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Assignment template for 5292 Practice: teaching and learning in action

For examination 2011

Cambridge International Diploma for

Teachers and Trainers
Module 5292

Practice: Teaching and Learning in action

Assignment Template for examination in 2011

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own work. I have appropriately referenced and acknowledged any work taken from another source.

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Candidate Name


© CIE 2010
Your context

(approximately 300 words)

Your professional background

After high school, I went to University of Manchester, UK to study medicine. I graduated from the
university with a MBChB. I went on to do 1 of my 2 years of housemanship (foundation training) in
the UK. In my first year I did rotations in cardiology, general surgery and accident and emergency. I
then returned to Malaysia to complete my second year of housemanship. I did rotations in
Orthopaedics, Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology in my second year.

As part of the housemanship training programme, we had weekly teaching sessions where we
taught one another what we had learnt through case presentations, where we discussed cases we
met on the ward and taught each other about the condition through a concept known as evidence-
based medicine. There were also mortality and morbidity meetings, which we presented to learn
about best practices.

Due to personal reasons and the love for good quality teaching, I decided to make a career change
after 2 years of practising medicine and decided to teach. I am currently employed at Fairview
International School Wangsa Maju where I am making my first debut as a teacher.

Your role and responsibilities

I am currently teaching Chemistry at the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)

level. I am also the homeroom teacher to the graduating batch of IBDP students. This gives me a
role in pastoral care, career guidance as well as personal counselling. I am also the Co-curriculum
Activities (CCA) Coordinator for the school and am responsible for the organisation and smooth
running of all CCA’s.

Your institution

Fairview International School Wangsa Maju campus is located at the residential area of Section 6,
Wangsa Maju in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The school has roughly 500 - 100 students with different
nationalities, including Malaysians. It is a new campus, which still undergoes expansion.

It is also one of the campus, that is nominated as IB World School, which offers Primary Year
Programme (PYP), Middle Year Programme (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP). The language of
instruction for the school is English.

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Assignment template for 5292 Practice: teaching and learning in action
For examination 2011

Your learners

The group of students I will be studying for the Diploma is the graduating batch of IBDP students.
The age group of these students are 17-19 and I have been teaching them for just over a year now
and as they will be taking their exams in May 2013, they will have a lot to learn.

Your professional development during the Diploma

(approximately 100 words)

What do you expect to learn from this Module about practice which will help you in the next Module, which focuses on

At the end of the day, a student’s competency is always tested in some form or the other. As a
teacher, I have to ensure that my students will do well in their assessments. Therefore the design
and practice of my lesson is of utmost importance to allow my students to achieve their best. I hope
my practice sessions will teach me more about my students learning styles so that I am able to
deliver my lessons more effectively. This module should also allow me learn how to use
differentiation and how to guide and support students who need it. I also hope to enhance my
classroom management skills.

© CIE 2010
Copy of Session Plan for Learning Session 1
Please copy here your Session Plan for Learning Session 1 (Copy from your Module 1 Assignment)

(approximately 200 words)

Session title Lesson 7: Buffer solutions

Aim Students are able to understand how buffer solutions work and solve problems involving
buffer solutions

Learning objectives To describe the composition of a buffer solution

To explain how a buffer works
To solve problems involving the composition and pH of a specified buffer system

Time Teacher Activity Learner Activity Differentiation Assessment Materials/Resources

5 Teacher starts Students brainstorm what “buffers” are, Encouraging quieter N/A N/A
mins lesson by asking how they work and where they are found students to voice Problem worksheet/
“What is a buffer, their opinions virtual experiment
how does it work results
and where do you
find them?
10 Teacher shows an Students watch an animation on buffers N/A N/A Projector, laptop
mins animation on buffers

