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Celestial Sphere and


6.1 Introduction

6.2 Celestial Sphere and References

6.3 Apparent Annual Motion of the Sun and the Concept of the Ecliptic and the
‘Obliquity of the Ecliptic’
6.4 The Equinoctial System of Coordinates
6.4.1 Reference Great Circles – Equinoctial, Celestial Meridians of Greenwich and
Celestial Meridian of the First Point of Aries
6.4.2 Coordinates – Declination, Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA), Local Hour Angle
(LHA), Sidereal Hour Angle, Right Ascension

6.5 Relationship between GHA, LHA and Longitude

6.6 The Concept of the Earth’s Axial Rotation Causing Change in the Hour
Angle of Bodies
6.7 Summary
6.8 Key Words
6.9 Answers to SAQs

In order to use celestial bodies (the Sun, Planets, Moon, and stars) for position fixing it is
required that we know their position in the sky. The position of a celestial body is
defined on the celestial sphere by using different coordinate systems based on their
purpose. The coordinate systems used are equinoctial system, Horizon system and
ecliptic system. In this unit we will discuss the equinoctial coordinate system of defining
position of the body in the sky, which is used in the Nautical Almanac.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
• define the celestial sphere, celestial poles, celestial meridians, equinoctial,
declination circles,
• explain the apparent annual motion of the sun and the concept of the ecliptic
and the ‘obliquity of the ecliptic’,
• explain the equinoctial as a fixed reference plane and the direction of the
First Point of Aries as a reference direction (ignoring the effect of
• describe the equinoctial system of co-ordinates,
• define ‘Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA)’, ‘Local Hour Angle (LHA)’ and
longitude, and explain their relationship,
• define sidereal hour angle, declination, and right ascension, and
• describe the concept of the earth’s axial rotation causing change in the hour
angle of bodies.

Celestial Navigation
In celestial navigation, the earth is assumed to be a perfect sphere, located at the center of
the universe. At night when we look at the sky we see all heavenly bodies located on a
hemispherical dome called the celestial sphere. The earth is assumed to be stationary due
to which all celestial bodies appear to move on the celestial sphere. The grid for pin
pointing position of a celestial body may be imagined to be created by projecting the
earth’s grid on the celestial sphere with light source at the center of the earth.
North Celestial Poles (NCP)


Earth’s North Pole

Earth’s Meridian



Celestial Meridians

Celestial Sphere

South Celestial Poles (SCP)

Figure 6.1
6.2.1 Definitions
Celestial Sphere
It is a sphere of immense radius whose centre is same as centre of the earth. It is
the sphere on which all celestial bodies appear to lie. As calculations in celestial
navigation are based on angular measurements, the radius of the earth is irrelevant.
It can be also defined as sphere of infinite radius concentric with the earth.
Celestial Poles
The earth’s poles extended to meet the celestial sphere are called celestial poles
(north celestial pole and south celestial pole). They can also be defined as outward
projection of the earth’s poles on the celestial sphere.
Equinoctial or Celestial Equator
Equinoctial is a great circle on the celestial sphere whose plane is same as plane of
the earth’s equator. It can be also defined as projection of the equator on the
celestial sphere.
Celestial Meridians
The semi-great circles on the celestial sphere joining the celestial poles or
projection of the earth’s meridians on the celestial sphere. Celestial meridians cut
the equinoctial and the declination circles at 90º.
Declination Circles / Parallels of Declination
These are small circles on the celestial sphere parallel to the plane of equinoctial.
Declination circles may also be defined as projection of parallels of latitude on the
celestial sphere.


The solar system consists of the Sun, the planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), the planetary satellites (moons), asteroids, comets
and meteors. The most important member of the Solar system is the Sun. All the planets
revolve eastward in elliptical orbits around the sun. The earth also rotates eastward on its Celestial Sphere and
Equinoctial System of
axis. Coordinates

For the purposes of celestial navigation the earth is assumed to be stationary. Therefore
due to eastward revolution of the Earth, the Sun appears to move eastwards on the
celestial sphere, in the plane of the Earth’s orbit.

Celestial Sphere


Earths Orbit

Figure 6.2

Figure 6.2 shows the apparent motion of the Sun along the great circle on the celestial
sphere, due to the eastward motion of the earth in its orbit. The great circle on the
celestial sphere in the plane of the earth’s orbit is called Ecliptic. It is so called because
the Sun, Moon and Earth must be on this plane for a solar or lunar eclipse to occur.
The projection of the Sun on the ecliptic from successive positions of the earth in its
orbit, appears to constantly move eastwards. The earth’s axis is inclined to its orbiting
plane by about 23° 26.7′. Therefore the equinoctial also makes the same angle with the
plane of ecliptic. The angle at which the plane of ecliptic cuts the equinoctial plane is
called Obliquity of Ecliptic.
First Point of Aries γ
The ecliptic intersects the equinoctial at two points called the equinoctial points.
The equinoctial point when the Sun appears to cross the Equinoctial from South to
North is called first point of Aries and is denoted by symbol γ. This occurrence
takes place on 21st March, at Vernal Equinox. The first point of Aries is considered
as fixed point on the celestial sphere (ignoring precession of equinoxes will be
discussed in later units).
First Point of Libra Ώ
The equinoctial point when the Sun appears to cross the Equinoctial from North to
South is called first point of Libra, and is denoted by the symbol K.
The First point of Aries and the First point of Libra were named after the
constellations in which they once lay. These points are however moving westward
slowly, along the Ecliptic. Due to this, the 1st point of Aries is no longer in the
constellation of Aries. It is now in the constellation of Pisces.

