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................................................................. `up' (+1) or `down' (-1). Although real spins in most materials have
Mean-®eld cluster model for the more than two available states, for simplicity I approximate these
multiple degrees of freedom by multiple Ising-like quasiparticles, or
critical behaviour of ferromagnets `particles' for short. For a cluster of m particles, with interaction
strength e0/2z between each particle and its z nearest neighbours,
Ralph V. Chamberlin the interaction energy per particle may be written15 V m …l; l‡‡ † ˆ
2 …e0 =4†…8l‡‡ =zm 2 4l=m ‡ 1†, where l is the number of `up'
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Arizona State University, Tempe, particles and l++ is the number of pairs of interacting `up' particles.
Arizona 85287-1504, USA Most of the dif®culty in evaluating Vm(l,l++) comes for the pair-
interaction term l++. In the mean-®eld approximation, this dif®-
.............................................................................................................................................. culty is avoided by using the average value l‡‡ =m < …z=2†…l=m†2 ,
Two separate theories are often used to characterize the para- leaving V m …l† < 2 …e0 =4†…2l=m 2 1†2 . Although local correlations
magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials. At temperatures are known to cause signi®cant deviations from in®nite-ranged
T well above the Curie temperature, TC (where the transition models near TC, here I show that these correlations can be attributed
from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic behaviour occurs), classical to a similar mean-®eld model applied to ®nite clusters.
mean-®eld theory1 yields the Curie±Weiss law for the magnetic Starting with an isolated cluster of size m, I make two basic
susceptibility: x…T† ~ 1=…T 2 £†, where £ is the Weiss constant. assumptions to justify the mean-®eld result. (1) Net angular
Close to TC, however, the standard mean-®eld approach breaks momentum is conserved; thus changes in l can occur only through
down so that better agreement with experimental data is provided contact with neighbouring clusters, whereas spin-conserving changes
by critical scaling theory2,3: x…T† ~ 1=…T 2 T C †g, where g is a in the local con®guration (l++) occur internally. (2) Net energy per
scaling exponent. But there is no known model capable of particle (em(l)) is conserved by a balance between potential and
predicting the measured values of g nor its variation among kinetic energies; thus con®gurations with low potential energy have
different substances4. Here I use a mean-®eld cluster model5 high kinetic energy and vice versa, so that the virial theorem for any
based on ®nite-size thermostatistics6,7 to extend the range of realistic potential near a stable equilibrium yields em …l† ˆ 2V m …l†. In
mean-®eld theory, thereby eliminating the need for a separate the Ising model, energy-carrying ``demons'' have been used as a
scaling regime. The mean-®eld approximation is justi®ed by using reservoir of kinetic energy to maintain the microcanonical
a kinetic-energy term to maintain the microcanonical ensemble8.
The model reproduces the Curie±Weiss law at high temperatures,
but the classical Weiss transition at TC = £ is suppressed by ®nite-

log[correlation range (nm)]

1 1
size effects. Instead, the fraction of clusters with a speci®c amount
of order diverges at TC, yielding a transition that is mathemati-
cally similar to Bose±Einstein condensation. At all temperatures
log[susceptibility (e.m.u. g–1)]

