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Jeremy Antley

Master Bibliography
2 February 2011

Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities. New York: Verso, 2006.

Avdeev A., Blum, A, Troitskaia, I., and H. Juby “Peasant Marriage in Nineteenth-Century
Russia” Population (English Edition) 59:6 (2004) 721-764.

Few institutions held such central importance to a peasant community than

Marriage, especially for Russian peasant populations who practiced universal marriage
and framed adult labor obligations in terms of husband-wife work teams. Utilizing parish
registers and tax revision lists of three villages belonging to an estate near Moscow, the
authors conducted a demographic survey of marriage networks. They found more
patrilocal behavior occurring before Emancipation, when Lords were more reluctant to
allow their serfs to leave the estate for marriage outside the estate's villages, whereas
post-Emancipation pressures of urbanization and loosening of social conventions
eventually destabilized the marriage model practiced for centuries. Excellent survey of
peasant network behavior and analysis of source-bases helpful for reconstructing similar
marriage behavior on other estates.

Avrich, Paul. Russian Rebels: 1600-1800. W.W. Norton & Company, 1972.

A case study involving four famous Russian rebels who, in their time, amassed
popular sentiment and forces that threatened the Muscovite state at various historical

Baron, Nick and Peter Gatrell. “Population Displacement, State-Building, and Social
Identity in the Lands of the Former Russian Empire, 1917-1923” Kritika 4:1 (2003) 51-

Nick Baron and Peter Gatrell's article examining the effect of population
displacement on the formulation of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union's sense of
'identity' and mission of nation-building provides in-depth theoretical and primary source
evaluation in order to demonstrate the fallacy of looking at populations solely as
'sedentary' or 'itinerant'. Far from being powerless, refugees caught in the swirling
confusion of post-war Eastern Europe made significant contributions to the definition of
'homeland', 'place', 'exile', 'nation', 'state', etc... This, in turn, prompted ruling authorities
in the new nation-states to evaluate what comprised their 'core' citizenry, an articulation
that spurred and clarified policies of assimilation or alienation of minority populations.
An excellent and very thorough approach to a topic that drew increasing attention in the
last decade, Gatrell and Baron's work brings new questions to the study of forming
nation-states and a theoretical approach that definitely deserves more study and

Bartlett, Roger. ed. Land Commune and Peasant Community in Russia: Communal
Forms in Imperial and Early Soviet Society. St. Martin's Press, 1990.

Baudrillard, Jean. Selected Writings, ed. Michael Posner. Stanford: Stanford University

Belletto, Steven. “The Game Theory Narrative and the Myth of the National Security
State” American Quarterly 61:2 (2009) 333-357.
Game Theory promised the advent of a manageable, predictable nuclear world in
the 1950's, a soothing salve for the anxiety experienced by American policymakers with
the rise of massive nuclear stockpiles and hair-trigger alerts. Belletto explores how this
branch of mathematics impacted American culture through novels and films produced in
that era, noting that while initial efforts linked the management of nuclear war to
elements familiar in poker, later writers and filmmakers would probe the uncertainty and
'rational' madness the Game Theory Narrative provided, exemplified best in books and
movies like Fail Safe and Dr. Strangelove, respectively. Ultimately Belletto concludes
that one lasting legacy of the Game Theory Narrative was the reduction of the so-called
'third world' nations into mere pieces to be played in the geo-political game between the
US and the USSR.

Benkler, Yochai. The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets
and Freedom. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.

Focusing on the recent explosion of digital networking technology, Yochai

Benkler tackles the various aspects the new information economy demands of the social
configurations in liberal, democratic states. With the advent of cheap, networked
computer power available to a growing segment of the world's population, new models of
social production utilizing peer production techniques are remaking the idea of market
based solutions to consumer needs. Additionally, the networked information economy
allows for a range of possibilities to pursue values espoused by liberal democracies
outside of that encountered by citizens of the 20th century. Benkler breaks his analysis
into three parts; the first deals with the elements that make up the new networked
information economy, the second with political issues surrounding ideas of property that
allow for further development of autonomy, and third the current intellectual property
enclosure movement and impacts this will have on the future development of the
information economy.

Berend, Ivan, T. Decades of Crisis: Central and Eastern Europe Before World War II.
University of California Press: Berkeley, California, 2001.

Bernhard, Michael H. The Origins of Democratization in Poland. 1993.

Bernstein, Lina. “Merchant “Correspondence” and Russian Letter-Writing Manuals: Petr

Ivanovich Bogdanovich and His Pis'movnik for Merchants” Slavic and East European
Journal 46:4 (2002) 659-682.

