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ANIMALS - 555 142 198 110
Chapter 1 states critical -1,258,912
Traumatic shock, shock states - 1895132
Acute cardiovascular failure - 1895678
Acute respiratory failure - 1257814
Cardiac arrest - 8915678
Chapter 2 Tumor diseases - 8214351
Bladder cancer - 89123459
Cancer of the salivary gland - 9854321
Cancer of the breast - 5432189
Skin cancer - 8148957
Prostate cancer - 4321890
Cancer in the thyroid - 5814542
Cancer of the gallbladder - 8912453
Cancer of the extrahepatic via gallbladder - 5789154
Cancer in the vagina and external sex organs - 12589121
Cancer in the large duodenal papilla - 8912345
Esophageal cancer - 8912567
Stomach cancer - 8912534
Liver cancer - 5891248
Cancer in the large intestine (colon and rectum) - 5,821,435
Ovarian cancer - 4851923
Pancreatic cancer - 8125891
Cancer of the penis - 8514921
Kidney cancer - 56789108
Ureter cancer - 5891856
Cancer on the lips - 1567812
Lymphoma in the skin - 5891243
Melanoma - 5674321
Mesothelioma - 58912434
Neuroblastoma - 8914567
Rabdomy sarcoma in children - 5671254
Kaposi sarcoma - 8214382
Soft tissue sarcoma - 54321891
Brain tumors (brain and spinal cord) - 5,431,547
Malignant tumors in the area of the mouth and throat - 1235689
Malignant tumors in the small intestine - 5485143
Malignant bone tumors - 1234589
Malignant testicular tumors - 5814321
Tumors in the nose and throat area - 5678910
Tumors in parathyroid - 1548910
Tumors of the adrenal - 5678123

Page 2
Tumors in the nose and paranasal sinuses - 8514256
Tumors in the pancreas in Langerhans islands - 8951432
Tumors in the uterus - 9817453
Sepsis Chapter 3 - 58,143,212
Acute sepsis - 8914321
Chronic sepsis - 8145421
Chapter 4 DIC syndrome and wear coagulopathy - 5148142
DIC syndrome - 8123454
Chapter 5 Diseases of the circulatory system - 1,289,435
Abnormal heart rhythm - 8543210
Aneurysm in the aorta - 48543218
Aneurysm of the heart - 9187549
Angina pectoris (heart angina) - 8,145,999
Arteriosclerosis - 54321898
Cardial asthma - 8543214
Coronary blockage - 9874321
Cardialgia - 8124567
Collapse (acute vascular insufficiency) - 8,914,320
Cor pulmonale - 5432111
Circulatory crisis (pots) - 8,543,218
Hypertensive crisis - 5679102
Neurocirculatório dystonia - 5432150
Vegetative dystonia vascular - 8432910
Myocardial dystrophy - 85432104
Coronary heart disease caused by hypertension - 8145432
Ischemic heart disease - 1454210
Pulmonary edema - 54321112
Endocarditis - 8545421
Myocardial infarction (coronary) - 8,914,325
Coronary sclerosis - 4891067
Hypertension - 8145432
Hypotension - 8143546
Idiopathic myocardial - 8432142
Circulatory failure - 85432102
Coronary heart disease - 8542106
Vascular insufficiency - 8668888
Myocarditis - 8432110
Cardiac myopathy - 8421432
Arterial occlusion - 81543213
Pericarditis - 9996127
Coronary problem acquired - 8124569
Congenital coronary problem - 9995437
Rheumatism - 5481543
Thrombophlebitis - 1454580
Varicose (varices) - 4,831,388
Systemic vasculitis - 1894238
Chapter 6 Rheumatic Diseases - 8,148,888
Takayasu arteritis (granulomatous vasculitis) - 8,945,432
Temporal arteritis giant cell - 9998102

Page 3
Infectious arthritis - 8111110
Arthritis (microcristaloide) - 0,014,235
Rheumatoid arthritis - 8914201
Arthropathy psoriatic - 0145421
Dermatomyositis (polymyositis) - 5,481,234
Diseases of the joints - 5421891
Diffuse connective tissue diseases - 5485812
Mixed connective tissue disease - 1484019
Rheumatic diseases
 the soft tissue for vascular ­ 1489123
Systemic Scleroderma - 1110006
Drop - 8543215
Granulomatosis (Wegener) - 8,943,568
Systemic lupus eridematoso - 8543148
Deforming osteoarthritis - 8145812
periarthritis - 4548145
periarteritis nodosa - 54321894
Rheumatism - 5481543
Bechterew syndrome (ankylosing spondylitis) - 4,891,201
Goodpasture's syndrome (pulmonary purpura with nephritis) - 8,491,454
Reiter's syndrome (spondyloarthritis) - 4,848,111
Sjögren's syndrome (progressive disease of the exocrine gland tissue system
autoimmune) - 4891456
Tendovaginitis - 1489154
Thromboangiitis obliterans - 8945482
Hemorrhagic vasculitis - 8491234
Systemic vasculitis - 1894238
Chapter 7 Respiratory Diseases - 5,823,214
Anthracosis - 5843214
Asbestosis - 4814321
Bronchial asthma - 8943548
Aspergillosis - 481543271
Acute stomach atony - 5485671
Bronchiolitis - 89143215
Acute bronchitis - 4812567
Chronic bronchitis - 4218910
Lung cancer - 4541589
Candidiasis in the lung - 4891444
Carboconiose - 8148545
Pulmonary infarction - 89143211
Pulmonary emphysema - 54321892
Pulmonary sclerosis - 9871234
Hepatic impairment - 8143214
Metaloconiose - 4845584
Chronic pancreatitis - 5891432
Pleurisy - 4854444
Stomach pneumatosis - 54321455
Pneumonia - 4814489
Pneumoconiosis - 8423457
Organic dust pneumoconiosis - 4548912
Sarcoidosis - 4589123

Page 4
Silicatosis - 2224698
Silicosis - 4818912
Hamann-Rich syndrome (alveolitis) - 4,814,578
Talcosis - 4845145
Pulmonary tuberculosis - 8941234
Chapter 8 Diseases of the digestive organs - 5321482
Achalasia cardia - 4895123
Food allergy - 2841482
Amebiasis - 1289145
Amyloidosis - 5432185
Functional stomach Aquilia - 8432157
Atony of the esophagus and stomach - 8123457
Bauhinite (inflammation of the ileocecal valve) - 58,432,148
Beriberi - 3489112
Bulbite - 5432114
Candidiasis - 54842148
Liver cirrhosis - 4812345
Pigmentary cirrhosis - 5454589
Acute cholecystitis - 4154382
Chronic cholecystitis - 5481245
Gallstones - 0148012
Intestinal colic - 8123457
Colitis - 8454321
Acute colitis - 5432145
Chronic colitis - 5481238
Constipation - 5484548
Hepatoventricular degeneration - 5438912
Diarrhea - 5843218
Functional diarrhea - 81234574
Intestinal Dysbacteriosis - 5432101
Biliary dyskinesia - 58432144
Dyskinesia bowel - 54321893
Dyskinesia of the intestinal tract (motor functional alteration of the
intestine) - 8,123,457
Spastic esophageal dyskinesia - 5481248
Dyspepsia - 1112223
Food dystrophy - 5456784
Liver dystrophy - 9876512
Uipl disease (intestinal lipodystrophy) - 4,814,548
Duodenitis - 5432114
Acute duodenitis - 481543288
Chronic duodenitis - 8432154
Duodenostase - 8123457
Enteritis - 8431287
Acute enteritis - 54321481
Chronic enteritis - 5432140
Enterocolitis - 8454321
Caused by gluten enteropathy - 4891483
Exudative enteropathy - 48123454
Enteropathy (lymphangiectasis) intestinal - 5214321
Intestinal enteropathy - 8432150
Enteropathy deficit disaccharidase - 4845432

