Prepare Your Organization To Fight Fires

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In 1949, a forest fire claimed see from what follows, minimal or-
ganizations, exemplified by the crew
the lives of 13 young men. at Mann Gulch and found at a grow-
ing number of businesses, are sus-
Their tragedy holds lessons for ceptible to sudden and dangerous
today's organizations. losses of meaning.
Fight Fire with Fire
The fire at Mann Gulch probably
began on August 4 when lightning
set a small fire in a dead tree. The
temperature reached 97 degrees the

Prepare Your next day and produced a fire danger

rating of 74 out of a possible 100,
indicating the potential for the fire
to spread uncontrollably. When the
Organization to fire was spotted by a lookout on a
mountain 30 miles away, 16 smoke
jumpers were sent at 2:30 from
Fight Fires Missoula, Montana, in a C-47 trans-
port plane. (One man became ill and
didn't make the jump.) A forest
ranger posted in the next canyon, Jim
Harrison, was already on the scene
trying to fight the fire on his own.
by Karl Weick Wind conditions that day were
turbulent, so the smoke jumpers and
their cargo were dropped from 2,000
feet rather than the usual 1,200. The
parachute connected to their radio
Young Men and Fire observations of tbe remote Mann failed to open, and the radio was pul-
Norman Maclean Gulcb site, documents from Forest verized as it hit the ground. But the
Chicago: University of Service arcbives, and mathematical remaining crew and supplies landed
Chicago Press, 1992 models of tbe blaze to reconstruct safely in Mann Gulch by 4:10. The
tbe events of tbat tragic day nearly smoke jumpers then collected their
What should the structure of a balf a century ago. supplies, which had scattered wide-
small group be when its business is On August 5,1949, at about 4 P.M., ly, and grabbed a quick bite to eat.
to meet sudden danger and prevent 15 smoke jumpers - trained fire- While the crew ate, foreman Wag-
disaster? That question was not figbters but new to one anotber as ner Dodge met up with ranger Harri-
posed by an arbitrage unit leader, a a group - parachuted into Mann son. They scouted the fire and came
turnaround artist, or an aircraft dis- Gulch. The crew's leaders originally back concerned that the thick forest
patcher coping with the blizzard of believed that the blaze was a basic near which they had landed could
tbe century. Instead, it was asked by "ten o'clock fire," meaning that the become a "death trap." Dodge told
a former professor of English litera- crew would have it under control by the second-in-command, William
ture at tbe University of Chicago 10 the next morning. Instead, the Hellman, to take the crew across to
wbo studied a forest fire tbat killed fire exploded and forced the men the north side of the gulch, away
13 young men. into a race for their lives. from the fire, and march along its
Tbe professor, Norman Maclean The Mann Gulch fire may seem to flank toward the river at the bottom
(1902-1990), is best known for bis be a distant tragedy, but Maclean's of the gulch. While Hellman did
novella A River Runs Through It exploration of tbe event touches on this. Dodge and Harrison ate a quick
(1976). Young Men and Fire, wbich many questions of deep significance meal. Dodge rejoined the crew at
Maclean spent more tban a decade for readers today. For those of us
researching and writing, was pub- concerned about leadership in orga- Karl Weick is the Rensis Likert
lisbed postbumously in 1992. It nizations, the episode illuminates Collegiate Professor of Organiza-
cbronicles tbe attempt to extinguish problems facing corporate leaders. tional Behavior at the University of
a deadly forest fire that raged in tbe Increasingly, corporate work unfolds Michigan's School of Business in
mountains of Montana in August in small, temporary outfits where Ann Arbor. An earlier version of
1949. Maclean combines interviews the stakes are high, turnover is this work was published in Ad-
with the survivors and other U.S. chronic, foul-ups can spread, and the ministrative Science Quarterly in
Forest Service veterans, personal unexpected is common. As we will December 1993.