Russian merchants, long held in low social standing amidst the larger society,
increasingly engaged with the larger European markets during the course of the
eighteenth centuries, facilitating the need for 'letter-writing' manuals (pis'movnik)
designed to instruct a typical merchant in the ways of a successful businessman.
Specifically analyzing one pis'movnik by Petr Bogdanovich, Bernstein shows how the
content within (ranging from standardized 'form' letters for business transactions, to
ethical behavior guidelines, and even epistle on the necessity in maintaining a good
'reputation') followed in the traditions of other manuals across Europe, in that they helped
establish standards in language and behavior. Whereas other manuals targeted youths or
young women, Bogdanovich addressed his pis'movnik to merchants in a sincere attempt
to provide this social class a means to excel and advance in Russia. An interesting article
that provides a very specific example analyzed against the larger backdrop of European
trends with similar 'manuals'.
Bideleux, Robert and Ian Jeffries. A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change.
London: Routledge, 1998.

Billington, James H. The Icon and the Axe. New York: Vintage Books, 1966.

Seminal work of Russian intellectual history that, while dated, still provides a
solid foundational survey of art, religion, and political ideals that circulated throughout
the Russian domains throughout the centuries.

Blitstein, Peter A. “Cultural Diversity and the Interwar Conjecture: Soviet Nationality
Policy in Context” Slavic Review 65:2 (2006) 273-293.

See review at Scribd:


Blum, Alain. “Circulation, Transfers, Isolation” Kritika 9:1 (2008) 231-242.

Opening his article with the question of 'how does knowledge circulate and
information spread?' Alain Blum brings an overall perspective to the issues presented
throughout the special edition of Kritika, focused on information circulation. Analyzing
the movement of ideas in imperial and international space, as opposed to framing the
inquiry along national lines, the great shifts in Russian/Soviet history can be seen as
pivotal moments when knowledge producers transformed their disciplines to either reach
out and incorporate foreign scholarship and ideals or reject the same foreign ideas under
specific Russian internal and isolationist terms. Yet, wether or not ideas were accepted or
rejected there occurred a reinterpretation, or reconfiguration, of established beliefs in the
face of such ideas and their circulatory potential among the knowledge producers. When
looking at Russia, one can find evidence of not only international circulation practices but
also intra-national practices that relied upon the distinctive differences between sections
of empire, as locals contributed to the debates regarding topics such as the nature of
Russian Imperial identity and Pan-Slavism. In this light, acts of instilling nationalism or
engaging in translation of materials directly informs the circulation/counter-circulation
process, a process that moves away from the traditional analysis of elite viewpoints and
more towards a holistic approach that incorporates all levels of interaction between
disciplines, individuals, and the production of knowledge among diverse sources.

Blum, Jerome. Lord and Peasant in Russia. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University
Press, 1961.

Bohac, Rodney. “Everyday Forms of Resistance: Serf Opposition to Gentry Extractions

1800-1861,” in Esther Kingston-Mann & Timothy Mixter, eds. Peasant Economy,
Culture, and Politics of European Russia, 1800-1921. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
University Press, 1991.

Brovkin, Vladimir. Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War. Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1994.

Bruno, Andy. “Russian Environmental History: Direction and Potentials” Kritika 8:3
(2007) 635-650.

Writing a review essay that both surveys the current scholarship surrounding
Russian environmental history and the potential these materials point towards, Andy
Bruno makes a convincing case that while Russian historians have already made
significant contributions to the larger field, further work in the various 'strands' elaborated
is still needed. The works reviewed in the essay are noted by Bruno for having achieved
a level of maturity despite the relative lack in breadth of the Russian environmental field.
Of particular mention are (then) future works that highlight 'frontier' environmental
history, a 'strand' that puts the human/nature interaction during imperial expansion into
greater focus. While some works engage in periodization, placing somewhat of a
distinction between Imperial and Soviet Russian practices, Bruno suggests that looking at
the historical narrative as a larger whole would facilitate more accurate discernment of
'shifts' in environmental practices. An excellent essay that provides a wonderful
summary and outlook on the potential of this still developing field.

Bucur, Maria and Nancy Wingfield, eds. Staging the Past: The Politics of
Commemoration in Hapsburg Central Europe, 1848 to Present. West Lafayette, Indiana:
Purdue University Press, 2001.

Burds, Jeffrey. Peasant Dreams and Market Politics: Labor Migration and the Russian
Village, 1861-1905. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998.

Bushkovitch, Paul “The Epiphany Ceremony of the Russian Court in the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries” Russian Review 49:1 (1990) 1-17.

See review at Scribd:


___. Religion and Society in Russia Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Byford, Andy. “Professional Cross-Dressing: Doctors in Education in Late Imperial

Russia, 1881-1917” Russian Review 65 (2006) 586-616.

“The history of professions is the history of interprofessional conflicts over

jurisdiction.” So begins Andy Byford's article on the articulation and justification of
Russia's professional doctors authority in realms once deemed solely for teachers. By
encouraging the development of new pedagogical techniques and knowledge within
education, interpreted through the lens of medical terminology and understanding,
Doctors were able to insert their authority in social spaces outside that of their origin.
Analyzing three areas, the attempt to redefine pedagogy, issues surrounding the
establishment of a 'school doctor', and the first generation of medico-educational facilities
for 'mentally defective' children, Byford plots out the process by which Doctors first
elaborated their justification for authority in the social practice of education and then
attempted to carry out their planned annexation. While they encountered success at the
higher academic levels, more common institutions like schools remained resistant to the
intrusion of doctoral authority. An excellent work that avoids the pitfalls of isolated
professional analysis and instead shows that Russia's professionals worked in an
overlapping system of social space, terminology, and practices.