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Time Teacher Activity Learner Activity Differentiation Assessment Materials/Resources
and then
summarises what m/physsci/chemistry/
buffers are and how essentialchemistry/fl
they work ash/buffer12.swf
30 Teacher introduces Students in groups of 2 or 3 use a virtual Each group will be Presentation of Laptops, Internet
mins a virtual experiment experiment to find out how buffers work. chosen based on virtual experiment
to students with Students then present their findings. ability and given results http://group.chem.ia
groups specific task different tasks
given according to their e/sections/projectfol
ability der/flashfiles/acidba
10 Teacher introduces Students research where else natural N/A N/A Internet, Textbook
mins natural buffers in buffers can be found
blood using an http://www.ganfyd.or
arterial blood gas g/index.php?
report sample title=File:ABG_comp
15 Teacher teaches Students work on worksheet provided Questions with Worksheet Worksheet
mins students how solve solving problems involving buffer systems different difficulty
problems involving a levels
buffer system
through an example
10 Teacher discusses Students take notes N/A N/A Worksheet
mins one or two problems

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Time Teacher Activity Learner Activity Differentiation Assessment Materials/Resources
in the worksheet
which students
struggled with

Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.


Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Copy of Session Plan for Learning Session 2
Please copy here your Session Plan for Learning Session 2 (Copy from your Module 1 Assignment)

(approximately 200 words)

Session title Lesson 8: Salt hydrolysis

Aim To enable students to apply and use their knowledge to deduce the acid-base property of
a salt

Learning objectives Students are able to deduce whether salts form acidic, alkaline or neutral aqueous


Time Teacher Activity Learner Activity Differentiation Assessment Materials/Resources

10 Teacher introduces Students use the think-pair share method to Students are paired Q&A
mins the topic by stating hypothesize if certain salt solutions will be according to ability
that salt (NaCl) acidic, neutral or basic
solutions are
neutral. Teacher
then poses the
question “Are all salt
solutions (the
products of various

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

reactions) neutral?”
15 Teacher prepares Students use pH probes to test the pH of N/A N/A pH probes
mins various salt different salt solutions Salt solutions
solutions for
students to test
45 Teacher introduces Using a ‘Jigsaw’ teaching strategy, students Students of similar Discussion Textbook
mins the Jigsaw teaching are paired to study cation and anion abilities are paired Internet
strategy hydrolysis. Those studying anion and cation together
hydrolysis from the different pairs then
group together to discuss their findings.
Students then return to their pairs to teach
each other what they have learnt
10 Closure Students summarize their findings in their N/A Summary
mins notes

Use as many rows in the table as applicable - add rows if necessary


Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Part A: Putting the programme and the sessions into practice
2.1.1 Using teaching methods

(approximately 500 words)

In the two learning sessions, how well did you feel your teaching methods matched your learners’ needs?

From my previous observations of the students, I have identified that they all have different learning
styles. According to Howard Garnder’s multiple intelligences, I have idendtified 6 different types of
learning styles in my class; visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic
and logical-mathematical. Knowing this, I feel my teaching methods have satisfied my learners
needs as I try to incorporate a mix of teaching styles and miulitmedia to cater to all their needs.

In my 2 learning sessions, I satisfied the visual and bodily-kinesthetic learners through animation
and experimentation, the needs of interpersonal and linguistic learners were met through
discussions and teaching each other. Intrapersonal learners also had a chance to sit down and
independently read and research material. And finally the logical-mathematical learners had
worksheets to solve problems logically.

How did your chosen teaching aids affect the quality of teaching and learning in practice?

I believe that by using a mix of teaching styles, I gave all my students the opportunity to be
independent learners according to their needs. I found my students to be more engaged and
involved. They were more willing to actively participate in their learning. Due to use of more active
learning techniques, my students were more motivated to learn and less likely to feel bored as they
were given the chance to move around, stretch out and talk rather than to listen to me lecture for
long periods of time.

What adjustments did you make to the management of the activities in the sessions, to make them more effective?

In my first session, introduction to buffers was done by a brainstorm activity. Hoewver, many
students were unsure what buffers were. Therefore, I gave them 10 minutes to research about
buffers were and where natural buffers were found.

I also found that although the virtual experiment for the buffers worked well for most students, some
students were still a bit confused after the experiment and it was necessary for me to step in to
clarify and summarise their findings.

In the second session, there were not enough pH probes for the whole class so we used a mixture

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

of pH probes and universal indicator.

In the jigsaw session for cation and anion hydrolysis, the anion hydrolysis portion was much smaller
and simpler than the cation hydrolysis. So instead of working in pairs, they worked in groups of 3
with 2 students studying cation hydrolysis. The class also got a little bit messy and confused with
the method as there was quite a lot of movements and shifting around so I simplified the method
and had 2 separate groups, a larger group discussion cation hydrolysis in the class and a smaller
group discussion anion hydrolysis in another room. They then reformed their original groups of 3 to
teach each other about anion and cation hydrolysis.