Page 5
Scurvy - 5432190
Esophagitis - 54321489
Spasm in the cardia - 4895132
Spasm in the esophagus - 8123457
Fleimões (popular flegmões) stomach - 4567891
Gastritis - 5485674
Acute gastritis - 4567891
Chronic gastritis - 5489120
Gastroenteritis - 5485674
Gastroenterocolitis - 8431287
Gastroptosis - 81234574
Fat in the liver (fatty liver) - 5,143,214
Hemochromatosis (diabetes with iron deposits in the pancreas) - 5,454,589
Hepatitis - 5814243
Acute hepatitis - 58432141
Functional hepatitis (jaundice, hiperbilirumenia) - 84,514,851
Acute viral hepatitis (may be caused by Hepatitis A, B, Salmonella,
leptospirosis, and other enteroviruses) - 58432141
Chronic hepatitis - 5123891
Hepatose - 9876512
Acute Hepatose - 1234576
Hepatose cholestatic - 5421548
Essential hyperlipidemia - 4851888
Functional stomach hypersecretion - 5484214
Portal vein hypertension - 8143218
Congenital functional hyperbilirubinemia - 8432180
Post-hepatic hyperbilirubinemia - 8214321
Hypovitaminosis - 5154321
Jaundice - 5432148
Ileitis - 8431287
Cardiac insufficiency - 8545142
Intestinal lipodystrophy - 4814548
Lipoidosis in hepatosplenomegaly - 4851888
Jejunitis - 8431287
Mesenteric arteriovenous occlusion (incomplete) - 5,891,234
Gastrocardial syndrome (achalasia) - 5,458,914
Carcinoid syndrome - 4848145
Maldigestion syndrome - 9988771
Malabsorption syndrome - 48543215
Hepatolienal syndrome - 8451485
Post-hepatic syndrome - 4812819
Sprue not tropical (intestinal enteropathy on sensitivity to gluten) -
Tropical sprue (tropical diarrhea) - 5,481,215
Tuberculosis of the stomach-intestinal tract - 8143215
Gastroduodenal ulcer - 8125432
Symptomatic ulcer stomach - 9671428
Peptic ulcer of the esophagus - 8432182
Simple ulcer in the small intestine - 48481452
Chapter 9 Diseases of the kidney and urinary tract - 8941254
Amyloidosis - 4512345
Abnormalities of the urinary tract (kidney-ureter) - 1,234,571
Page 6
Cystitis - 48543211
Multiple cysts in the kidneys - 5421451
Renal colic - 4321054
Renal eclampsia - 8149141
Glomerulonephritis - 4812351
Acute glomerulonephritis - 4285614
Hydronephrosis - 5432154
Renal failure - 4321843
Acute renal failure - 8218882
Chronic renal failure - 5488821
Pyelitis - 5432110
Pyelonephritis - 58143213
Renal tuberculosis - 5814543
Uremia - 5421822
Chronic uremia - 8914381
Urolithiasis - 5432143
Chapter 10 Hematologic Diseases - 1,843,214
Agranulocytosis - 4856742
Anemia - 48543212
Aplastic anemia (hypoplastic) - 5,481,541
Anemia caused by poisoning and lead - 1237819
Anemia caused by megaloblasts - 5481254
Congenital anemia (anemia sideroacréstica) - 4,581,254
Hemolytic anemia - 5484813
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia - 5814311
Acute post-hemorrhagic anemia - 9481232
Bleeding diathesis - 5148543
Vascular bleeding diathesis - 54815438
Disprotrombinemia - 5481542
Acute disease caused by radiation - 481543294
Cytostatic disease - 4812813
Chronic disease caused by radiation - 4812453
Gaucher disease (querasino reticular - cerebrosidlipoidose) - 5,145,432
Favism - 54321457
Extramedullary hemoblastosis (lymphocytoma) - 54,321,451
Hemoblastosis paraproteinêmica (tumors in the lymphatic system) -
Hemoglobinopathy - 7891017
Nocturnal hemoglobinuria paroximal - 5481455
Leukemia - 5481347
Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714
Mielemia - 5142357
Congenital Neutropenia - 8432145
Congenital Ovalocytosis - 51454323
Reactions caused by leukemia - 5814321
Congenital Stomacitose (abnormalities in erythrocytes) - 4,814,581
Thalassemia - 7765437
Thrombocytopathy - 5418541
Hematogenous thrombophilia - 4814543
Chapter 11 Endocrine and metabolic diseases - 1823451
Acromegaly - 1854321

Page 7
Adiposity - 4812412
Congenital alteration of sex differentiation - 5451432
Endemic goiter - 5432178
Early sexual development - 4814312
Diabetes insipid - 4818888
Diabetes mellitus - 8819977
Juvenile Dispituitarismo - 4145412
Record-Basedow's disease - 5143218
Pheochromocytoma - 4818145
Hypoglycemia in insulinoma (hyperinsulinemia) - 48,454,322
Hipergonadismo - 48143121
Hyperparathyroidism - 5481412
Hyperprolactinemia - 4812454
Hypoparathyroidism (tetany) - 4,514,321
Hypothyroidism - 4812415
Failure of the adrenal - 4812314
Anterior lobe of the pituitary insufficiency (panhypopituitarism) -
Pituitary dwarfism - 4141414
Cushing syndrome - 54321458
Manly syndrome - 89143212
Thyroiditis - 4811111
Tumors - 4541548
Chapter 12 Occupational diseases - 4185481
Occupational diseases caused by biological factors - 81432184
Occupational diseases caused by physical factors - 4514541
Occupational diseases caused by chemical factors - 9916514
Occupational diseases caused by organic or systemic overload - 4814542
Chapter 13 acute poisoning - 4185412
Psychoneurotic changes - 9977881
Exotóxico shock - 4185421
Acute poisoning
 inhalation ­ 4548142
 percutaneous ­ 4814823
 peroral ­ 5142154
 injection ­ 4818142
Food poisoning bacteria and toxins - 5184231
Liver damage - 48145428
Kidney damage - 5412123
Snakebite - 4114111
Bites of snakes or arthropods - 4812521
Bee sting and wasp - 9189189
Sting Scorpions - 4188888
Tarantula bite - 8181818
Chapter 14 Infectious diseases - 5421427
AIDS (HIV-positive) - 5,148,555
Amebiasis - 1289145
Hookworm - 4815454
Ascariasis - 4814812
Balantidiose - 1543218

