Experiment To Conduct Compaction Test

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Experiment to conduct Compaction test

Soil Classification.........................................................................................................................................3
Compaction Design......................................................................................................................................4
Laboratory Testing Program........................................................................................................................6
The Result of Soil Compaction Test............................................................................................................7
Discussion of Compaction Tests Results......................................................................................................8
For building of earthwork, compressing ( by becoming aware of the best condition for
compressing) of the soil up to the condition of denseness is important for it to get the needed or
required property according to the engineering.

We can define the processes of compaction as the displacement of air particle for the gaps inside
the soil by means of or by using any force for it. It really helps in giving the support to structures
like roads, building etc. as it an important factor in the process of construction.

We can also define the compaction process as the decrease in the number of air particles between
soil by increasing the mass or density of that particular soil. Methods or ways of getting a
compact soil may be several some of them are common or universal for every sol while others
are used in the case of same particular special soils.

In order to find the relation betwixt moisture and density of dry soil for a particular effort for
compactness that is applying of the energy or force (mechanical) to the soil.

For building of earthwork, compressing ( by becoming aware of the best condition for
compressing) of the soil up to the condition of denseness is important for it to get the needed or
required property according to the engineering.

The compaction theory states that:

“When by using the same force for compaction, the soil is compressed by using distinct
components of water then the water content at which the sol is at it’s peak level of dryness
is the best water content for compression”

Dependability of dry-density:

Dry density as well as the best content of water for peak dryness is dependent upon following

 Level of force applied.

 Composition of soil.
 Relationship of moisture and Density

It forms the “compaction curve” which is smooth and can be find by sing the different number of
samples for the content of water against the density of soil. We form it for finding the best
content of water for completing the process of compaction.

These are the 2 tests exists:

 Standard Proctor: From distance of 30cm, 4.5kg hammer fell into mold (having soil in
three layers)filled with soil.
 Modified Proctor

In both of the above tests the amount of force applied is only difference.

Soil Classification
For building of earthwork, compressing ( by becoming aware of the best condition for
compressing) of the soil up to the condition of denseness is important for it to get the needed or
required property according to the engineering.

We can define the processes of compaction as the displacement of air particle for the gaps inside
the soil by means of or by using any force for it. It really helps in giving the support to structures
like roads, building etc. as it an important factor in the process of construction.

Compaction is commonly a mixture of consolidation as well as engineering compaction in the

field of science.


 Soil will be unable to absorb water or rain.

 Increase of erosion.
 Mineral grains in plants becomes compressed.
 Less space for air and water.

Recovering from compactness:

It depends upon:

 Climate
 Weather
 Fauna
 Plants having shrink ability high- recover quickly
 Clay like kaolin does not quickly recover from compacted form.

Before Compaction:

 Tests are required for letting know the properties such as best water content and density
of dryness.
Compaction Design
It really helps in giving the support to structures like roads, building etc. as it an important factor
in the process of construction.

We can also define the compaction process as the decrease in the number of air particles between
soil by increasing the mass or density of that particular soil.

Preselected soil’s qualities:

 Safe against deterioration

 Durable
 Change of volume with content change
 High strength

Ability of compactness of first layer:

It depends upon following factors:

 Condition of material – if not checked can cause cracks of settlement

Proof rolling:

 Use of a heavy thing for rolling over fill site and waiting for process of deflection.

Areas can be found by:

 Pumping
 Weaving
 Rutting

Types of soil:

 It is of great importance, it includes size, shape, gravity and amount of minerals of clay.

It has great impact on:

 Best content of water

 Condition of compactness

i. Obtaining Mass of compacted specimen at various moisture contents.


Mass of mould + Base = M1

Mass of mould +Base +Compacted specimen =M2

Mass of Compacted specimen = M


Mass of Compacted specimen= Mass of mould +Base +Compacted specimen - Mass of mould +

M = M2 – M1

ii. Obtaining the moisture Content


Mass of water be =MW

Mass of dry Soil = MS


Moisture Content =

Mass of Water Mass of Dry Soil


iii. Calculation of Bulky Density

Bulky density Pb, is obtained by

Pb =

M2−M1 1∗106

iv. Determination of Dry Density

Dry density is obtained from the bulky density as shown below;


100∗Pb 100+Mw
Laboratory Testing Program
The process of finding the good compaction is completely finding in-situ soil density and by
comparing it with the maim one. Usually used test are:

 Standard Proctor: From distance of 30cm, 4.5kg hammer fell into mold (having soil in
three layers) filled with soil.
 Modified Proctor

In both of the above tests the amount of force applied is only difference.

Laboratory testing program:

Methods or ways of getting a compact soil may be several some of them are common or
universal for every sol while others are used in the case of same particular special soils. Few of
them are used for non-soils like asphalt.

The techniques present are as follows:

Static process: Releasing after the applying of force in huge amount

Impact process: a huge force dropped on soil

Vibration process: By use of plate that is derived electronically or by use of hammer the force
repeatedly is applied in this technique.

Process of Gyrating: About the axis of motion of gyratory the soil is moved while the force is
applied only in 1 direction.

Process of rolling: Compaction is done in this process y rolling a huge use cylinder upon the soil
which usually filled with different vibratos

Process of Kneading: Using the changed motion in closed positon, the sear is forced.

Use of soil compactors:

They can be used to:

 Test for finding the relation betwixt moisture content and dryness.

Purpose of placing in engineering fill:

The purpose of placing the soil is getting the following properties:

 Strength
 Preamble
 Compressibility
 Shear

They can also be improved by applying the foundation soil. Following are the tests:

EN 13286-2, EN 13286-47, ASTM D698, ASTM D1557, AASHTO T99, AASHTO T180,
AASHTO T193, BS 1377:4


The Result of Soil Compaction Test.

The Maximum Dry Density of the Soil = _____________.

The  Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) = _______________.

For soil compaction tests, the dry density obtained from compaction carried out in-situ by
vibrating roller/vibrating plate is compared with the maximum dry density conducted in
laboratories using 2.5kg rammer of compaction with similar soils. In essence, the in-situ
compaction is compared with the compacting effort of using 2.5kg (or 4.5kg) rammer in
laboratories. In case the compaction test results indicate values exceeding 100%, it only means
that the in-situ compaction is more than that being carried out in laboratories which is treated as
the basic criterion for satisfactory degree of soil compaction. Therefore, the soil results are
acceptable in case compaction test results are over 100%. However, excessive compaction poses
a risk of fracturing granular soils resulting in the reduction of soil strength parameters.
Discussion of Compaction Tests Results
We can define the processes of compaction as the displacement of air particle for the gaps inside
the soil by means of or by using any force for it. Properties that are affected by compaction
process are:






Water Content> Optimum:

Soil become:



Low porous

Suspected to shrinking as well as shearing

Water Content<Optimum:

Soil becomes:

Position of particles becomes random.

Best content of water is that which gives the best results for the compaction process. Water
content level affects the process significantly. When the water content is more than the optimum
one it causes certain problems like weakening, low porous etc. however the lessening of water
content than the optimum one causes the position of particles to be random. More air cannot be
removed due to the presence of friction process in between.

In order to find the relation between the moisture as well as the dryness property of the soil, we
do tests. In order to find the relation betwixt moisture and density of dry soil for a particular
effort for compactness that is applying of the energy or force (mechanical) to the soil. Methods
or ways of getting a compact soil may be several some of them are common or universal for
every sol while others are used in the case of same particular special soils.




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