Cadiot, Juliette. “Searching for Nationality: Statistics and National Categories at the End
of the Russian Empire, 1897-1917” Russian Review 64 (2005) 440-455.

Throughout the history of Imperial Russia there occurred only once an attempt to
conduct a census of the peoples living across the vast domain. Juliette Cadiot, using the
debates surrounding the interpretation of census data, argues that imperial statisticians
essentially used the data to argue for and against conceptions of the essential
characteristics of Russian nationality. When the Bolsheviks assumed power, they would
use this data and the outcome of the debates discussed above to shape their own
interpretation of the model Soviet citizen. Questions over how religious belief and
mother tongue contributed to the conception of identity eventually led Imperial Russian
authorities to rely upon qualities associated with the 'Great Russian' tradition as the
defining markers of nationality (essentially moving away from the 'estate' conception of
identity), a sharp divide from earlier efforts in the 18th and early 19th century that
attempted to define imperial nationality as more broad and inclusive.

Clements, Barbara Evans, Engel, Barbara Alpern, and Wororbec, Christine D., eds.
Russia’s Women: Accommodation, Resistance, and Transformation. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1991.

Clowes, Edith W, Kassow, Samuel D, and James L. West, eds. Between Tsar and People:
Educated Society and the Quest for Public Identity in Late Imperial Russia. Princeton,
New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1991.

Crews, Robert. “Empire and the Confessional State: Islam and Religious Politics in
Nineteenth-Century Russia” American Historical Review 108:1 (2003) 50-83.

See review at Scribd:


Davis, Nathaniel “The Number of Churches Before And After The Khrushchev
Antireligious Drive” Slavic Review 50:3 (1991) 612-620.

See review at Scribd:


Deloria, Philip J. Indians in Unexpected Places. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press,

Dewey, John. The Problems of Men. New York: Philosophical Library, 1946.

Dukes, Paul. The Making of Russian Absolutism: 1613-1801. Longman: New York, 1990.

Dunning, Chester. “Who Was Tsar Dmitrii?” Slavic Review 60:4 (2001) 705-729.

Edgar, Adrienne L. “Genealogy, Class, and 'Tribal Policy' in Soviet Turkmenistan, 1924-
1934” Slavic Review 60:2 (2001) 266-288.

See reivew at Scribd:


Edelmen, Robert. Proletarian Peasants: The Revolution of 1905 in Russia's Southwest.

Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1987.

See review on Scribd:


Eikert, Gregory. The State Against Society: Political Crises and Their Aftermath in East
Central Europe. Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey, 1996.
Engel, Barbara Alpern. “Russian Peasant Views of City Life, 1861-1914” Slavic Review
52:3 (1993) 446-459.

Engelstein, Laura. Slavophile Empire: Imperial Russia's Illiberal Path. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 2009.

A collection of essays around the central topic of the Russian states interaction
with liberalistic forces permeating around Europe since the 17th century. Engelstein aims
to “explore the tensions...between the liberal paradigm and the conservative anti-liberal
state” over the span of seven chapters, grouped into three 'sections' exploring
westernizing modernization, religious resistance and the Slavophile influence on defining
the role Russians played in the larger global cultural landscape. Each chapter is an essay
related only by theme to its compatriots, making the collection one that is easily digested
in chunks relevant to the readers interest. Covering a diverse range of topics among the
essays, Engelstein demonstrates her considerable breadth of knowledge on the culture
and workings of Russian intellectual life and its shaping of the liberal discourse
circulating throughout the empire.

Peasant Muse review of Slavophile Empire:


___. Castration and the Heavenly Kingdom. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999.

Farnsworth, Beatrice and Lynne Viola, eds. Russian Peasant Women. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1992.

Fedorov, V.A. Pomeshchi krestiane tsentralno promyshlennogo raiona Rossii :

kontsa XVIII-pervoi poloviny XIX vv. Moscow, 1974.

Feeny, David. “The Moral or Rational Peasant? Competing Hypotheses of Collective

Action”, Journal of Asian Studies, 42:4 (1983)

Fennell, John. A History of the Russian Church to 1448 New York: Longman, 1995.

Field, Daniel, Rebels in the Name of the Tsar. Houghton Mifflin Company. 1976.

Figes, Orlando. Peasant Russia, Civil War: The Volga Countryside in Revolution, 1917-
1921. Phoenix Press: London. 2001.

Fitzpatric, Anne Lincoln The Great Russian Fair: Nizhnii Novgorod, 1840-1890 New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1990.

Fitzpatric, Sheila. Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet

Russia in the 1930’s. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 1999.

Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Vintage Books: New
York. 1995.

___. Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews. Donald F.

Bouchard, ed. Cornell University Press. 1977.