Page 8
Botulism - 5481252
Brucellosis - 4122222
Campylobacteriosis - 4815421
Chickenpox - 48154215
Cistericerose (caused by tapeworm) - 4,512,824
Clonorcose - 5412348
Alveolar Cocose - 5481454
Pertussis - 4812548
Cholera - 4891491
Diarrhea caused by amoebas (Shigellosis) - 4,812,148
Diphyllobothriasis - 4812354
Diphtheria - 5556679
Diseases caused by enterovirus - 8123456
Acute respiratory diseases - 48145488
Spring encephalitis - 7891010
Enterbíase - 5123542
Echinococcosis - 5481235
Erysipelas - 4123548
Scarlet fever - 5142485
Splenitis - 9998991
Strongyloidiasis - 54812527
Faciolíase (liver disease) - 4,812,542
FMD bluegrass - 9912399
Fever caused by acute Rickettsia (Q fever) - 5,148,542
Fever Ebola virus - 5184599
Hemorrhagic fever - 5124567
Flu - 4814212
Helminths - 5124548
Viral hepatitis A and B (Botkin disease) - 5,412,514
Herpes simplex infection - 2312489
Himenolipedíase - 54812548
Infection by Escherichia married - 1238888
Infection caused by meningococcus - 5891423
Infection caused by mycoplasma - 5481111
Food poisoning bacteria - 5184231
Lamblíase - 5189148
Leishmaniasis - 5184321
Leptospirosis - 5128432
Lymphadenitis - 48145421
Listeriosis - 5812438
Malaria - 5189999
Metagonimíase (helminths) - 54,812,541
Infectious mononucleosis 5142548
Opistorchose - 5124542
Ornithosis - 5812435
Parapertussi - 2222221
Epidemic Paroditite (mumps) - 3,218,421
Pediculosis - 48148121
Plague - 8998888
Pneumonia caused by legionella - 5142122
Pseudotuberculosis - 514854212
Rabies (hydrophobia) - 4,812,543

Page 9
Rotavirus infection - 5148567
Rubella - 4218547
Salmonella - 5142189
Measles - 4214825
Shistosomíase (bilharciose) - 48,125,428
Saginata tapeworm - 4514444
Taeniasis - 4855555
Tetanus - 5671454
Typhus - 1444444
Abdominal typhus exanthematous - 5189499
Typhus - paratyphoid - 1411111
Relapsing typhus (Brill's disease) - 514 854 299
Toxoplasmosis - 8914755
Tricocefalose - 4125432
Tricostrongiloidose - 9998888
Trichinosis - 7777778
Tularemia (deer fly fever) - 4,819,489
Smallpox - 4848148
Yerciniose (zoonosis) - 5,123,851
Chapter 15 Diseases caused by lack of vitamins - 1234895
Avitaminosis - 5451234
Lack of vitamin A - 4154812
Lack of vitamin B1 - 1234578
Lack of Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - 1,485,421
Lack of vitamin B3 and PP (niacin or nicotinic acid) 1842157
Lack of vitamin B6 - 9785621
Lack of vitamin C - 4141255
Lack of vitamin D - 5421432
Lack of vitamin K - 4845414
Hipopolivitaminose, Polivitaminose - 4815432
Hypovitaminosis - 5154231
Chapter 16 Children's Diseases - 18543218
Respiratory allergies - 45143212
Anemia caused by lack of iron - 1458421
Hemolytic anemia toxic - 45481424
Anemia - 48543212
Bronchial asthma - 58145428
Foreign body aspiration - 4821543
Acute bronchitis - 5482145
Allergic bronchitis - 5481432
Deficit alpha1-antripsina - 1454545
Diabetes phosphate - 5148432
Diabetes kidney insipides - 5121111
Diabetes mellitus - 4851421
Allergic diathesis - 0195451
Bleeding diathesis - 0480421
Lymphatic diathesis - 5148548
Parenteral dyspepsia - 8124321
Simple dyspepsia - 5142188
Toxic dyspepsia - 514218821

Page 10
Vegeto-vascular dystonia - 514218838
Celiac disease - 4154548
Hemolytic disease of the newborn - 5125432
Hemorrhagic disease in newborn - 5128543
Exudative enteropathy - 4548123
Spasticity - 5148999
Spasms pylorus - 5141482
Spasms - 51245424
Stenosis of the pylorus - 5154321
Phenylketonuria - 5148321
Galactosemia - 48125421
Renal glycosuria - 5142585
Glomerulonephritis - 5145488
Hemophilia - 548214514
Hepatitis - 5814243
Portal vein hypertension - 45143211
Hypervitaminosis D - 5148547
Hypothyroidism - 4512333
Histiocytosis X - 5484321
Neonatal jaundice - 4815457
Infection caused by staphylococci - 5189542
Congenital coronary heart disease - 14891548
Early poisoning tuberculosis - 1284345
Allergic laryngitis - 58143214
Laryngitis stenosis - 1489542
Leukemia - 5481347
Mucoviscidosis - 9154321
Congenital nephritis - 5854312
Allergic pneumonia - 51843215
Chronic pneumonia - 51421543
Pneumonia in newborn - 5151421
Thin nodular pneumonia - 4814489
Nonspecific chronic polyarthritis - 8914201
Pseudohypoaldosteronism (diabetic renal salt) - 3,245,678
Pseudo-laryngitis (Pseudocrupe) - 5,148,523
Rickets - 5481232
Rheumatism - 5481543
Rhinitis and sinusitis - 5814325
Allergic tracheitis - 514854218
Sepsis in newborn - 4514821
Adrenogenital syndrome - 45143213
Alcohol syndrome in the fetus - 4845421
Debre-Franconi Syndrome (loss adrenogenital salt) - 4,514,848
Malabsorption syndrome - 4518999
Respiratory distress syndrome in newborn - 5148284
Toxic syndrome - 5148256
Subfebrilidade in children - 5128514
Subsepsis of Wissler-Fanconi (specific form of rheumatoid arthritis) -
Trauma intracranial during birth - 518999981
Tuberculosis - 5148214
Hemorrhagic vasculitis (capillary toxicosis, Schönlein-Henoch disease) -
Vomiting - 1454215

Page 11
Surgical diseases in children - 5182314
Angioma - 4812599
Appendicitis - 9999911
Biliary atresia - 9191918
Atresia and stenosis in the duodenum - 5557777
Atresia in years and straight - 6555557
Esophageal atresia - 8194321
Atresia in the small intestine - 9188888
Meckel's diverticulum (ileum) - 4,815,475
Stenosis of the pylorus - 5154321
Fleimões in newborns - 51485433
Cephalic hematoma - 48543214
Gastrointestinal bleeding - 5121432
Diaphragm hernia - 5189412
Herniated embryonic navel - 5143248
Invagination - 5148231
Osteomyelitis with pus foci in the epiphysis - 12345895
Cleft palate - 5151515
Esophageal burning by chemical - 5148599
Teratoma in the coccyx area - 481543238
C hapter 17 Obstetrics, female diseases - 1489145
Amenorrhea - 514354832
Anesthesia during childbirth - 5421555
Adnexitis (ovarian inflammation) - 5,143,548
Anomalies during childbirth - 14891543
Stroke of attachments - 1238543
Asphyxia of the fetus and newborn - 4812348
Bartholinitis - 58143215
Cancer in the female organs - 5148914
Anovulatory cycle - 4813542
Cistoma in Annexes (ovary) (epithelial tumor) - 58,432,143
Cysts in Annexes (cysts in the ovaries) - 5,148,538
Climacteric neuroses in menopause - 4851548
Itchy vulva - 5414845
Colpitis - 5148533
Corioepitelioma (chorion carcinoma) - 4,854,123
Aseptic cut the umbilical cord - 0123455
Craurose the vulva - 58143218
Early placental abruption - 1111155
Determination of date of birth - 1888711
Dysmenorrhea, menstrual bleeding with pain - 4815812
Diseases of the mammary glands (low milk production) - 48,123,147
Women's Diseases - 1854312
Amniotic fluid embolism - 5123412
Endocervicitis - 4857148
Endometriosis - 5481489
Endometritis - 8142522
Erosion of the cervix - 54321459
Esclerocistose ovary (Stein-Leventhal) - 518 543 248
Excess amniotic fluid - 5123481

