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Cambridge International Diploma for

Teachers and Trainers

Module 5291

Design: Planning and Preparation

Assignment Template for examination in 2012 and

By completing this form and submitting the assignment for assessment by CIE I confirm that the assignment
is all my own work. I have appropriately referenced and acknowledged any work taken from another source.

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Candidate Name

© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

Your context
(approximately 300 words)

Please give brief information about your context:

Your professional background including your experience as a teacher

I graduated as a teacher of Business Education in 2006 and started my first role as a teacher in
High Storrs School, Sheffield – teaching GCSE Business & Communication Systems, GCSE
Business Studies and A-Level Applied Business, alongside this I also taught ICT at key stage 3.

At the end of my NQT year, I applied and was promoted to coordinate and embed Student Voice
throughout the school. This involved working to develop teaching and learning with the aid of
students. Student council was only a very small part of my role; the aim was to get students to
feedback on different elements of their learning and classroom experience. Students would
discuss lesson plans and programmes of study as well as having discussions with teachers about
teaching styles.

In September 2009 I was promoted to Deputy Head of Faculty for Maths, Computing and
Enterprise faculty. This role included co-running a faculty of three subjects, managing a team a
staff of twenty, and running the Business & Economics department. The Business department at
the time wasn’t particularly successful; therefore my role was to turn this around.

In January 2010, due to the unfortunate long term illness of the Head of Faculty – I was promoted
to Head of Faculty. This role lasted till the end of the year. This was an excellent opportunity for
me to work strategically within the school and I was able to work on may transdisciplinary projects
with other faculties. Upon the return of the Head of Faculty, I was then able to then return to my
focus of improving the Business department with a clearer vision of the bigger picture.

Your current role and responsibilities including the subject(s) you teach

Since starting at Fairview, I have been responsible for three different classes on different courses.
I currently teach CIE iGCSE Business Studies and International Baacalaureate Middle Years
Programme in Business Studies (who are also expected to sit the iGCSE exam). I also teach the
International Baacalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in Economics to DP1.

Your institution

Fairview International School, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur is an IB-approved school. It is the only
educational institution in Malaysia to offer the full International Baccalaureate Programme from
Primary Years to Diploma level, in addition to its comprehensive international syllabus. There are
approximately 120 teachers at the school, with nearly 2,000 students

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

The learning group you are teaching across all four Modules – indicate their age range, gender, group size,
range of ability, and learners with learning difficulties, etc.

The students that I will be focusing this dipoma are a group of 13 IBDP Economics students – All
students are aged between 16 and 19. Some of the students are here on a scholarship, and
demonstrate an excellent work ethic and interest in the subject. Most of the students graduated
from their GCSE (or equivalent courses) with grades A and above. They are a very high achieving
group, made up of seven boys and six girls.

There are no specific learning difficulties, and the range of ability is consistant, however I have
identified one student is identified as requiring additional support, as his level of achievement at
GCSE level was considerably lower.

Your professional development during the Diploma

(approximately 100 words)

What do you expect to learn from this Module about design which will help you in the next Module, which
focuses on practice?

In this module I hope to improve and develop the following:

- My ability to plan for progress in the IBDP

- Adapt and develop my professional practice from a teacher-led to a more student led approach.

- Improve my subject knowledge in Economics as a whole

- Being more prepared in the long run for differing needs and student expectations.

- Improve interdisciplinary learning through planning the practice of ‘Theory of Knowledge’

throughout the programme.

By developing the above I aim to demonstrate this in the delivery of the programme and the
preparation of the continuing years of the Diploma programme in Economics.

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Part A: Designing the programme and the sessions
1.1.1 Identifying aims and objectives
(approximately 400 words)

Which aspects of your professional practice would you like to change and develop in undertaking the
Diploma, and why?

