [26] conducted
surface charge thus appears to be an important factor to be considered floatability and infrared internal reflection studies on a high iron
in the differential activation/flotation response of sphalerite with (13 wt.%) containing sphalerite (104 b x b 208 μm) in weakly acidic
different iron contents (refer Section 2.6), normally observed in medium and investigated the effects of prolonged activation time and
fundamental studies. copper concentration. For the short activation time (2 min) it was
In a recent study, Fornasiero and Ralston, [14] measured electro- found that Cu(I)–xanthate was the dominant species on the surface
phoretic mobilities of sphalerite, conditioned at either pH 6.0 or 8.5, with a small concentration of Cu(II)–xanthate. However, the amount
with increasing copper concentrations and used XPS measurements to of Cu(I) xanthate decreased with increasing activation time, evident
identify the surface species causing the observed change in zeta from reduced peak intensity (at 1197 cm− 1) in the IR spectra.
potential with pH. The zeta potential trend with pH was similar to Prolonged activation time also resulted in a slow diffusion of Cu(I)
those found by Popov and Vucinic [15] and Zhang et al. [34]. At pH 6.0, into the bulk sphalerite structure. Increased copper adsorption was
polysulfides were one of the species found on the surface of sphalerite observed when the copper concentration was increased in solution
responsible for decreasing the zeta potential to negative values. These with long activation times, however Cu(I) xanthate formation was still
polysulfides may have appeared as a result of the formation of metal- lower at than at short activation times. Interestingly, the flotation
deficient sulfur-rich phases formed on metal dissolution and may recovery of sphalerite was greater for samples activated for prolonged
possibly exist as (Cu+)2S6 [19] or as (Cu+)2S2 [18]. In addition, at this periods and/or with increased activating copper concentration.
pH, Fornasiero and Ralston, [14] also identified zinc and cupric sulfides Lascelles et al. [30] demonstrated that an increased time delay
as important species which were also responsible for the low zeta between Cu2+ addition and xanthate addition decreased the amount
potential. The sphalerite surface conditioned at pH 8.5 was dominated of collector adsorbed on to the sphalerite surface at high pH (9.2) but
by zinc and copper hydroxide/oxide and sulfite/sulfate species. The not at neutral or mildly acidic pH. At high pH it is known that Cu2+ can
abundance of these species at pH 8.5 increases further with increasing also adsorb as Cu(OH)2 colloids [18]. On the basis of XPS measure-
concentration of conditioning copper. These species are responsible ments, Lascelles et al. [30] suggested that on delay between Cu2+ and
for making zeta potential values less negative above pH 5 and positive xanthate addition, colloidal Cu(OH)2 adsorbed onto the sphalerite
above pH 6.5. surface is lost to the solution resulting in decreased surface xanthate
adsorption. There was no (as was expected) decrease in the flotation
2.5. Copper concentration and activation duration response of sphalerite with reduced surface xanthate probably due to
collectorless flotation, however the authors suggest early addition of
Fornasiero and Ralston [14] showed (under their reaction xanthate.
conditions) that maximum collectorless flotation recovery can be The presence of both copper and xanthate (and their quantity) may
obtained at copper concentrations of 2 × 10− 6 mol·dm − 3/g of also influence interactions between sphalerite and gangue particles.
38 b x b 75 μm sphalerite while Popov and Vucinic [15] found 3 × 10− 5 Duarte and Grano [39] conducted batch flotation, zeta potential
to 2.5 × 10− 5 mol·dm− 3 Cu2+ concentration better for 104 b x b 208 μm measurements and rheological studies on silicate gangue minerals
sphalerite flotation using xanthate. Typically copper concentrations (d85 of 1.0 μm) and ultrafine sphalerite (d85 of 7.9 μm) to show that at
ranging from 1 × 10− 4 to 1 × 10− 6 M have been used to conduct pH 9 silica can misreport to sphalerite concentrates through a
activation and flotation studies of sphalerite [26,30,31,37–44]. Section combination of entrainment and aggregation (with sphalerite parti-
3.3 provides typical plant concentrations used for copper activation. cles) but not through “true flotation” via surface hydrophobisation.
The copper concentration needed to give maximum flotation response Under their reaction conditions, Duarte and Grano [39] found that
will differ depending on the activation conditions, origin of the mineral when no reagents were added in a mixed mineral system (silica and
sample and available surface area for activation. This ideal copper sphalerite), silicate gangue minerals misreport to sphalerite concen-
concentration needs to be established through experimentation at trate primarily through entrainment. However, when 1800 g/t copper
fixed activating conditions. Fornasiero and Ralston [14] found that sulfate is present with 1500 g/t isopropyl xanthate, silicate gangue
increased Cu2+ concentration had the effect of continuously decreasing minerals misreport via a combination of entrainment and aggregation
the flotation of sphalerite (in the absence of collector), with maximum as determined from batch flotation and cryogenic SEM analysis. In
reduction seen at pH 8.5–10, probably due to the formation of Cu(OH)2 addition, rheological studies were used to show that particle
precipitates. The thickness of this Cu(OH)2 layer generally increases interactions increased upon copper sulfate and xanthate addition.
102 A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110

