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Tuesday, March 14, 2006 — Piqua Daily Call

Proposed code changes outlined

adopt the state’s residential ing Officials and Code Adminis- The proposed revisions
Large crowd turns building code, revising a city trators International, Inc. would “align the code more with
out for meeting code which hasn’t been thor-
oughly updated for about 20
(BOCA), which no longer exists
and has since become part of
how we actually do business,”
Welker said. “We’d also like to
BY BECCA MANNING years, Schmiesing said. the International Code Council. give ourselves more latitude to
Staff Writer The state also now requires The revisions would adopt deal with certain situations
all local permits to be distrib- the latest ICC code as the city’s that we haven’t had a good code property maintenance code,
uted by a state-certified licens- to address in the past.”
PIQUA — About 80 people ing agency. Previously, the city with some amendments to ad- One way this section would
attended a public meeting Mon- has provided permits for resi- dress local issues, Welker said. be revised is to change the time-
day evening to hear proposed dential projects and referred She listed several specific frame for nuisance abatement
revisions to the city’s building commercial permit requests to changes including: building se- from 30 days to “a reasonable
regulations, property mainte- the Miami County Building curity (requiring all residences time frame,” as determined by
nance and nuisance codes that Regulations Department. to have exterior doors and win- city officials — usually five to 10
city officials say would bring Under the NIT-proposed revi- dows that lock); protective days, Welker said.
Piqua’s codes up-to-date and sions, all permits will be dis- treatment (a more inclusive She said most of the time the
align them with state require- tributed and building paint policy that would require city doesn’t give property own-
ments. inspections done by the county all exterior surfaces of a prop- ers 30 days to address nuisance
Planning and Zoning Super- department, with all zoning erty to be properly maintained); issues because the problem
visor Chris Schmiesing and permits still approved through and tighter grafitti regulations often has existed for some time
Health and Sanitation Director the city’s planning and zoning that would require any grafitti already. The change would
Amy Welker presented the pro- commission, Schmiesing said. on a property to be removed “more accurately describe what
posals at the meeting, which “It will establish a consis- within 72 hours. we actually do.”
was followed by time for citizens “There’s been a lot of re- Penalties for nuisance viola-
tency between the two permit
to voice questions and concerns. search in terms of graftiti and tions also would be increased to
processes (commercial and res-
The code revisions — which things like broken windows, a first-degree misdemeanor
idential) that I’m quite certain
will go before Piqua City Com- and the research shows that the under the new revisions,Welker
will eliminate some confusion
mission for a first reading at the faster you eliminate those items said. And the change would
and, in general, improve the the less likely they are to recur,”
March 20 meeting — were pass along the city’s adminis-
based on “hours of review and process all the way around,” he Welker said. “We don’t have a
said. trative costs of abatement (such
research” conducted by the huge problem in Piqua with
City staff also are working on as extra trash pick-up and re-
city’s Neighborhood Improve- grafitti or things of that nature
a citizen’s guide to planning and moval) to the offender.
ment Team (NIT) and members but we don’t want to have a
zoning that outlines the permit Among those present at the
of the police, fire and health de- huge issue with it either, so we
process including what boards would like to see those items re- meeting were all five city comis-
partments, planning and zon-
and committees are involved, moved as quickly as possible.” sioners including Mayor Tom
ing office and public works
office, with guidance from the said Schmiesing, who hopes to Revisions also would affect Hudson, who suggested the
city manager, law director and have the handbook available at the penalties section of the group find a way to address re-
Miami County chief building of- the same time the city makes property maintenance code, in- peat offenders who are con-
ficial, Schmiesing said. the transition over to a county- cluding increasing the penalty stantly in violation of city codes.
“We’re all here primarily for directed permit process. for violations to a first-degree Don Emery, a former city
the same reason, and that’s for “Sometimes you come for- misdemeanor, Welker said. comissioner, said he appreciated
the betterment of our commu- ward with a project and it’s not “The reason for doing that is the dedication of those involved
nity,” Schmiesing said at the a slam dunk over-the-counter the city has made property in the planning process but also
meeting. here’s your permit have a nice maintenance and these build- wanted to make sure the city
Copies of the code revisions day kind of thing,” Schmiesing ing issues a priority in the city, maintained communication
were available on a table at the said. “... The concept there is to and we want to convey that with property owners and resi-
front of the room and also are share with you some general in- we’re serious, that we want our dents.
available through the city’s Web formation to help you better un- city to look better, we want peo- “One thing that deeply con-
site, derstand the process so that ple to be happy to live here,” she cerns me is that we provide the
posed_changes.htm, at Flesh there are fewer surprises for said. resources to these people right
Public Library or through city you as you’re going through a Currently, nuisance code is here — not only money but peo-
offices, Schmiesing said. building permit process.” used to address issues such as ple, because this is going to be a
Building regulations changes Revisions to the city’s prop- trash and debris and high grass large job,” Emery said. “In order
are based on a bill passed by erty maintenance and nuisance grown up around a property but to be successful, when people
state legislators in 2005 that es- codes also reflect an update that could be expanded to address call you to complain about a sit-
tablishes a standard statewide is long overdue, Welker said. vacant propteries, abandon- uation it is addressed, that it’s
universal residential code and Piqua’s nuisance code hasn’t ment of tires and properties not pushed aside. And if you’re
requires all municipalities to been fully updated since 1979, that are considered to have a dealing with an issue you at
adopt it as their own by May 27, and the city’s property mainte- “blighting influence” on the sur- least let those people know
Schmiesing said. nance code still refers to the rounding neighborhood, Welker you’re dealing with the prob-
The proposed change would 1996 code written by the Build- said. lem.”

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