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HSSE ALERT (2016 – 0065)

(SECL_HSSE #013)
배관 임시 Support 설치 중 개구부로 추락

□ 사고개요 및 원인

비계공이 그레이팅 상부에서

입상배관 설치 후 배관 임시 Support
설치 준비작업 中 중심을 잃고, 입상배관
설치를 위해 열어놓은 그레이팅 개구부를
통해 약 7m 하부로 추락함
* Grating Opening size: 1m x 0.7m

직접 원인(Direct cause) 간접 원인(In-direct cause) 근본 원인(Root cause)

* Grating Opening 작업 절차 생략 * 안전 작업 절차 생략
* 배관설치 이후 Grating opening - Grating Open Checklist 미 활용, - 코로나 19 사태로 인한 주요
추락 방지 조치 미흡 Cold Work Permit으로만 작업 협력업체 업무 제한으로
- 개구부 커버, Hand rail ※ Cold Work Permit 주요내용 Interface 협의 업무 생략
미 설치 : 비계 설치, 해체, 수정
Grating Removal 내용 누락
* 작업 내용에 대한
* 관리자의 해당 작업 미 인지
* 작업자 안전벨트 고리 미 체결 Communication Channel 부재
- 작업 전, 후 점검 無
- Brown Field 작업으로 발주처
* 해당 작업(Grating removal)에
허가서 사용
대한 S-PCM을 실시 하였으나
※ 발주처 Grating removal
안전 절차 및 ADNOC PTW permit 無
시스템의 보완사항 검토 미흡
- 당사 공사관리자의 발주처
- S-PCM 시 공사관리자 미참석
허가서 검토 절차 부재
- Grating Open 구간 작업 및
S-PCM에 대한 교육 미실시

□ 재발방지 대책

▶ Access Safety alert : CUBE KM→ Knowledge → Browse by category → Business Management → HSE
HSSE ALERT (2016 – 0065)
(SECL_HSSE #013)
Fall through the grating opening

□ Summary and Causes of Incident

When scaffolder
prepared installation of temporary pipe
support on the pipe rack, he lost his
balance and fell to the ground (7m)
through the grating opening (1m*0.7m)

Direct cause In-direct cause Root cause

* No Grating opening cover * Grating Opening procedure was * Omitted safety work process
after installation of pipe omitted - It takes time to discuss
- Missing the opening cover - Grating Open Checklist was not interface work, due to the
and hand rail used (cold work permit only) work restriction of
※ Grating Removal was not subcontractor (Covid-19)
* The IP didn’t hook his lanyard mentioned on the permit
* The work is not recognized by * There is no proper
SECL construction & safety team communication Channel for
* S-PCM was performed, but the brown field work activities
safety measures for grating - Use the client’s work permit.
removal were not reviewed well ※ There is no Grating removal
permit from client
by construction SI.
- The training for grating opening - There is no review process for
and S-PCM were not conducted. the client’s permit by SECL SI

□ Preventive Measures

▶ Access Safety alert : CUBE KM→ Knowledge → Browse by category → Business Management → HSE

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