In reflection of my past practice, my aim in undertaking this diploma is to develop the following
skills in more depth, and to ensure a more regular use of:

- effective use of feedback through planned plenaries

- revisiting learning outcomes & demonstrate progress against learning objectives

- lessons that include more student talk time than teacher talk time

- thinking time for students

- student feedback, allow time for effective reflections

- differentiated activities & stretch

- the celebration of learning

My purpose in doing this is to ensure that even after 6 years of professional teaching that I can
develop my teaching practice and keep it up to date with current research and development.

What important design factors are you considering for your learning programme and why?

My aim is to specifically focus on the following:

- Teaching methods - Including Lee Shulman's (1986) Pedagogical content knowledge to ensure
the delivery of my lessons demonstrates that learning takes place and that they engage in active

- Modes of learning - To embed a variety of learning styles into my lessons that include the use of
Dr Spencer Kagan's Multiple Intelligence structures to ensure that ever learner's needs are catered
for - especially given that the students have such a variety of needs.

- Methods of assessment - Assessing that students in their economic knowledge, understanding

and demonstration - I will do this through a variety of assessment methods, including simulations,
essays, debates, past exam papers and questionning.

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

- Equal opportunities and Access - by planning a programme that differentiates - allowing support
for those students that need it and stretching others that have past experience in the subject.

How are the learning programme aims and objectives going to relate to these design factors?

The learning programme aims and objectives will be based on the IBDP Economics subject guide,
to ensure that student are working towards the correct concepts.

The session plans will be structured in a way that focuseses of different elements of the design
factors, including particular focus on the factors that I have mentioned in the question above. The
objectives of each lesson will be differentiated allowing all students to meet assessment objective
1 and 2, allowing most students to achieve assesgsment objective 2, and then for some to achieve
all 4 assessment objective. The course assessment objectives can easily be linked to Blooms
taxonomy, whereby some students will be able to critically analyse and evaluate.

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

1.1.2 Understanding your learners
(approximately 400 words)

How have you identified the needs, aspirations and potential of your learners?

Due to the fact that the majority students had applied for this course from other schools, I have
been able to access their application forms and previouse school data. I have access to their
GCSE (or equivalent) results. I've also been able to analyse what their interests are to embed
some additional interests into the programme.

As part of my research, I asked students to complete a short survey to identify which learning style
they were. Most of the students answered this, and I am able to use this information to adapt the
programme in line with the variety of learning styles in the class.

Before starting to teach this class, I was privilaged to be able to observe them for two months. I
was able to witness group dynamics, examples of work and identify where the interest lay amongst
the students in term of the subject.

More recently I have had individual conversations with the students and their other teachers to
analyse any additional needs and their progress in other subjects.

What are their needs, both as a group and as individual learners?

In a class of 13 students I was able to find out that all but one of the students achieved a minimum
of a Grade A-A* equivalent in the majority of their GCSE equivalent courses - all of them achieved
an A-A* equivalent in English and Maths - which signifies that these students are very high
achieving students and are all very very able. Five of the students have previously studied a
business/economics related course, so I know that they have a good background in the subject

As a group, students were asked to completed a number of activities and a survery to determine
whether they were a mastery, interpersonal, self-expressive or an understanding learner. It was
very evident that there was no clear style of learning in the class, therefore in preparing this
learning programme, I should make sure that there are a mixture of demonstrations, discussions,
role plays, creative activities, problem solving, debates etc.

How will the teaching and learning activities in your programme plan help to meet your learners’ needs and
the learning aims and objectives?

As mentioned above there is one students that averaged at an equivalent of a C in his GCSE
equivalent results. He is also much younger than the other students. He will require additional
materials, and extra support. I will also arrange a separate session with him to ensure that he
stays encouraged and in line with other students.

