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Name: Aprilyn T.

Batayo BSA-II

Pros and Cons Grid

Advantages of Partnership Disadvantages or Partnership
Tax advantages Unlimited liability
Low start-up cost Lack of Continuity
More partner, more funds Difficulty of finding partner
Limited Regulation Divided authority
Ease of information Possible conflict among partners
Broader management base Slower decision making
Easier to form and run business Joint Accountability

Advantages of Sole Proprietorship Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship

Easy Formation Limited resources
Tax advantage Limited life
Prompt decision Unlimited liability
Easy dissolution Scale of business and expertise

Advantages of Corporation Disadvantages of Corporation

Limited liability Extensive paperwork
More money for investment Double taxation
Size Two tax returns
Perpetual life Size
Ease of ownership change Termination difficult
Ease of drawing talented employees Conflict with Stockholder and Board
Separation of ownership or management Initial cost

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