Test Questionaire Grade 11 Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Schools Division Office of Dinagat Islands

English for Academic and Professional Purposes
S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Section: ________________________________________ Score: _____________

Direction: Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer by encircling the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer. Erasure is strictly NOT allowed.

1.) Which of the following academic texts presents the writer’s stand or viewpoint on a particular issue?
A. concept paper B. position paper C. reaction paper D. research paper

2.) Which guidelines must be followed in writing a position paper?

I. Limit your position paper to two pages only.
II. Make sure to define unfamiliar terms when you first mention them.
III. Begin the writing process by conducting an in-depth research on the issue.
IV. View the issue in your own opinion so you can present a unique approach.

A. I, II, III C. II and III

B. II, III, IV D. I and IV

3.) Why is a topic like ‘Pollution is bad for the environment’ not a good idea for a position statement?
A. It is too controversial.
B. It is too long to research.
C. You would need a PhD to adequately gather all the information.
D. There is nothing to debate; everyone knows that pollution is bad for the environment.

4.) Which of the statements below is false when planning to write your own position paper?
A. You will need to pick a side when writing a position statement.
B. You don’t need to offer any choice when writing a position statement.
C. You should always write a conclusion that sums up your stance on the topic.
D. You must align the arguments to the target readers’ beliefs, attitude, values, and motivations.

5.) Which of the choices below is an expanded paper that presents results and interpretation of a phenomenon so that
readers can better understand it?
A. field report C. research report
B. laboratory report D. survey report

6.) Determine which of the questions below possesses the quality of a good research question.
A. What is cloud seeding?
B. Who is affected by Typhoon Yolanda?
C. What is the best torture method to take information from enemies of the state?
D. How does gender discrimination negatively affect women in the service industry sector?

7.) Which of the statements below best explains the methodology of a research report?
A. It contains the summary of the findings and conclusions.
B. It contains the process and steps taken in gathering data for the research.
C. It explains the current state of the field of discipline and identifies research gaps.
D. It contains the summary and synthesis of all available sources directly related to the study.

8.) Which of the following parts of the research report contains an informative title which describes the content of the
paper, name of author/s and addresses or affiliation, and date when it is submitted?
A. abstract B. introduction C. methodology D. title page
9.) A survey contains planned questions which are used to measure attitudes, perceptions, and opinions of the
respondents. Which of the following types of question discusses about the specific information such as years of
service, age, and address?
A. close-ended B. open-ended C. recognition D. recall

10.) Which of these statements provide the advantage in conducting an interview?

A. easy to analyze data C. can clarify items to be asked
B. least time consuming D. involves more number of participants

11.) Identify the type of observation that allows the researcher to interact actively with the subjects like in some cases,
researchers immerse themselves in a group or community for a long period of time.
A. participant observation C. overt observation
B. structured observation D. unstructured observation

12.) Which of the statements best compares the survey questionnaire and the observation in the process of gathering
A. A survey questionnaire can be analyzed easily while the observation provides no control for the situation.
B. A survey questionnaire has the lowest response rate while the observation can be repeated immediately.
C. A survey questionnaire does not require participants to read and write while observation may be
D. A survey questionnaire involves more number of participants while an observation requires only one
participant all the time.

13.) Which of the following situations exemplifies good dissemination of information?

A. Make the respondents’ name always available for information purposes.
B. Have the respondents keep their questionnaires so that they can study the information.
C. Thank the respondents in his survey and offer them copies of your completed research.
D. After receiving the feedback from your pilot, make no revisions and share with researchers.

14.) What do you call a graphical representation of data using symbols that are usually boxes, lines, and arrows?
A. charts B. diagrams C. graphs D. tables

15.) Which of the following statements is false in the process of designing and writing a report?
A. A research instrument is used to analyze data.
B. All research instruments have advantages and disadvantages.
C. When conducting an experiment always ensure the confidentiality of participants.
D. Open-ended questions aim to get specific information such as the age and address of the participants.

