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Let’s talk about SUPERLATIVES

1)What the biggest country in 2)What’s the most populous 3)What’s the highest mountain
the world? Where is it? What country in the world? in the world? In Europe? In
are its neighbours? What’s the most populous Muslim South America? In Africa?
country in the world?

4)What’s the longest river in 5)What’s the biggest animal in 6)What’s the biggest land
the world? In Asia? In North the world? Where does it live? animal? Where does it live?
and South America? In What does it eat? What does it eat?

7)What’s the biggest bird in 8)What’s the fastest animal on 9)What’s the biggest ocean in
the world? Where does it live? land? Describe it. the world? Where is it?
Describe it. Who’s the fastest in the sky? What’s the biggest fish?

10)What’s the biggest city in 11)What’s the largest desert in 12)What’s the highest building
the world? What’s the biggest the world? Where is it? in the world? What’s the
city in your country? What animals live there? highest one in your country?

13)What’s the smallest country 14)Which country is the most 15)Who’s the richest person on
in the world? popular tourist destination in Earth? How much money does
Where is it? the world? Guess. Say why. he have? Guess.

16)What’s the hardest 17)What’s the biggest 18)What’s the best-paid job?
substance on Earth? continent? What’s the worst-paid job?
What is it used for? What’s the coldest? Brainstorm and discuss.
What’s the driest?
1. The largest country in the world is Russia. It is located on the continent of Asia. Its
neighbours are China, Mongolia, Poland.
2. The most populous country in the world is China. The most populous Muslim country in
the world is Indonesia.
3. The highest mountain in Europe is Mount Elbrus. The highest mountain in South America
is Aconcagua. The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro.
4. The longest river in Asia is Yangtze. The longest river in South America is Amazonas. The
longest river in Europe is the Volga.
5. The largest animal in the world is the Blue Whale, It lives in the Indian Ocean and in the
South Pacific. Her favorite food is Krill.
6. The largest land animal is the African Elephant. It lives in the desert areas of the African
continent. They are herbivorous animals that eat herbs and tree leaves.
7. The largest bird in the world is the Albatros. They live in Australia, South America,
Antarctica and South Africa.
8. The fastest land animal is the cheetah, reaching a speed of 115 km / h. The fastest animal
in the sky is the Brazilian tailless bat, exceeding 160 km / h
9. The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific, located from America to Australia. The
largest fish in the world is the whale shark.
10. The largest city in the world is Tokyo. The largest city in my country is Santiago de Chile.
11. The largest desert in the world is the sahara occupying the entire northern fringe of the
African continent. The animals that inhabit that place are the yellow scorpion, fenex,
addax, sand snake and dorca gazelle.
12. The tallest building in the world is the burj khalifa located in Dubai. The tallest building in
my country is the Great Tower of Santiago.
13. The smallest country in the world is Monaco and is located on the continent of Europe.
14. The most popular tourist destination in the world is New York for its technology in
addition to its beautiful architecture.
15. The richest person on earth is Jeff Bezos, an inhabitant of the United States with a wealth
of more than 116 million dollars.
16. Diamond is the hardest substance on earth and is used in jewelry, as well as in medicine
and in the field industry.
17. The largest continent on Earth is Asia. The coldest continent is the Antarctic. The driest
continent is Antarctica.
18. The highest paid job in the world based on your average salary is the Orthodontist /
Implantologist and the least paid is the job of Mozo.

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