___. The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception. Vintage Books: New
York. 1994.
___. Abnormal: Lectures at the College de France, 1974-1975. New York: Picador, 2003.

___. Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the College de France, 1977-1978.

Palgrave Macmillan. 2007.

___. The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the College de France, 1978-1979. New York:
Palgrave MacMillian, 2008.

Freeze, Gregory. From Supplication to Revolution. Oxford University Press. 1988.

____. The Parish Clergy in 19th Century Russia: Crisis, Reform, and Counter-Reform.
Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1983.

Franklin, Simon. Writing, Society, and Culture in Early Rus, c. 950-1300 Cambridge
University, 2002.

Furst, Juliane. “Not a Question of Faith- Youth and Religion in the Post-War Years”
Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas 52 (2004) 557-570.

See review at Scribd:


Gatrell, Peter. Russia’s First World War: A Social and Economic History. New York:
Pearson, 2005.

Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of Culture. Basic Books. 1973.

Geldern, James von. “Life In-Between: Migration and Popular Culture in Late Imperial
Russia” Russian Review 55:3 (1996) 365-383.

Guha, Ranajit. Dominance without Hegemony. Cambridge, Mass. 1997.

Gupta, Dipankar. “Everyday Resistance or Routine Repression? Exaggeration as

Stratagem in Agrarian Conflict” Journal of Peasant Studies 29:1 (2001) 89-108.

Gramsci, Antonio. Selections from the Prison Notebooks. New York: International
Publishers, 1971.

Henderson, Dan Fenno. Village Contracts in Japan. University of Washington Press,


Heinzen, James W. “Professional Identity and the Vision of the Modern Soviet
Countryside: Local Agricultural Specialists at the End of the NEP, 1928-1929” Cahiers
du Monde russe 39:1 (1998) 9-25.

See review at Scribd:


Hoch, Steven. Serfdom and Social Control in Russia. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1986.
___. “Did Russia's Emancipated Serfs Really Pay Too Much for Too Little Land?
Statistical Anomalies and Long-Tailed Distributions” Slavic Review 63:2 (2004) 247-274.

Hyde, Lewis. Common as Air: Revolution, Art, and Ownership. New York: Farrar, Straus
and Giroux. 2010.

Many authors concern themselves with the current debate over copyright, yet only
Lewis Hyde brings in the words of the oft misquoted American founding fathers to point
towards a conception of the cultural commons capable of fostering both capitalist and
cultural motivations. Looking at what the commons actually means in both historical and
contemporary definitions, Hyde makes the argument that 'ownership' of intellectual
property possesses profound impacts on personal identity formation. How we as a people
relate to our cultural products directly correlates to the forms of expression and
innovation brought about by society- thus the claim that Newton 'stood on the shoulders
of giants' (the intellectual works of those before him) to achieve his key mathematical
breakthroughs. Very interesting analysis that uses foundational aspects central to ideas of
'American Exceptionalism' and identity to make a larger case for reformulation of a
protected and accessible cultural commons.

Ivantis, Linda J. Russian Folk Belief. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc, 1992.

The pervasiveness of folk belief, much of it pagan in origin, found within Russian
culture provides a rich backdrop for interpreting custom and meaning encountered in the
study of peasant behaviors. Linda J. Ivantis' work on the Folk Beliefs of average Russian
peasants provides a superb starting point for scholars of literature and history to learn
about the complex intertwining of folk belief and Eastern Orthodoxy. The first half of the
work covers beliefs held by peasants regarding interactions with the spirit world, while
the second half presents translations of folk tales or narratives that center the explanation
of beliefs in actual peasant words. Using a mix or ethnographic data gathered in the
Russian lands over the course of the nineteenth/twentieth centuries and Soviet
interpretations of these works, Ivantis produces a work that illuminates the larger picture
of Russian culture by highlighting the peasant use of folk belief.

Jaats, Indrek. “The Komi, Ethnic Stereotypes, and Nationalities Policy in Late Imperial
Russia” Russian Review 68 (2009) 199-220.

Jedlicki, Jerzy. A Suburb of Europe: Nineteenth Century Polish Approaches to Western

Civilization. Budapest: CEU Press, 1999.

Johns, Adrian. Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars From Gutenberg To Gates.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Undertaking an intellectual history of 'piracy', Adrian Johns seeks to investigate

how the intersection of community, commerce, and communication took shape around
conflicts centered on the book's title. Specifically, Johns tackles the perspective of the
West and its pursuant intellectual property wars spurred by the invention of the printing
press by Gutenberg. Moving from this early period to the debates surrounding the advent
of, first, copyright and, second, the idea of intellectual property, ending with a look over
the 20th century innovations in communications technology, evidenced by radio and the
internet. Johns concludes by stating that a history of piracy has its most profound impact
when we consider that piratical practices are deeply meshed within our interaction with
media and culture. Thus, current efforts designed to circumvent piracy of digital media
will find themselves largely ineffective because few programs and schemes take into
account this interplay between culture and piracy, examined in great depth by Johns.
Johnson, Lonnie R. Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbors, Friends. 2rd Edition. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2002.