16.) Which of the statements below demonstrates the effective way in writing a position paper?
A. Jack primarily uses opinions in supporting his arguments.
B. Katy boasts about her credentials to establish her credibility as a writer.
C. Brendon thinks that an issue is debatable if it cannot be answered by yes or no.
D. Pete conducts an audience analysis to help him write a more persuasive position paper.

17.) Discover which situations presents a bad practice in writing an effective position paper?
A. Nicki uses statistical data in supporting her arguments.
B. Patrick considers all possible views on the issue at hand.
C. Alex says that the issue is a crucial component of a position paper.
D. Jamie uses emotional appeal in all of his position papers because it is the best type of appeal.

18.) Which of following is the correct guideline in writing a position paper?

A. Student A chooses an issue whom her friend likes.
B. Student B restates his position in the concluding paragraph.
C. Student C makes use of his instinct when he meets unfamiliar terms.
D. Student D uses passive voice all the time to achieve a dynamic and firm tone.

19.) Analyze the following statements below and choose the letter that best presents the use of position paper in our
present society.
A. It serves as a foundation of changing the school curriculum.
B. It can be a good tool to be used in gathering data on a specific topic of interest.
C. It gives the power to change the opinions and attitudes of others which can bring societal change.
D. It can be an essential tool in obtaining formal feedback to prepare a full proposal for a municipality
project which can help the citizens.

20.) Which of the following statements show effective use of position paper in our present lives?
I. It can generate support on an issue.
II. It is a tool used to gather data on a specific topic of interest.
III. It can describe a topic, the country’s position, and possible solutions.
IV. It convinces the people in the society that a certain opinion and issue is valid and worth listening to.


B. I, III, IV D. I and IV only

21.) Which of the statements below should you ask when analyzing the argument of a position paper?
I. Is the issue narrow enough to manage? III. Is it a real issue, with true controversy?
II. Can you distinctly identify two positions? IV. Is the issue of interest to all the people in the world?


B. I, II, III D. I and III

22.) In considering the audience of your position paper, which of the following questions must the writer reflect on?
I. What do they believe? III. How are their interests involved?
II. Who is his/her audience? IV. Do you have enough material to support your opinion?

A. I only C. I, II and III

B. I and II D. I, II, III and IV

23.) Which is the best sequence when outlining a position paper?

I. Conclusion III. Counter Argument
II. Introduction IV. State your argument


24.) Analyze the argument presented. Then answer the questions that follow. Which of the statements below best
describes the italicized argument?

Is capital punishment just? Death penalty is a controversial issue for most people. Supporters claim that it
eliminates repeat offenders, deters potential murderers and is the ultimate retribution. Opponents denounce it as
murder, saying that it does not cause deterrence but rather promotes violence and claim that it introduces the chance of
an innocent person being executed.

A. The thesis statement effectively establishes the writer’s position.

B. The sentence is written in first person. Remember, in most position papers, you should write in third
C. This is a broad statement that doesn’t contribute to the essay’s argument. Delete these types of sentences
from your writing.
D. The line starts strong. The writer opens with a rhetorical question designed to get readers thinking about
the topic and where they stand.

25.) Distinguish the statement that describes the bold sentence on the argument above.
A. This is a great bit of evidence to include as it comes from a credible source.
B. The writer uses an effective example of an imprisoned person to humanize the argument.
C. This is a broad statement that doesn’t contribute to the essay’s argument. Delete these types of sentences
from your writing.
D. The line is strong. The writer opens with a rhetorical question designed to get readers thinking about
the topic and where they stand.
26.) Cause claims are useful for “cause effect” or “causal” argument. Which of the following topics best formulates a
cause claim?
A. What is true beauty?
B. Should education be banned?
C. Why do so many celebrities have terrible life problems?
D. Should young children be pushed to compete at athletics?

27.) Which of the following arguments shows reasonable evidence?