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

In order to satisfy the needs of the other students in the group - especially those who have already
studies an economics related subject, I'll ensure that I plan in some activities to stretch their

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Your programme plan (must involve at least 10 hours of contact time over several sessions)

Programme title

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Economics - Module 2 Macroeconomics

Learning Aims

To develop an understanding of microeconomic and macroeconomic theories and concepts and their real-world application

To develop an appreciation of the impact on individuals and societies of economic interactions between nations

Learning objectives

There are four assessment objectives (AOs) for the SL and HL economics course. Having followed the economics course at SL or HL, students
will be expected to do the following:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specified content

–– Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the common SL/HL syllabus

–– Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current economic issues and data

–– At HL only: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the higher level extension topics

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

2. Demonstrate application and analysis of knowledge and understanding

–– Apply economic concepts and theories to real-world situations

–– Identify and interpret economic data

–– Demonstrate the extent to which economic information is used effectively in particular contexts

–– At HL only: Demonstrate application and analysis of the extension topics

3. Demonstrate synthesis and evaluation

–– Examine economic concepts and theories

–– Use economic concepts and examples to construct and present an argument

–– Discuss and evaluate economic information and theories

–– At HL only: Demonstrate economic synthesis and evaluation of the extension topics

4. Select, use and apply a variety of appropriate skills and techniques

–– Produce well-structured written material, using appropriate economic terminology, within

specified time limits

–– Use correctly labelled diagrams to help explain economic concepts and theories

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

–– Select, interpret and analyse appropriate extracts from the news media

–– Interpret appropriate data sets

–– At HL only: Use quantitative techniques to identify, explain and analyse economic relationshipsx


Session Date/tim Topic and Content Teaching and Learning Assessment Resources Evaluation
e activities

1 18/02/13 1.4 Market Failure Round Robin : Debate - 2 groups Worksheets - BIZED Student survey
Student presentations feedback
Externalities on positive and Tuition fees in the UK Laptops for research
negative externalities
of production and The erection of Wind Powerpoint
consumption Farms in the UK presentation

2&3 25/02/13 1.4 Market Failure Pre-reading Newsroom activity Mentos/Bowls/Straws Peer evaluation
(Independent learning)
04/03/13 The tragedy of the - Garrett Hardin - The Laptops for research
commons tragedy of the

"Go Fish" Simulation

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Session Date/tim Topic and Content Teaching and Learning Assessment Resources Evaluation
e activities

4 11/03/13 2.1 Economic Activity Circular flow Peer Assessment of Pearson Economics Peer evaluation
simulation – whole simulation (PA Rubric) Maley & Welker
The circular flow of class (Textbook) Self/written reflection
income model Self-Reflection
Reflection Page 234-237
Worksheet 11.1
(Instructions for

Hotlink 11.1 9 (Blog &


5 18/03/13 2.1 Economic Activity Group TOK Essay (EA Page 237-250 Reflection of the
discussion/Debate Rubric) essay - self evaluation
The measurement of Page 251-253
economic activity TOK: Can a natural HL: Paper 3 practice
disaster be good for a questions Hotlink 11.2 (Video)
HL – Calculate country’s GDP?
nominal GDP, GNP (p.248) Exam questions
and GNI from data

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Session Date/tim Topic and Content Teaching and Learning Assessment Resources Evaluation
e activities

6 25/03/13 2.1 Economic Activity Daydream resources : TOK Discussion Page 254-255 Self-reflection of
Teacher-led newsroom activity
The business cycle presentation (Self-Reflection) Hotlink 11.3

TOK: What is the (FA) Newsroom

empirical evidence for activity – Students to
the existence of the work in groups to
business cycle? deliver a news story
(p.255) based on the last 2
weeks’ work – link to
theory and present –
Peer assessment
rubric & IA rubric

Quiz (K&U)

7&8 01/04/13 2.2 Aggregate Student research & Students presentation Page 256-272 Peer reflection
demand and supply group presentation:
Students to deliver a (PA & EA rubric) Hotlink 12.1
Aggregate demand presentation on one of
the elements from the TOK Discussion Hotlink 12.2
- Curve syllabus.
(Self-Reflection) Hotlink 12.3
- Components TOK: How do the
different consumption