Page 12
Genital fluoride (discharge) - 5,128,999
Gonorrhea in women - 5148314
Pregnancy - 1899911
Extrauterine pregnancy - 4812311
Multiple pregnancy - 123457854
Prolonged pregnancy - 5142148
Gynaecological haemorrhages - 4814821
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding - 4853541
Infertility - 9918755
Leukoplakia of the vulva, cervix - 5185321
Fibroid in the uterus - 51843216
Cystic Spring - 4121543
Oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries) - 5,143,548
Early birth - 1284321
Parametritis - 5143215
Anatomically narrow pelvis - 4812312
Close pathological pelvis - 4858543
Narrow pelvis - 2148543
Normal postnatal period - 12891451
Pathological postnatal period - 41854218
Placenta previa - 1481855
Polyps in the colon and uterine body - 518999973
Umbilical cord prolapse - 1485432
Prolapse of the uterus and vagina and uterus fallen - 514832183
Breaking the sex organs - 148543291
Salpingitis - 5148914
Adrenogenital syndrome - 148542121
Premenstrual syndrome - 9917891
Toxicosis during pregnancy - 1848542
Tuberculosis in the sexual organs - 8431485
Vaginitis (colpitis) - 5,148,533
Vulvitis - 5185432
IPV - 5814513
Chapter 18 Neurological disorders - 148 543 293
Brain abscess - 1894811
Spinal muscular atrophy - 5483312
Peroneal muscular atrophy (Charcot-Marie) - 4,814,512
Aneurysm in the vessels supplying the brain - 1485999
Arachnoiditis - 4567549
Athetosis - 1454891
Headache - 4818543
Coma - 1111012
Corea - 4831485
Nerve damage because of rheumatism - 8185432
Fainting (syncope) - 4,854,548
Hepatocerebral dystrophy - 48143212
Progressive muscular dystrophy - 85432183
Sleep disorders - 514248538
Viral encephalitis - 48188884
Migraine - 4851485
Migraine in half of the head - 4831421

Page 13
Epidurite - 888888149
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - 5148910
Multiple Sclerosis - 51843218
Phacomatosis - 5142314
Herpes Zoster - 5144322
Hidroencefalia - 81432143
Cerebrovascular insult - 4818542
Spinal insult - 8888881
Meningitis - 51485431
Myasthenia - 9987542
Myelitis - 4891543
Myelopathy - 51843219
Mielose funicular - 518543251
Myotonia congenita (Thomsen Syndrome) - 4,848,514
Dystrophic myotonia (Kischmann-Balter-Steiner Syndrome) - 481 543 244
Mononeuropathy - 4541421
Narcolepsy - 48543216
Neurosyphilis - 5482148
Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve - 5148485
Ophthalmoplegia - 4848532
Facial paralysis / neuropathy of the facial nerves - 518999955
Periodic paralysis family - 5123488
Parkinson - 5481421
PC infantile cerebral palsy - 4818521
Acute polio epidemic - 2223214
Polyneuropathy - 4838514
Banal radiculitis (radiculopathy intervertebral discs) - 5,481,321
Asthenic syndrome - 1891013
Eidi Syndrome - 18543211
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (poliradiculite) - 4,548,128
Diencephalic syndrome (hypothalamic) - 514 854 215
Post-puncture syndrome (eg after CSF puncture.) - 818 543 231
Syringomyelia - 1777771
Dizziness - 514854217
Craniocerebral trauma - 51843213
Tremor - 3148567
Brain tumors - 5451214
Tumors in the spinal cord - 51843210
Tumors in the peripheral nervous system (neuromas) - 514 832 182
Chapter 19 Mental diseases - 8345444
Alcoholism - 148543292
Hallucinations, obsessions - 8142543
Misty consciousness - 4518533
Mental defect - 8885512
Traumatic encephalopathy - 18543217
Epilepsy - 1484855
Schizophrenia - 1858541
Negative states - 5418538
Hypochondriac - 1488588
Ideas hipervalorizadas - 148454283
Narcomania (drug addiction - drug addiction) - 5,333,353

Page 14
Neurosis - 48154211
Mental retardation - 1857422
Progressive paralysis - 512143223
Psychopathy - 4182546
Depressive-manic psychosis (bipolar) - 514 218 857
Pre-senile psychosis - 18543219
Reactive psychosis (for toxins) - 1,142,351
Senile psychosis - 481854383
Symptomatic psychosis - 8148581
Reactive psychosis - 0101255
Affective syndrome - 548142182
Amnestic syndrome (Korsakow) - 4,185,432
Catatonic syndrome - 51843214
Delusion syndrome (illusion) - 8,142,351
Hallucination syndrome (Halucinose) - 4,815,428
Hysterical syndrome - 5154891
Psycho-organic syndrome - 51843212
Substance Abuse and narcomania (alcohol) - 1,414,551
Chapter 20 Sexual problems - 1456891
Ejaculation disorders - 1482541
Disorders of erection - 184854281
Sexual disorders - 1818191
Neurohumoral sexual disorders - 1888991
Psychic sexual disorders - 2148222
Frigidity - 5148222
Hypersexuality - 5414855
Impotence - 8851464
Onanism (masturbation) - 0,021,421
Sexual perversion - 0001112
Sexual problems created in the imagination - 1484811
Vaginismus - 5142388
Chapter 21 Skin and venereal diseases - 18584321
Actinomycosis in the skin (deep pseudomicose) - 148 542 156
Alopecia - 5484121
Skin angiitis, vasculitis - 1454231
Balanitis - 5814231
Soft venereal cancer - 4815451
Candidiasis - 9876591
Itchy skin - 1249812
Condyloma acuminata - 1489543
Simple carnation - 514832185
Atopic dermatitis - 5484215
Dermatitis - 1853121
Ringworm - 5148532
Dermatomychosis (microsporia) - 1,858,321
Eczema - 548132151
Epizoonose (caused by scab) - 5189123/8132548
Exudative erythema multiforme - 548142137
Erythema nodosum - 15184321
Erythrasma (pseudo-mycosis) - 4,821,521

Page 15
Male gonorrhea - 2225488
Leprosy - 148543294
Ichthyosis (scaly skin) - 9,996,789
Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis - 1482348
Mastocytosis - 148542171
Ringworm fungus with aspect (benign lymphoma of the skin) - 4,814,588
Molluscum Contagiosum - 514321532
Neurodermatitis - 1484857
Pyoderma - 51432149/8145321
Pink Pityriasis (eritematoscamose) - 5,148,315
PV - 18543214
Psoriasis - 999899181
Rosacea - 518914891
Sarna - 5189123/8132548
Seborrhea - 1234512
Syphilis - 1484999
Lyell's syndrome (acute toxic epidermolysis) - 4,891,521
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (most exudative erythema multiforme) -
Tinea (ringworm of the foot) - 4,518,481
Had favosa - 4851481
Toxicodermia - 514832184
Athlete's foot - 4858415/4851482
Tuberculosis skin - 148543296
Skin tumors - 1458914
Urticaria - 1858432
Vasculitis in the skin - 5142544
Warts - 5148521
Vitiligo - 4812588
Chapter 22 Surgical Diseases - 18574321
Abscess - 8148321
Actinomycosis - 4832514
Prostate adenoma - 51432144
Traumatic amputation - 5451891
Aneurysm - 48543218
Aneurysm of the heart - 9187549
Ankylosis - 1848522
Appendicitis - 54321484
Atheroma - 888888179
Congenital biliary atresia in newborn - 948514211
Esophageal atresia - 518543157
Broncoectasias - 4812578
Bursitis - 75184321
Anthrax - 483854381
Traumatic shock - 1454814
Cyst in the mammary gland - 4851432
Cysts and fistulas in the lateral neck - 514854214
Cysts and fistulas neck middle - 4548541
Epidermoidal tailbone cyst - 9018532
Congenital lung cyst - 4851484
Cholangitis - 8431548
Gallstones - 0148012