Kahan, Arcadius. “The Costs of “Westernization” in Russia: The Gentry and the
Economy in the Eighteenth Century,” in Michael Cherniavsky, ed. The Structure of
Russian History. Random House. 1970.

___. Russian Economic History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.

Kenney, Padraic. A Carnival of Revolution: Central Europe 1989. Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 2003.

Kieniewicz, Stefan. The Emancipation of the Polish Peasantry. Chicago: University of

Chicago Press, 1969.

Kingston-Mann, Esther and Mixer, Timothy with assistance from Jeffery Buds. Peasant
Economy, Culture, and Politics of European Russia, 1800-1921. Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1990.

Kolchin, Peter Unfree Labor: American Slavery and Russian Serfdom. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Belknap Press, 1987.

Kollmann, Nancy S. “The Quality of Legal Mercy in Early Modern Legal Practice”
Kritika 7:1 (2006) 5-22.

Kontler, Laszlo. A History of Hungary. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2002.

Kubik, Jan. The Power of Symbols Against the Symbols of Power. 1994.

Laba, Roman. The Roots of Solidarity. 1991.

Ladurie, Le Roy. Carnival in Romans. New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1979.

LeDonne, John P. Absolutism and Ruling Class: The Formation of the Russian Political
Order, 1700-1825. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Lefebvre, Geogres. The Great Fear of 1789: Rural Panic in Revolutionary France. New
York: Schocken Books, 1989.

Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space, trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith. Oxford:

Blackwell Publishing, 1991.

Lessig, Lawrence. Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy.
New York: Penguin Press, 2008.

Copyright and culture are central concerns of Lessig in this work contemplating
the impact current policies regarding intellectual property will have on a generation of
digital users whose very remixing acts criminalize them in the eyes of the law. Exploring
the cultural delivery system created under the previous media generation (RO, or read-
only, culture) to the possibility for new cultural delivery in the digital generation (RW, or
read-write, culture) Lessig maps out the potential for new hybrid commercial models,
based on user participation in remixing of cultural products, to come into being. This, in
turn, will foster legal reforms allowing RW culture to flourish, guaranteeing amateurs the
right to remix and professionals the right to profit off (or share) their creations. An
excellent general summary of the issues pertaining to public culture and copyright today.

Levin, Eve. Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs, 900-1700. Cornell, New
York: Cornell University Press, 1989.

Lincoln, W. Bruce. In the Vanguard of Reform: Russia’s Enlightened Bureaucrats, 1825-

1861. Northern Illinois University Press, 1982.

Mamedov, Mikail. “'Going Native' in the Caucasus: Problems of Russian Identity, 1801-
64” 67 (2008) 275-295.

Manchester, Laurie. “Commonalities of Modern Political Discourse: Three Paths of

Modern Activism in Late Imperial Russia's Alternative Intelligentsia” Kritika 8:4 (2007)

Martin, Janet. Medieval Russia 980-1584. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

A survey text that covers the social, political, and ethnographic developments
encompassing the territory of the, then, growing Russian state. Beginning with Price
Vladimir I and concluding with the reign of Ivan IV, Martin draws on broad themes to
unite her interpretation of such a long period. Underlying the expansion of both Kievian
Rus and Muscovy, Eastern Orthodoxy became the cornerstone of identity for both entities
with only the Mongol Hordes arrival to herald the decline of the former and the eventual
rise and domination of the latter. Use of the church as a means to secure and project
power meant that Muscovite princes, and later tsars, could lay claim to unquestionable
authority, allowing the Ruirikid dynasty to greatly expand their territorial base and
conduct expensive campaigns against regional opponents. Funding these expeditions
proved largely unsustainable, leading to the imposition of serfdom and eventual
bankruptcy of the state when Ivan IV died.

Martin, Terry. The Affirmative Action Empire: Nations and Nationalisms in the Soviet
Union, 1923-1939. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001.

Marker, Gary. “The Enlightenment of Anna Labzina: Gender, Faith, and Public Life in
Catherinian and Alexandrian Russia” Slavic Review 59:2 (2000) 369-390.

Marrese, Michelle Lamarche. “The Enigma of Married Women's Control of Property in

Eighteenth-Century Russia” 58 (1999) 380-395.

Mastny, Vojtech and Malcolm Byrne, eds. A Cardboard Castle? An Inside History of the
Warsaw Pact, 1955-1991. Budapest: CEU Press, 2005.

Medovoi, Leerom. Rebels: Youth and the Cold War Origins of Identity. Durham, North
Carolina: Duke University Press, 2005.

Melton, Edgar. “Enlightened Seigniorialism and Its Dilemmas in Serf Russia, 1750-
1830” Journal of Modern History 62:4 (1990)

Michnik, Adam. The Church and the Left, 1993.

