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Placed homemade sugar block feed on all my hives, added shims with upper entrance,
lost 2 nucs to starvation. very good so far.Placed homemade sugar block feed on all
my hives, added shims with upper entrance, lost 2 nucs to starvation. very good so

checking for brood and possible swarm cells, lots of orientation flights, massive
actvity, and much pollen coming into the hive, seems some bees are full of liquid
as I watch them land. maybe nectar

2hrs- Hive rescue, ex-owner did not want bees and beehives, they contacted me for a
1 hive is a dead out due to mites, the 2nd hive is in need of dire attention. there
is a queen excluder above the small cluster, queen may have already died. outside
temp readings show cluster in upper super ans partial deep below queen excluder.
1st hive light/empty, 2nd hive weigh about 100lbs.

3:40pm Feed the Bees. 1 nuc deadout - starvation, dwindle.
6 production, and 12 double nucs going well, did not go inside hives to early,
although a quick check for swarm cells, found no evidence on frame bottoms.
Although I did find 3 drones out flying, I pinched them...flying during the first
week of march...too early imo. lots of pollen and activity, a few orientation
flights happening.

Suppered all hives, massive activity, dandelions in bloom out here in my area,
nectar coming into the hive, along with pollen.

split 2 hives, both backfilled with dandelion nectar and pollen.
removed a frame of honey nectar pollen from each and put empty comb in place so
queen can lay. seeing drones and hearing of other beekeepers having drones already,
small patch of drone comb on one frame, drawing wax.
moved splits to the back of property, approx 250ft away.


checked on Marh splits, both have queens and lots of eggs, i saw 3 frames in both
the upper and lower brood boxes of both queens.
One Queen is a Michael Palmer Carni line, crossed with local Ft Vannoy Grants Pass
Bees, the other is a cross of a Northern Arizona Bees from Pine Top AZ and Ft
Vannoy Grants Pass area bees (this cross is excellent Honey producers).
I have made 7 nuc splits total so far. Ready to make 4-5 more nucs. or cell builder
and make queens, maybe?

with one hive I have added 3 mediums for honey, one is typical foundation the other
2 are comb honey and in 2 weeks all 3 are almost fully capped and ready for harest,
on other hives there are frames of what I figure is dandelion nectar and honey, the
apiary smell very good at night, lot of bee activity in all hives and splits
everybody sounds happy.

reset apiary over last month giving hives wider staggered spacing, check a few
splits to see where they are at, march 10th splits have new laying queens as of 2
days ago, I have new hatched queens in 2 nuc splits, and queen cells in 2 other nuc
3 more very populous production hives need to be moved to their new location before
the rains end.

Nucs making brood, adding extra brood to boost 3 production hives, took 3 nucs and
put them into 10 frame hives to make additional production hives.

Found queen cells in one of the rpoduction hives, marked queen still there, took
her and 1 frame of solid brood, and 1 frame partial brood and all the nurse bees on
the frames, plus shook a little extra intot he new nuc, made a artificial swarm.

making more nucs from excess brood from a dozen nucs.
no queen cells, strong hives.
supering everyone for the blackberry bloom, looks like it will be a few days here
and blooms start opening. May 15th???

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