above TC, the model matches the measured magnetic susceptibil-

ities of crystalline EuO, Gd, Co and Ni, thus providing a uni®ed
picture for both the critical-scaling and Curie±Weiss regimes. –1 –1
In 1873 van der Waals presented the ®rst viable model for a phase
transition9. His model involved coupling the local degrees of free-
dom to the average ®eld arising from the rest of the sample. This
concept, which is the basis of mean-®eld theory, remains the most
versatile approach for characterizing the internal response of real –3
substances such as dense gases, ¯uids and solids. In the 1940s, EuO
however, Onsager10 proved that the two-dimensional Ising model Gd
does not obey the standard mean-®eld predictions of a phase
transition at T C ˆ £ with g ˆ 1, and Guggenheim11 showed that
measured critical exponents differ systematically from classical –5 Ni
values. Considerable insight into non-classical scaling was obtained
–3 –2 –1 0
in the 1960s and 70s, and modern theoretical techniques yield
accurate critical exponents for most models with homogeneous
interactions. Although basic scaling has provided a useful descrip- Figure 1 Scaling plot of the magnetic susceptibilities of crystalline europium oxide23,24,
tion over a range of temperatures near the transition, and correc- gadolinium25±27, cobalt28,29 and nickel30,31. Each dashed curve is a best ®t to
tions to scaling12,13 can extend this range, mean-®eld theory is still x…T † ~ 1=…T 2 £† at high temperatures, giving the Weiss constant £. Note that Co has
best for data at high temperatures. not been measured to high enough temperatures to show clear Curie±Weiss behaviour.
Most previous cluster models14,15 involved evaluating the con®g- Each dotted line is a best ®t to x…T † ~ 1=…T 2 T C †g near TC, giving the critical exponent
urations of a single cluster, then coupling it to the mean ®eld from g. None of the substances has the Heisenberg-model slope g ˆ 1:387 (dot-dot-dashed
the rest of the sample. However, as the correlation length diverges line), not even EuO, which is among the most highly localized and isotropic spin systems
near TC, very large clusters are necessary for accurate calculations, so known. Although Gd and Co show a range where their slopes are similar to the standard
that there is little or no computational advantage over evaluating the Ising value g ˆ 1:240 (dot-dashed line), close inspection reveals their slight sigmoidal
entire system. Here I consider clusters with unrestricted sizes, but curvature, with slopes very near to TC that are somewhat less than the Ising model.
use a mean-®eld expression for the interactions within each cluster, Because the measured critical exponents do not correspond to any known homogeneous
and ignore the direct interactions between clusters. The mean- model, the combination of empirical scaling plus Curie±Weiss law requires ®ve adjustable
®eld result greatly simpli®es the mathematics, while the extra parameters. In contrast, the single expression equation (2) (solid black curves) gives good
degrees of freedom from unrestricted sizes give the correct critical agreement for the entire paramagnetic phase, without having to introduce a separate
behaviour. transition temperature and amplitude prefactor for the scaling regime. The uppermost
My model is equivalent to the original Weiss theory applied to plots are of the magnetic correlation range (y) of Co, as measured by small-angle neutron
®nite clusters, so I begin with a brief review of the accepted scattering22 (®lled triangles), and as deduced from the average number of particles
description of ferromagnets at high temperatures. Let ji represent in an aggregate, ( mn †1=3 , normalized to give one atomic radius as T ! ` (solid grey
the alignment of the ith particle, so that in the Ising model ji may be curve).