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

2.1.2 Observation of teaching

(approximately 500 words)

How did the observation affect the learning sessions?

Both the students and myself were initially distracted by the presence of an observer in the
classroom. It made all of us slightly intimidated but as class started and the students became
engrossed in their tasks, the class became more relaxed and soon forgot about the presence of the

However, the outcome of the observation was most beneficial to my teaching practices. I was able
to discuss what went well as well as what could have been done better with someone with more
experience. My observer also gave interesting insight as to how to improve my lessons and
highlighted areas that I had overlooked especially in the classroom management section.

Which main issues would you identify from your feedback discussions with the observer(s)?

My observer and I mainly discussed the teaching strategies that I employed, my classroom
management skills and explored both what went well as well as what could have been improved.

Good points:
From the feedback I received, I had a good structure to my lessons, beginning with establishing the
students’ prior knowledge and before moving on to the main content of the class and ending with an
assessment. There was also good student engagement by employing varied media as well as using
active learning strategies. Another good point about my lessons is that I actively praise and use
constructive feedback.

However, to improve the lessons, my observer suggested that instead of presenting the main
subject matter in a predetermined manner (ie. Starting from scratch) immediately after establishing
the students’ prior knowledge, I should build upon my students knowledge.

Another factor to consider is also my classroom control. Although freedom should be given to
students whilst performing activities and discussion, I should be careful to look out for students who
are distracted and bring them back to the subject matter. The volume of the class should also be
controlled so that it is not too loud.

The major criticism my observer had for me though, was that instructions to students were unclear.
I expected the students to be able to understand and retain multiple verbal instructions. Instead I
should provide the students with written instructions ie. on a powerpoint slide to constantly remind

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

them of what they have to do.

How will these issues and the observer reports as a whole affect your future practice?

The observer report was very useful in providing me with confidence that I am performing quite well
as a teacher but also highlights major issues in my classroom preparation and control. I would also
continue using multiple media, virtual and real life experiments to engage my students. I would also
continue to provide students with praises and constructive feedback.

However, in the future I will ensure that I give clearer instructions for activities by either writing it on
the board, preparing a powerpoint slide or giving out instruction sheets. Also I will be more attentive
to the volume of the class as well as students who are easily distracted.

I will also not hesitate to continually ask for class observations by my colleagues to continually
improve on my practice.

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Observation of Session 1 Insert completed form

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Observation of Session 2 Insert completed form

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

2.2.1 Involving and supporting learners

(approximately 500 words)

What opportunities did you provide for individuals to learn, and how did they respond to these?

Thinking skills – my students were encouraged to think and make connections for themselves
rather than being spoon-fed information for memorisation.

Research skills – students were given the opportunity to look for their own answers. This also
teaches them how to sort through the many resources available to select relevant and reliable

Manipulative/kinaesthetic skills – instead of purely focusing on information, students are given the
opportunity to stretch and learn ‘hands-on’.

Collaborative learning – students learn how to work together to complete an activity or assignment.
they learn how to pull their own weight as if they do not complete their assigned section, the entire
group suffers the consequences. They also learn about time-management in order to complete their

Visual stimuli – I incorporate animations and demonstrations to the class so that students can
visualise and relate to a particular reaction or concept.

Worksheets – although a more traditional form of learning, my students find this method useful as
they are given the chance to practice their problem solving skills and gives them a chance to
consolidate their knowledge as well as the confidence that they have mastered the content.

How did you go about giving guidance and support to those who needed it?

During group activities, I usually walk around the classroom listening in to students’ discussions. I
would gently guide them, giving them prompts to help them with concepts they are struggling with.
For the weaker students, I would also spend a little more time with the groups and contribute to
their discussions.

In worksheet activities, I would also give students written comments. If a worksheet exposes that
most students have difficulty understanding a topic, I would then go thru the content again and
discuss the questions on the worksheet. If only a selected few were struggling with the questions, I
would create a small group study outside of class time to go through the material with them.