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Session Date/tim Topic and Content Teaching and Learning Assessment Resources Evaluation
e activities

patterns of different
- Determinants
countries reflect the
2.2 Aggregate cultural differences
demand and supply between countries?
Aggregate supply

- Meaning of AS

- Alternate views

- Shifting the curve

9 08/04/13 2.2 Aggregate Student research & Students presentation p.274-284 Peer evaluation
demand and supply presentation: Students
to deliver a (PA & EA rubric) Worksheet 2
Equilibrium presentation on one of
the elements from the Quiz Hotlink12.5
- Short run syllabus
(pearson online) Worksheet 3
-Classical model
Exam Question
- Keynesian model (p.284)

HL: Paper 3 practice

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Session Date/tim Topic and Content Teaching and Learning Assessment Resources Evaluation
e activities


10 22/04/13 2.3 Macroeconomic The unemployment TOK discussion p.285-299 Self refection - Written
objectives game:
(Self-Reflection) The unemployment Student survey
Low unemployment Students will learn game
about important labour Worksheet reflection
- The meaning market statistics that Worksheet 13.1
are frequently HL: Paper 3 practice
- Consequences discussed in the questions Worksheet 13.2
media. An
understanding of the
unemployment rate
and labour force
participation rate will
be developed through
participation in an
interactive simulation

TOK: To what extent

is the existence of
structural and frictional
unemployment in an
economy a sign of

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Session Date/tim Topic and Content Teaching and Learning Assessment Resources Evaluation
e activities

economic health vs
economic hardship?

11 29/04/13 2.3 Macroeconomic Inflation Presentation, (FA) Newsroom p.300-327 Peer evaluation
objectives Puzzle, Game & Video activity – Students to
– Class simulation work in groups to Inflation Presentation, Student Survey
Low and stable rate of deliver a news story Game & Video
inflation TOK: Is human nature based on the last 2
so selfish that we weeks’ work – link to Puzzle
- Meaning would rather see theory and present –
those around us Peer assessment Worksheet 14.1
- Consequences of become unemployed rubric & IA rubric
inflation and risk becoming
unemployed ourselves Worksheet 14.1
- Consequences of than accept a lower
deflation wage?

- Types and causes of


HL: Relationships
unemployment and

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Session Date/tim Topic and Content Teaching and Learning Assessment Resources Evaluation
e activities

- Phillips curve

12 Revision & Recap of Students should Summative Past exam paper Exam evaluation form
2.1-2.3 complete an IA on one Assessments – Mid-
of the topics studied Semester Exams
(IA Rubric)

Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

1.2.1 Planning the learning programme
(approximately 400 words)

In your programme plan:

How do the teaching and learning activities provide opportunities for active learning and support

Active learning involved several different types of activity, from teacher instruction to the practice of
skills. Given the learning styles of my students I have attempted to integrate teaching and learning
methods that allows the students to experience different economic concepts through many
different activities, such as simulations, class presentations, round robin exercises and
independent reading, reasearch and feedback.

As previously mentioned, each session will have differentiated outcomes, which will allow each
student to achieve at a level that is comfortable for them, but also supporting or stretching them in
their understanding based on their individual need.

How are you integrating assessment into the learning programme, to ensure that learning has taken place?

The IB diploma programme has clear assessment objectives that the students are required to
meet to be successful in this course. As a result of this , the activites within the learning
programme with encompass these objectives through a rubric based assessment. The rubric will
be given to the students alongside each formative and summative assessment to allow them to
see for themselves how to progress.

This will be measured on a session by session basis through plenaries, quizzes, peer assessment,
reflections and of course summative assessment - which will be marked according to the external
assessment criteria set by the exam board. All of this assessment data will be monitored to ensure
all students are demonstrating progress against their expected end level.

How are you planning to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning programme and use the information
gained to improve future practice?

