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Gas pressure (unit: Pa)

- P = F/A (force is perpendicular to the contact area)
2. Gas Laws
- Boyle’s Law: fixed T and m: pv=pv
- Pressure law: fixed V and m: P/T = P/T
- Charle’s law: V/T = V/T
→ pV/T = pV/T
3. Ideal gas law
- pV = nRT
● *use SI units: p(Pa), V(m^3), T (K)*
- Gas that obeys ideal gas law → ideal gas; gas that doesn’t obey ideal gas law → real
- Good ideal gas approximation when the gas is at high temperature and low pressure
4. Kinetic theory
- Assumptions
● The gas consists of a huge number of gas molecules and the molecules are in random
● The size of each gas molecule is very small, so it can be neglected
● The gas molecules are far apart, so the interaction between them can be neglected
● The gas molecules are far apart, so the interaction between them can be neglected
● The collisions between gas molecules and the wall of the container are elastic
● The collision time is negligible compared with the time between collisions
● The effect of gravity is negligible
- Kinetic theory equation: pV = ⅓ Nm<v^2>
- Average translational KE per mole = Avogadro’s constant X ​½ m<v^2>​ - 3/2 RT (m =
mass a gas molecule, ​½ m<v^2> = average translational KE per molecule​)
4. Mechanical model of a gas

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