I also always welcome questions and never make my students feel silly for asking them. I try to

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

explain concepts in simple terms using everyday examples rather than using jargon. I always try to
give students constructive feedback whether in writing or when talking with them.

How did you manage this guidance and support, so that the learning of the teaching group as a whole was able to

I use a variety of methods. Often I would give students one-on-one attention. This is done either
outside of class time or during class when the other students are involved in another activity so that
their learning is not interrupted.

Another method is by pairing a weaker student and a more able student during group work so that
peer learning can take place. By differentiating certain tasks, I also ensure that learners learn
according to their ability.

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

2.2.2 Feedback from learners

(approximately 500 words)

How would you summarise the learner feedback you have collected from the two learning sessions?

All learners are different and have different needs, likes and dislikes thus making it difficult to
summarise in totality. However I am able to deduce from their feedback that although many of my
students are used to the traditional rote-learning method, they do enjoy a more active learning
environment. However, as they are new to certain teaching strategies (especially the jigsaw
method) they would have preferred clearer instructions. I also have comments from students whom
expressed the preference for more active teaching.

All the students enjoyed the experiments that were conducted but did not enjoy the write up

For group activities, some students preferred to choose their own group members. However, when
given that opportunity, they were easily distracted and discussions led to conversations about
unrelated topics. These students felt the activities should have taken less time.

A majority of the students felt the worksheets were a good method for consolidating their knowledge
and would prefer if more class time was given to worksheets and would not mind having more
worksheets for homework.

What is your response to this feedback?

I am happy to hear that the students are enjoying the active learning approach but I should
introduce them to a more active learning environment slowly as some are struggling with the
sudden transition from traditional rote-learning methods into fully active learning methods.

I can also see different students have their own preferences and I can try to incorporate as many of
these aspects into my lessons. Amongst them is to allocate more in-class time as well as homework
to worksheets to help consolidate their knowledge. I can also perform more demonstrations,
conduct more experiments and show them more animations to facilitate their learning.

What questions would you now like to ask this group of learners, in the light of their whole experience of the planned
learning programme?

Do you feel more engaged in class?

Do you know how and where to look for answers?

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Do you feel confident about what you have learnt on your own or that taught to you by your
Does active learning give you more control over your study material?
Would more group work activities be preferred?
What would the optimum time ratio be for active learning and traditional lecturing?

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Learner feedback for Session 1 Insert completed form

Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainers

Summary of Learner Feedback

Date of session: 18 Sept 2012 Location of session: Chemistry lab

Name of learner
DP 0513 Number in group: 11

Which method(s) have you used to obtain feedback from your learners?

I prepared a simple 3-question questionnaire for my students to give me feedback about what they learnt,
what they found most useful and what they thought could be improved.

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Learner feedback for Session 2 Insert completed form

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

Part B: Reflective Report
In your report you should reflect on your overall experience of facilitating active learning and effective teaching.
Among your reflections on this stage of the teaching and learning cycle and your Diploma project, you should include
the following themes:
(a) What have you learned from the feedback from your observer and learners?
(b) What have you learned about handling and developing active learning techniques?
(c) Using evidence from your reflective journal, what critical events led you to modify your handling of any part of the
learning sessions? How successful do you think the modifications were?

(approximately 1000 words)

For a while, when I first heard of the term “active learning” it struck fear in me. What is active
learning? Why is there so much hype about it? My thoughts were this teaching style must be very
difficult as many teachers are seemed to be struggling with the concept. As Bonwell and Eison,puts
it, “students must do more than just listen: They must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving
problems. Most important, to be actively involved, students must engage in such higher-order
thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Within this context, it is proposed that
strategies promoting active learning be defined as instructional activities involving students in doing
things and thinking about what they are doing.”

This long explanation confused me. However, as I did my research, shared my thoughts and started
planning my lessons, I started to breathe easier. It wasn’t all that complicated. As long as students
were constantly engaged whether through discussions, group activities or even writing and problem
solving tasks, this was active learning. However I must admit there was also a time when I believed
that the entirety of the lessons must be where students are “actively learning” which meant I am not
allowed to actively teach or lecture. This made me worry that students may misunderstand or
oversimplify the content. The number of activities I had to incorporate also presented an issue with
time constrain as I worried about syllabus coverage if I spent so much time on activities. My doubts
were alleviated following discussions with colleagues who shared that lecturing is not a taboo. We
simply have to ensure that our students have a change of pace every so often and be encouraged
to think and form conclusions for themselves. I also learnt through the process that activities do not
have to be long. It could be a simple 5 minute discussion or Q&A session. So this made things
simpler for me as I try to employ a good mix of both lecturing and activities.