As well as personal reflection through my teaching journal, I believe that the use of student voice is
very important in the development of teaching and learning practice. I will be using student
feedback through the use of surveys to help adapt and improve the learning programme. In
addition to this, any feedback from observers will be taken into consideration when evaluating my
programme throughout.

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Your session plan for Learning Session 1
(approximately 200 words)

Session title Cmmon access resources and the threat to sustainabiliy Date 25/02/2013 Location FVISKL

Learner group IBDP Economics - DP 1 Duration 80mins Group size 13

Learning aims To examine the consequences of sustainability to the problem of common access resources

Learning objectives All students will be able to explain using examples, common access resources and apply the concept of sustainability to
the problem (A01 & A02 - Level 1-4)

Most students will be able to examine the externalities relating to common access goods in relation to local and global
situations with relevant diagrams (AO2 & AO3 Level 4-5)


Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Time Content and teacher activity Learner activity Formative assessment Learning materials and resources

0-10 Check with students that they Arrive and settle quietly, having Q&A Article
have read the pre-reading read the required pre-reading.
Powerpoint background
material, by asking a student to
Be prepared to summarise the
Discuss the aims of the lesson
Be prepared to re-cap key terms :
and link to key words learnt in
Rivalrous/Non-Rivalrous and
previous lesson - ask student to
re-cap their understanding.

10-15 Introduce the aims of the lesson Listen to teacher instruction n/a Powerpoint
and the "Big ideas" (TOK
Move to be with groups Data Sheet
'Go Fish"equipment
Introduce the groupings, rules,
and data-sheet needed for the
"Go Fish" exercise
15-45 Circulate Carry out the "Go Fish" activity as Feedback comments to the Powerpoint
instructed by the teacher questions
Manage the time Data Sheet
Discuss the questions with the
Help reset the equipment 'Go Fish"equipment
group and feedback the answers,
Facilitate student discussion with aimin to relate the simulation to Stopwatch/Clock
regards to the feedback, ask previous knowledge and
questions relating back to the understanding of market failures,
knowledge, encourage students externalities and common goods.

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Time Content and teacher activity Learner activity Formative assessment Learning materials and resources

to evaluate the extent of the

market failure
45-70 Develop this idea - extend In groups discuss either local, Production of mind-map A3 paper
thinking to local, global and global or natural resources in
Feedback Pens
natural resources. terms of common access goods
as a market failure. Peer questionning Powerpoint
Ask students to mind-map with
diagrams local commons, global Each group should give
commons and the use of natural examples, and demonstrate a
resources as a market failure positive and negative externality
that is related - through diagrams.
Students should critically analyse
the questions - "what can society Students should then discuss
do to ensure these resources are what society should do to ensure
used more wisely?" the resources are allocated more
70-80 Review and feedback the mind Reflect on the lesson Assess students against learning Powerpoint
map, followed by assessing objective
Discuss ideas for the "big ideas"
progress against the learning aim
and big ideas - aim to ask
students to get prepared for their
assessment in next two periods.

Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

How have you provided opportunities for learning to be differentiated?

Groups have been divided to ensure that students who are more able have got the opportunity to investigate a more difficult concept

Students who are less able are with students who they can turn to comfortably for support if needed.

Learning outcomes are differentiated, given the levels that some students are currently on.

Questionning will differ depending on the student's ability.


Based on past assessments, not all the students will be able to fully discuss and evaluate the given common resource, however will be able to
contribute to the group task.

Plan B (Additional work) - The reality - live reef fishing in Indonesia - video and discussion based on the big ideas

Pre-reading of Garrett Hardin's - Tragedy of the commons will be e-mailed to student before the lesson

A copy of this Learning Session plan will be required for Module 2

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

1.2.2 Planning the learning sessions

Learning Session 1
(approximately 400 words)

In your plan for Learning Session 1

How does the structure and content promote and support active learning, including the preparation of
learning materials, resources and facilities?

Preparation of the learning materials for this session will be key for the simulation to go smoothly. I
will need to purchase the required candy to mimic the the fish in the common lake, as well as
aquire the relevant equipment to allow each student to play an active part in the simulation.

