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Effects of Youth Football on Selected Clinical Measures of Neurologic

Function: A Pilot Study

Article  in  Journal of child neurology · November 2013

DOI: 10.1177/0883073813509887 · Source: PubMed

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Thayne A Munce Jason Dorman

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Tryg Odney Paul Alan Thompson

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of Child Neurology

Effects of Youth Football on Selected Clinical Measures of Neurologic Function: A Pilot Study
Thayne A. Munce, Jason C. Dorman, Tryg O. Odney, Paul A. Thompson, Verle D. Valentine and Michael F. Bergeron
J Child Neurol published online 21 November 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0883073813509887

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Original Article
Journal of Child Neurology
201X, Vol XX(X) 1-7
Effects of Youth Football on Selected ª The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permission:
Clinical Measures of Neurologic Function: DOI: 10.1177/0883073813509887
A Pilot Study

Thayne A. Munce, PhD1,2,3, Jason C. Dorman, MS1,3,

Tryg O. Odney, MS, ATC4, Paul A. Thompson, PhD5,
Verle D. Valentine, MD, FACSM1,3,4,6, and
Michael F. Bergeron, PhD, FACSM1,2,3

We assessed 10 youth football players (13.4 + 0.7 y) immediately before and after their season to explore the effects of football
participation on selected clinical measures of neurologic function. Postseason postural stability in a closed-eye condition was improved
compared to preseason (P ¼ .017). Neurocognitive testing with the Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing
(ImPACT) battery revealed that reaction time was significantly faster at postseason (P ¼ .015). There were no significant preseason
versus postseason differences in verbal memory (P ¼ .507), visual memory (P ¼ .750), or visual motor speed (P ¼ .087). Oculomotor
performance assessed by the King-Devick test was moderately to significantly improved (P ¼ .047-.115). A 12-week season of youth
football did not impair the postural stability, neurocognitive function, or oculomotor performance measures of the players evaluated.
Though encouraging, continued and more comprehensive investigations of this at-risk population are warranted.

balance, oculomotor, neurocognitive, subconcussive

Received June 30, 2013. Received revised September 05, 2013. Accepted for publication September 24, 2013.

Football players are exposed to numerous impact forces that impacts sustained by these players.11 Additionally, temporary
may cause the brain to become injured through direct or indi- impairments in learning among collegiate contact sport ath-
rect contact.1,2 Among boys, more concussions are attributable letes and deficits in certain measures of neurologic function
to football than any other sport.3 Furthermore, football is the and/or balance among nonconcussed collegiate football play-
leading cause of child and adolescent emergency room visits ers have also been reported.12,13 In contrast, a study of collegi-
associated with organized team sports.4 Although the vast ate football players demonstrated no change in mental status
majority of head impacts in football do not result in a concus- or neurocognitive function, as assessed by the Standardized
sion, the cumulative effect of the repetitive blows imparted to Assessment of Concussion and Immediate Post-Concussion
the head in this sport is unknown.5,6 Of particular concern is the
potentially unrecognized damage that typical head impact
forces cause to the developing brains of children and adoles- 1
National Institute for Athletic Health & Performance, Sanford Health, Sioux
cents who play football.7 Falls, SD, USA
Neurologic deficits are known to be cumulative in athletes Department of Pediatrics, University of South Dakota Sanford School of
who have experienced multiple concussions.8 Lasting effects 3
Medicine, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
of subconcussive blows, however, are just recently being elu- Sanford Research, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Sanford Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, Sanford Health, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
cidated. Postmortem investigations of former athletes who 5
Methodology and Data Analysis Division, Sanford Research, Sioux Falls, SD,
participated in contact-collision sports have revealed evi- USA
dence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.9 Using functional 6
Department of Family Medicine, University of South Dakota Sanford School
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Talavage et al10 found of Medicine, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
neurophysiological changes in the brains of high school foot-
Corresponding Author:
ball players who had not suffered a concussion, and subse- Thayne A. Munce, PhD, National Institute for Athletic Health & Performance,
quently discovered that the functional MRI alterations in Sanford Health, 1210 W. 18th St., Suite 204, Sioux Falls, SD 57104, USA.
this population were associated with the number of head Email:

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2 Journal of Child Neurology XX(X)

Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT), over the the rest of the players, though one of them was the youngest player
course of a season.14 on the team.
There is evidence for an increased susceptibility to severe Evaluations were performed before and after a 12-week season,
concussive injuries and more protracted recovery in children and with approximately 13 weeks separating the test sessions. Preseason
testing was carried out during the first week of practice but prior to any
adolescents compared to adults.15 For example, research has
contact, whereas postseason testing was conducted within 1 week of
shown that high school athletes who experienced a concussion
the last game. An identical battery of tests was performed at both test
had longer recovery times in several assessments of memory sessions by the same group of investigators. This study was approved
compared to concussed collegiate athletes.16 Normal intellectual by the Institutional Review Board of Sanford Health, Sioux Falls,
and social development may also be impeded in children and South Dakota. All subjects gave their written assent to participate and
adolescents who have experienced a concussion due to time their parents/guardians provided written informed consent.
missed at school and/or behavioral changes resulting from the
injury.15 However, comprehensive preseason and postseason
Health History, Injury Surveillance, and Football Exposure
clinical neurologic assessments of neurocognitive function, bal-
ance, symptom severity, and oculomotor performance have not Medical/health history and concussion recall questionnaires were
been reported for nonconcussed youth football players. administered to subjects and their parents/guardians at each test ses-
Considering an apparent heightened vulnerability of chil- sion to retrospectively assess relevant injuries, particularly head
trauma and concussions. The team’s coach received leaguewide con-
dren to serious brain injury and growing concern about the
cussion awareness and education training, and we regularly contacted
chronic effects of concussions and subconcussive brain trauma him for up-to-date injury reports throughout the season. The football
in football,9,17 the scarcity of neurologic research focused on players’ individual football exposure was measured indirectly by
youth football is disconcerting. Therefore, as an initial step obtaining the coach’s practice attendance record.
toward exploring the effect of normal football participation
on the neurologic health of children, we assessed several
domains of neurologic function in a group of youth football
Postural Stability
players before and after a football season. Specifically, our aim Testing for postural stability consisted of 2 separate static balance tests
was to determine if neurologic deficits consistent with the diag- performed on an AMTI strain gauge force platform (OR6-6, Newton,
noses of mild traumatic brain injury could be detected in non- MA) for a period of 20 seconds at a sampling rate of 100 Hz. For each
concussed youth football players using standard clinical test, subjects stood with both feet on the force platform while attempt-
ing to be as steady as possible. Subjects performed the tests without
measures. We hypothesized that no significant preseason to
shoes, kept their heads in the neutral position, and had their hands
postseason differences would be discovered among any of the on their hips. The 2 balance test trials were (1) Eyes Open and (2) Eyes
assessments. In addition to being the first investigation of its Closed. Subjects’ center of pressure positional changes were tracked
kind in this age group, this study was piloted to examine the and recorded using an integrated computer and diagnostic software
specific protocols and overall feasibility and logistics of con- package (BioAnalysis). Specifically, a subject’s 95% ellipse area was
ducting research with this subject population. These findings obtained from BioAnalysis on each trial and used as a marker of pos-
would then set the stage for more comprehensive evaluations tural stability. This value is a measure of the elliptical area that con-
and longitudinal tracking of these athletes. tains 95% of the horizontal positional coordinates of a subject’s
center of pressure. In effect, the 95% ellipse area measures a subject’s
postural sway over a period of time. We have shown good (intraclass
correlation coefficient: 0.53-0.63) test-retest reliability measures of
Methods balance with this method in adolescents who have not suffered a
Fifteen adolescent boys (13.4 + 0.7 y old) who were registered on a concussion.18
single tackle football team were enrolled in this study. The subjects’
team participated in the seventh-eighth grade division of a local youth
football league. Two of the players voluntarily withdrew from the
Oculomotor Performance
team during the season and only completed preseason testing (lost Oculomotor performance was assessed with the King-Devick test.19
to follow-up). One additional player completed preseason and postsea- The King-Devick test requires subjects to rapidly read single-digit
son testing, but did not participate in the actual football portion of the numbers off of a series of 3 cards. The arrangement and spacing of
season. Two additional players suffered physician-diagnosed concus- numbers on each card are unique and progressively increase in reading
sions during the course of the season. Descriptive data from the 2 con- difficulty on each successive card. Subjects were given standard
cussed players have been included in this report, but the preseason instructions and were asked to read the numbers from left to right, top
versus postseason analysis was limited to the 10 nonconcussed players to bottom, as rapidly as possible without making an error. The time to
who participated throughout the entire season. The 3 players who quit complete each card was measured with a stopwatch to the nearest
were younger on average (12.4 vs 13.5 y old) and had less experience tenth of a second, and the number of errors was noted. Subjects were
playing other contact sports (0/3 had previously played another con- given up to 3 attempts to complete each card without an error. This
tact sport, whereas 6/12 of the remaining players had previously allowed us to obtain an accurate representation of the subjects’ max-
played another contact sport). There was only a slight difference, how- imum oculomotor performance on this test that was not inhibited by a
ever, in the number of years of previous football experience between single stumble or error. The fastest time without an error was recorded
those who quit (1.3 y) and those who remained on the team (1.7 y). for each card, and those times were summed for a best total time on all
The 2 concussed players had similar demographic characteristics as 3 cards. Test-retest reliability for this test has been reported as being

