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Moulin Rouge is all about beauty, freedom, truth and above all, love.

This film is
a jukebox musical, and a form of Cabaret Theatre, which is a form of theatrical
entertainment featuring music, song, dance, recitation, or drama. It is mainly
distinguished by the performance venue,which might be a pub, restaurant, or a
nightclub with a stage for performances. This musical also includes burlesque shows,
refer to a literary, dramatic or musical work intended to cause laughter by caricaturing
the manner or spirit of serious works, or by ludicrous treatment of their subjects.

So now let's get to the story, the visual style of the film is bright, insane, and
twisted, fast, viscous and psychedelic, and the most risky film that I've ever seen. The
cinematography is extremely well done and unique. And the way they edit the film is
clever. The film was introduced by a young, handsome poet Christian or McGregor's
character as a struggling writer who meets a group of really weird actors and then
eventually to Moulin Rouge, a nightclub, and its star, played by Nicole Kidman or Satine,
which he fell inlove with her. He believes that "love is all you need", when he meets
Satine, but the only problem is that she has been bound to a rich duke who has
promised to make her an actress, throughout the story Satine tries to stop her feelings
for Christian, but eventually she also fell inlove with him.

In this story they featured fantastic soundtrack to showcase the Moulin Rouge,
that Christian made for Satine, entitled, "Spectacular, Spectacular". Their love was
forbidden, because of the duke but unfortunately, the duke found out , he treathens to
kill Christian, so Satine pretends that she doesn't love him anymore for the sake of his
safety. This is one of the saddest time of the movie, when she has a tuberculosis and she
perform is her final stage. When the whole misunderstanding comes into light between
Satine and Christian, sadly Satine dies in his arms. The movie ends with Christian
finishing his novel.

Moulin Rouge does a good job in covering up its somewhat common ending, by
announcing what happens in the first few minutes of the film. Overall, the visual style
and everything is daring, and there are lots of weird moments, but most part were
extreme, and the movie is convincing. The film modernized everything. Many people
have turned their backs on musicals according the praised of many people, especially
critics. During the play, we can see that Moulin Rouge is suprisingly funny, because of
the songs that were used, and for me this is their strategy so that people will not see the
movie boring. Actually they succeed on making the film interesting and alive, because of
the feedbacks that I saw from watching it.

This film is a must watch for everyone especially those who want to explore the
part of the theatre worlds. As what I have reflected in this story, love is the most
powerful weapon you can use to a person, whoever he is and whatever he has, as long
as you love that person no one can ever change and break you. Be passionate on what
you are doing, love yourself as you love other people, don't be easy on everything you
see, be patient. Don't be fool by money, and don't be afraid to show your feelings to
other people especially to those you love, as long as you have faith, freedom, passion,
beauty, and above all, love, you can conquer all things at your own hands at your own

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