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1 GRAMMAR present perfect simple + for / since; present perfect continuous a Write the words and phrases in the box in the correct column, 2005 ages a fortnight Phiictmas sixmonths Iwas little the last two days Tuesday years andyears youlast called J 2B —Changing lives (Only ican change my life. No one else can do it for me. Carol Burnett, US actress & comedienne ‘Complete the dialogues with the present perfect continuous form ofthe verbs. 1A Have you heard Heather's new band? B No.__Havethey been plaving ‘together for a long time? (they / pley) ‘A How long wes your fight? B Twelve hours, allay (we / travel) ‘A My brother has a very good jab in New York, B Really? How long, there? (he / work) b Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple form of the verb in brackets and for or since. 1 Luehad_mycar_ for _aboutamonth. (have) 2 Mymum. ill i" last Friday. (be) 3 We each other ‘we were at school. (know) 4 He forthe same company fiveyyears. (work) 5 They in Scotland __ they got married. (live) © My parents ____away the weekend. (go) = to goto Australia along time. (want) 8 She tome —__Iastyear. (not speak) ‘A Diana's found anew flat, at last. B Ohgood! cone for ages. (she / look for) ‘A Why does Liam's teacher want to see you? . ishomework lately he /nat do) A Youte late. B Yes, know. Sorry. long? (you wait) 7. A Youlook exhausted S B za i Ure laura dey! (7 wok after ae Gre the correct form. If both forms are possible, tick (/) the sentence. How long have you lived | have you been living abroad? 7 Tve studied [C D Chinese for two years. Hannah has had [has Been having the same boyfriend since she was at school. How long has Mark played | has Mark been playing the bass guitar? He's worked | He's been working in this school since he started teaching. ve known | I’ve been knowing you for years. We've gone | We've been going to the same dentist since we were children, You've worn You've been wearing that coat for years! 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress GAD Listen and complete the sentences. 1 T'vebeen travelling —all_day 2 How have they been going together? 3 She's been illsince 4 They been here for long. 5 We've been the house all 3 61 __been ___well lately Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm, READING Read the article once and match the photos 1-3 with the paragraphs A-C. Read che article again. Answer the questions with the letters A,B, or C. Which organization 1 takes people forafortnightoramonth —-B 2. encourages sightseeing 2 3 offers accommodation in tents = 4 says what vohunteers should bring 5 gives volunteers free afternoons = 6 lets volunteers stay with others in a hut 7 arranges accommodation with local people 8 only needs volunteers in the summer Look atthe highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Check with your dictionary. Complete the sentences with one of the Ihighilightedl words or phrases. 1 Mylittle niece only wants to play on the swing when we go to the park. 2 Ifyouall _____, we'll be able to buy our colleague a nice leaving present. Vdrathersceanimalsin than ina zoo. 4 The school is organizing an after-school club for___ children in the area 5. The people waiting forthe buses were standing underneath the was raining. 6 We're moving houseat the weekend. Can you come and because it = with the packing? A The Book Bus Do you enjoy reading? Do you lke children? Then why not volunteer for our mobile library service in Zambia? We work with disadvantaged children in state primary schools, and it’s alot of fun. We read stories, do art projects, and organize activities to help the children learn English. After breakfast at 7 am. we head to our frst school in time for the beginning ofthe school day. Every morning we vist atleast four schools, ‘and we spend about an hour in each one, We get back to camp at around 2 pim.for lunch, and after that you have the afternoon free to relax, or prepare activites. The project takes place from May to September, and. its open to everyone. Volunteers have to pay for their own flight and rake'a contribution to the project. B The Great Orang-utan Project ‘re you an animal over? Ifyou are. then you should come to Kubah National Parkin Borneo. We need people to help us look after our ‘rang-utans. Unfortunately you wort be abe to touch the animals, 35 they are being prepared to be released into thei, but youll work very near them Youll spend your timein the Wildlife Centre repairing the shelters where the orang-utans ve, or building new ones, You might have to make a swing, or install some ropes where the animals can Play Youll have your own room in wooden hut which looks out onto the rainforest. The programme ass for two or four weeks andit costs £1,280 or £1865 respectively, excluding flights: C Construction in Peru ‘Are you good at making things? f you are, and you'd like to take part <2 construction project, how about coming to Peruto lendahand? You'l be based in Cuzco in south-eastern Peru, and youll be involved nthe construction of a small school, and a community centre or an orphanage, You ray have to pant and do repairs to existing buildings, or build ‘new ones in and around the city You'l ive with a Peruvian family. and youl eat all your meats together n theirhouse. All of the houses have electricity and running water, but youll have to.goto an internet café in Cuzco ifyou want to go online. You are expected to work fram Monday to Fridey, and at the weekend you can explore some ofthe Fantastic sights nthe region. Please bring your own werk cthes.

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