Moch, Leslie Page. Moving Europeans: Migration in Western Europe since 1650 2nd
Edition. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2003.
While most considered rural populations of historic Western Europe to be rather
sedentary, Leslie Moch sets out in her work to demonstrate that not only were
populations consistently on the move but also that migration patterns have not been
spurred by urbanization or industrialization, rather they are extensions of older traditions
in human behavior. Examining three centuries (mid-seventeenth to the late-twentieth),
Moch outlines the changes brought about by differing landholding patterns, employment
demands, demographic patterns and the changing location of capital. Focusing on times
of peace and looking at movements of both sexes, four models of migration (local,
circular, chain and career) characterize the behavior of peasants, among others, during the
three centuries examined. Moch's work is sufficiently large in scope that it creates
convincing arguments that move beyond the case study and attempt to engage in 'big
picture' analysis, yet also focused enough to not get lost in the bewildering amount of
facts, figures and locales presented.

Moon, David. The Russian Peasantry 1600-1930: The World the Peasants Made. New
York: Longman, 1999.

___. “The Inventory Reform and Peasant Unrest in Right-Bank Ukraine in 1847-48” The
Slavonic and East European Review 79:4 (2001) 653-697.

___. “Estimating the Peasant Population of Late Imperial Russia from the 1897 Census:
A Research Note” Europe-Asia Studies 48:1 (1996) 141-153.

Mukherjee, Mridula. Peasant’s in India’s Non-Violent Revolution: Practice and Theory.

Sage Publications, 2004.

Murphy, Brian. Rostov in the Civil War, 1917-1920. New York: Routledge, 2005.

Mironov, Boris. A Social History of Imperial Russia, 1700-1917. Westview Press, 2000.

Nemes, Robert. “The Politics of the Dance Floor: Culture and Civil Society in
Nineteenth-Century Hungary” Slavic Review 60:4 (2001) 802-823.

Newlin, Thomas. “Rural Ruses: Illusion and Anxiety on the Russian Estate, 1775-1815”
Slavic Review 57:2 (1998)

Norcia, Megan A. “Puzzling Empire: Early Puzzles and Discarded Maps as Imperial
Heuristics” Children's Literature 37 (2009) 1-32.

Opel, Andy and Smith, Jason. “Zootycoon: Capitalism, Nature, and the Pursuit of
Happiness” Ethics and the Environment 9:2 (2004) 103-120.

Ost, David. Solidarity and the Politics of Anti-Politics. 1990.

Parthasarathi, Prasannan. The Transition to a Colonial Economy: Weavers, Merchants,

and Kings in South India 1720-1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Paxon, Margaret Solovyovo- The Story of Memory in a Russian Village Bloomingtion:

Indiana University Press, 2005.

Peris, Daniel. “'God is Now on Our Side': The Religious Revival on Unoccupied Soviet
Territory during World War II” Kritika 1:1 (2000) 97-118.
___. Storming the Heavens: The Soviet League of the Militant Godless. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 1998.

See review at Scribd:


Perrie, Maureen. “Folklore as Evidence of Peasant Mentalite: Social Attitudes and Values
in Russian Popular Culture,” Russian Review 48:2 (April 1989)

Platonov, S.F. The Time of Troubles. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas,

Poe, Marshall. “The Consequences of Military Revolution in Muscovy: A Comparative

Perspective” Comparative Studies in Society and History 38:4 (1996) 603-618.

Popkins, Gareth. “Code versus Custom? Norms and Tactics in Peasant Volost Court
Appeals, 1889-1917” Russian Review 59:3 (2000) 408-424.

Popov, G. Russkaia Narodno-bytovaia Meditsina. St. Petersburg. 1903.

Pouncy, Carolyn Johnston, ed and trans. The Domostroi. Ithaca, New York: Cornell
University Press, 1994.

Sixteenth century edicts and maxims for Russian household order and deportment
appropriate for the time comprise the subject matter of the Domostroi. As such, the
material presented within present a picture of desired moral and civil obligations citizens
of the still young Muscovy were supposed to uphold. It stressed obedience to family and
the tsar, cleanliness and orderliness, the roles of women and men in daily life, and
generally covered topics considered important in running a (then) modern household.

Predtechenskii, A.V. Ed. Krestianskoe dvizhenie v Rossii v 1826-1849 gg. Moscow:

Society for Economic Literature, 1961.

This collection of primary source documents, mostly from military or civil

authorities, details the various instances of peasant 'disturbances' found in the archives for
the period in question. Far from comprehensive, the selection is meant to highlight
economic issues raised by Russian peasants, most likely cherry-picked for their
adherence to Marxist-Leninist interpretations of peasant/state relations. Still, the
collection contains several appendices that provide a better quantitative picture of the
total amount of reports made in the various provinces, during various years. While the
obvious ideological influence in document selection is evident, the sources themselves
are still informative as to the relations between the state, or lord, and peasant.