They also found that the zeta potential of silica became less negative content of the two samples, where the sample with higher iron
upon addition of copper sulfate and xanthate. They theorised that content also had higher lead content, could also be exerting an effect.
reagents modified the surface characteristics of silica causing the Recent studies by Boulton et al. [38] also support the notion of iron
surface charge to become less negative to values near the iep of silica, content of sphalerite reducing the rate of copper-activated sphalerite
where electrostatic repulsive forces are relatively low. This allowed flotation. By carrying out flotation studies (at pH 11) on two natural
sphalerite and silica particles to interact and form aggregates that sphalerite samples, with high iron (12.5 wt.%) and low iron (0.3 wt.%),
report to the concentrates along with entrainment. Boulton et al. [38] concluded that the presence of iron in the sphalerite
It has previously been shown that aggregation of sphalerite lattice reduces the exchange sites (zinc) for Cu2+, with this effect being
particles can occur through flocculation [36]. Mirnezami et al. [36], more pronounced for coarser particles presumably due to the lower
on the basis of settling velocity, suspension analysis and optical surface area to volume ratio. They however found that iron content
microscopy, showed the presence of aggregates in sphalerite particles had no influence on maximum recovery and flotation rate constant at
at pH 7–9 as a mechanism of sphalerite misreporting to lead and low copper concentrations.
copper concentrates in the processing of Pb–Cu–Zn sulfide ores. They However, Gigowski et al. [33] and Harmer et al. [48] have reported
found that sphalerite releases sufficient zinc ions in solution (which contrasting trends to those found by Solecki et al. [27], Szczypa et al.
forms hydroxide in the pH range 7–9) and causes aggregation. A [49], Buckley et al. [20] and Boulton et al. [38]. Using natural sphalerite
flocculating mechanism of aggregation was suggested involving with varying iron content (up to 12 wt.%) they showed that copper-
polymeric zero-charge Zn2+ species, [Zn(OH)2(H2O)2]0n. activated iron-rich sphalerite preferentially adsorbs xanthate. How-
ever, despite this no direct relationship between floatability, iron
2.6. The effect of sphalerite iron content on copper activation content and copper concentration was found [33]. Recent studies by
Harmer et al. [48] demonstrated that as the iron content of sphalerite
Pure sphalerite (cubic ZnS) contains nearly 67 wt.% Zn and 33 wt.% S increased the amount of Cu2+ adsorbing onto the sphalerite surface
[45]. However, natural ZnS normally contains iron (along with other also increased. Using a combination of electron microprobe analysis
minor impurities) substituted for zinc atoms [46], amounts of which (EPA), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and XPS on five different
depend on the temperature and chemistry of the crystallisation sphalerite samples with varying iron content (Table 1), they showed
environment [45,47]. The presence of iron decreases the band gap of that as the iron content of the sample increased the number of surface
sphalerite, which is naturally an insulator, and affects its reactivity [48]. defects and steps along with the size of surface oxidation products
The iron content of sphalerite has been seen to influence the activation also increased. The increased surface defect sites allow more Cu2+ to
and subsequent flotation behaviour of sphalerite during fundamental be adsorbed compared to samples with low iron content (less defect
studies; however contradictory results have been reported sites). In addition samples with higher iron content undergo a more
[20,27,33,38,48,49]. Table 1 provides a summary of copper activation rapid oxidation than those with lower iron content, hence iron further
and flotation studies conducted over the last two decades with aids in Cu2+ adsorption. A decrease in the Fe 2p3/2 doublet intensity
sphalerite samples of various iron and lead (where this data is available was also noted compared that of the zinc, suggesting copper replaced
or lead is present) contents. This table also lists the various conditions iron in the sphalerite preferentially over zinc.
(where available) used for these studies. The pH, activator and collector
used are fairly consistent. However, other important factors such as 2.7. Sphalerite surface oxidation
activation time and particle size are quite different.
Using synthetic sphalerite containing various iron contents (up to The sphalerite surface is characterised by steps and defects, size
40 wt.%) and 64Cu labelled CuSO4, Solecki et al. [27] showed that and frequencies of which tends to increase with impurities such as
adsorption of Cu2+decreased with increasing concentration of iron in iron [48]. Therefore, sphalerite surface preparation for activation and
sphalerite. In another study, Szczypa et al. [49] further demonstrated, the degree of pre-oxidation of the surface may affect the available
with synthesised sphalerite, that increasing the iron content also surface area for the uptake of copper and xanthate, and are thus also
results in decreasing attachment of xanthate to copper-activated important factors to be considered. Harmer et al. [46] studied a high
sphalerite, primarily due to reduced copper on the sphalerite surface. iron sphalerite surface (110) using electron probe microanalysis
XPS studies by Buckley et al. [20] on two natural sphalerite samples (EMPA), Rutherford backscattering (RBS), PIXE, XPS, and medium
with different (high and low) iron contents also appear to support energy ion scattering (MEIS) and found that vacuum fractured and air
these findings. However, they acknowledged the gradient in lead fractured samples undergo varying degrees of relaxations and

Table 1
Copper activation and flotation studies conducted over the past two decades and conclusions reached using sphalerite samples with different iron and lead contents

Sample (size) Fe content Pb content Activator Collector used pH Conclusion Reference

Synthetic (not given) 0% Not CuSO4 – 8 Increase in Fe causes decrease in [27]
5% present (not given) Cu adsorption
Synthetic (not given) 0% Not CuSO4 Ethyl xanthate 6, 8, 10 Increase in Fe reduces xanthate [49]
5% present (20 min) adsorption due to lower Cu adsorption
Natural (not given) 33a 0.2a CuSO4 – 9.2 Cu uptake by high Fe sample was less [20]
115a 24a (1 h) than for the low Fe sample
Natural (125–200 μm) 0.38% 0.04% CuSO4 Sodium isopropyl – Fe rich sphalerite adsorbs more Cu and [33]
12% 0.20% (not given) xanthate preferentially binds to xanthate
Synthetic: ZnSe and ZnS Natural: High (exact (Not CuSO4 Sodium isopropyl 10 and Fe inhibits initial Cu activation but catalyses [17]
Fe rich (b 10 μm) values not given) given) (1 min) xanthate 12 covellite formation upon xanthate addition
Natural (range; − 45 μm) 0.3% 0.07% CuSO4 Sodium isopropyl 11 Fe is detrimental to copper activation which [38]
12.5% 0.24% (2 min) xanthate reduces collector adsorption
Natural fresh (110)surface 0.02% to 14.79% (Not CuSO4 – 5 Fe enhances Cu adsorption [48]
given) (1 h)
Values reported as atomic ratios (× 103) of metallic impurity elements relative to zinc.
A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110 103