Page 16
Acute cholecystitis - 4154382
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis - 48143211
Freezes - 4858514
Contractures of the joints - 8144855
Dupuytren Contracture - 5185421
Bruising - 0156912
Foreign body in the esophagus - 14854321
Foreign body in the stomach - 8184321
Foreign body in the bronchi - 5485432
Foreign body in soft tissue - 148543297
Cryptorchism - 485143287
Decubitus - 6743514
Deformation of the big toe out - 5418521
Distortions - 5148517
Diverticula - 48543217
Intestinal diverticula - 4851614
Crohn's disease - 94854321
Surgical diseases of the abdominal organs - 5184311
Surgical diseases of the thoracic organs - 5184312
Surgical diseases in adult - 5843215
Surgical diseases in newborns - 514218871
Acute surgical diseases of the abdominal organs - 5484543
Motor apparatus and support Diseases - 514218873
Inflammatory diseases with pus - 514852171
Traumatic and orthopedic diseases - 1418518
Pleural empyema - 514854223
Endarteritis obliterans - 4518521
Stenosis of the pylorus - 81543211
Wounds - 5148912
Injury to internal organs - 8914319/5432188
Fibroadenoma in the mammary gland - 4854312
Phimosis and paraphimosis - 0180010
Anal fissure - 81454321
Fistula in the rectum - 5189421
Tracheoesophageal fistula - 514854714
Phlebothrombosis - 1454580
Fleimões - 48143128
Fleimões necrotic in newborns - 514852173
Fracture - 7776551
Boil - 5148385
Gas gangrene - 45143218
Gangrene in the lung - 4838543
Gynecomastia - 4831514
Hemarthrosis - 4857543/7184321
External bleeding - 4321511
Internal bleeding - 5142543
Hemorrhoids - 58143219
Hepatitis (jaundice) Mechanical - 8012001
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia - 518543257
Hernias - 95184321
Hydrocele testis and seminiferous channel - 481543255
Inflammation of the sweat glands (hidroadenite) - 4,851,348

Page 17
Leiomyoma - 5514214
Lymphadenitis - 4542143
Lymphangitis - 484851482
Lipoma - 4814842
Mastitis - 8152142
Mastitis in newborn - 514854238
Mastopathy - 84854321
Mediastinitis - 4985432
Megacolon - 4851543
Occlusion of arteries mesenteriais - 81543213
Intestinal occlusion - 4548148
Orchitis - 818432151
Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis - 5141542
Traumatic osteomyelitis - 514854221
Whitlow - 8999999
Acute pancreatitis - 4881431
Acute Paraproctite - 4842118
Flat feet - 1891432
Equinus foot - 485143241
Peritonitis - 1428543/4184321
Pyopneumothorax - 148543299
Pneumothorax - 5142147
Spontaneous pneumothorax - 481854221
Polyp - 4819491
Prolapsed anus - 514832187
Prostatitis - 9718961
Pseudoarthrosis - 4814214/8214231
Thermal burnings - 8191111
AUR - 0144444
Torn meniscus - 8435482
Dumping syndrome (small stomach) - 4,184,214
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome - 148543295
Post-cholecystectomy syndrome - 4518421
Twist - 5123145
Torticollis - 4548512
Trauma caused by electroshock - 5185431
Thromboangiitis - 5432142
Thrombophlebitis - 1454580
Tuberculosis bone - 148543281
Penetrating ulcer - 9148532
Perforating ulcer - 8143291
Trophic ulcer - 514852154
Ingrown toenail - 4548547
Urethritis - 1387549
Varicose veins in the lower extremities - 4831388
Varicose veins in the seminiferous channel - 81432151
Chapter 23 ENT Diseases - 1,851,432
Retropharyngeal abscess - 1454321
Adenoid - 5189514
Aerosinusite - 514854237
Angina (acute tonsillitis) - 1999999

Page 18
Antrite (otoantrite) - 1,844,578
Atresia and inexia nasal cavities - 1989142
Wax in the ear - 48145814
Foreign body - 54321545
Diaphragm of the glottis - 148543283
Meniere's disease - 514854233
Edema in the glottis - 2314514
Epistaxis - 65184321
Scleroma (rinoescleroma) - 0,198,514
Spasm in the larynx - 485148248
Stenosis of the glottis - 7654321
Congenital stridor (permanent noise when breathing) - 4,185,444
Eustaquiite - 18554321
Pharyngitis - 1858561
Fibroma in the nose area, throat, pharynx - 1111122
Boil at the entrance of the nostrils - 1389145
Hematoma of the nasal septum - 5431482
Hypertrophy of the tonsils - 4514548
Labyrinthitis - 48154219
Laryngitis - 4548511
Acute mastoiditis - 514832186
Ringworm in the pharynx - 1454511
Cochlear neuritis (neuritis of the acoustic nerve = tinnitus) - 1,488,513
Otitis - 55184321
Otosclerosis - 4814851
Oto-hematoma - 4853121
Otomycosis - 514832188
Ozena (fetid rhinitis) - 514 854 241
Paresis and paralysis in the glottis - 1854555
Pyocele the front sinuses - 5148322
Polyps in the nose - 5519740
Rhinitis - 5189912
Vasomotor allergic rhinitis - 514852351
Sepsis otogênea - 5900001
Nasal septum deviation - 148543285
Sinusitis - 1800124
Acute tonsillitis - 1999999
Chronic tonsillitis - 35184321
Trauma in the ears - 4548515
Tuberculosis in the glottis - 5148541
Tumor glottis - 5148742
Chapter 24 Ophthalmic Diseases - 1,891,014
Amblyopia - 1899999
Asthenopia - 9814214
Astigmatism - 1421543
Optic nerve atrophy - 5182432
Blepharitis - 5142589
Chalazion - 5148582
Cataract - 5189142
Conjunctivitis - 5184314
Vernal conjunctivitis - 514258951