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Munce et al 3

very high among nonconcussed adults, with an intraclass correlation Table 1. Preseason and Postseason Neurologic Testing Results in
coefficient of 0.97 (95% confidence interval ¼ 0.90-1.0),20 although Youth Football Players (n ¼ 10).
a mild learning effect has also been observed.21
Assessment Preseason valuea Postseason valuea

Neurocognitive Function Balance (95% COP ellipse area)

Eyes Open 1.68 + 1.27 1.58 + 1.41
Computer-based neurocognitive testing was conducted using the Eyes Closed 3.33 + 2.31 1.72 + 1.38*
ImPACT program (online version), a widely used, commercially avail- King-Devick Test (sec)
able software package for concussion assessments.22 ImPACT consists KD-1 14.63 + 1.80 13.18 + 1.31*
of a test battery measuring various domains of neurocognitive function: KD-2 15.30 + 2.59 13.80 + 1.28
Reaction Time, Visual Motor Speed, Verbal Memory, and Visual Mem- KD-3 17.42 + 3.47 15.56 + 2.09
ory. An absolute composite score is generated for each of these neuro- KD-TOT 47.35 + 7.41 42.54 + 4.32
cognitive domains and can be compared with normative data. More ImPACT Composite Scores
detailed information about ImPACT can be found in Schatz et al.23 Reaction Time 0.58 + 0.04 0.54 + 0.04*
Intraclass correlation coefficients for test-rest reliability of the online Verbal Memory 80.20 + 9.73 82.60 + 12.56
version of ImPACT have been reported as 0.76 for Reaction Time, Visual Memory 74.00 + 6.39 72.40 + 17.47
0.85 for Visual Motor Speed, 0.62 for Verbal Memory, and 0.70 for Visual Motor Speed 34.82 + 6.40 36.50 + 6.15
Visual Memory.24 Symptom Score (PCSS) 2.30 + 2.54 1.20 + 1.03
Each baseline (preseason) ImPACT evaluation was screened for
Abbreviations: COP, center of pressure; ImPACT, Immediate Post-Concussion
invalid effort using the automated internal checks available with this Assessment and Cognitive Testing; KD-1, King-Devick test card 1; KD-2, King-
software. One subject was flagged and repeated the test, which was Devick test card 2; KD-3, King-Devick test card 3; KD-TOT, King-Devick test
determined to be valid on the second attempt. At each session, subjects total; PCSS, Post-Concussion Symptom Scale.
completed ImPACT first, whereas the remaining assessments were Data represent mean + standard deviation.
performed in random order. *Significantly different from preseason value (P < .05).