reconstructions resulting in possible S–S (dimer) type bonding. (without exchange) of Pb2+ followed by development and precipita-
However these surfaces are likely to be considerably different to tion of lead hydroxy species such as PbOH+ and Pb(OH)2 [51,53]. In
those exposed to an aqueous environment. addition, carbonate species such as Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2 precipitates can
Leaching studies conducted by Weisener et al. [50] have shown also occur at high pHs and under prolonged exposure to air, which is
iron-rich sphalerite to be more oxidised and to leach more rapidly typical in processing circuits. This is evident from solution speciation
than low iron containing sphalerite, suggesting greater reactivity of calculations of O'Dea et al. [57]. The Pb(OH)2 may then react with
iron-rich sphalerite surfaces. Recent AFM images have shown the xanthate to form lead xanthate through an ion exchange mechanism
occurrence of larger and more frequent oxidation features on air [51]. Rashchi et al. [52] however found through micro-flotation tests
exposed high iron sphalerites (compared to low iron sphalerite), that lead activation of sphalerite was significant below pH 7 and
confirming higher reactivity of high iron sphalerite [48]. progressively decreased to zero at pH 11. Based on their results and
Solecki et al. [27] established that surface oxidation prior to those from the literature, Rashchi et al. [52] suggested a mechanism
activation had a greater effect on copper adsorption onto the low iron where lead exchanges with zinc in the sphalerite lattice and reacts
sphalerite in comparison to the high iron sphalerite. Szczypa et al. [49] with xanthate to form Pb–X only in the acidic pH range. From pH 7–10
demonstrated that the copper/xanthate uptake was much greater lead forms a Zn–O–Pb+ species on the surface through adsorption of
onto unoxidised than oxidised sphalerite surfaces for both high and Pb(OH)+ but also forms the same Pb–X species with xanthate. Beyond
low iron sphalerite and that the effect of iron content was more pH 10 the Pb(OH)2 precipitates dominates which can render sphalerite
pronounced for unoxidised as compared to oxidised surfaces. surface hydrophilic thus depressing flotation.
Gigowski et al. [33] however found that copper activation of sphalerite The mechanism of lead activation of sphalerite remains poorly
surfaces was more influenced by iron content than by the degree of understood and further surface studies involving both spectroscopic
oxidation. These results suggest that while both increased oxidation (XPS, ToF-SIMS, NEXAFS, EXAFS) and electrochemical kinetic studies
and increased iron content are detrimental to flotation it is the latter are needed for clarification. Synchrotron based measurements
which has the more profound effect. (spatially resolved) may be better suited as the surface lead
Using XAS Pattrick et al. [17] showed that activated natural (Zn,Fe)S concentrations are relatively low and may involve localised hetero-
was more oxidised than ZnS, and that surface iron in (Zn,Fe)S existed geneous adsorption.
as FeO. Similar FeO structures were observed by Buckley et al. [20] on Additions of Fe2+ in the presence of oxygen can also activate the
freshly fractured sphalerite samples, which were believed to have sphalerite surfaces (through adsorption of Fe2+ as Fe(OH)+ followed by
existed prior to the fracture. According to Pattrick et al. [17], the anodic oxidation to Fe(OH)2+) and aid sphalerite floatation by forming
existence of FeO had the effect of accelerating the formation of CuO a ferric hydroxy complex with collector molecules at moderately
and covellite (CuS), which is proposed by some authors to be among alkaline pH [34,58]. Such results with ferrous activation via aqueous
the major products of activation and xanthate addition. Additionally, addition may provide insight regarding the possible influence of iron
the EXAFS Fe K edge data revealed that iron also reacts with the sulfur in the sphalerite structure (bulk and surface) with evidence of FeO [17]
of xanthates forming FeS, thus adding further evidence to the notion type structures on the sphalerite surface and also the possible
of preferential xanthate adsorption on high iron sphalerite. These influence of the presence of iron containing minerals such as pyrite,
findings also provide a possible explanation for the observation made which can contribute to the pulp iron concentration through
by Gigowski et al. [33]. solubilisation. The use of steel grinding media however contributes
to a larger portion of pulp iron content through oxidation of steel
2.8. Lead and iron sphalerite activation (corrosion) during grinding (Section 4.0).
However, iron or lead within the sphalerite lattice do not appear to
Sphalerite containing a high iron concentration also generally has significantly influence collector adsorption (through solubilisation
higher lead content. Addition of, or the presence of, lead ions (Pb2+) in during conditioning) under laboratory conditions. Tong et al. [59]
the flotation slurry can directly activate sphalerite and promote conducted unactivated (without copper) flotation tests (2 min collec-
flotation [51–53]. Pb2+ can be present due to dissolution from galena tion time) on high iron marmatite with varying concentrations of
and also through recycling of plant water, which can lead to butyl xanthate. The recoveries obtained for all xanthate concentra-
inadvertent lead activation and misreporting of sphalerite to copper tions used were extremely low with percent recoveries less than 5%.
and lead concentrates [11,54]. The presence of greater lead content in Similar results were also found by Boulton et al. [38] for ZnS and (Zn,
high iron sphalerite (compared to low iron sphalerite) is likely to Fe)S using the collector SIPX. Zhang et al. [34] found that activation
contribute towards higher flotation response seen in studies with high effect of Fe2+ in the pulp solution was more pronounced between 1
iron sphalerite (Section 2.6). and 2 ppm and that their effect continuously decreased above 2 ppm.
Pb2+ on the sphalerite surface (either present naturally as part of They also did not find any activation effect by Fe3+. Under laboratory
sphalerite lattice or adsorbed from the solution) promotes flotation by conditions of activation, iron or lead within the sphalerite lattice may
reacting with xanthate forming stable xanthate and/or dixanthogen not be solubilising sufficiently to produce similar effects to those seen
[55]. Basilio et al. [55] using kinetic studies and spectroscopic analysis in studies with aqueous additions of these ions into the mineral slurry.
(XPS, XRF and FTIR) suggested that lead activation of sphalerite occurred Within a flotation circuit these ions (lead and iron) possibly occur
through an exchange mechanism involving exchange of Pb2+ with Zn2+ as a result of dissolution from minerals that predominantly contain
(similar to copper activation) on the sphalerite surface. This exchange these elements. Table 2 shows rest potential values of some common
mechanism is however not supported by other studies as accommodat-
ing lead in place of zinc sites would require considerable relaxations of
Table 2
local structure as lead is much larger than zinc (or copper) [53,56]. Rest potential of some common sulfide minerals
Computer (atomistic) simulations by Pattrick et al. [56] showed
Sulfide mineral Rest potential (SHE) V
that lead is incompatible in zinc sites in a sphalerite lattice (both
Pyrite 0.66
surface and bulk) and the exchange process is not energetically
Chalcopyrite 0.56
favourable. Further fluorescence REFLEXAFS study by Pattrick et al. Sphalerite 0.46
[56] favoured a mechanism involving the formation of Pb-oxide Covellite 0.45
species which become a point of attachment of xanthate sulfur to the Bornite 0.42
lead. A high pH (9.2) normally favours more lead adsorption on Galena 0.40

sphalerite surface and it may occur through direct adsorption Obtained from [60].
104 A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110

sulfide minerals [60]. In a mixed mineral system (as in plants) galvanic pyrite surface without activation reaches a maximum at pH 5 and a
interactions occur, with minerals of higher rest potential being minimum at pH 7. Flotation results showed that as much as 80 to 90%
cathodic and those with lower rest potential being anodic. Anodic of pyrite can be recovered through flotation (without activation) at pH
mineral are prone to oxidation unlike cathodic minerals. Galena, with 4 to 5, while recovery is much lower at other pH values [4,6]. Surface
the lowest rest potential, will undergo oxidative dissolution in a mixed analysis by Leppinen [4], of unactivated pyrite samples conditioned
mineral system and may be a significant source of Pb2+ in flotation with ethyl xanthate confirmed the occurrence of iron–xanthate with
circuits. Pyrite will be cathodic and will not contribute as much iron to diethyl dixanthogen at monolayer coverage on the pyrite surface.
the system. The source of iron in mineral circuits may be from other A clear distinction as to whether the iron–xanthate is in the Fe(II)
sources such steel grinding media (Section 4.0). or Fe(III) form was not made by Leppinen [4] however some Fe(III)
Zielinski et al. [61], using SEM-EDS analysis, found evidence of character was evident. Studies by Valdivieso et al. [66] have shown
preferential misreporting only of low-iron sphalerite into lead that adsorption of xanthate onto unactivated pyrite surface increases
concentrates within three Cominco lead flotation circuits, most likely aqueous Fe2+. The surface oxidation of xanthate to dixanthogen results
through activated flotation with collector adsorption. Its was in a corresponding reduction of the surface Fe(III) hydroxide with
envisaged that the low-iron particles (both coarse and fine size conversion to Fe2+. This mechanism proposed by Valdivieso et al. [66]
fractions) were activated possibly by lead solubilised from the ore is shown in Fig. 2. According to this mechanism as the hydrophobic
within the slurry and that preferential activation of only low iron dixanthogen develops on the pyrite surface there is a subsequent
sphalerite particles could have been due to greater oxidation of high reduction in hydrophilic surface hydroxide.
iron sphalerite particles due to their higher reactivity. Such studies
highlight the complexity of the activation and flotation process used 3.2. Mechanisms of Cu(II) and Cu(OH)2 activation
for mineral separation in actual plant environment which may be
missed under controlled laboratory conditions. There are important structural and electronic differences between
pyrite and sphalerite and as such it is no surprise that the copper
3. Copper activation of pyrite activation of pyrite follows a different mechanism from that of
sphalerite. It was shown by Weisener and Gerson [67] that copper
Unlike sphalerite, pyrite responds well to thiol collector molecules uptake during pyrite activation does not results in a related 1:1 (or
in the absence of activation [4,6], however pyrite can be activated any) iron release from pyrite, thus ruling out an ion exchange
when copper is present in the slurry. In either case, inadvertent pyrite activation mechanism. Pyrite activation follows a single fast step
flotation can result, either during flotation of copper bearing involving Cu(II) adsorption onto the reactive sulfur sites only on the
minerals/ores due to partial dissolution [62] or during activated surface with no migration into the bulk pyrite [67]. During adsorption
flotation of sphalerite especially where the concentration of sphaler- Cu(II) is reduced to Cu(I) with subsequent oxidation of surface sulfide.
ite in the slurry is low [6]. Secondary copper bearing ores such as Boulton et al. [37], confirmed that copper adsorbs only to the surface
chalcocite, covellite and bornite pose greater risk of inadvertent pyrite and does not migrate to the bulk, as is case for sphalerite.
activation and flotation compared to chalcopyrite, as evident from Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy employing attenu-
rest potential values in Table 2 [60,62,63]. It is therefore important to ated total reflection (FTIR-ATR), Leppinen [4] suggested that the pyrite
understand the controlling mechanisms of pyrite activation and the surface upon activation is fully covered with copper–sulfide like
flotation of pyrite into copper or zinc concentrates. In addition to Cu2+, products which resemble Cu2S more than CuS. However, subsequent
pyrite can also be activated by Pb2+, Fe2+ and Ca2+ which can lead to EXAFS data analysis has indicated that copper on the activated pyrite
inadvertent pyrite flotation causing it to misreport to copper, zinc or surface has a distorted trigonal planar position between three sulfur
lead concentrates [6,64,65]. As for sphalerite, pyrite activation and atoms [67] with an average Cu–S bond length of 2.27 ± 0.02 Å.
flotation is also influenced by pH, copper concentration and activation Weisener and Gerson [31,67] studied pyrite activation using
time. EXAFS, XPS, angle resolved XPS and time of flight secondary ion
mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and found Cu(I) to be present for all pH
3.1. Unactivated flotation and all copper concentrations studied, with Cu(II) occurring (as
hydroxide) and overlaying the Cu(I) activated surface only at alkaline
Pyrite has a natural flotability and a small percentage of it can pH. Moreover, no further copper uptake was observed after 5 min of
usually be recovered without any use of activators or collectors activation. At alkaline pH, along with the distorted trigonal planar
[40,65]. Much higher recoveries can be achieved with collectors. It has copper moiety, Cu(OH)2 precipitates were also found with a Cu–O
been shown by Leppinen [4] that adsorption of xanthate onto the bond length of 2.00 Å.