Page 19
Choroiditis - 5182584
Dacryocystitis - 45184321
Thermal and actinic damage to the eye - 8881112
Retinal detachment - 1851760
Ectropion - 5142321
Endophthalmitis - 514254842
Scleritis, episcleritis - 514854248
Strabismus - 518543254
Exophthalmos - 5454311
Injury to the eyeball - 518432118
Glaucoma - 5131482
Hemeralopia (night blindness) - 5,142,842
Hyperopia - 5189988
Friendly Iridocyclitis - 8185321
Iritis - 5891231
Dislocation of the lens - 25184321
Myopia - 548132198
Neuritis of the optic nerve - 5451589
Occlusion of the central retinal artery - 514852178
Occlusion of the central retinal vein - 7777788
Panophthalmitis - 5141588
Papilledema - 145432152
Presbyopia - 1481854
Pterygium - 18543212
Ptosis of the upper eyelid - 18543121
Burn conjunctiva, cornea and retina by intense light - 5841321
Keratitis - 518432114
Ulcerative keratoconjunctivitis - 548432194
Retinitis - 5484512
Sty - 514854249
Trachoma - 5189523
Uveitis - 548432198
Chapter 25 Diseases in the teeth and mouth - 1488514
Abscess in the paranasal sinuses - 518231415
Alveolitis - 5848188
Ankylosis in temperomandibular joint - 514852179
Arthritis in the joint temperomandibular - 548432174
Caries - 5148584
Cysts in the jaw and the jaw - 514218877
Tooth acute pain - 5182544
Stomatitis - 4814854
Fleimões in the paranasal sinuses - 5148312
Fracture of the jaw - 5182148
Tooth fracture - 814454251
Gingivitis - 548432123
Chronic gingivostomatitis - 514854814
Glossalgia - 514852181
Glossitis - 1484542
Tooth post-extraction bleeding - 8144542
Tooth soreness - 1484312
Enamel hypoplasia - 74854321

Page 20
Endopério injury - 3124601
Leukoplakia - 485148151
Dislocation of the joint temperomandibular - 5484311
Tooth dislocation - 485143277
Osteomyelitis in the mandible and maxilla - 5414214
Papillitis - 5844522
Paradontosis - 58145421
Pericoronitis - 5188888
Periodontitis - 5182821
Pulpite - 1468550
Cheilitis (inflammation of the lips, lip mucosa and lip skin) - 518 431 482
Tartarus - 514852182
Xerostomia - 5814514
Chapter 26 Diseases and unknown states - 1884321
Head - 1819999
Neck - 18548321
Arm and right hand - 1854322
Arm and left hand - 4851484t
Trunk - 5185213
Leg and right foot - 4812531
Leg and left foot - 485148291
Spine 214 217 000 819
Cervical spine - 312 218 212 918
Thoracic spine - 214 217 814 717
Lumbar spine - 498 217 218 227
Sacrum - 213 819 222 218
Coccyx - 218 312 248 228
Chapter 27 Standardization of laboratory tests - 1489999
Systemic activity of neuroendocrine regulation - 518432121
Bile - 514852188
Blood chemistry - 514832189
Intestinal contents - 1485458
Saliva - 514821441
Blood system - 148542139
Gastric juice - 5148210
Urine - 1852155
Blood system - 148542139
Peripheral blood - 4181521
Hemoglobin - 4218543
- Men - 81432142
 women ­ 2154321
Erythrocytes - 518432129
 men ­ 81543212
 women ­ 2143215
Content of pigments - 81432152
Leukocytes - 514854240
 men ­ 514852187

Page 21
 women ­ 8231454
Normalization of laboratory tests - 1489991
Number of platelets per ml blood - 5148154
Reticulocytes - 518231418
VHS (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) - 514 832 101
 men ­ 542154351
 women ­ 4218321
Blood cells - 148542118
 men ­ 5421852
 women ­ 4321852
Normalization of leukocytes - 1489121
 myelocytes ­ 1842142
 metamyelocytes ­ 1844152
 Neutrophils ­ 485148293
- Rods - 514832102
- Targeted - 518432128
 Eosinophils ­ 5482151
 Basophils ­ 518432120
 Lymphocytes ­ 8514321
 Monocytes ­ 514232191
Erythrocytes - 518432127
 osmotic resistance of erythrocytes ­ 148542145
- Minimum - 18543210
- Maximum - 58432142
 average in fresh blood ­ 5184321
 blood incubated ­ 518543299
 MCV (mean corpuscular volume) ­ 5,184,514
 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin ­ 5854321
 Concentration mean corpuscular hemoglobin ­ 8543154
 diameter of erythrocytes ­ 5142185
 Hematocrit ­ 148542118
in men - 5421852
in women - 4321852
Trombocitograma - 1845481
Morphologic features of the puncture in the sternum - 1848432
Cellular elements - 514321541
 Blasts undifferentiated ­ 1845421
 myeloblasts ­ 4851321
 Neutrophils ­ 5142184
- Promyelocytes - 514254355
- Myelocytes - 518432125
- Metamyelocytes - 5182321
- Rods - 514231482
- Targeted - 514832103
 All neutrophils elements ­ 5145321

Page 22
 Basophils of all generations ­9998143
 All eritrocariócitos ­ 1894321
 Erythroblast ­ 1487121
 Pronormoblastos (Pronormócitos) ­ 518 432 123
 normoblasts (Normócitos) ­ 518 432 124
- Basophils - 548432125
- Policromatófilos - 514832108
- Oxífilos - 518432122
 Monocytes ­ 5484314
 Lymphocytes ­ 1485321
 Plasma ­ 518432134
 reticular cells ­ 518432137
 Megakaryocytes ­ 514832107
 Number of Mielocariócitos (1000 per microl) ­ 5,143,121
 number of megakaryocytes (1000 per microl) ­ 5,999,911
 Correlation of Leucoeritroblastos ­ 148542199
 maturation index ­ 5482132
 Eritrocariócitos ­ 548451238
 Neutrophils ­ 514832105
Linfadenograma per 1000 cells - 1,891,821
Lymphoblasts - 5148213
Prolinfócitos - 518432135
Lymphocytes - 5421532
Reticular cells - 5182134
Plasma cells - 5482142
Monocytes - 548432188
Giant cell - 543218823
Neutrophil granulocytes - 5145421
Eosinophil granulocytes - 5488121
Basophil granulocytes - 5821452
Esplenograma per 1000 cells - 1,899,145
Lymphoblasts - 1854548
Prolinfócitos - 5842214
Lymphocytes - 8542145
Reticular cells - 9999991
Plasma cells - 8887777
Eritrocariócitos - 8914214
Myelocytes - 514832191
Metamyelocytes - 584321591
Neutrophil granulocytes - 548132174
Eosinophil granulocytes - 5485142
Basophil granulocytes - 3214852
Blood coagulation system and fibrinolysis - 751483218
Clotting time - 51432141
 venous ­ 5851321
 capillary ­ 3148514
Bleeding time - 51454328
Thromboelastography - 514832193

Page 23
 reaction time ­ 548543234
 clotting time ­ 5158321
Maximum width - 5483248
Plasma recalcification time - 51485432
Tolerance citrate plasma with heparin - 5488312
Tolerance of plasma oxalate with heparin - 5488345
Plasma tolerance with protamine sulfate - 5488314
Plasma prothrombin time - 5488415
Pro-thrombin time in the capillary blood - 514231499
Antithrombin activity - 514852191
Prothrombin need - 8542314
Plasma fibrinolytic activity - 3148542
Fibrinogen plasma (weighing method) - 4,851,321
Fibrinogen plasma (caloric) - 514 832 192
Fibrinogen plasma B - 14814325
Fibrin stabilizing factor (XIII) - 485 142 175
Generating test thromboplastin (plasma, platelets, serum) - 514 832 194
Concentration Factor II (prothrombin) - 4,854,451
Concentration Factor V (proacelerina) - 548 132 132
Factor VIII concentration - 54321483
Concentration of X Factor - 45481451
Concentration of Factor VII - 5485145
Fibrin degradation products - 1483214
Partial thromboplastin time activated - 4518231
Fibrinomonômeros complexes soluble in plasma - 518432132
Platelet Adhesion - 5481253
Aggregation time stimulating the ADF - 1483545
Disintegration time - 5483212
Search the ABO blood groups through serum (standard) - 148 542 117
The (1) - 148 542 188
A (II) - 145 432 171
B (III) - 1,454,213
AB (IV) - 4,444,888
Search the ABO blood groups through erythrocytes (standard) -
O - anti-A and anti-B (I) - 148 542 185
A - anti-B (II) - 145 432 182
B - anti-A (III) - 1,454,213
AB - 4444888
Urine 1852155
Physical characteristics - 85432181
Amount of urine / day (800-1500 ml)
 Condensation ­ 1821452
 morning urine ­ 1824351
 maximum osmotic concentration ­ 5432152
 Color ­ 5143212
 Transparency ­ 3814321
Chemical content - 1485218
Reaction - 51432181

