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here /hɪə(r)/ hear /hɪə(r)/ interior /ɪnˈtɪəriə(r)/ career /kəˈrɪə(r)/

1 ɪə
severe /sɪˈvɪə(r)/ weird /wɪəd/ period /ˈpɪəriəd/ beard /bɪəd/

Algeria criterion era experience material period series

beer Cheers! engineer volunteer atmosphere cashier fierce

1) I can hear you clearly.

2) Have some beer now. Cheers!
3) Is the cashier here?
4) We’re standing near a deer.
5) The atmosphere appeared to be weird.
6) The volunteer can hear the engineer.
7) Experience requires a period of time.
8) Is this material from Algeria?
9) She had a severe fear in the interior.
10) Here’s a series of criteria for this career.

poor /pʊə(r)/ rural /ˈrʊərəl/ mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ tourist   /ˈtʊərɪst/

2 ʊə
secure /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/ jury /ˈdʒʊəri/ sure   /ʃʊə(r)/ Europe /ˈjʊərəp/

bureau curious during cure furious manicure neuron

pure purity secure mature rural poor tourist

1) That manicurist is European.

2) You’re sure he’s poor.
3) We endure bad rural security.
4) Doctors will cure the tourist.
5) She showed her fury over the bad tour.
6) The accused was furious at the jury.
7) This bureau look secure.
8) We must ensure product’s purity.
9) He became more puritan as he grew mature.
10) I was curious about him during the meeting.

hair /heə(r)/ tear  /teə(r)/ care /keə(r)/ aerobics /eəˈrəʊbɪks/
3 eə
dairy /ˈdeəri/ bear  /beə(r)/ parent /ˈpeərənt/ mayor /meə(r)/

aware pair swear where vary area pear there share

square chair careful parent repair prepare fare their wear

1) Claire has fair hair.

2) It’s not fair I can’t eat dairy products.
3) Aeroplanes land in the airport over there.
4) The bear stared at a hare.
5) Their parents had some chairs upstairs.
6) Their parents are careful with the stairs.
7) They are comparing some pairs of shares.
8) The millionnaire prepared gifts for the mayor.
9) A bear in the area scared Mary.
10) There’s some dairy food on the chair.

wait /weɪt/ break /breɪk/ day /deɪ/ gauge /ɡeɪdʒ/

4 eɪ
date /deɪt/ eight /eɪt/ buffet /ˈbʊfeɪ; bəˈfeɪ/ café /ˈkæfeɪ/

brain great always play wave weigh ballet information survey

change place delay nail case same stay explain nature

1) They delayed the case until May.

2) David waited for eight days.
3) Casey is away for a skateboarding game.
4) A snake is displayed on the landscape.
5) The patient escaped through a neighbor’s gate.
6) Jay ate steak and plaice in a café.
7) The patient’s face looks pale today.
8) They sailed to the trait to see whales.
9) Daisy laid her chain on a tray.
10) You may break that plate of cake.

boy   /bɔɪ/ appoint /əˈpɔɪnt/ noise /nɔɪz/ lawyer /ˈlɔɪər/
5 ɔɪ
employ /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ avoid /əˈvɔɪd/  poison /ˈpɔɪzn/ soya /ˈsɔɪə/

choice android destroy join oil cowboy royal boil

employee enjoy moisture oyster annoy ointment point voice

1) The boys’ toys are noisy. 

2) Troy’s ploy was foiled. 
3) Are those coins or toys?
4) The boy’s pointing to the poison. 
5) The spoiled boys destroyed Floyd’s joy. 
6) His voice annoys me. Let’s avoid him.
7) Employers need loyalty from their lawyers.
8) She’s boiling some sirloin and soya.
9) The employees are enjoying some oysters.
10) Moisture spoiled the oil.

my /maɪ/ drive /draɪv/  guy /ɡaɪ/  guide /ɡaɪd/ 

6 aɪ
maestro /ˈmaɪstrəʊ/ dye /daɪ/ die /daɪ/ aisle /aɪl/ 

child idea night decide surprise fry buy design climb

apply virus thyme find final type item height tie

1) My library hires some kind guys.

2) I like girls with nice eyes.
3) The sun is shining bright light.
4) Prices on the island are quite high.
5) The driver denied climbing the pine.
6) The guide has smiled five times.
7) The writer signed in the file.
8) Tyler buys a pint of wine every night. ▫ 1pint = 0.568 litre (UK) or 0.473 litre (US)

9) Mike is arriving at the site.

10) That white tie is mine.

show /ʃəʊ/ though /ðəʊ/ don’t /dəʊnt/  home /həʊm/
7 əʊ
road /rəʊd/ shoulder /ˈʃəʊldər/  toe /təʊ/  loan /ləʊn/

close won’t control throat roll elbow window know most ago
host coat groan gold local only program goal soul whole

1) Those soldiers don’t know the code. 

6) The host is joking at the moment.
2) I’m holding my cold toes so slowly.
7) They grow trees for shadow below a volcano.
3) Won’t you open window above? 
8) He broke his shoulder bone by a blow.
4) That fellow phoned me in October. 
9) He stole some toast from a rowing boat.
5) Joe showed us a stone near his home. 
10) They roasted goat meat over the snow.

cow /kaʊ/ loud /laʊd/ couch /kaʊtʃ/ council /ˈkaʊnsl/ 

8 aʊ
sour /saʊər/  coward /ˈkaʊəd/ shower /ʃaʊər/  shout /ʃaʊt/

around sound south proud brown towel flower blouse mouth

about flour how vowel allow power cloud house hour

1) Our townhouse has a brown mouse. 

2) Are we allowed to speak aloud? 
3) We found our gowns downtown. 
4) Shower the flowers for an hour. 
5) How does the loud vowel sound? 
6) She’s proud of her flowers round the house.
7) The council announced something to the crowd.
8) A counselor’s counting his discount on the couch.
9) The mountains marks the boundary of the county.
10) Thousands of cows are surrounding the tower now.

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