Prown, Jules David. “The Promise and Perils of Context” American Art 11:2 (1997) 20-
Material culture analysis, pioneered by Prown, promises to bring greater depth
and understanding to humanistic endeavors by engaging with artifacts to probe their
larger connection to the milieu of their production. Looking at the (then) recent turn
towards contextualization and identity, Prown argues that this movement demonstrates
the ability of art to serve a window to understanding the past and present, as having
access to analysis of an objects form allows one to view a 'culture's dream world'. As an
extension, everyday objects can become 'constructed artifacts' if the viewer so chooses,
meaning that material culture analysis has potential to cover much more than simply
aesthetic art.
___. “Mind in Matter: An Introduction to Material Culture Theory and Method”
Winterthur Portfolio 17:1 (1982) 1-19.

The original article that brought material culture analysis to the fore across
multiple disciplines. Prown establishes the role material, or artifacts, from a period or
peoples, plays in an interpretation of the culture that produced said items. Instead of
approaching the artifact with an inward interpretation process (as common in Art
History), Prown advocates using ones physical senses first to evaluate the actual details of
the object, divorced from any per-conceived notions on use or function. The viewer then
moves on to analyzing potential subject matter of the object- the depiction of art, a coat
of arms on a flag, a book meant to teach proper writing style, etc... Only then should one
engage with the relationship the object holds with the viewer. Using this method,
researchers can now utilize non-standard artifacts to help inform their inquiry into a
particular era or location.

Pruss, A.P. Istoriografili a krestianskogo dvizhenii a v poreformennoi o Rossii. Alma-ata,

Kazakhskoii SSR. 1990.

Pushkareva, Natalia Women in Russian History

Ralston, W.R.S. The Songs of the Russian People: Second Edition. London: Ellis &
Green, 1872.

Radkey, Oliver H. The Unknown Civil War in Soviet Russia: A Study of the Green
Movement in the Tambov Region, 1920-1921. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution
Press, 1976.

Raj, Kapil. Relocating Modern Science: Circulation and the Construction of Knowledge
in South Asia and Europe, 1650-1900. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

___. “Colonial Encounters and the Forging of New Knowledge and National Identities:
Great Britian and India, 1760-1850” Osiris 15 (2000) 119-134.

Randall, Adrian and Charlesworth, Andrew, eds. Moral Economy and Popular Protest:
Crowds, Conflict, and Authority. London: Macmillian, 2000.

Randolph, John W. “The Singing Coachman or, The Road and Russia's Ethnographic
Invention in Early Modern Times” Journal of Early Modern History 11:1-2 (2007) 33-61.

Roshwald, Aviel. Ethnic Nationalism and the Fall of Empires: Central Europe, Russia,
and the Middle East, 1914-1923. New York: Routledge, 2001.

Rothschild, Joseph and Nancy M. Wingfield. Return to Diversity: A Political History of

East Central Europe Since World War II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Ryan, W.F. The Bathhouse at Midnight. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania

State University Press, 1999.

An encyclopedic reference for all things related to Russian folklore, Ryan's

seminal work is a necessary read for any scholar of literature or peasant culture. Drawing
upon numerous sources, Bathhouse divides its subject matter into various aspects of the
magical world, from divination of future husbands to use of incantations or herbs to
inflict potential harm or inspire desired emotions. Useful reading when contemplating
the nature of dvoeveria in Orthodox belief or the role of the supernatural in the daily
operation of life's rituals for rural, and even urban, Russian people.

Scheiner, Irwin. “The Mindful Peasant: Sketches for a Study of Rebellion” Journal of
Asian Studies 32:4 (1973)

Schrader, Abby M. Languages of the Lash: Corporal Punishment and Identity in

Imperial Russia. Northern Illinois University Press, 2002.

___. “Containing the Spectacle of Punishment: The Russian Autocracy and the Abolition
of the Knout, 1817-1845” Slavic Review 56:4 (1997)

Scott, James C. The Moral Economy of the Peasant: Rebellion and Subsistence in
Southeast Asia. Yale University Press, 1976.

___. Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. Yale University
Press, 1985.

Schorske, Carl E. Fin-De-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture. New York: Vintage Books,

Shore, Marci. Caviar and Ashes: A Warsaw Generation's Life and Death in Marxism,
1918-1968. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.

Singh, Hira. Colonial Hegemony and Popular Resistance: Princes, Peasants, and
Paramount Power. London: Attamira Press, 1998.

Sippel, Patricia. “Popular Protest in Early Modern Japan: The Bushu Outburst” Harvard
Journal of Asian Studies 37:2 (1977) 273-322.

Smith-Peter, Susan. “The Russian Provincial Newspaper and its Public, 1788-1864” Carl
Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies 1908 (2008)

___. “Educating Peasant Girls for Motherhood: Religion and Primary Education in Mid-
Nineteenth Century Russia” Russian Review 66 (2007) 391-405.

Snyder, Timothy. The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus,

1569-1999. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2003.

Solomon, Susan Gross. “Circulation of Knowledge and the Russian Locale” Kritika 9:1
(2008) 9-26.

Stone, Andrew B. “'Overcoming Peasant Backwardness': The Khrushchev Antireligious

Campaign and the Rural Soviet Union” Russian Review 67:2 (2008) 296-320.

Stone, David R. Hammer and Rifle: The Militarization of the Soviet Union, 1926-1933.
Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2000.