Page 24
Protein - 54321858
Glucose - 5432841
Acetone - 543218848
Ketone bodies - 5185411
Urobilin bodies - 5148218
Bilirubin - 5145821
Ammonia - 5421321
Uric acid - 518888842
Purine bases - 9999991
 Hypoxanthine ­ 1998214
 Xanthine ­ 5148211
Urea - 5814321
Creatinine - 5854321
 men ­ 814254351
 women ­ 5182843
Creatine - 518432139
Alpha-amylase - 5821341
Uropepsina - 518432179
Potassium - 5142311
Sodium - 5148211
Chlorine - 5148544
Inorganic phosphorus - 5184322
Sediments of urine - 5148211
Epithelial cells - 8148211
Leukocytes - 5188911
 men ­ 5191522
 women ­ 543218845
Erythrocytes - 8910101
Drums - 5148514
Mucus - 5148512
Bacteria - 514831254
Inorganic sediments - 514218878
 in acidic reaction ­ 8432111
 in alkaline reaction ­ 2222543
Urine test methods
Kakowski-Addis method - 514218897
24-hour urine:
 Leukocyte ­ 1234588
 Red cells ­ 5488511
 Drums ­ 514548823
Netschiporenko method - 148851481
1 ml of urine contains:
 Leukocyte ­ 5488144
 Red cells ­ 514548891
 Drums ­ 1888455
Sternheimer-Malbin method - 1454588
Leukocytes assets per ml of urine - 1454588
Functional examination of kidneys - 1485454

Page 25
Dilution examination - 1454818
Examination of concentration - 1451855
Simintzki exam - 1458815
Rehberg exam - 1458817
Elimination of examination of indigo carmine - 5454888
Volume of the tubular secretion - 5884555
Intestinal contents - 1485458
Total volume in 24 hours - 1823454
Consistency - 148543287
Fashion - 148543290
Color - 512314542
Reaction - 5485451
Mucus, blood - 518432181
Microscopy of stool - 1854532
Muscle fibers - 5421321
Tissue - 518432183
Neutral fat - 518432187
Fatty acid and saponified fat - 145432191
Plant cellulose - 518432189
 digested ­ 5182321
 undigested ­ 5148345
Starch - 5821314
Debris - 5142389
Mucus epithelium - 8432548
Leukocytes - 82143213
Chemical particles (measured for 24 hours) - 5,145,814
Nitrogen - 1248510
Proteins - 0100101
Bilirubin - 1484545
Water - 1489891
Fats - 548214583
Potassium - 7148565
Calcium - 6414854
Coproporphyrins - 6651049
Sodium - 5432182
Urobilin - 148542183
Saliva - 514821441
Quantity - 18754321
Proportional density - 5843210
pH - 14542108
Chemical composition 14542101
Nitrogen (protein-free) - 1,482,314
Ammonia - 5891420
Proteins - 54854321
Total calcium - 5451231
Carbonates (CO2) - 5,142,843
Uric acid - 5421314

Page 26
Urea - 54815425
Potassium - 9981521
Phosphatides - 5148512
Inorganic phosphate - 5458212
Clorídeos - 514852193
Cholesterol - 5821542
Gastric juice - 5148210
Quantity - 5482142
Proportional density - 5210840
pH - 1234542
Chemical composition - 8912014
Nitrogen (not derived proteins) - 814 854 218
Urea and ammonia - 548214891
Amino Acids - 5124312
Clorídeos - 5812543
Free hydrochloric acid - 1584321
Uric acid - 514832198
Potassium - 4821358
Sodium - 4812844
Content of gastric juice fasting - 48142123
Quantity - 514854148
Acid amount in general - 9998111
Free hydrochloric acid - 518432191
Pepsin - 5842144
Analysis of "basal secretion" - 8142521
General content collected in 4 portions within 60 minutes - 81,454,322
General content of acid in gastric juice - 5424321
Free hydrochloric acid - 5142811
Examination of stimulating secretion - 148542173
Microscopy of gastric contents - 1891512
Starches - 1894512
Muscle fibers - 1111110
Fat - 0124895
Plant cells - 5814321
Epithelium - 548543281
Erythrocytes - 514854251
Leukocytes - 518432199
Yeast - 514854258
Lactic acid bats - 518432197
Bile - 514852188
Quantity harvested 24 hours (500-1000ml) - 8,219,931
Bile Position - 1548212
Nitrogen - 8145214
Colino - 518432198
Bile acid - 1454815
Lecithin - 5121314
Page 27
Cholesterol - 5148212
Proteins - 514821447
Bilirubin - 5182514
Alpha-amylase - 1454521
Trypsin - 514854261
And Xame of duodenal content - 215184321
Quantity - 1245212
Color - 5124321
Transparency - 5124512
Proportional density - 1891701
Reaction - 5172456
Stimulation of bile flow - 1284521
Quantity - 1285514
Color - 5124851
Transparency - 1821532
Proportional density - 89143214
Reaction - 8432151
Bilirubin mg% - 5124814
Microscopic examination of the bile portions - 1485451
Epithelium - 5184512
Leukocyte - 235184321
Mucus - 148542175
Cholesterol crystals and calcium bilirubinate - 1485142
Liquor - 1489100
Quantity - 1891421
Proportional density - 5451422
Pressure 150 - 200mm Hg lying - 52,143,213
 300 ­ 400mm Hg sitting ­ 5214321
Color (colorless, rarely yellowish, grayish) - 1,222,227
Citose in 1 mcl - 1,845,451
Ventricular net - 5814212/5482999
Net cisternal - 5814321/5821531
Lumbar net - 5812432/5148512
pH - 514821453
Total protein - 775184321
Glucose - 5891488
Ion Chlorine - 8142835
Blood chemistry - 514832189
Total proteins and fractions - 185843218
Total serum protein - 1814542
Fibers - 815184321
Globulins - 5182321
Fibrinogen - 58432149
Protein fractions (electrophoresis on paper) - 148 542 138
Albumin - 4821512

Page 28
Globulins: - 5814321
alpha1 - 5121451
alpha 2-8910104
ß - 1482182
range - 1424214
Test disproteinêmico - 1421514
Weltmann test - 1821521
Sulema test - 1421542
Thymol test - 5148512
Remaining nitrogen and its components - 91854321
Remaining nitrogen - 5148212
Urea - 5432180
Amino acid nitrogen - 148542161
Uric acid - 815518432
Creatine - 885184321
 men ­ 295184321
 women ­ 5432148
Creatinine - 5148211
 men ­ 5184321
 women ­ 5182144
Ammonia - 489152141
No other proteins - 1482155
Polypeptides, nucleotides and others - 5148514
Xantoproteína reaction - 54321488
Blood creatine - 5148215
plasma - 1485425
Blood urea nitrogen (urea: 2.14) - 5,142,182
Contents of the most important amino acids in blood plasma - 1824542
Aminoacetic acid - 5121542
Alanine - 5482142
Methionine - 5481214
Valine - 518254442
Leucine - 5185148
Isoleucine - 5152142
Tyrosine - 5482142
Phenylalanine - 1854212
Tryptophan - 1854511
Lipids - blood plasma component - 1845489
Total lipids - 1454525
Phospholipids - 5154812
Lipofosfatos - 1852312
Neutral fats - 1485214
Triglycerides (blood serum) - 18,543,215
Nonesterified fatty acids - 145454577
Free fatty acids - 8912542
Total cholesterol - 1482121
Free cholesterol - 1482541
Esterified cholesterol - 1248542