Symptom Scores ranged from 19 to 32, with a mean of 25.8 sessions. The 2 con-
cussed players each participated in 20 practice sessions, and the
Self-reported symptom scores were obtained by implementing the Post- 3 players who quit the team participated in an average of 3.3
Concussion Symptom Scale, a standardized assessment tool consisting practice sessions (range ¼ 0-7 sessions). Primary outcome
of 22 symptoms associated with a concussion that are rated for severity
measurements for all assessments are shown in Table 1 (values
on a 7-point Likert-type scale.25 Although the Post-Concussion Symp-
tom Scale is a component of the computerized Immediate Post-
and analyses are limited to the 10 nonconcussed players who
Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing battery, for this study, remained on the team the entire season). Postural stability, as
players were also led through the symptom scale separately by an ath- indicated by the 95% Ellipse Area, was similar at both time
letic trainer experienced in assessing patients in this manner. points in the Eyes Open condition (P ¼ .706). However, post-
season postural stability in the Eyes Closed condition was sig-
nificantly improved compared to the preseason (P ¼ .017).
Statistical Analysis
There were individual variations in preseason to postseason
Preseason and postseason differences were analyzed using PROC changes in 95% Ellipse Area among the players. In the Eyes
MIXED in SAS Version 9.2 (SAS Institute, 2009) for repeated mea- Open condition, 4/10 players had a smaller 95% Ellipse Area
sures. Repeated measures analysis using PROC MIXED is equivalent (indicating improved postural stability) at the postseason eva-
to a paired t-test when 2 paired measures are used. Each variable of
luation, whereas in the Eyes Closed condition, 7/10 players had
interest was examined separately. All data are expressed as mean +
standard deviation. Level of significance for all comparisons was set
a smaller 95% Ellipse Area. None of the postseason differences
as a <.05. As this was a preliminary pilot examination with limited in 95% Ellipse Area were greater than 1 standard deviation
access to players, no power analysis was performed. Rather, the results (based on preseason values) above that individual’s preseason
here are designed to provide preliminary data for power analyses for measure(s).
subsequent studies, in a strictly exploratory manner. Evaluation of oculomotor performance using the King-Devick
test revealed that reading time on King-Devick card 1 was
significantly faster during the postseason (P ¼ .047) and also
Results approached being significantly improved on King-Devick
At the beginning of the season, none of the football players who card 2 and the King-Devick Total (P ¼ .071 and P ¼ .055,
completed the preseason assessment reported a prior occur- respectively). On an individual basis, 8/10, 6/10, and 8/10 of the
rence of a concussion. However, 2 players experienced a con- players had faster postseason times on King-Devick card 1, card
cussion during the season. Both of these injuries occurred while 2, and card 3, respectively. None of the times that were slower
playing football and were clinically diagnosed by a physician. during the postseason evaluation were more than 1 standard
One of the players who suffered a concussion was not cleared deviation (based on preseason values) higher than that individu-
to return to play before the end of the season. al’s preseason score.
The number of practice sessions for the 10 nonconcussed Indicators of neurocognitive function assessed with ImPACT
players who completed preseason and postseason testing showed variable changes. Reaction Time significantly improved

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4 Journal of Child Neurology XX(X)