NATURE | VOL 408 | 16 NOVEMBER 2000 | © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 337
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ensemble8. (Note that an energy offset necessary to give em …0† ˆ 0 Equation (2) has three adjustable parameters: x0 governs the
has been neglected, but this offset is irrelevant for the changes in amplitude of response, e0 gives the energy scale of interactions,
em(l) that govern the thermal properties of the cluster.) Using Gibbs' while m controls the entire distribution of clusters. In general m/kBT
fundamental postulates of statistical mechanicsÐthat all allowed is weakly temperature dependent; for example, an ideal gas has
states are equally likely and that the equilibrium of a ®nite system is m=kB T ˆ constant 2 …3=2† ln…T†. Empirically, Fig. 1 shows that over
found from its time-averaged propertiesÐthe net energy per a wide range of temperatures, the constant values of m/kBT given in
particle is em …l† ˆ 2 …e0 =2†‰4l…l 2 1†=m…m 2 1† 2 4l=m ‡ 1Š. Table 1 provide good agreement with the measured magnetic
One way to demonstrate the validity of em(l) is to examine the susceptibilities from four standard ferromagnets. This single
interaction energies of a speci®c example. Consider four spins parameter, which for m=kB T ( 2 ln…2† yields large but ®nite clus-
(m ˆ 4), with two `up' spins (l ˆ 2), arranged in a square so that ters, controls all of the deviations from the Curie±Weiss law around
each spin interacts with its two nearest neighbours (z ˆ 2). One set e0/kB and all of the critical behaviour near TC.
of four con®gurations has the aligned spins at adjacent corners of The phase transition can be interpreted using the scaled align-
the square giving V 4 …2; 1† ˆ 0, while another set of two con®gura- ment variable, L ˆ 2l=m 2 1, so that in zero ®eld the energy per
tions has the aligned spins at diagonal corners giving particle becomes e…L† ˆ 2 …e0 =2†L2 . Note that |L| is the usual
V 4 …2; 0† ˆ ‡e0 =4. Because all six con®gurations are equally likely, ferromagnetic order parameter, and that the energy is a maximum
the equilibrium potential energy per particle is when there is no order e…0† ˆ 0, and a minimum when the cluster is
V 4 …2† ˆ ‰4…0† ‡ 2…e0 =4†Š=6 ˆ e0 =12. Thus, even for a small cluster fully aligned e… 6 1† ˆ 2 e0 =2. Using Stirling's approximation for
with only two nearest neighbours the net energy is in full agreement the factorials, and converting the sum over l to an integral over L, the
with e4 …2† ˆ e0 =6; and for large clusters when …l 2 1†=…m 2 1† < l=m, partition function becomes ¡ < S`mˆ2 e‡1 21 exp‰ 2 m­…L†=kB TŠdL,
this energy approaches the standard mean-®eld result. Indeed, where the grand potential per particle is ­…L† ˆ e…L† 2 m ‡
except for a surface-tension term which can be neglected for …1=2†kB T{…1 ‡ L†ln‰…1=2†…1 ‡ L†Š ‡ …1 2 L†ln‰…1=2†…1 2 L†Š}. Figure
large clusters, em(l) is the exact equilibrium energy for the Ising 2 shows that ­(L)/kBT exhibits typical Landau-like behaviour, with
interaction plus kinetic energy in the appropriate microcanonical a parabolic curve at T q e0 =kB , that ¯attens about L ˆ 0 at
ensemble. T ˆ e0 =kB , then develops two distinct minima at T , e0 =kB . An
Now let the cluster interact with an ensemble of other clusters. in®nite cluster would reside in the single minimum at L ˆ 0 for
The exchange of angular momentum allows all possible values of l, T . e0 =kB , then for T , e0 =kB its symmetry would break into one of
the exchange of particles allows all possible values of m, and the the ordered minima. Finite clusters, however, have Boltzmann-
exchange of energy de®nes the temperature T. Using the binomial weighted ¯uctuations over all values of L, so that the average local-
coef®cient for the degeneracy of each state, the partition function order parameter jLj < S`mˆ2 e‡1 21 jLj exp‰ 2 m­…L†=kB TŠdL=¡ is non-
becomes: zero at all temperatures. Similarly, even for T ( e0 =kB, this short-
range order does not yield a net spontaneous magnetization in a
` m
¡ˆ ^ ^ …m 2 l†!l! exp
mˆ2 lˆ0
2 m‰em …l; H† 2 mŠ=kB T …1† macroscopic sample because the bulk behaviour is averaged over
many clusters with all values of L. Near TC where m q 100, jLj
increases rapidly with decreasing temperature so that it is dif®cult to
Here m is the chemical potential, em …l; H† ˆ em …l† ‡ M 0 H…2l=m 2 1†
distinguish this abrupt local ordering from the true ferromagnetic
is the net energy of a particle with magnetic moment M0 in an
transition. At TC, the solid curve in Fig. 2 shows that ­…L† becomes
applied ®eld H, and the size summation starts at m ˆ 2 to avoid the
zero for one speci®c value of |L|, where the divergent sum in ¡ yields
ill-de®ned interaction energy of an isolated particle. Although
a macroscopic fraction of these clusters, much like the divergence
equation (1) resembles the grand canonical ensemble, in fact ¡
for one speci®c value of momentum in Bose±Einstein condensa-
contains only the intensive variables T, H and m, allowing ¯uctua-
tion. It is this divergence that matches the measured critical
tions in energy, magnetization and size. This is a type of `general-
behaviour of all four ferromagnetic materials shown in Fig. 1.
ized' ensemble that is rarely used in the macroscopic limit where the
An in®nite cluster has no other clusters with which to interact, so
three intensive variables cannot be independent, but it is the only
its equilibrium energy above TC is limm!` em …m=2† ˆ 0, as in the
type of ensemble that does not arti®cially restrict the internal
classical mean-®eld theory. Here I have shown that a macroscopic
¯uctuations of a bulk sample. Indeed, a central feature in the
theory of nanothermodynamics6,7 is that small systems have large
¯uctuations so that only the appropriate ensemble exhibits correct
behaviour. 0.50
The partition function, equation (1), yields all equilibrium
thermal properties of the sample. Speci®cally, the average cluster
size is m ˆ ]ln¡=]…m=kB T†, and the low-®eld susceptibility per T>>ε0/kB
particle ‰…kB T]2 ln¡=]H 2 †=mŠH!0 is: T=ε0/kB

Ω (L) / kBT

` m
x =k T …2l 2 m†2 m!
x…T† ˆ 0 B
m¡ ^^
mˆ2 lˆ0
…m 2 l†!l!
exp 2 m‰em …l† 2 mŠ=kB T …2† 0.25