Fig. 2. Adsorption and dixanthogen formation on unactivated pyrite surface. Redrawn from [66].
A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110 105

Zhang et al. [6] suggested through zeta potential and FTIR (ATR) Table 3
measurements that copper is chemisorbed to the surface. It was Typical amounts of collector and activator used in flotation and separation of sulfide
ores at processing plants
however shown by Hicyilmaz et al. [68] that the interaction between
copper and pyrite is solely an electrochemical process while the Reagent Name Amount used (g/t)
interaction between activated copper and collector, and the pyrite Collector Xanthate 5–350
surface and collector is primarily chemical in nature. Results from Dithiophosphate 10–250
Thionocarbamate 10–15
Pecina et al. [65] have also confirmed the chemical interaction of
Xanthogen formate 2–25
collectors with activated and unactivated pyrite surfaces. Xanthic ester 2–25
Leppinen [4], through IR internal reflection surface analysis of Mercaptobenzothiazole 25–250
activated pyrite surfaces conditioned with ethyl xanthate collector, Thiocarbanilide 25–75
showed Cu(I)–ethyl xanthate to be the dominant activation product Activator Copper sulfate 100–2500

with monolayer coverage. Shen et al. [69] also reported cuprous– Data obtained from [9].
xanthate as the only xanthate product formed under their reactions
conditions. Leppinen [4] found copper concentration and pH
dependency of xanthate adsorption and subsequent flotation of and plant values. Most of these studies do not state the conditioning
pyrite. They showed at pH 7 that when equal amounts of copper volume, hence it becomes difficult to convert molar concentrations
and xanthate are used, copper xanthate is the only product formed, into g/t. From the studies that do express reagent concentration in g/t,
however when either relatively higher or lower concentrations of the collector concentrations used appear to be an order of magnitude
copper is used, significant amounts of dixanthogen also forms. Some higher than normal plant practice. Studies beyond the normal
Cu(II)–xanthate like compounds were also observed at higher copper practical range are however needed to provide new perspectives for
concentrations. Oxidation of xanthate to dixanthogen has also been better separation. With exception of a few studies, most references
reported by [6]. quoted have conducted tests on single mineral system while
maintaining concentrations similar to that used in plant. Needless to
3.3. Effectiveness of activation say that processing plants have mixed mineral systems with galvanic
processes which does not occur in single mineral system.
The amount of xanthate adsorbed on activated pyrite surfaces was
seen to increase from a minimum at pH 4–5 to a maximum at pH 8 [4]. 4. Mixed pyrite and sphalerite flotation
The adsorption decreased drastically above pH 8. This can also be
observed from the data of Zhang et al. [6] and Dichmann and Finch Separation of pyrite and sphalerite through activated flotation is
[70] where percentage recovery of activated and unactivated pyrite, normally carried out at high pH [3,71] although some plants such as
with and without xanthate, undergoes a similar decrease after pH 8–9. Teck Cominco also does this at lower pH [48]. Pyrite has a higher rest
They however obtained a significantly higher recovery than Leppinen potential than sphalerite and due to this pyrite surfaces become
[4] at pH 4. coated with OH products (resulting from reduction of O2) due to
Generally, activation by copper results in significant increases in galvanic coupling, making pyrite surface less hydrophobic, thus
recovery only within the pH range of 6–10 [4,6,70]. At mildly acidic pH increasing sphalerite selectivity [72]. This galvanic coupling can
a higher than expected recovery of unactivated pyrite is observed however be suppressed by saturating the ore slurry with N2 gas and
owing, most probably, to the emergence of sulfur-rich products (due using N2 gas for flotation instead of air. This causes the pulp potential
to the dissolution of iron). Hence, in these studies, the maximum to be reduced due to reduced oxygen activity [72]. The use of N2 gas to
flotation, using xanthate collector, of unactivated pyrite at pH 4 is seen reduce galvanic interactions can be used in reverse flotation of pyrite
to exceed flotation of activated pyrite at pH 8. This may have very from sphalerite [11]. It is also used effectively in the N2TEC flotation
limited practical implications as most plants don't operate at a low pH technology for flotation of auriferous pyrite by the Newmont Mining
of 4. It is generally seen that hydrophobicity of pyrite surfaces Corporation at their Lone Tree Plant in Nevada [64]. This process was
increases at low pH (compared to higher pH under similar conditions) developed initially to improve recovery of gold from low grade sulfide
with either activation or collector addition or both [68], thus resulting ores, the N2TEC process involves processing of ores (from grinding to
in higher recovery. Flotation of both activated and unactivated pyrite flotation) in an inert N2 gas environment where operating potential
generally follows first-order kinetics [63]. ranges from 100 mV to 300 mV vs. SHE (−0.1 to −0.5 V vs. Ag/AgCl) and
He et al. [40] have shown pulp oxidation potential (Eh) to be an uses potassium ethyl xanthate [64,73].
important factor in determining recoveries and speciation on pyrite Zhang et al. [6] conducted micro-flotation studies of activated
surfaces, with maximum recoveries obtainable at the conditioning pyrite in the absence and presence of sphalerite. Activated pyrite
oxidation potential of 35 mV (SHE) at pH 9. EDTA extraction and flotation is observed to be depressed significantly in the presence of
surface studies (XPS) revealed that Eh influences the production of sphalerite at all pH values with recovery continuously decreasing to
hydrophilic (iron oxide/hydroxide) and hydrophobic (Cu(I)–S) species, nearly 2% at pH 11. Pyrite recovery at pH 4 is seen to be much higher
and also promotes formation of Cu(I)–xanthate species on pyrite than recoveries at all other pH even when conducted in the presence
surface The presence and relative abundance of such surface species of sphalerite. Flotation without copper activation generally has no
has a corresponding effect on pyrite recovery. effect on pyrite recovery as sphalerite does not combine with xanthate
Typically copper and xanthate concentrations from 1 × 10− 4 to without copper [6].
1 × 10− 6 M are used to conduct fundamental lab-based studies Using micro-flotation, laboratory batch, and in-plant minicell
[14,26,30,31,37–44]. A few studies have also reported using 100– experiments, Dichmann and Finch [70] observed similar behaviour
1500 g/t collector [37–39,41–43] and 250–3000 g/t copper containing during combined flotation of activated pyrite and sphalerite. From
activator (such as nitrate or sulphate) [37–39,42,70]. Table 3 gives these studies it appeared that during mixed activation/flotation
names of some collectors and their typical addition rate along with the sphalerite preferentially consumed copper and xanthate while pyrite
dose of copper sulfate used in flotation of sulfide ores in processing becomes depressed when in the presence of sphalerite. According to
plants. A range of collector and copper concentrations is used Dichmann and Finch [70], addition of copper increases galvanic
depending on the exact mineralogy of the ore being processed and coupling between sphalerite and pyrite particles, and this favours
the target minerals. It is however difficult to compare the values given xanthate adsorption on sphalerite while pyrite becomes coated with
in literature, which are normally expressed in molar concentrations, hydrophilic hydroxide ions. The effectiveness of this electrochemical
106 A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110