A. Contrary to popular belief, the death penalty does not act as discouragement to crime.
B. The death penalty is an insufficient and inhumane form of punishment because it is cruel and inhumane.
C. This proves that those who support the death penalty are wrong; capital punishment does not discourage
potential murderers.
D. Expert after expert and study after study have emphasized the lack of correlation between the threat of
capital punishment and the occurrence of violent crime.

28.) Judge which of the choices are good topics in writing a position paper.
I. Cell phones control our relationships.
II. Internet is a great use for research purposes.
III. Computers are changing the way humans think.
IV. Textbooks should be replaced by i-pads and online resources.



29.) How do you design a good questionnaire?

A. State all questions negatively.
B. Avoid biased and leading questions.
C. Use embarrassing and unnecessary questions.
D. Make the respondents’ names available at all times in the questionnaire.

30.) In designing a questionnaire, which part do you ask the age, date of birth, address, and educational background of
the respondents.
A. basic question section C. open-ended question section
B. main questions section D. personal information section

31.) Which of the following guidelines below is a good practice in conducting the flow of your interview?
I. Have a warm-up stage to make the respondents more comfortable.
II. Use only the English language (always) for it is a universal language.
III. Introduce yourself and the purpose for the interview to the interviewee.
IV. Arrange your questions logically to make the flow of the interview smoother.

A. III and IV C. I, II, IV

B. I and II D. I, III, IV

32.) Which of the following is the correct step in performing or conducting an experiment?
I. Make observation.
II. Analyze the results.
III. Design the experiment.
IV. Develop the hypothesis.
V. Decide whether to accept or reject hypothesis.
VI. Conduct the experiment and replicate to ensure reliability of results.


33.) Which of the researcher below applies a good observation practice in gathering data?
A. Researcher A thinks that an observation can only be done in laboratory setting.
B. For fear of wasting time, Researcher B refused to let participants use the bathroom.
C. Researcher C wanted to conduct a participant observation for his research on alcoholics’ lifestyles so he
became an alcoholic.
D. Researcher D conducted a structured observation and he made sure to prepare the list of phenomena he
wanted to observe weeks before the actual implementation.

34.) Analyze the statements below and encircle the guideline that should NOT be followed during the stages of an
A. The interviewer should identify and contact the respondents.
B. The interviewer must ask questions that will make the respondent more at ease.
C. Ask questions that are related to the research or you may add personal questions.
D. The interviewer wind down the interview and respondents are acknowledge and thanked.

35.) What should be the last and most important step to do by the researcher after he/she was able to finish his/her
research report?
A. Have a party celebration.
B. Call the researcher’s family and friends.
C. Disseminate the findings of the research report.
D. Post the finished research report to your Facebook and Instagram account.

36.) Distinguish which is impossible to do in order to creatively communicate the results of the researcher’s survey,
experiment, or observation.
A. Sending publications
B. Readily accessible information on a website
C. Meetings with respondents and/or research partners to present the findings
D. Posters and brochures left in places respondents rarely visit or pass through

37 – 38. Discover the graphic/visual which would best present the data below.

37.) Students in Sunshine Senior High School were surveyed about the social networking sites they use. The following
data were generated:
 Out of 200 students surveyed, 96% have Facebook accounts, 87% have Twitter accounts, and 95.7% use
What visual/graphic form suits for the gathered data?
A. Flow Chart B. Line Graph C. Organizational Chart D. Pie Graph

38.) According to literacy reports in the country A, youth literacy went up to 7% since 2000. Here is the data:
 In 2000, only 43% of the youth population was literate. In the next census at 2005, it went up by 2%. After
five years, the literacy rate was at 47%. During the most recent survey on 2015, the rate is already at 50%.
What is the appropriate visual/graphic form to execute thee report?
A. Bar Graph B. Maps C. Organizational Chart D. Visual Image

39.) Adopting ethical principles in research means:

A. The researcher is anonymous C. Selected informants give their consent
B. Avoiding harm to participants D. Deception is only used when necessary

40.) Choose which should be followed in the process of developing and writing a research report.
A. The researcher can always ensure the publicity of the participants in your research report.
B. Subjects (participants) of the covert observation must know that they are being observed.
C. In the warm-up stage of an interview, respondents are fine to take basic physical exercises to prepare for an
D. The researcher must ask leading questions because he/she guides the participants into giving a specific
answer to the research.