Table 1 Thermodynamic parameters

Substance Published parameters This work
TC (K) £ (K) g e0/kB (K) m=k B T ‡ ln2 0.00
............................................................................................................................................................................. –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
EuO (23, 24) 69.59 81 1.29 75.0 2 4:0 3 10 2 3 L
Gd (25±27) 293.6 317 1.23 306.3 2 1:3 3 10 2 3
Co (28, 29) 1,388 1,415 1.21 1,511 2 5:2 3 10 2 3 Figure 2 Landau-like plot of the reduced grand potential per particle, ­…L†=k B T , as a
Ni (30, 31) 627.2 654 1.29 647.8 2 8:0 3 10 2 4
............................................................................................................................................................................. function of the scaled alignment variable L, at four different temperatures. The offset from
Shown are Curie temperature (TC), Weiss constant (£), critical exponent (g), net interaction (e0/kB)
and effective chemical potential (m=kB T ‡ ln2) as determined from the magnetic susceptibility of
­…L†=k B T ˆ 0 at L ˆ 0, which keeps the partition function ®nite at T . T C and is
europium oxide, gadolinium, cobalt and nickel. shown in Table 1 to be jm=k B T ‡ ln2j , 10 2 2 , has been greatly ampli®ed for clarity.

338 © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 408 | 16 NOVEMBER 2000 |
letters to nature
sample can increase its local order and lower its net energy by 29. Colvin, R. V. & Arajs, S. Magnetic susceptibility of face-centred cubic cobalt just above the
ferromagnetic Curie temperature. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 26, 435±437 (1965).
subdividing into ®nite clusters of strongly interacting particles, with 30. Fallot, M. ParamagneÂtisme des eÁleÂments ferromagneÂtiques. J. Phys. (Paris) 8, 153±163 (1944).
relatively weak exchange of thermal properties between clusters. 31. Arajs, S. Paramagnetic behavior of nickel just above the ferromagnetic Curie temperature. J. Appl.
Furthermore, the sample can increase its entropy by forming Phys. 36, 1136±1137 (1965).
aggregates of statistically indistinguishable clusters, with an average
number of clusters per aggregate of n ˆ ]ln…S`nˆ1 ¡ n =n!†=]ln¡ (ref. 5). Acknowledgements
Evidence for anomalous clustering can be found in measurements of I thank K. E. Schmidt and G. H. Wolf for several insights into the subject reported here. I
magnetic hysteresis16, angle-resolved photoemission17 and neutron also thank B. Geil, T. L. Hill, S. M. Lindsay and R. Richert for discussions. This work was
scattering18, but perhaps the most direct demonstration of thermo- supported by the NSF.
dynamic heterogeneity comes from the technique of non-resonant
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to the author
spectral hole burning, NSHB19. Observation of NSHB requires the (e-mail:
energy absorbed in a selected degree of freedom to remain localized
for at least as long as its slow response, which is interpreted as
selective local heating. Magnetic NSHB has been observed in a spin
glass20 and in single crystals of EuS and Fe (ref. 21).
The solid symbols in Fig. 1 show the measured magnetic
correlation range (y) in crystalline Co (ref. 22). Assuming aggre-
gates of compact clusters, a theoretical expression for y varies as Universal quantum computation
(m n)1/3. Indeed, (m n)1/3 exhibits a temperature dependence that is
similar to y, but its amplitude is about a factor of ten too large. At with the exchange interaction
least part of this discrepancy comes from the inadequacy of the Ising
model for real spins. When normalized to give one atomic radius as D. P. DiVincenzo*, D. Bacon²³, J. Kempe²§k, G. Burkard¶ & K. B. Whaley²
T ! ` (solid grey curve in Fig. 1), there is quantitative agreement
between (m n)1/3 and y with no new parameters. Thus I have shown * IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights,
that the failure of classical mean-®eld theories to yield local New York 10598, USA
correlations, and the failure of homogeneous models to yield the ² Department of Chemistry, ³ Department of Physics, § Department of
measured critical exponents, can be resolved by applying essentially Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
the same mean-®eld theory to ®nite clusters with unrestricted k EÂcole Nationale Superieure des TeÂleÂcommunications, 46 rue Barrault,
sizes. M 75634 Paris Cedex 13, France
¶ Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Basel,
Received 24 May; accepted 20 September 2000. Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
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