reaction in the separation of sphalerite from pyrite is still not fully separation of copper-activated sphalerite from pyrite in the presence
understood and remains an area of continued research [74]. However, of sodium sulfite at pH 8.5 and separations were much better when O2
according to Finch et al. [11], the notion of pyrite depression upon was used as the conditioning gas and when the time interval between
copper addition, by increased galvanic coupling with sphalerite, has additions of sulfite and xanthate were relatively short. Fig. 3 shows
successfully been tested at two plant operations in Canada, Agnico comparative results from this study with varying intervals between
Eagle's Laronde and Noranda's Matagami-Bell Allard. In these tests xanthate and sodium sulfite addition (20 s and 10 min) and the use of
copper and lime were added sequentially to initiate selective copper O2 or N2 as conditioning gas. Sodium sulfite and O2 conditioning is also
activation of sphalerite rather than using traditional method of seen to increase separation efficiencies through pyrite depression
simultaneous addition of copper and lime or lime addition prior to rather than through an increase in sphalerite flotation. A 70 mV
copper addition. This has now become part of Noranda operations decrease in solution Eh was also observed upon sodium sulfite
after a significant reduction of iron from zinc concentrates was addition. Based on these results and combined UV–visible, IR and XPS
achieved. studies, Shen et al. [69] proposed an electrochemical mechanism of
Recent surface analytical studies, XPS and ToF-SIMS, with mixed pyrite depression with the formation of copper hydroxide on copper-
pyrite and sphalerite flotation have shown evidence of hydrophilic activated pyrite surfaces through consumption of O2 which causes the
species such as ferric hydroxide/sulfate obscuring the pyrite surface decrease seen in solution Eh. The use of sodium sulfite and O2
[37]. This iron hydroxide layer appeared to have inhibited copper and conditioning helps depress copper-activated pyrite surfaces through
collector adsorption onto the pyrite, thus resulting in a decrease in the following mechanism:
pyrite recovery. Hydrophobic species like cuprous sulfide and

collector were on-the-other-hand dominate on the sphalerite surface SO2− 1 2−
3ðaqÞ þ 2O2ðaqÞ YSO4ðaqÞ þ 2e ð12Þ
[37]. He et al. [40] also observed the inhibiting iron oxidation species
on pyrite, leading to a decreased recovery. Boulton et al. [37] further
H2 OðaqÞ þ 2e− þ 12O2ðaqÞ Y2OH−ðaqÞ ð13Þ
established that separation of these minerals depends on the
concentration of activating copper and concentration of collector
used. Increasing copper concentration was found to increase sphaler- Cu2þ −
ðaqÞ þ 2OHðaqÞ →CuðOHÞ2ðsurfaceÞ ð14Þ
ite recovery while increasing collector concentration increased pyrite
recovery. The concentrations of copper and xanthate should be aimed In addition to this mechanism Shen et al. [69] propose that galvanic
to be kept at a level which gives maximum flotation response from interactions occur between the cuprous sulfide layer on the pyrite
sphalerite while still retarding pyrite flotation into zinc concentrates. surface and the pyrite mineral surface. The cuprous sulfide layer being
Particle size may also have an effect on the flotation response of the less cathodic is oxidised to produce cupric ions while O2 is reduced at
sphalerite when mixed with pyrite. Boulton et al. [37] further found the pyrite surface producing hydroxide ions. A similar process also
that finer sphalerite particles report to the tails due to the lower occurs on the sphalerite surface however it occurs predominantly on
probability of such particles combining with gas particles during pyrite as it is the more cathodic of the two minerals. Hence, sodium
flotation. sulfite with O2 induces more hydroxide formation on pyrite surfaces
Further selectivity can be achieved by carefully choosing and using than on sphalerite.
different collectors and flotation conditions. Shen et al. [71] found A range of sulfoxy species from S2− to SO2− 3 can be used as