Seating arrangements will be very important to give the students the sense that they are in a family
unit. There will be 3 families, therefore three groups of tables with chairs. I will organise more
tables to simulate the feel of a common ground.

A projector and whiteboard is available in the classroom to display the information, and worksheets
with instructions will need to be prepared in order for the students to collate their data.

A3 paper and pens will need to be provided for the final activity, and I will need to ensure that I
allow the students plenty of thinking time to assist them in meeting the A04 objective.

How will the teaching and learning activities meet the learning objectives and the needs of the learners?

The students will be grouped by me, which will mean that I can manipulate them to involve a
mixture of students with a mixture of abilities. Each of the students identified as having a
background in Economics will be divided up, the weaker students will be in groups with other
students that they feel comfortable with, but also with a stronger student for support - especially
towards the end of the lesson when higher level thinking is needed.

The teaching and learning activities planned, will allow the students to experience first hand the
externalities related to the use of common access resources, it will allow them to personally get
involved with the concept, as well as apply the concept to other theories and ideas that they have
learnt in the past.

What role(s) do you expect to play in the session and what role(s) will your learners play?

My role in this lesson:

- Facilitator - organising the class accordingly, encourage them to participate and to make

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

connections in line with the economic theory.

- Consultant - Student will be able to ask questions and use me to clarify issues that they have.

The learners role in this lessson:

- Enquirers & thinkers – students will be discussing and asking questions to gain knowledge and to
extend their thinking beyond the concept alone.

Communicators – studentd will be working on their communication skills when discussing their
strategy in relation to the simualation and in presenting their ideas from their mind map at the end
of the lesson.

How do you plan to evaluate the session?

I will self-evaluate based on whether I believe the students have made progress agains the given

I will discuss the outcomes of the lesson with an observer.

I will send the students a survey to ask their opinion of the lesson

In a future lesson, I will re-introduce the topic to see if the students can relate back to the

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Your session plan for Learning Session 2
(approximately 200 words)

Session title The tradegy of the commons newsroom assesment Date 04/03/2013 Location FISKL

Learner group IBDP Economics - DP 1 Duration 80mins Group size 13

Learning aims To examine the consequences of sustainability to the problem of common access resources

Learning objectives Discuss and evaluate, with diagrams alternative views with regards to common resouces - newsroom acitivity (A03
&A04 - Level 5-7)
Group 1 outcome - Discuss, using negative externalities, the view that economic activity requiring the use of fossil fuels
to satisfy demand poses a threat to sustainability.
Group 2 outcome - Evaluate, using diagrams, possible government responses to threats to sustainability, including
legislation, carbon taxes, cap and trade schemes, and funding for clean technologies
Group 3 outcome - Discuss the view that the existence of poverty in economically less developed counties creates
negative externalities through over exploitation of land and agriculture, and that this poses a threat to sustainability

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.


Time Content and teacher activity Learner activity Formative assessment Learning materials and resources

0-20 1.4 Market Failures "Be enquirers" - students to Assess use of IB Learner profiles Powerpoint
continue to work in groups to and approaches to learning.
Tragedy of the commons Laptops
prepare for the Newsroom
Facilitate research time and Assessment during this lesson. Textbooks
assist students in their need to
Students were given a scenario Reflections and notes from
during the last lesson and some previous lessons
researach time to set up a
newsroom situation to report of
the reality of the situation of
common resources, their aim is
to include economic theory and
knowledge to demonstrate their
20-35 Asssess and question Group 1 - Formative assessment Assess again the IBDP Powerpoint
Economics internal assessment
- Present findings in a newsroom Laptops
Student provided resources
35-50 Asssess and question Group 2 - Formative assessment Assess again the IBDP Powerpoint
Economics internal assessment
- Present findings in a newsroom Laptops
Student provided resources
50-65 Asssess and question Group 3 - Formative assessment Assess again the IBDP Powerpoint

