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Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO")

1. I can't afford __________________ a job at the moment. I really need the money. (NOT HAVE)
2. The new job will involve you __________________ some time in Europe. (SPEND)
3. I don't remember __________________ for help. I wonder why he's here. (CALL)
4. We'll get everything finished, even if it means __________________ up late at night. (STAY)
5. She stopped __________________ a newspaper on her way home. (BUY)
6. The members of the council have delayed __________________ a decision. (MAKE)
7. We chose __________________ to Mark's engagement party. (NOT GO)
8. I hate it when the phone keeps __________________ all the time. It's disgusting! (RING)
9. I reminded him __________________ a few things on his way home from work. (BUY)
10. Have you considered __________________ the house? (SELL)
11. My dad insisted on __________________ me the money for the tickets. (GIVE)
12. Our boss convinced everyone __________________ longer hours. (WORK)
13. They couldn't help __________________ when she tripped over the carpet. (LAUGH)
14. Remember __________________ Harriet as soon as you get home. (CALL)
15. Anna denied __________________ the vase. (BREAK)
16. The teacher demanded __________________ why we hadn't cleaned the blackboard. (KNOW)
17. The shop assistant warned us __________________ the flowers. (NOT TOUCH)
18. We are looking forward __________________ you next week. (SEE)
19. I suggested __________________ him there and __________________ back home. (LEAVE,
20. The kidnappers threatened __________________ their hostages. (SHOOT)
21. The thief admitted __________________ the money from the old woman. (STEAL)
22. English is a lot easier __________________ than French or other languages. (LEARN)
23. Mom told her to stop __________________ such strange noises. (MAKE)
24. We are very anxious __________________ a plane for the first time. (BOARD)
25. My husband blamed me for ____________________ have a second child. (NOT WANT)
Combine the TWO sentences to ONE, using a relative pronoun.
1. The police arrested the man. He murdered his wife.
_______________________________________________________________________________ .
2. I can't remember the name of the street. I lost my passport there.
_______________________________________________________________________________ .
3. Where are the shoes? I bought them yesterday.
_______________________________________________________________________________ .
4. The book is very interesting. I borrowed it from the library.
_______________________________________________________________________________ .
5. I'll never forget the day. I got my first bike on that day.
6. This is the man. His dog bit me.
_______________________________________________________________________________ .
7. The pupils missed the test. They came late.
8. This is my boyfriend. His father works at Macy's.
9. That man is a politician. I forgot his name.
10. I'll show you the church. I got married there.
11. The actor is very famous. I met him a few days ago.
12. I have a new camera. I bought it last week.
13. I passed the entrance test. That is quite difficult to do.
14. My friend invited many people. His house is huge.
_______________________________________________________________________________ .
15. John belongs to a group of people. They send food packages to Africa.
Complete the sentences using the past or past perfect tense simple. Use the past perfect
progressive if necessary.
1. We were all happy because we __________________ in our homework in time. (HAND)
2. Mrs Shilton __________________ a primary school teacher for twenty years before she became
headmaster of the school. (BE)
3. When we got there, we saw that they ______________________ for over 20 minutes. (REST)
4. We ________________________ dance moves for over two hours, so you can imagine we were
very tired. (PRACTICE)
5. The film ______________________ when we finally got to the cinema. (ALREADY START)
6. By the time I __________________ to school the lesson had already started. (GET)
7. I ____________________________ up for a few minutes when the doorbell rang and our friends
arrived. (ONLY WASH)
8. He __________________ about the accident before he saw it on TV. (HEAR)
9. I __________________ the office after I had finished writing my last email. (LEAVE)
10.The car __________________ down shortly after we had got on the motorway. (BREAK)
11.We _________________________ for an hour when we finally arrived at the remote village.
12.I saw the film after I __________________ the book. (READ)
13.I had already thought of that before you __________________ it up. (BRING)
14.She was so tired because she _________________________ football the whole afternoon.
15.As soon as the girls had cleaned the house the visitors __________________. (ARRIVE)
16.By the time I was 16 I ______________________ to become a scientist. (ALREADY DECIDE)
17.Suddenly I realised that I _________________________ at the wrong person. He was absolutely
innocent. (SHOUT)
18.I ____________________ from my job because I had received an offer from another company.
19.The teacher gave us a break because we ______________________ on the project for several
hours. (WORK)
20.After dad had finished mowing the lawn, he ____________________ repairing the car. (START)

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