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Written by: Juan Pablo Corredor González (11-1)

Nowadays, have a very fluent management of a language, aside the native, is very
important, because it can open many possibilities in academic and professional
fields in our lifes. At least, like a goal and a tool for the life project, everyone must
to learn a second language, and furthermore, to learn all languages as can be
In Colombia, a dream hard to reach is to get bilingual students since high school,
but this isn’t impossible, and can became in a reality if we try to improve the
difficulties that can present the goal of the English language learning in the country.
The government has to correct and potentiate the development of the national
program “Colombia Bilingüe” to accomplish the role that has been set, and get
students with a level “B1” at least in the Saber 11 tests.
Now, with the implementation of the Unique Journal in some schools, the number
of hours per week got increased in four subjects, including English, with the
objective of reach and improve the necessaries competences for the students.
Specifically, in the English subject we have to develop the four linguistic skills:
Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking since first to eleventh grade, based on
projects that are related to the real world and where language is used to
communicate it out. But, in the other hand, we have to consider that the Saber 11
test is based only in the Reading, Grammar and Vocabulary skills.
Looking and identifying deeper the roots of the problems and complications in the
process of learning and in the development of the program, we can found out that
the public schools needs more support from the government than other schools for
circumstances like: the context in which the students can be involved is though, the
null knowledge in primary school is evident because the limited learning that is
issued here, the flexibility in the assessment because irresponsible students don’t
need to make a big effort to pass the scholar year.
Concluding, the solution could stay in a better and efficient support of the
government, specially, to the public schools, offering the same learning
opportunities to all Colombian students using dynamic methodologies besides to
the responsibility of the student and the duty of the parent. Also, should be
considered the possibility of use transversal topics with other areas, giving the
same importance to each one of them.
Finally, if the improvement is realized step by step, the dream can become true
and will not stay like a utopia for years; remember, you are the best builder of your
own knowledge.

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