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Time Content and teacher activity Learner activity Formative assessment Learning materials and resources

Economics internal assessment

- Present findings in a newsroom Laptops
Student provided resources
65-70 Facilitate reflection Each group to reflect on their Group assessment rubric Rubric
peer's presentation
70-80 Facilitate discussion in relation to Class discussion in relation to the Q&A N/A
the Big Idea "Whose Big Idea "Whose responsibility
responsibility should it be to should it be to decide how
decide how common resources common resources should be
should be dealt with? " dealt with? "
Reflect on learning outcomes
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

How have you provided opportunities for learning to be differentiated?

Groups have been divided to ensure that students who are more able have got the opportunity to investigate a more difficult concept

Students who are less able are with students who they can turn to comfortably for support if needed.

Learning outcomes are differentiated, given the levels that some students are currently on.

Questionning will differ depending on the student's ability


Students will have the freedom to use the classroom to demonstrate their newroom presentation - the layout will be up to them to decide

A copy of this Learning Session plan will be required for Module 2

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Learning Session 2
(approximately 400 words)

How does the structure and content promote and support active learning, including the preparation of
learning materials, resources and facilities?

Seating arrangements will be very important to give the students the sense that they are in a
newsroom. There will be 3 groups, therefore three groups of tables with chairs. Students will
decide on a layout for their particular newsroom.

A projector and whiteboard is available in the classroom to display the information, and will be
available for students to use when they present.

The session is linked to the learning aim that was given two sessions ago, this will be the final
lesson, and therefore it will be used to assess student's understanding and ability to apply, through
an active simulation of a newsroom.

How will the teaching and learning activities meet the learning objectives and the needs of the learners?

The students have been grouped by me, which means that I have been able to manipulate them to
involve a mixture of students with a mixture of abilities. Each of the students identified as having a
background in Economics were divided up, the weaker students will be in groups with other
students that they feel comfortable with, but also with a stronger student for support - especially
towards the end of the lesson when higher level thinking is needed.

The teaching and learning activities planned, will allow the students to express how they feel about
the topic, demonstrate their ability to apply the economic theories to a real-life situation and then
move on to evaluate and reflect on the activity by linking it to the big idea (Theory of Knowledge

What role(s) do you expect to play in the session and what role(s) will your learners play?

My role in this lesson:

- Facilitator - organising the class accordingly, encourage them to participate and to make
connections in line with the economic theory.

- Consultant - Student will be able to ask questions and use me to clarify issues that they have.

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

The learners role in this lessson:

- Enquirers & thinkers – students will be discussing and asking questions to gain knowledge and to
extend their thinking beyond the concept alone.

Communicators – students will be working on their communication skills when discussing their
strategy in relation to the simualation and in presenting their ideas in their newsroom assessment.

How do you plan to evaluate the session?

I will self-evaluate based on whether I believe the students have made progress against the given

I will discuss the outcomes of the lesson with an observer.

I will send the students a survey to ask their opinion of the lesson

In a future lesson, I will re-introduce the topic to see if the students can relate back to the

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

Part B: Reflective Report
In your report, you should reflect on your overall experience of planning the learning programme and
learning sessions. Among your reflections on this stage of the teaching and learning cycle and your Diploma
project, you should include the following themes:
(a) Why you think planning and preparing a programme plan and individual learning session plans helps to
meet the learning programme aims and objectives and the needs of your learners.
(b) How particular activities in your sessions will facilitate active learning and help to motivate and engage all
your learners.
(c) What you have learned about the process of designing a learning programme and individual learning

(approximately 1000 words)

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" is a very famous quote from Benjamin Franklin
(1706-1790), which in my opinion still applies today, but specifically in the context of teaching and
learning. The success of lessons, the success of the students and the overall happiness of the
teacher depends on how well planning is managed on a long term and short term basis. Students
are more effective in their learning; they engage, enjoy and are excited about lessons that are well
planned, which in the long run makes life easier for the teacher – less behaviour management
issues, more positive feedback and better results!