ethoxycarbonyl thionocarbamate and thiourea collectors to be more depressants, and the use of metabisulfite in addition to controlling
selective for separation of copper-activated sphalerite from pyrite electrochemical conditions (Eh and pH), has resulted in significant
than xanthate in the neutral to alkaline pH range. Moreover, they also pyrite depression in-plant trials at Heath Steele for floating galena
found that the use of O2 gas, for conditioning, improved selectivity away from pyrite [11]. Sulfoxy species sodium sulfide is also used in
towards sphalerite separation from pyrite especially at short mineral the sulfidisation of oxidised sulfide mineral surfaces to restore
conditioning times of less than 20 min. Galvanic interactions between weathered surfaces and to retard metal ion dissolution (such as
mineral particles are reduced to some degree at high pH as the pulp lead) that can inadvertently activate pyrite [11,72]. The sulfoxy species
potential is lowered [72]. Pulp potentials and hence galvanic reactions also sequesters metal ions already released into the solution. This
can be restored by conditioning with air or O2, thus increasing reduces the concentration of xanthate needed to float oxidised
sphalerite selectivity. Excessive oxygenation should however be minerals as side precipitation of metal–xanthate is reduced.
avoided as flotability by thiol collectors can be affected [72]. Grinding Polyphosphates has also been found to prevent accidental
with the use of mild steel also reduces pulp potential as corrosion of activation of unwanted minerals by metal ions such as lead present
steel consumes O2. The corrosion of the grinding media is accelerated in the mineral slurry [76]. Micro-flotation tests by Rashchi and Finch
by presence of galvanic interactions between the steel media (lowest [76] showed that sodium polyphosphates effectively deactivated
rest potential) and mineral particles, with cathodic reduction of O2
occurring on mineral surfaces [9,42]. This not only leaves mineral
surfaces rich in hydrophilic hydroxyl products which affect selectivity
but is also a significant source of iron contamination [11]. Grinding
with inert media (sand, slag, ore or ceramic) is preferred over steel
[11]. Modifications were made in the flotation circuit at Mt. Isa Mine
Ltd., Australia, to obtain better zinc concentrate grades through inert
regrinding of lead–zinc ore at key streams to liberate more sphalerite
through finer grinding [9,75].
Separation efficiencies can also be increased by the use of sulfoxy
species such as sodium sulfite [69], SO2 or sodium metabisulfite [72].
Sulfoxy species acts as depressants and they depress minerals like
pyrite by preventing collectors from adsorbing onto the mineral
surface. Rao [72] suggests that since no sulfur–oxygen products are
observed on pyrite surfaces, depression by sulfoxy species tends to
follow an electrochemical mechanism. Using a modified Smith and Fig. 3. Sphalerite and pyrite recoveries obtained at pH 8.5 with [Cu2+] and [KEX] =
Partridge micro-flotation column, Shen et al. [69] obtained maximum 2 × 10− 5 mol·dm− 3 and [Na2SO3] = 2 × 10− 4 mol·dm− 3. Adopted from [69].
A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110 107

sphalerite in a sphalerite–lead flotation at near neutral conditions. needs to be consolidated as a feed back system to realise the extent of
Based on SEM and XPS studies a “cleaning” mechanism of polypho- progress made and the milestones that are yet to be achieved. As
sphate action was suggested which involved removal of activating evident from the literature reviewed there are three general areas
lead ions from the sphalerite surface by formation of a soluble which require further attention. The first is to recognise and be able to
complex. The use of phosphate as a lead selective deactivator greatly predict the optimum conditions needed to activate, float and
improved copper concentrates at NVI Mining's Myra Falls operation by effectively separate pyrite and sphalerite. The second area is to
reducing the amount of zinc and lead in the concentrates [54]. determine the structures formed after activation and collector
Sodium cyanide can also effectively depress pyrite by inhibiting addition and the mechanism leading to these species. And finally an
xanthate adsorption and its subsequent oxidation [72,77]. This effective way to reconcile these lab-based studies with plant practices
happens through the formation of an insoluble iron–cyanide complex is required to ensure maximised process throughput, efficiency and
through an electrochemical mechanism [44,78]. Cyanide also dis- economy and minimised environmental impact.
places xanthate already adsorbed on to pyrite surfaces by an exchange Both sphalerite and pyrite can be activated by ions such as Cu2+, Fe2+
mechanism [44]. Organic depressants such as dextrin, starch, di- and Pb2+ in solution; however it is only copper that is used
ethylene-triamine and tri-ethylene-triamine (DETA/TETA) are being commercially while the other ions are considered to be contaminants
considered as a more environmentally friendly option to cyanide as which can cause inadvertent activation and loss of selectivity. Copper
depressant [11,79,80]. In addition cyanide has been found to be activation of sphalerite proceeds with a 1:1 exchange of Cu2+ with Zn2+
responsible for inadvertent activation of sphalerite (by Cu) during from the first couple of atomic layers of the sphalerite surface after
flotation of chalcopyrite, which had cyanide added to depress pyrite which the related sulfide is oxidised to a Cu(I)–S species. This step is
[81]. Mining plant in Quebec, Canada, suffers from this inadvertent relatively rapid (completed within first 15–20 min) with the rate most
activation and flotation of sphalerite into chalcopyrite concentrates likely controlled by solution mass transfer, thus requiring sufficient
when using cyanide as a depressant. Studies by Rao et al. [81] stirring during conditioning to maximise the rate of activation.
concluded that Cu is leached out of chalcopyrite by the cyanide and After the initial step, there is a slow steady state counter diffusion of
under sufficiently anodic pulp potentials inadvertent activation copper (most likely in the Cu(I) oxidation state) into the bulk structure
of sphalerite takes place. However when the pulp potential is cathodic and Zn2+ out of the bulk structure. The surface copper sulfide species
(b −155 mV SHE) this inadvertent activation is suppressed as the formed is hydrophobic and can induce collectorless flotation especially
solution Cu exists in Cu+ oxidation state and is not able to exchange under low pH conditions. Pyrite activation on-the-other-hand follows
with divalent zinc from sphalerite. a single fast step involving copper adsorption to the surface without
Another important factor that can impact the selectivity for any exchange with iron in the pyrite lattice. Copper adsorbed onto the
sphalerite and pyrite flotation is the quality of water used in-plant pyrite surface does not migrate into the bulk pyrite lattice.
flotation. The primary water source for mine usage can be relatively Unlike sphalerite pyrite responds to thiol collectors and tends to
impure. Treated sewerage and hard water are regularly sourced which float well even without copper activation. This behaviour is due to the
can have varying organic and inorganic content [82]. In addition the activating nature of Fe2+ which is naturally present on pyrite surfaces,
process water in-plant flotation is increasingly recycled from tailings where iron–xanthate structures form along with dixanthogen. This
dams, thickener overflows, dewatered and filter products, which can largely happens under low pH conditions as the surface Fe2+ sites
lead to a build up of residual reagents and reaction products (such as form iron hydroxide species at higher pH which retards collector
xanthates and dixanthogen), mineral dissolution and oxidation adsorption.
products (metal ions such as Fe2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+), Cu(I)–xanthate (or any other collector) is the dominant species
colloidal precipitates, residual sulfides, increased microbiological formed when sphalerite and pyrite are individually activated and
activity and highly variable pH and Eh [82–84]. Such degradation of conditioned with xanthate collector. Under conditions (such as long
water quality tends to affect flotation and selectivity of both sulfide activation time or increased delay between copper activator and
and non-sulfide mineral systems and increases reagent consumption collector addition) which allow copper to migrate into the sphalerite
[83–88]. Depending on water quality flotation and selectivity of lattice, the amounts of Cu(I)–xanthate formed on the surface will be
sphalerite and pyrite (and other sulfide systems) can be affected by relatively low, which depending upon other slurry conditions may or
non-selective adsorption of xanthate and dixanthogen, depression may not affect flotation. Xanthate on the mineral (sphalerite and
from accumulated sulfides/cyanides and inadvertent activation from pyrite) surface or in the solution may also dimerize to form
metallic ions such like Fe2+, Cu2+, Pb2+ and their colloidal precipitates. hydrophobic dixanthogen especially at low pH and relatively low
Water quality in flotation circuits can be improved by employing copper concentrations. Dixanthogen formed in solution tends to
waste water treatment techniques such as dissolved air flotation adsorb non-selectively and can cause unwanted flotation of minerals
(DAF), organic removal through biological oxidation, flocculation and especially gangue. Xanthate may also react with Cu2+ in the
aggregation, precipitation, ion exchange, UV exposure and reverse conditioning solution causing precipitation of Cu–xanthate and
osmosis [82,83,89]. Water quality is not a problem in lab-based again non-specific adsorption. This limits the amount of xanthate
fundamental studies as distilled, de-ionised or de-mineralised water available for floating the desired mineral thus increasing reagent
are frequently used, which may not approximate in-plant (electro- consumption. Sequential addition of copper and xanthate is conse-
chemical) conditions. As such outcomes from fundamental studies quently preferred over simultaneous additions of these reagents.
may not equate to similar outcomes in an actual processing At high pH conditions colloidal Cu(OH)2 will also precipitate onto
environment. Fundamental studies however provide the basic mineral surfaces and a thick obscuring layer of Cu(OH)2 may form if
chemical and kinetic information that is invaluable and plant trials the conditioning copper concentration is relatively high. The presence
where possible can add further value. of Cu(OH)2 on the surface can cause loss of selectivity as Cu(OH)2
precipitates non-selectively, hence has the potential to cause flotation
5. Summary of unwanted mineral or gangue, through reaction with xanthate. The
Cu(OH)2 layer also obscures the Cu(I)–sulfide layer thus further
A wide range of studies on sphalerite and pyrite flotation has been reducing surface hydrophobicity. Cu(OH)2 precipitated on sphalerite
conducted over several decades, which range from the investigation of surface may undergo ion exchange with surface Zn2+ followed by
basic mineralogy to elucidating complex surface structures, with the reduction to Cu(I). With time (or activation time) this Cu(OH)2 will
overriding aim of providing fundamental knowledge to enable continue substituting with Zn and will slowly migrate into the bulk.
increased economic benefits. The information from such studies This exchange does not take place between iron on the pyrite surface
108 A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110