from preseason to postseason (P ¼ .015), whereas there were no Impaired postural stability (balance) is one of the principal
significant temporal differences in Verbal Memory, Visual physiological functions that may be compromised in athletes
Memory, or Visual Motor Speed (P ¼ .507, P ¼ .750, P ¼ following head trauma.26 Balance in healthy individuals is
.087, respectively). One player had a single preseason to postsea- maintained by properly integrating visual, vestibular, and
son composite score difference (Visual Memory) greater than somatosensory cues, but with concussed athletes, the areas of
the reliable change index that has been reported for high the brain responsible for integrating these cues and maintaining
school athletes using this test battery.24 However, this player’s postural control may be temporarily disrupted or provide
postseason scores were improved on all other ImPACT compo- improper information. Specific sensory input can be isolated
site measures and his balance and King-Devick test results did by minimizing the contribution of 1 or more of the other com-
not reveal any sign of impairment. All other individual differ- ponents (eg, isolating primary vestibular and somatosensory
ences in preseason to postseason ImPACT composite scores inputs by closing the eyes).27 Most commonly used field tests
were improvements or smaller than the reliable change indices. are not sensitive enough to accurately assess postural stability
Concussion symptom scores evaluated by a certified athletic changes in athletes who have suffered head trauma.28 However,
trainer were low during both preseason (2.3 + 2.5) and post- with the aid of a force platform, subtle changes in balance can
season (1.2 + 1.0) evaluations and were not significantly dif- be detected with greater precision.
ferent (P ¼ .146) from each other. Similar results were found Balance has been found to be acutely impaired following a
when examining the identical symptom score battery on the concussion in high school and collegiate football players.29 Such
ImPACT evaluation (preseason: 2.7 + 2.9; postseason: 1.2 deficits in postural stability typically persist for 3 to 5 days fol-
+ 2.5; P ¼ .285). There was also no association between indi- lowing a concussion, though limited data exist on the effect of
vidual football exposure and any measure of neurologic func- subconcussive football impacts on a player’s balance and pos-
tion or symptom score. tural stability. It may be that repeated subconcussive blows can
The 2 concussed players performed their postseason assess- be cumulative and similarly capable of causing balance deficits
ments at 22 (concussed player 1) and 80 (concussed player 2) in individuals who have not suffered a concussion. However, the
days postinjury. In both players, postseason postural stability duration of any such potential impairment is unknown.
had improved or was within 1 standard deviation (see Table 1) Our results indicate that normal bipedal postural stability,
of their preseason measure(s) (concussed player 1: 1.202 vs assessed by center of pressure excursion while standing on a
0.848 cm2 [Eyes Open], and 0.991 vs 2.170 cm2 [Eyes Closed]; force platform, was unchanged in adolescent football players fol-
concussed player 2: 0.279 vs 1.045 cm2 [Eyes Open], and 1.297 lowing a 12-week football season. However, when tested with
vs 0.513 cm2 [Eyes Closed]; preseason vs postseason). Read- their eyes closed, postural stability was significantly improved
ing times on all 3 King-Devick cards were faster for both sub- in these players after the season. This finding suggests either a
jects at the postseason assessment (concussed player 1: 17.20 practice effect or an augmentation of the vestibular and/or soma-
vs 15.00 s [card 1], 19.40 vs 16.47 s [card 2], and 19.70 vs tosensory components of balance during the football season. In
16.38 s [card 3]; concussed player 2: 17.00 vs 14.79 s [card support of the latter, generalized improvements in balance asso-
1], 18.10 vs 15.66 s [card 2], and 18.30 vs 17.64 s [card 3]; pre- ciated with participation in sports and/or exercise training pro-
season vs postseason). ImPACT scores had improved on 3 of grams have been reported.30 Thus, the neuromuscular activity
the 4 composite measures for concussed player 1 (99 vs 93 and physical demands inherent to football may have provided
[Verbal Memory], 88 vs 90 [Visual Memory], 28.48 vs 34.65 a stimulus sufficient to augment postural control in these players.
[Visual Motor Speed], and 0.64 vs 0.63 [Reaction Time]; pre- The King-Devick test was developed as an assessment of
season vs postseason). Raw ImPACT scores were slightly oculomotor performance for school-age children.19 More
worse in 3 of the 4 composite measures for concussed player recently, it has been proposed as a field-based indicator of brain
2, but all deficits were well within the reliable change indices function in contact-collision sport athletes, showing reasonable
for these categories (83 vs 76 [Verbal Memory], 75 vs 71 diagnostic abilities in mixed martial arts fighters and rugby
[Visual Memory], 37.85 vs 37.28 [Visual Motor Speed], and players.20,31 The football players in our study improved their
0.84 vs 0.54 [Reaction Time]; preseason vs postseason). reading times modestly on all 3 of the King-Devick cards,
reaching statistical significance on King-Devick card 1. These
findings suggest that the aspects of oculomotor performance
measured by King-Devick were at least as good or better in the
youth football players after their season. Consistent with this
The primary finding of this study is that there were no observed indication of improvement, Jafarzadehpur et al32 found greater
impairments in selected clinical measures of neurologic function saccadic eye movement in advanced and intermediate volley-
in these 10 youth football players tested before and after a 12- ball players compared to beginning and nonplayers; however,
week season. There were, in fact, significant improvements in extensive research specific to oculomotor performance and
some measures of postural stability, oculomotor performance, sports participation is limited.
and neurocognitive function. Two players were concussed dur- Although there is rationale to support the game of football
ing the season, but the clinical assessments used provided no having a direct influence on oculomotor performance, it is also
indication of neurologic deficit by the end of the season. very likely that the slight improvement in this assessment was

