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Allison Lee 6L1 module 1 2008

The main point presented in the extract is the contrasting expectations of a relationship
between men and women. While women tend to overthink, men tend to misinterpret what women
The extract adopted from Jack Canefield et al, “Chicken soup for the woman’s soul”, is a critical
narrative passage in which the writer aims to sensitize women on men’s way of thinking which differs to
women’s in terms of relationships. The writer makes excellent use of organizational strategies and
language techniques to fulfill this purpose.
The most prominent application of organizational strategies can be seen in the extensive use of
dialogue throughout the extract. In using dialogue, the writer is able to explore and portray the
contrasting perspectives of the man and woman in the relationship while incorporating humor into the
writing as we see Elaine’s constant overthinking and Rogers lack of thinking. Furthermore, the dialogue
allows for characterization and the sharing of their conflicting thoughts.
Likewise, the ongoing comparison and contrast of Elaine’s thoughts to Roger’s greatly enhances
the writer’s purpose by highlighting the stereotype that women tend to expect permanence whereas
men are usually perplexed by what women desire. This is evident when Roger is shocked that they were
together for six months while Elaine begins to think of marriage. This poses the idea that men are
realists and live in the moment while women think idealistically and plan for the future.
Additionally, the illustration of the ant on top of the truck tire increases the comprehensiveness
of the writer’s purpose. By comparing the guy in the relationship to an ant this shows the carefree,
unbothered nature of the male as his mantra in a relationship is “ Huh?“ Similarly the imagery of a
Labrador retriever and a different solar systems further promote the nonchalant mannerism of the guy.
In conjunction with the language strategies, language techniques are utilized. Emotive words
and phrases are prominently use throughout the exit. Words such as “intimate“ and “lifetime“ represent
the perspective of the woman who seeks longevity in a relationship. Contrastingly, “difficult“ and
“obligation“ describe the male’s point of view of bewilderment. These words allow the reader to more
accurately interpret the writer’s purpose. In doing so, the writer enhances his purpose by establishing
these contrasting terms.
In addition, the Writer uses literary devices such as an oxymoron “very loud silence” and a
metaphor the “ knight riding up on his white horse“ to emphasize the extent of Elaine’s overthinking.
While she believes that Roger is angry about what she said, he is really thinking of his car being due for
an oil change. All of this also contributes to the humor of the passage and provokes the reader to
evaluate their perspective of relationships as well as reinforcing the writer‘s purpose.
Similarly, the conversational tone of the extract builds an immediate rapport with the reader
and effectively aids the reader in understanding the purpose of the passage. In the same way, the
conversational tone carried throughout the extract appropriately develops its critical narrative style as
well as the characterization of Elaine and Roger.
All in all, the writer makes good use of organizational strategies and language techniques to
fulfill his purpose and convey his main points to the reader.

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