and adsorbed Cu(OH)2. Some Cu(OH)2 precipitates will also be lost also due to water recycling, tend to inadvertently activate sphalerite
back into the solution especially if the solution copper concentration and cause it to misreport to copper or lead concentrates. Pyrite (if not
falls below Cu(OH)2 saturation. The effect of Cu(OH)2 will however sufficiently depressed) can also be activated by such contaminant ions.
depend on conditioning copper and xanthate concentrations, con- The exact mechanism by which activation of pyrite by the adsorption
ditioning time and pH. In the case of pyrite higher pH tends to of aqueous lead or iron species occurs is still poorly understood. Ion
promote formation of iron hydroxide and copper hydroxide species exchange and colloidal adsorption mechanisms as a function of pH
which not only block collector adsorption sites but also makes the have been suggested however the literature lacks sufficient definitive
surface more hydrophilic thus reducing the flotation response. Higher evidence. Further studies need to be done using mixed mineral
pH is ideal for depressing pyrite while lower pH can be used for systems and with lead and iron solution concentrations similar to
floating auriferous pyrite. those encountered in flotation circuits. The surface should also be
While copper concentration, activation time and pH have clearly characterised using the methods suggested further-on in this section.
been shown to affect sphalerite activation and flotation, the iron Determining the exact mechanism of lead and iron activation should
content of sphalerite has been a point of controversy, confined allow the development of techniques and reagents for minimising this
however only to fundamental studies. Iron content of sphalerite is unwanted activation and flotation of sphalerite and pyrite into other
currently not used as a basis for sphalerite processing in plants. It is concentrates. Investigations should also be made into minimising the
likely that the presence of iron in the sphalerite lattice reduces its misreporting of sphalerite or pyrite and other gangue materials by
band gap and increases its reactivity by aiding in electron transfer way of entrainment and aggregation through flocculation. Reagents
reactions. However, the presence of a high lattice iron concentration such as sulfoxy species can be used to restore mineral surfaces to
has been shown to give rise to increased adsorbed copper and minimise contaminant ion release. Polyphosphates can also be
subsequently higher xanthate adsorption but also lower adsorbed employed to selectively remove contaminant ions (that have adsorbed
copper and xanthate adsorption. The reason for this discrepancy lies inadvertently) from mineral surfaces. Inert grinding should also be
entirely on the higher reactivity imparted to sphalerite by presence of considered to minimise pulp iron content, in addition to improving
high iron. Sphalerite containing high iron oxidises much faster than mine water quality.
low iron sphalerite and at high pH is likely to be covered by The study of mixed mineral system is more practical than single
hydroxides possibly at iron sites which may be located near steps or mineral studies and provides a better approximation to actual plant
defects. Surface pre-oxidation and pH is therefore critical. The effect of processing circuits where galvanic interactions between mineral
high iron content on sphalerite copper adsorption, in the absence of particles plays a significant role. From studies conducted with mixed
surface oxidation, can only be clearly demonstrated at low pH using sphalerite and pyrite it is obvious that a high pH gives better
samples cleaved (or ground) in situ or in an inert environment. Low separation of these two minerals. Pyrite has one of the highest rest
pH ensures that there are no obscuring hydroxides on the surface potentials and consequently is usually the cathodic part of any
while in situ cleaving or cleaving under an inert environment ensures galvanic couple. In the presence of sphalerite, pyrite becomes covered
no atmospheric oxidation of the surface. with hydroxides (both ferrous and ferric) due to cathodic reduction of
Apart from enhancing electrochemical reactions, iron may aid in O2 on pyrite surfaces. Pyrite flotation is restricted as the hydroxide
copper adsorption by preferentially (over zinc) exchanging with species not only obscures sites for copper and xanthate adsorption but
copper and may also combine directly with sulfur in xanthate. Under also renders the pyrite surface hydrophilic. In addition sphalerite
conditions of high pH or conditions which do not limit atmospheric being anodic preferentially consumes aqueous copper and hydro-
surface oxidation, surface reactive sites become obscured by oxidation phobic cuprous–sulfide and xanthate dominate its surface. Pulp
products including hydroxide species. Under such condition low iron oxidation potential control is critical for effective galvanic interactions
sphalerite adsorbs more copper or xanthate due entirely to its less between pyrite and sphalerite, and O2 conditioning is therefore
reactive nature. This can cause sphalerite with low iron content to needed to maintain sufficient O2 activity. This galvanic interaction can
misreport to copper or lead concentrates. While the notion of however be reversed by purging and floating the minerals with an
sphalerite reactivity affecting its activation by copper is plausible, it inert gas like N2. N2 purging reduces pulp potential by decreasing O2
does not however rule out influence from other factors such as activity, and can be used for reverse flotation of pyrite away from
activating copper concentration or presence of contaminants such as sphalerite (and other anodic minerals) for maximising auriferous
lead. The concentration of lead in sphalerite tends to increase with pyrite recovery. The use of an inert gas to reverse the flotation
increasing iron concentration however this factor is frequently not provides conclusive evidence for the existence of galvanic interactions
taken into account. While the presence of contaminants such as lead and associated electrochemical processes. In addition to having the
in process water is usually not an issue for lab-based single mineral right potential, using an appropriate copper and xanthate concentra-
studies, long activation times may however be sufficient to solubilise tion, activation time and particle size should further improve
lead or even iron (Table 1). selectivity. Limits for these parameters will however depend on the
It is also important to consider the practical implications of the actual ore mineralogy (which changes with time and extent of mining)
effect of iron content on sphalerite activation. Under typical plant and plant operating conditions. New collectors are also emerging that
conditions, minerals are usually not under an inert environment after can offer better selectivity depending on the minerals that need to be
comminution and hence may undergo oxidation. Sphalerite with a recovered.
high iron content will oxidise more than sphalerite with low iron Grinding approaches should also be altered to enhance selectivity
content. In addition minerals in plants are mixed with other minerals and to minimise reagent use. Grinding using steel media uses up O2 in
hence galvanic interactions will play a significant role as these govern the pulp causing the pulp oxidation potential to decrease. O2 is
the relative degrees of surface oxidation. It is worth investigating the consumed as a result of steel corrosion, which increases when there is
effect galvanic interactions (with minerals such as pyrite, galena or galvanic interaction between the steel media and mineral particles.
chalcopyrite) have on copper adsorption of high iron sphalerite and This promotes the development of hydrophilic hydroxides on mineral
low iron sphalerite. It is envisaged that with a high rest potential surfaces (through O2 reduction) while the steel media is oxidised. This
mineral such as pyrite, the reactive nature of high iron sphalerite oxidation of steel media is a significant source of excess iron in
should promote more copper adsorption. However, this will be a flotation pulp. The decreased pulp potential and hydrophilic hydro-
function of the degree of surface pre-oxidation. xides reduce mineral selectivity as galvanic interactions between
Pb2+ and Fe2+ present in the mineral slurry as a result of dissolution mineral particles are reduced. This requires the use of additional O2
from lead and iron containing minerals such as galena and pyrite, and and copper/xanthate to restore selectivity. Inert grinding should be
A.P. Chandra, A.R. Gerson / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 145 (2009) 97–110 109