From the feedback that I have received, I am glad that on the whole, students are feeling more
engaged with the usage of more activities. However, some students who are used to the more
traditional approach of passive learning were struggling to make the transition and were often shy to
speak up and participate in activities. This made me think I had to make that transition smoother for
them by introducing smaller activities to start before moving on to longer more complex ones. The
other observation is also that my instructions were confusing. The transition from passive learning

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

to active learning would also be smoother for them if I made instructions clearer so that they know
what they are expected to do.

Upon analysing feedback from students, I also discovered there isn’t a “one size fits all” model.
Students are all very individual with regards to their preferences so I cannot continually rely on a
single type of activity. There must be a good variety so that all students could be satisfied at one
stage or another. The large variety will also stretch some of them out of their comfort zones and
take risks with their learning. In doing so they discover more about themselves and may even learn
a better way of doing things.

My observer also raised the issue of classroom control. Although the structure of the lesson was
good, and there was an activity to keep students busy, some still managed to get distracted. I
believe this was because as I conducted the lesson, I went around and listened in to discussions
and occasionally got involved in a group discussion. This led to neglecting the rest of the class for a
while. I need to learn to be more mindful of the class in general and not to spend large amounts of
time with a specific group and foregoing the others.

Activities get students involved but very often they can misinterpret their research or oversimplify or
miss out important bits of information especially when not followed up with a knowledge
consolidating activity whether it is a worksheet or a problem to solve or a written summary.
Sometimes I catch on it during their discussions and prompt them to guide them to the issue at
hand but often their knowledge is assessed during the summative assessment and It may be too
late when I pick up on this. I have started to incorporate worksheets, or get students to solve a
problem and recently given them a graphic organiser to summarise their findings at the end of
activities. I will also fit in more formative assessments so that I catch onto problems earlier.

In running group activities, I initially relied on students forming their own groups but this often led to
distractability as they start discussing non-academic matters or ran off course. Some groups also
had large differneces in student abilities. So I started grouping students so that each group has a
mix of strong and weak students. However, this also led to problems with the stronger students
getting bored easily. Since then, although I still have mixed groups, I occasionally group students by
ability so that they are challenged.

When I first started using Q&A sessions, I asked for volunteers to answer the questions but quickly
discovered either a silent class or a few students who regularly answered. So I changed my
strategy by calling on students. As students do not know who will be called, they all take the extra
effort to do their reading so that they may be able to answer the questions.

When I first learnt of active learning strategies, I read of many different teaching strategies. As
usual the long, complicated ones caught my eye and I couldn’t wait to employ them as I thought
students would be excited to perform these activities. However, as my observer and learners have
identified, my instructions were often not clear enough and students who were not used to active
learning strategies were resistant. This has led to the more frequent usage of much shorter and
simpler activities such as Q&A’s, class discussions, problem solving and group activities with

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.

simpler subject matter. If I run longer more complicated activities, I will prepare handouts with
instructions as well as a graphic organiser for students to summarise their findings.

I also realised I often make assumptions about a student’s background knowledge of a topic.
Occasionally they are all completely new to it, which means I have to change the activity or the
focus of the activity. This often leads the activity taking more time than anticipated and I find I have
to rush through the rest of the lesson. In my future practice, I will build in buffer times for activities.

Overall, this module has given me a lot to think about my practice and ideas on how to improve.
The above reflection is only a sampling of what I have learnt and with continued evaluation of my
practice, I am sure I will continue to improve and grow.

Additional evidence

You may include selected images of the learning sessions as additional evidence

(NB maximum number of images = 6: please set resolution for web/screen 96 dpi)


Bonwell, C., Eison, J. (1991) Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom. Washington
DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education.
[accessed 29 November 2012]

Assignment Template for 5292 Practice: Teaching and Learning in Action. For examination in 2011.


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