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Munce et al 5

associated with (prompted by) concomitant academic activities recent study indicated that youth football players, though much
of the players during the season. Preseason testing was con- younger than those we evaluated, had lower overall head
ducted 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the school year, impact exposures than what had previously been reported for
whereas postseason testing occurred during the 11th week of high school and collegiate football players, yet the highest
the school year. Although reading activities were not measured magnitude forces approached those measured in the older
in this group, it is reasonable to expect that the players read groups.2
more during the school year and this activity provided a stimu- Our study was designed to evaluate clinically relevant
lus for improvements in oculomotor performance. Finally, changes in selected aspects of neurologic function that may
another explanation for the improvements in King-Devick test have resulted from cumulative impacts over the course of a
times that cannot be discounted is the possibility of a mild football season. Although the clinical measurements we used
learning effect. In fact, Galetta et al found that postseason did not reveal impairments in postural stability, neurocognitive
King-Devick test times were faster than baseline times among function, oculomotor performance, or greater symptom sever-
a cohort of collegiate student-athletes, although athletes who ity in our subjects, there could have been acute changes
suffered a concussion during the season performed worse.21 throughout the season that had resolved by the time of our post-
It may be that the King-Devick test is effective at screening for season assessments. In-season evaluations more proximal to
concussions by identifying impaired eye movements and sac- games or practice sessions would be valuable for investigating
cades but has limited utility in tracking changes in oculomotor potential alterations in brain function of an acute nature. It is
performance in noninjured individuals. also possible that unfavorable changes in brain anatomy and/
Computerized neurocognitive testing using the ImPACT or function occurred during the season, but our evaluation
has been widely recognized and used as a clinical diagnostic methods were not sensitive enough to detect them. More
tool for evaluating brain injury in football and other contact- sophisticated imaging techniques, such as functional MRI and
collision sports.22 Most commonly, baseline testing is per- diffusion tensor imaging, could be employed in the future to
formed at the beginning of a season followed by retesting probe for neurophysiological indicators of damage.
after head trauma and a resulting concussion. Scores from the Finally, improvements in postural stability, oculomotor per-
online version of the ImPACT have been shown to have good formance, and reaction time could all have resulted from a
stability over 1 year in high school athletes24 and over 2 years learning effect subsequent to the preseason trial. However, the
in college athletes.33 ImPACT scores are also specific and important implication of these findings is that all of the mea-
sensitive to neurocognitive and neurobehavioral conse- sures of neurologic function remained unchanged or improved,
quences of concussion in athletes.23 and deficits were not apparent. From a clinical standpoint,
Among a group of collegiate football players who did not suf- these results suggest that nonconcussed players of this age who
fer a concussion, Miller et al14 reported finding no deficits in any perform worse on postseason assessments would be candidates
ImPACT domain during preseason, midseason, and postseason for further evaluation.
evaluations. As in that investigation, the adolescent football
players in our study had a statistically significant improvement
in the Reaction Time composite score from preseason to postsea- Summary
son. However, the absolute difference in these scores (0.04 s) In conclusion, selected clinical measures of neurologic func-
was within the range identified as a reliable change in this com- tion were not adversely affected in 10 youth football players
posite measure among high school athletes.24 Still, it is possible tested before and after a 12-week season. There were, however,
that playing football contributed to generalized augmentations in significant improvements in some measures of postural stabi-
reaction time. Consistent with this assertion, it has been shown lity, oculomotor performance, and reaction time. Self-
that reaction times are improved following relatively short peri- reported concussion-related symptom severity was unchanged.
ods of exercise training or are better among athletes when com- Of the 12 study participants who remained on the team
pared to a similar group of nonathletes.34,35 throughout the entire season, 2 experienced a concussion dur-
ing the course of the study and were excluded from the presea-
son versus postseason analysis. However, the selected clinical
Limitations measures used in this research did not reveal obvious neurolo-
This research has several limitations. First, the results pre- gic deficits in either of these players by the end of the season.
sented here are based on an exploratory analysis of 10 youth This pilot investigation is the first study to report that non-
football players from the same team and are not intended to concussed youth football players do not exhibit clinically
be generalized; but rather, these findings provide initial insight recognized signs of neurologic impairment following a normal
into this understudied population and establish preliminary playing season. Although these results are encouraging, more
data for a more comprehensive study. A larger and/or more het- subtle indices of brain injury may be discovered with advanced
erogeneous sample may have yielded different results. Second, imaging techniques and/or more precise clinical assessments.
head impact exposure of the players in this study was not Moreover, football-related neurologic damage and impairment
assessed, so it is unclear what head trauma–related forces the may be isolated to certain individuals and may not be apparent
players experienced that may have affected brain function. A in a groupwise analysis. Accordingly, we plan to advance this

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6 Journal of Child Neurology XX(X)

research using a larger number of participants and investigate 6. Gysland SM, Mihalik JP, Register-Mihalik JK, et al. The relation-
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MS, RD, for their assistance with data collection. Finally, the authors 10. Talavage TM, Nauman E, Breedlove EL, et al. Functionally-
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concept, design, data collection, data analysis, and review of the final draft
12. McAllister TW, Flashman LA, Maerlender A, et al. Cognitive
of the article. TOO contributed to the concept, data collection, and
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approved the final draft of the article. PAT contributed to the design, data
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