Page 29
alpha-lipoproteídeos - 1454214
 men ­ 5482142
 women ­ 542143221
ß-lipoproteídeos - 174845421
Total cholesterol content depending on age - 1482152
20 years - 1,482,142
30 - 1821251
40 years - 543 218 891
50 years - 1,489,100
60 years - 0,018,914
70 years - 0,010,101
Lipoproteídeos components and some qualities of blood serum -
Proportional density - 5481214
Molecular weight - 5182142
Proteins in general (%) - 5,182,414
>> Lipids (%) - 5,482,121
Free cholesterol (%) - 5,121,489
Esterified cholesterol - 1842514
Phospholipids (%) - 514 854 272
Cholesterol (general) - 51,245,422
Phospholipids,% - 5148542
Uriglicerídeos,% - 5148212
Blood components of carbohydrate metabolism - 514214891
Glycogen in the blood - 785184321
Blood glucose - 1485451
The method of Hagedorn-Jensen:
- Pure Blood (intact) - 1,234,681
Orthotoluidine method: - 148542163
-human Blood pure - 1485418
 Plasma ­ 548214547
Glicoseoxidase method - 5451481
 Glucose purebred (intact) ­ 5,184,512
 plasma glucose and serum ­ 5148512
Fructose - 5182142
Serum galactose - 1821421
Lactic acid - 5421431
Pyruvic acid - 5481214
Acetone - 5142182
Acid ß oxigordura - 1821451
Protein and carbohydrate components - 5148512
Glycoproteins - 5184542
Serum - Hexose protein bound - 1482154
Serum mucoid - 5121481
 as content hexose ­ 1425128
Turbidimetric method - 4812523
Sialic Acid - 5142821
Pigments metabolism measurement standards in the blood - 548132177

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Total bilirubin - 5414218
 combined ­ 5128143
 free ­ 52143218
Mineral standards - metabolism in the blood - 518431181
Serum calcium - 1485321
Serum magnesium - 514831298
Serum chloride - 1482182
Serum inorganic phosphorus - 1482152
Serum iron - 1481521
Free transferrin - 18543216
Transferrin full - 1821542
Serum copper - 1481214
Ceruloplasmin - 1482182
 plasma ­ 1421542
 erythrocytes ­ 5124821
 plasma ­ 1421542
 erythrocytes ­ 1482121
Lithium - 514821458
Standards of blood acid-base status - 1454821
Concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) - 1,897,012
 men ­ 0014248
 women ­ 0148000
Partial pressure of CO
) - 5182421
 men ­ 5128314
 women ­ 2185432
Cap Base - 514821461
Base excess (BE) - 1,482,185
 men ­ 5148218
 women ­ 2100011
Standard bicarbonate - 1845421
True bicarbonate - 555184321
Total - 3148222
Activity of serum enzymes - 1482542
serum alpha-amylase - 148542114
Aspartate amino transferase - 148582114
Alanine amino transferase - 1824821
Lactate dehydrogenase - 1482542
Lactate dehydrogenase stable urea - 5481212
Cholinesterase - 1821541
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase - 1482542
Lipase - 5821321
Alkaline phosphatase Total - 1481212
Isoenzymes - 1215421
Phosphatase acid full - 1248212
Trypsin - 148542187
Fructose-1-fosfataldolase - 1,821,512
Fructose-1,6-fosfataldolase - 1,482,543

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Sorbitoldesidrogenase of - 1421821
Glucose-6-phosphate erythrocytes - 148 542 152
Creatininafosfoquinase full - 1851421
Isoenzymes creatininafosfoquinase: - 5148212
 BB ­ 5182411
 MB ­ 5843212
 MM ­ 4821542
Some immunological blood standards - 148542153
Antiguinalurodinase - 4812153
The Antistreptolysin - 1454512
Waaler-Rose test - 1482125
Serum lysozyme - 1821542
Serum properdin - 1821543
Serum complement - 1854521
Rheumatoid factor - 1821521
alpha-Fetoprotein - 5821432
C-reactive protein - 5182421
Antibodies to leukocyte - 5148123
Antibodies to DNA - 1482482
Cancer antigens - 481854224
Content of serum immunoglobulins - 141521
- Men - 5821451
 Women ­ 3215214
Content T and B lymphocytes in the blood - 1482123
T lymphocytes - 5814321
B lymphocytes - 1458512
Systemic activity of neuroendocrine regulation - 518432121
System Pituitary-Adrenal - 514831299
Hormone content in the blood - 5148212
Adrenocorticotróficos hormone (ACTH) - 148 542 191
17- serum Oxicorticosteroides - 1,482,542
11- Oxicorticosteroides - 1854512
 summaries ­ 5184999
 free ­ 5199421
Cortisol - 5851422
Hydrocortisone - 5185142
Content hormones and their metabolites in urine - 518232
17-Cetostoide - 5148512
 women ­ 5148212
 men ­ 9999991
17-Oxicorticosteroides - 1.821 million
 summaries ­ 0018542
 free ­ 4821322
Cortisol (hidrocortisol) - 1,454,542

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Pituitary System - Gonads - 1821454
in blood plasma (RIA) - 5,148,512
Luteinizing hormone (LH), med / ml - 514 852 199
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) med / ml - 5485154
Lactógenos (prolactin) ng / mL / mcg / l - 1,458,215
Testosterone, ng / 100ml - 5145421
Progesterone ng / ml - 51421541
Estrogens summaries, ng / ml - 52143219
Estriol, ges, ng / ml - 5184214
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DGEA) ng / ml - 1821542
Urine - 5182132
Estrogen summary (RIA) mcg / - 5,214,321
DGEA mg / s - 514821465
Renin System - Aldosterone - 1482152
Plasma renin activity - 1482154
 lying ­ 1821321
 standing ­ 5432151
Plasma aldosterone - 1482159
 lying ­ 9149999
 standing ­ 9114801
 Aldosterone in urine ­ 1482185
Thyroid hormones - 81432157
Plasma - 4814825
Total thyroxine (adult and newborn) - 5,481,214
Free thyroxine - 1484545
Triiodothyronine - 5481545
Thyroid stimulating hormone - 4854515
Bound iodine with albumin - 1845421
Biogenic amines - 4148214
Catecholamines in urine - 148542192
Adrenaline - 1854215
Noradrenaline - 8214854
Dopamine - 5821545
Acid vanilmandelic - 514821478
Homovanilina acid - 5148215
Oxindolina 5-acetic acid (5-OIES) - 1,854,212
Serotonin in the blood - 5148123
Blood histamine - 514854291
Other hormones - 518214831
Somatotropic hormone - 514821479
 men ­ 54321487
 women ­ 5185214
Insulin in the blood - 5845421
Gastrin - 9990185
Glucagon in pancreatic blood - 5482157
Peptides in the blood C - 45481422

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