41.) Based on the presentation of the evidence of the argument below. It is interpreted that____.
Less than 2% of police chiefs surveyed see the death penalty as an effective tool to help reduce crime
(Jackson, 1)
A. The writer is bias about the issue. C. The writer is confused about the issue.
B. The writer is against the death penalty. D. The writer is in favor of death penalty.

42.) Analyze the paragraph of the position paper on “The Issue of Government Surveillance and Its Role in National
Security” below. Distinguish the error committed by the writer.

For these reasons, the NSA’s powers should not only be curbed, but there should be a full scale investigation into
the operation of the NSA to determine whether or not they have abused their power. This is needed in order to set a
precedent for future surveillance programs, and to prevent the possibility of this situation arising again in the future.

A. There is a use of transition “these” to help connect ideas and maintain cohesion.
B. This paragraph provides background information to help readers understand the topic.
C. This paragraph would be strengthened through additional evidence from research sources.
D. The word “these” is quite general; therefore, the writer might consider listing reasons for more specific

43.) Which of the statements below should a writer of a position paper follow in designing the paper?
I. Arguments reflect higher level of thought.
II. There are pieces of evidence to support the claims.
III. Opening statement should capture the readers’ interest.
IV. Issue is debatable, fresh, relevant, and somehow original.

A. I and II B. I, II and III C. I, II, III and IV D. I, II and IV

44.) Detect what part of the position paper was presented in the paragraph in item number 42.
A. Conclusion B. Counter Argument C. Introduction D. Your Argument

45.) Which of the following guidelines should be followed in preparing a research instrument?
A. Read your research questions only once.
B. Have only few respondents all the time to save time and energy.
C. Talk to a person who is knowledgeable in preparing research instrument.
D. Do preliminary research by visiting your neighbors or facebook online sources.

46.) Judge the statement that shows good survey practice.

A. Angelo used the data in his interview to blackmail one of his participants.
B. For her research on teenage drug addiction, Cairo interviews the sari-sari store owner in her barangay.
C. Matthew thanked the respondents in his survey and offered them copies of his completed research months
D. Paulina’s research is about sanitary practices in fast-food chains. In her questionnaire, she asks about the
love life of her participants.

47.) In measuring the effectivity of your research report, you need to disseminate the results so that these readers can
benefit from the research. Who are these people?
I. Government Officials III. Policymakers
II. Academic Researchers IV. General Public

A. I, II, and III only B. I and IV only C. II and III only D. I, II, III and IV

48.) Which of the following are the basic rules in adding diagrams to your text/report.?
I. Determine the purpose of the visual.
II. Evaluate the accuracy and validity of the data.
III. Visuals should be accompanied by clear references within your text.
IV. Visuals can be placed on the other page separate to the text reference.

A. I, II, III C. II and III

B. II, III, IV D. I and IV
49.) Which statement suggests a good experiment practice in order to get valid and reliable writing report outcome?
A. To make sure that the data is reliable, Ernesto conducted his experiment twice.
B. Luna chatted about the latest issues with her participants while the experiment was ongoing.
C. Ron does not clean the laboratory after his experiment because he assumes the janitor will do it.
D. Deo listed the full name and details of his participants in his final research despite his initial confidentiality

50.) In writing a research report, a researcher should follow several steps. Sequence the steps below so that the
researcher can start writing his/her outline.
I. Conduct a preliminary research by gathering initial references.
II. Formulate the thesis statement and research questions.
III. Prepare a preliminary outline.
IV. Select and narrow down the topic.


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