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The Pearson Product Moment

Coefficient of Correlation (r)

Karl Pearson (1857-1936)
 “Pearson Product-Moment Correlation
 has been credited with establishing the
discipline of mathematical statistics
 a proponent of eugenics, and a protégé
and biographer of Sir Francis Galton.
 In collaboration with Galton, founded the
now prestigious journal Biometrika
What is PPMCC?
 The most common measure of
 Is an index of relationship between
two variables
 Is represented by the symbol r
 reflects the degree of linear
relationship between two variables
 It is symmetric. The correlation
between x and y is the same as the
correlation between y and x.
 It ranges from +1 to -1.
correlation of +1
there is a perfect positive
linear relationship between

A perfect linear relationship, r = 1.
correlation of -1
there is a perfect negative
linear relationship between

A perfect negative linear relationship, r = -1.
A correlation of 0 means there is no linear
relationship between the two variables, r=0
• A correlation of .8 or .9 is regarded as
a high correlation
• there is a very close relationship
between scores on one of the
variables with the scores on the other
•A correlation of .2 or .3 is regarded
as low correlation
•there is some relationship
between the two variables, but it’s
a weak one

-1 -.8 -.3 0 .3 .8
Significance of the Test
 Correlation is a useful technique for
investigating the relationship between two
quantitative, continuous variables. Pearson's
correlation coefficient (r) is a measure of the
strength of the association between the two
r= Ʃxy
(Ʃx2) (Ʃy2)

x : deviation in X
y : deviation in Y
Solving Stepwise method
Is there a relationship
between the midterm and the
final examinations of 10 students
in Mathematics?

n = 10
II. Hypothesis
 Ho: There is NO relationship between the
midterm grades and the final examination
grades of 10 students in mathematics
 Ha: There is a relationship between the
midterm grades and the final examination
grades of 10 students in mathematics
III. Determining the critical
 Decide on the alpha a = 0.05
 Determine the degrees of
freedom (df)
 Using the table, find the value of r
at 0.05 alpha
Degrees of Freedom:
df = N – 2
= 10 – 2

Testing for Statistical Significance:

Based on df and level of
significance, we can find the value of
its statistical significance.
IV. Solve for the statistic
Table 1: Calculation of the correlation coefficient from ungrouped
data using deviation scores
X Y x y x2 y2 xy
75 80 2.5 1.5 6.25 2.25 3.75
70 75 7.5 6.5 56.25 42.25 48.75
65 65 12.5 16.5 156.25 272.25 206.25
90 95 -12.5 -13.5 156.25 182.25 168.75
85 90 -7.5 -8.5 56.25 72.25 63.75
85 85 -7.5 -3.5 56.25 12.25 26.25
80 90 -2.5 -8.5 6.25 72.25 21.25
70 75 7.5 6.5 56.25 42.25 48.75
65 70 12.5 11.5 156.25 132.25 143.75
90 90 -12.5 -8.5 156.25 72.25 106.25
X =775 Y =815 0 0 862.5 905.5 837.5
X = 77.5 Y = 81.5
Putting the Formula together:
r= Ʃxy
(Ʃx2) (Ʃy2)
r= 837.5
(862.5) (905.5)

r= 837.5

Computed value of r = .948

V. Compare statistics
 Decision rule: If the computed r value is
greater than the r tabular value, reject Ho

 In our example:
 r.05 (critical value) = 0.632
 Computed value of r = 0.948
 0.948 > 0.632 ;therefore, REJECT Ho
VI. Conclusion / Implication
There is a significant
relationship between midterm
grades of the students and
their final examination.

Correlates of Work Adjustment among
Employed Adults with Auditory and
Visual Impairments

Blanca, Antonia Benlayo

SPED 2009
I. Statement of the Problem
This study was conducted to identify the correlates of work
adjustment among employed adults, Specifically, the study
aimed to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the
following demographic variables:
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Civil status
d. number of children
e. employment status
f. length of service
g. job category
h. educational background
i. job level
j. salary
k. degree of hearing loss
degree of visual activity
2. What is the level of work adjustment
of the employed adults with auditory
and visual impairment?

Note: There were too many questions stated in the Statement of

Problem of the Dissertation; however, we only included those we
deemed relevant to our report today.
Correlates of Work Adjustment among Employed
Adults with Auditory and Visual Impairments
Socio- Work Adjustment
Variable * Knowledge
- Job's Technical Aspect
* Age
*Gender *Skills
* Civil Status - performance
- social relationships
* Number of
Children Work
* Attitudes
*Employment Adjustment of
- Attendance
-values towards work
*Length of Service Adults with
*Job level *Interpersonal
Auditory and
Relations Visual
*Job Category
* Educational * Support of Significant
Background others

*Salary - Family
* Degree of
hearing - Employer
Employed Adults Fulfilled/Satisfied
impairment / - Co - workers Employed Adults with
with Auditory and
degree of visual Auditory and Visual
Visual Impairments acuity *Nature of work Impairments

Is there a relationship
between gender and the
level of work adjustment
of the individual with
hearing impairment?
Null Hypothesis (Ho)
There is no relationship between gender
and level of work adjustment according
to the family of the individual with
hearing impairment.

In symbol:

Ho: r = 0
There is a relationship between gender
and level of work adjustment according
to the family of the individual with
hearing impairment.

In symbols:
Ha: r 0
III. Determining the critical values
 Decide on the alpha
 Determine the degrees of freedom (df)
 n = 33
 df = 33-2 = 31
 Using the table, find value of r at 0.05
alpha with df of 31

r.05 = 0.344
x2 y2 xy

8.2432 30473.64 136.8176

r= Ʃxy
(Ʃx2) (Ʃy2)
Putting the Formula together:
r= Ʃxy
(Ʃx2) (Ʃy2)

r= 136.8176

(8.2432) (30473.64)

r= 136.8176
r= 136.8176

Computed value of r = 0.272980

V. Compare statistics
RECALL Decision rule :
If the computed r value is greater
than the r tabular value, reject Ho

 In this exercise:
 r.05 (critical value) = 0.344
 Computed value of r = 0.27
0.27 < 0.344
VI. Conclusion / Implication
r = +.27
critical value, r(31) = .344
r = .27, p < .05

We can say that:

Since the Computed r value is less than the
tabular r value, we can say therefore that there is
no relationship between gender and level of work
adjustment according to the family of the
individual with hearing impairment.
Please follow the stepwise
method and show the following:
II. Hypothesis
- State the null hypothesis in words and
in symbol
- State the alternative hypothesis in
words and in symbol
III. Compute for the critical value
- use n = 33,
IV. Compute the statistic
 X2 = 140.0612
 Y2 = 36 388.9092
 xy = 259.4548

r= Ʃxy
(Ʃx2) (Ʃy2)
V. Compare the statistics
VI. State a conclusion
Answer key:
 Ho: There is no relationship between
age and level of work adjustment
according to the individual with hearing
or visual impairment. Ho: r = 0

 Ha: There is a relationship between age

and level of work adjustment according
to the individual with hearing or visual
impairment. Ha: r 0
Answer key:
 Critical value: 0.337
 Computed r: 0.11492 = 0.11
 0.11 < 0.337, ACCEPT Ho
 There is NO relationship between age and
level of work adjustment of employees with
hearing impairment.
 Critical Values for Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
Retrieved from:
February 20, 2013

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