Celestial Navigation
The coordinates used to define the position of a celestial body on the celestial sphere in
the equinoctial system are Declination and Greenwich Hour Angle. This system of
coordinates is used in Nautical Almanac to define the position of celestial body at any
instant of the year. For determining these coordinates reference used are as follows.
6.4.1 The Reference Great Circles Used in the Equinoctial System
Equinoctial is the great circle on the celestial sphere which is equidistant from the
celestial poles or whose plane is same as the plane of equator. This is the reference
plane from which declination of astronomical bodies is measured north or south.
Celestial Meridian Passing of Greenwich
It is the celestial meridian that passes through Greenwich. Greenwich Hour Angle
(GHA) of all celestial bodies is measured westward from this reference great
Celestial Meridian of First Point of Aries
It is the celestial meridian that passes through first point of Aries. Sidereal Hour
Angle of all celestial bodies is measured with reference to this great circle.
6.4.2 The Coordinates in the Equinoctial System
It is the arc of celestial meridian passing through the body contained between the
Equinoctial and the body. It may be also defined as arc of celestial meridian or the
angle at the centre of the earth contained between the Equinoctial and the
declination circle passing through the body. If the body is North of the equinoctial
the declination is North and if the body is South of the equinoctial declination is
named South. As it is angular measure it is expressed in degrees and minutes and
its value is in between 0º to 90º N or S.
Hour Angle (HA)
Hour Angle is arc of the Equinoctial or the angle at the celestial poles contained
between two celestial meridians.
Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA)
GHA of a celestial body is the arc of the Equinoctial or the angle at the celestial
poles contained between the celestial meridian of Greenwich and celestial meridian
passing through the body, measured westward from celestial meridian of
Greenwich. It is expressed in degrees and minutes and its value is in between
0º to 360º.
Sidereal Hour Angle (SHA)
SHA of a celestial body is an hour angle the arc of the Equinoctial or the angle at
the celestial pole contained between the celestial meridian of the First point of
Aries and that through the body, measured westward from Aries.
Right Ascension (RA)
RA of a celestial body is an hour angle contained between the celestial meridian
of the First point of Aries and the celestial meridian passing through the body,
measured eastward from Aries. RA is generally expressed in hours, minutes and
seconds, instead of, in arc.
Since SHA is measured westward and RA eastwards from the same point, the SHA
and RA of any body will together always add up to 360°.
SHA* + RA* = 360º
Local Hour Angle (LHA) Celestial Sphere and
Equinoctial System of
LHA of a celestial body is an hour angle contained between the observer’s Coordinates
celestial meridian and the celestial meridian through that body, measured westward
from the observer. If the angle or arc is measured eastward from the observer, it is
known as the Easterly Hour Angle (EHA) and not LHA.
LHA* + EHA* = 360º








Figure 6.3 : Equinoctial Coordinate System


As we know the longitude is measured East or West with reference to Greenwich
meridian hence the GHA and LHA of a celestial body are also related. The relationship
can be easily understood and shown on the plane of Equinoctial that is projecting the
celestial meridians on the plane of Equinoctial from the celestial pole. In this projection
the celestial meridians will appear as radial lines and the centre of the equinoctial circle is
celestial pole. Looking from North celestial pole West-ward angles and arcs are measured
clockwise. Eastward angles and arcs are measured counter-clockwise. The angle at the
Pole, between any two meridians is equal to the corresponding arc on the Equinoctial.



Figure 6.4 Figure 6.5

In Figure 6.4 In Figure 6.5 33

Celestial Navigation
LHA* = ∠ WPX = ∠ GPX − ∠ GPW LHA* = ∠ EPX = ∠ GPX + ∠ GPE
= GHA* − Long. (West) = GHA* + Long. (East)
LHA* = GHA* − Long. (West) LHA* = GHA* + Long. (East)
GHA* = LHA* + Long. (West) GHA* = LHA* − Long. (East)
(Longitude West GHA BEST) (Longitude East GHA LEAST)