preferred in practices which require selective flotation of an anodic relatively low, a synchrotron energy source will be ideal for spatially
mineral such as sphalerite. resolved measurements. Techniques such as EXAFS, XANES, XRF, XPS
Selectivity can also be improved through the choice of an and IR should be considered to obtain information on chemical states,
appropriate pyrite depressant such as sulfoxy species (S2− to SO2− 3 ) coordination geometry, species identification and elemental distribu-
and cyanide. Common sulfoxy reagents are sodium sulfite, sulfur tion. Other non-synchrotron techniques such as dynamic and static
dioxide and sodium metabisulfite. They work by enhancing hydroxide SIMS can also provide complimentary information on surface species
formation on pyrite surfaces through an electrochemical process, and its distribution. In addition, theoretical techniques such as
thereby restricting collector adsorption. O2 conditioning may be quantum mechanical calculations help validate the existence of
needed to restore oxidation potential with sulfoxy addition as the proposed surface structures. Surface heterogeneity of these minerals
process may consume O2. The sulfoxy reagents tend to depress pyrite (sphalerite and pyrite) however strongly suggests that more than one
optimally at high pH and when the delay time between addition of the copper–sulfide phase co-exists not only on the surface but also in the
sulfoxy reagent and the collector is relatively short. Sodium cyanide bulk, structures of which may be similar to the ones already proposed.
depresses pyrite by formation of stable iron–cyanide complexes on Another important point to note is that most studies attempt to
the pyrite surface also through an electrochemical mechanism. It also identify activated structures on minerals activated under single
displaces collector molecules already adsorbed on the pyrite surface mineral system which however providing basic surface chemical
through an exchange mechanism. Despite the effectiveness of cyanide knowledge of the mineral bears no practical relevance. Minerals with
as a selective pyrite depressant other more environmentally friendly intimate contact with other minerals (typical in-plant situation) will
alternatives should be found as the cost of environmental and have galvanic coupling that will enhance Cu adsorption on the anodic
ecological repair will surpass current profits. mineral while retarding the same on the cathodic mineral by way of
Good water quality should also be maintained for optimal O2 reduction and subsequent OH production. Investigating and
selectivity and recovery. Mine water is usually impure and recycled determining structures on typical mixed mineral systems will be
for cost effectiveness however a detrimental quantity of unused more meaningful and economically beneficial as it can be related
reagents, metal ions, microbiological activity, oxidation products and directly to plant practice.
precipitates can build up and decrease selectivity and increase reagent Research studies aimed at improving mineral recovery and
use. Water in the circuits should as such be monitored regularly and concentrate grades should be performed under conditions typical of
appropriate water treatment techniques employed to maintained a plant environment. Galvanic interactions occur predominantly and
contaminants at an experimentally determined acceptable level. as such mixed mineral systems should be studied. Reagents and their
Efficient sphalerite and pyrite separation can be achieved by use of concentration should also be typical of plant practice and be applied to
high pH, the right oxidation potential and reagent concentration/ similar mineral compositions as in plants. The water quality and its
conditioning, short time delay between sequential reagent addition, redox potential should also be in the similar range as should be the
suitable particle size fraction and minimising pulp contaminants. particle size fraction. While keeping conditions similar to plant
Under mixed minerals systems that typifies processing plants, practices is the most prudent approach, deviations to these norms are
galvanic interactions are rife and electrochemistry is the dominant also needed to allow the development of new technologies and
process. approaches. Moreover, it is not possible to entirely replicate plant
One of the very important questions still to be answered is the type environment in the lab and simultaneous plant trials will be a more
of copper–sulfide phase formed after copper adsorbs on to the practical approach.
sphalerite structure. Covellite, chalcocite and metal-deficient sulfide
type structures have been proposed. There are also suggestions that Acknowledgments
Cu(I) has higher than normal 3d9 character and the related sulfur is in
a more positive (or less negative) oxidation state with copper being The support from the University Presidents Scholarship awarded
bonded to three sulfur atoms. Subsequent oxidation of the sulfide to by University of South Australia to Mr. Anand Chandra is gratefully
polysulfides or elemental sulfur also occurs however this may take acknowledged. This gratitude is further extended towards the
place due to zinc dissolution rather than copper adsorption. Such zinc Premiers Science and Research Fund (PSRF) of South Australia, Rio
losses in an actual plant environment will depend on the total time the Tinto and BHP-Billiton for financial support of the research project
mineral is in solution and on conditions such as pH, Eh and the New Information for Minerals Processing.
occurrence of galvanic coupling with other minerals present together
in the slurry. The situation with pyrite is also not clear as structures References
similar to those proposed for sphalerite have also been proposed for
pyrite upon copper adsorption. [1] Biswas AK, Davenport WG, editors. Extractive metallurgy of copper. 3rd ed. Oxford:
Copper activation involves surface reactions with copper likely to Pergamon; 1994.
penetrate beyond the first atomic layer, at of sphalerite, within the [2] Wills BA, editor. Mineral processing technology: an introduction to the practical
aspects of ore treatment and mineral recovery. 6th ed. Boston: Butterworth-
activation time. Since surfaces of both sphalerite and pyrite char- Heinemann; 1997.
acteristically have defects and low coordination sites along the [3] Hayes PC, editor. Process principles in minerals and materials production. 2nd ed.
cleavage planes, at least some copper on the surface may be in a Sherwood, Qld.: Hayes Publishing; 1993.
[4] Leppinen JO. Int J Miner Process 1990;30:245.
different coordination then copper at sites with normal coordination [5] Finkelstein NP. Int J Miner Process 1997;52:81.
on the surface. Such structural difference may be limited to within first [6] Zhang Q, Xu Z, Bozkurt V, Finch JA. Int J Miner Process 1997;52:187.
two atomic layers, but copper as we know penetrates several atomic [7] Dimitrijevic M, Antonijevic MM, Jankovic Z. Hydrometallurgy 1996;42:377.
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