People apply to become teachers for different reasons, but the main reasons often include wanting
to inspire a younger generation, wanting to work with young people and wanting to make the
"world a better place" by instilling knowledge and skills into children that will make them want to
have a bright future. All of this ambition is perfectly fine; however there must be a goal, an aim or a
measurable outcome in order for both students and teachers to feel a level of achievement. Hence
why there are GCSEs, ALevels, OLevels, International Baccalaureate and many other
programmes around the world, to measure the progress and to award the students for their efforts.

In reflection of this module there are two questions a teacher needs to ask before planning and
preparing a programme plan for their class – “Where we are now and where do we want to be?”
By this I mean that every teacher needs to have a clear understanding of their students’ needs and
current level of ability as well as an end goal in mind to work towards. Only then can a programme
plan be written effectively, allowing students to be engaged in activities that have a clear purpose
– whether it is to pass an exam, to demonstrate knowledge of a new theory or purely to
understand the different aspects of a concept.

“Backward design” is a three stage planning approach introduced in a book called Understanding
by Design (UbD) by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, it develops the concept of starting to plan

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

and prepare teaching programmes by having the end in mind, before starting the planning. It looks
at how as teachers, we need to understand what the ultimate goal is and how we plan our
programmes to engage learners from the beginning to end, by taking them on a learning journey
that has a purpose. Throughout the process of this module I tried to ensure that I was referring to
this model at all time, by aiming to plan for effective and active teaching and learning to achieve
specific results. By following this model, I made sure that when planning each session, I asked
myself, "why" the students were learning and doing the activities they were doing and "what" the
teaching and learning activities were helping the students to achieve. I was able plan my sessions
according to the various formative and summative assessments that were planned in line with the
IBDP economics course expectations.

Planning and preparing this programme reminded me of the fundamentals of teaching and
learning; in terms of the different teaching methods, assessment, resources, the importance of
differentiation and allowing flexibility when planning for the delivery of the sessions – all of these
are important, all of the time, but relating these fundamentals back to the aims and objectives are
the most important – it gives each lesson a sense of purpose.

In writing my programme and session plans, I had to ensure that the goal was clear – the students
must have a clear understanding of the different economic concepts required by the International
Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), in order to be successful in their internal and external
assessments at the end of next year. However, the IBDP is very different to what I’m previously
used to, it is driven around concept based teaching not content based teaching. Students are also
encouraged to be IB learners, in accordance to the learner profiles. Therefore the challenge was to
ensure that the plan encompassed all of this.

One challenge was to ensure that active learning was taking place and that it was effective. – I
ensured this by making sure that all sessions were mainly student-led. In past observations and
lessons with this particular group of students, I was able to witness how well they worked in groups
and what styles of teaching and learning motivated them. Group research works particularly well
with this group, therefore I planned in many activities where students were able to work with their
peers and seek their support if needed, to apply economic concepts to reality. Simulations have
also worked very well in the past, encouraging students to reflect on their learning I’m hoping that
including the three simulations will continue to engage the students, especially in grasping the
basic concept, allowing them to then fully investigate the ‘Theory of Knowledge’ questions – which
encourages students to think about other subjects in line with the economic concept that they are
learning about.

To conclude, I believe that in addition to my previous experience in programme and session

planning, this module has allowed me to revisit many design factors and apply them once again to
develop lessons that fully engage and excite the students in learning about economics. Revisiting
methods of assessment encouraged me to change the ways I challenge the students, not only
setting tests and exam papers, but incorporating more group presentations, ‘Theory of Knowledge’
essays and team games/simulations.

Planning and preparation has always been a vital part of my role as a teacher, and will continue to

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.

play its part in my career development and in this diploma.


- Understanding by Desgin, Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

- CIDTT Guide 2012

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2012 and 2013.


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