Looking at the period just after the conclusion of the Russian Civil War, David
Stone argues that the Soviet Union acquired a highly militarized economic and
ideological composition that would, in theory, prepare the communist forces for the
inevitable 'future war' with the capitalist west. While the Civil War exhausted both
population and land, by 1933 the Soviet Union possessed one of the most advanced
military’s in the world, thanks in large part to advanced theory in understanding the
nature of 'total war' conflicts (with no separate 'front' and 'rear', as mobility allows for
forces to strike anywhere) and highly integrated civil and military spheres. However,
with the Japanese takeover of Manchuria, the Soviet economy went to a permanent 50/50
split between military and civilian needs as Red Army influence in economic matters
reached its apogee; this would have detrimental effects on the Soviet economy in the
coming decades.

Suny, Ronald and Arthur Adams, eds. The Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory, 3rd
Edition. Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Company,1990.

Tismaneanu, Vladimir. Fantasies of Salvation: Democracy, Nationalism, and Myth in

Post-Communist Europe. Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey, 1998.

Todorova, Maria. “The Trap of Backwardness: Modernity, Temporality, and the Study of
Eastern European Nationalism” Slavic Review 64:1 (2005) 140-164.

Tolz, Vera. “Imperial Scholars and Minority Nationalisms in Late Imperial and Early
Soviet Russia” Kritika 10:2 (2009) 261-190.

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. The Age of the Homespun: Objects and Stories in the Creation
of an American Myth. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001.

Viola, Lynne. Peasant Rebels Under Stalin: Collectivization and the Culture of Peasant
Resistance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

While Lenin predicated the Bolshevik Revolution on the idea that Russia would
spark the proletarian revolution, in reality the policies and goals of the mid to late 20's
reflected a much more sobered look at the stark rural nature of the Soviet countryside.
When Stalin came to power and advocated a policy of collectivization in the name of
Soviet modernization, peasants across the land engaged in various forms of protest,
forming a 'culture of resistance' investigated by Viola in this work. Use of rumor
equating the Communist to the Anti-Christ and the collective farm to a den of evil, along
with sophisticated use of stereotypes of women and peasants in general and the threat of
'terror', gave the peasant a resilience to Soviet demands. The work is split into two parts;
the first looks at the relations between the state and peasants between 1917-1930, while
the second outlines specific elements that comprised the peasant culture of resistance.
Viola should be commended for such an in depth treatment of peasant behavior resisting
a full scale remaking of their social existence, and her treatment of the peasant as mobile,
capable, and willing to fight the central authorities adds understanding to the longer
tradition of peasant resistance as a whole.

Vitarbo, Gregory. “Nationality Policy and the Russian Imperial Officer Corps, 1905-
1914” Slavic Review 66:4 (2007) 682-701.

Vukanovik, T.P. “Witchcraft in the Central Balkans I: Characteristics of Witches”

Folklore 100:1 (1989) 9-24.

___. “Witchcraft in the Central Balkans II: Protection Against Witches” Folklore 100:2
(1989) 221-236.

Wade, Rex. The Russian Revolution, 1917. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Wandycz, Piotr, S. The Price of Freedom: A History of East Central Europe form the
Middle Ages to the Present 2nd Edition. London: Routledge, 2001.

Weber, Eugen. Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870-
1914. Stanford, Connecticut: Stanford University Press, 1976.

Weickhardt, George C. “Probable Western Origins of Muscovite Criminal Procedure”

Russian Review 66 (2007) 55-72.

___. “Legal Rights of Women in Russia, 1100-1750” 55:1 (1996) 1-23.

___. “Due Process and Equal Justice in the Muscovite Codes” Russian Review 51:4
(1992) 463-480.

Wildman, Allan K. “The Defining Moment: Land Charters and the Post-Emancipation
Agrarian Settlement in Russia, 1861-1863” The Carl Beck Papers. No. 1205.

Walthall, Anne. “Narratives of Peasant Uprisings in Japan” Journal of Asian Studies 42:3
(1983) 571-587.

___. ed. and trans. Peasant Uprisings in Japan: A Critical Anthology of Peasant

___. “Japanese Gimin: Peasant Martyrs in Popular Memory” The American Historical
Review 91:5 (1986)

Warner, Elizabeth A. “Russian Beliefs and Practices Concerning Death and the
Supernatural: Collected in Novosokol’niki Region, Pskov Province, Russia, 1995. Part I:
The Restless Dead, Wizards, and Sprit Beings”. Folklore, 111:1 (2000)

Zenkovsky, Serge A., ed. Medieval Russia’s Epics, Chronicles, and Tales. New York: E.P.
Dutton & Co., 1974.

Zubkova, Elena. Russian After the War: Hopes, Illusions, and Disappointments, 1945-
1957. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1998.

Zguta, Russell. “Witchcraft Trials in Seventeenth-Century Russia” American Historical

Review 82:5 (1977) 1187-1207.

___. “Witchcraft and Medicine in Pre-Petrine Russia” Russian Review 37:4 (1978) 438-

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