Example 6.1
Calculate the LHA of a star whose GHA is 70°, for an observer in longitude
Longitude East GHA Least
LHA* = GHA* + Long (E)
= 70° + 147°
= 217°
LHA* = 217°
Example 6.2
Calculate the GHA of Sun which is on the meridian for an observer in longitude
When meridian of the observer is also the celestial meridian of the body then :
LHA = 000°
Longitude is West ∴ GHA is Best
LHA = GHA − Long (W)
0° = GHA − 97°
GHA = 0° + 97°
GHA  = 97°
The above questions can also be solved with the help of drawing the diagram on
the plane of the equinoctial.
(a) What is equivalent coordinate for declination in geographical system of
defining position on the surface of the Earth?
(b) What is the obliquity of the ecliptic?
(c) To an observer the Sun’s LHA was 342°, when its GHA was 35°. Find the
longitude of the observer.
(d) For an observer in DR 20º 12′S 164º 44′E, the EHA of Moon was 71º. Find
GHA of the Moon.
(e) Calculate LHA γ, when GHA was 49° and the longitude of the observer is

Celestial Sphere and
The Earth rotates on its axis from West to East i.e. counter clockwise as viewed from
above the North Pole, at the rate of 15º 2.46′ per hour that is completing one rotation in
23 hours 56 minutes 04.1 seconds. Due to the rotation of the Earth the entire celestial
sphere appears to rotate in the opposite direction, i.e. from East to West completing an
apparent rotation of 360° in about 24 hours.
Due to rotation of the Earth the meridian of Greenwich also rotates and so does the
celestial meridian of Greenwich. Since GHAs of all celestial bodies are measured
westward from the celestial meridian of Greenwich therefore the GHAs of all celestial
bodies increase by 15° 2.46′ per hour due to rotation of the Earth.
The GHA of celestial bodies change due to the following reasons :
• Rotation of the Earth
• Revolution of the Earth
• Movement of the Celestial bodies, e.g. Revolution of planets and the Moon
The GHA of stars changes only due to rotation of the Earth, the stars being at immense
distance revolution of the Earth doesn’t register any angle at the stars and stars motion
with respect to Sun or other stars is very slow, e.g. abt 3.7 seconds per year of Arcturus.
The GHA of stars and first point of Aries γ increases by 15° 2.46′ per hour.

Figure 6.6 : GHA* at Initial Stage

Figure 6.7 : GHA* after 1 hour increases due to Eastward Motion of the Celestial Meridian of
Greenwich due to Rotation of the Earth

The GHA of Sun changes due to rotation of the Earth and revolution of the Earth and it
increases by about 15° per hour. The GHA of planets and the Moon changes due to
rotation of the Earth, revolution of the Earth and their own motion. Change in GHA of
the Sun, planets and the Moon will be further discussed in Unit 7 of this block.

Celestial Navigation
If the geographical coordinates and reference circles are expanded to meet the celestial
sphere we have the grid, references and coordinates of the equinoctial system. The
similarity can be drawn from the table below :
Geographical Equinoctial Coordinate
Coordinate System System
Sphere Earth Celestial Sphere
Grid Meridians Celestial Meridians
Parallels of Latitude Parallels of Declination
References Equator Equinoctial
Meridian of Greenwich Celestial Meridian of
Coordinates Latitude Declination
Longitude Greenwich Hour Angle

The equinoctial system is used in Nautical Almanacs for defining the position of
heavenly bodies used for navigation purpose at any given Greenwich Mean Time.
The relationship between GHA and Longitude is given by :
LHA* = GHA* + Long (E) and LHA* = GHA* − Long (W)
The above can be easily remembered by :
“Longitude East GHA Least” and “Longitude West GHA Best”
The annual apparent path of the Sun on the celestial Sphere is called Ecliptic. The
Equinoctial cuts the Ecliptic at an angle of about 23º 30′ at two points called equinoctial
points namely First Point of Aries and First Point of Libra. The point when the Sun
appears to cross the Equinoctial from North to South is called First Point of Aries and is
reference point for measuring SHA.
The GHAs of celestial bodies’ increases by about 15º due to rotation of the Earth.


Celestial Sphere : A sphere of infinite radius whose centre is the
Earth’s Centre.
Equinoctial : A great circle on every point on which is 90º from
the celestial poles.
Greenwich Hour Angle : An hour angle contained between celestial
meridian of Greenwich and celestial meridian of
the body measured westward.
Sidereal Hour Angle : An hour angle contained between celestial
meridian of γ and celestial meridian of the body
measured westward.
Local Hour Angle : An hour angle contained between celestial
meridian of the observer and celestial meridian of
the body measured westward.
Right Ascension : An hour angle contained between celestial
meridian of γ and celestial meridian of the body
measured eastward.
Easterly Hour Angle : An hour angle contained between celestial Celestial Sphere and
Equinoctial System of
meridian of the observer and celestial meridian of Coordinates
the body measured eastward.
Declination : It is arc of celestial meridian passing through the
body contained between equinoctial and the body.


(a) Latitude
(b) It is the angle between the plane of Equinoctial and Ecliptic and is about
23º 26.7′.
(c) 04 h 35 m 00 s
(d) 53º W
(e) 124º 16′E


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