5:40 and took his position at the When the noise created by wind, ious and found it harder to make
head of the line moving toward the flames, and exploding trees is deaf- sense of what was happening. Final-
river. He could see flames flapping ening and the temperature is ap- ly, they were unable to understand
back and forth on the south slope as proaching a lethal 140 degrees, and the one thing that would have saved
he looked to his left. Then Dodge when relative strangers who "love their lives, the escape fire.
saw that the fire had suddenly the universe but are not intimidated At least two key events destroyed
crossed the gulch about 200 yards by it" are strung out in a line, people the tenuous organization that held
ahead and was moving toward them. can neitber confer with a trusted the firefighters together. The first
He yelled at the crew to rim from the neighbor nor pay close attention to occurred when Dodge told his sec-
fire and began angling up the steep a boss who is vinknown and whose ond-in-command, Hellman, to take
hill toward the bare ridge of rock. commands make no sense whatso- the crew to the north side of the
The crew was soon moving ever. As if these obstacles were not gulch. During the 20-minute period
through slippery grasses two and a enough, it is hard to make common of Dodge's absence, the crew became
half feet high but was quickly losing sense when each person sees some- confused and ended up in two groups
ground to the flames - eventually thing different-or nothing at all-be- 500 feet apart; each had its own
towering at a height of 30 feet-rush- cause of the smoke. leader, one of whom was making up
ing toward them at a rate that proba- But the level of disorganization at his own rules as he went along. Hell-
bly reached a speed of 660 feet per Mann Gulch is not all that different man was more familiar with imple-
minute. Sensing that the crew was from what companies face today. menting orders than with construct-
in serious danger. Dodge yelled at People are often thrust into unfamil- ing them or plotting possible escape
them to drop their tools. Two min- iar roles to fulfill difficult tasks, and routes. As a result, tbe crew was left
utes later, to everyone's astonish- small mistakes can combine into for a crucial period with unclear or-
ment, he lit a fire in front of the men something monstrous. Faced with ders that were apparently challenged
and motioned to them to lie down in sudden crises, organizations that by at least one crew member.
the area it had burned. No one did. seem quite sturdy can collapse. When Dodge reappeared on the
Instead, they ran for the ridge and We often attribute such collapses scene, he began to reunite the crew.
what they hoped would be safety. to a company's wrongheaded strat- About five minutes later, he realized
Two firefighters, Robert Sallee and egy or to a failed move into an un- that the fire had jumped the gulch
Walter Rumsey, made it through a stable product market. We presume and was now proceeding toward the
crevice in the ridge unburned. Dodge that business problems arise from men. At that point. Dodge was prob-
survived by lying down in the ashes bad decisions. The problem witb ably tbe only one to bave seen tbe
of his escape fire. The other 13 per- this diagnosis is that the world of fire. He yelled at the crew to reverse
ished. The fire caught up with them decision making is about strategic direction, which alarmed the fire-
at 5:56-the time at which the hands rationality and is built from clear fighters; they could not see the fire
on Harrison's watch melted in place. questions and answers that attempt yet but began to suspect that they
to remove ignorance. were running from one.
Sense Making and Structure The world of sense making, how- Eight minutes later, with disaster
It is easy to read about this fire and ever, is different. Sense making is only three minutes away. Dodge in-
conclude that it was a tragedy about contextual rationality. It is structed the retreating crew to drop
caused by bad luck or poor decision built out of vague questions, muddy their heavy tools. That was the sec-
making. In fact, the problems at answers, and negotiated agreements ond-and in some ways more unset-
Mann Gulch cannot be attributed that attempt to reduce confusion. tling - threat to the role system.
solely to those factors,- the reader The men at Mann Gulch did not A fire crew that retreats from a fire
must also consider the issues of face clear questions such as: Where rather than face it will necessarily
"sense making" and structure. In should we go? When do we take a find its identity and morale strained.
retrospect, Maclean knew that the stand? What should our strategy be? But if retreating firefighters are then
Instead, they faced the told to discard the very tools that are
more basic, frightening their reason for being tbere, the mo-
If is hard to feeling that their roles ment quickly turns existential. If
as firefighters no longer I am no longer a firefighter, then
sense vvheri each worked. They were out- who am I? With the fire bearing
sees running their past experi-
ence and were not sure
down, the only possible answer is,
an endangered person in a world
about what was happen- where it is every man for himself.
smoke jumpers were meeting sud- ing or who they were. It was under such circumstances
den danger. But the firefighters As the events unfolded on that that the firefighters encountered
themselves didn't know that. And August afternoon, the smoke- Dodge's escape fire. The foreman
that very uncertainty is the core is- jumper crew at Mann Gulch began pointed to it and yelled, "this way,
sue in this disaster, and one that has to unravel and lose its structure. As this way." But he could not persuade
lessons for executives. it did so, tbe firefighters became anx- the men; he overheard one of them-


Igniting the power of many!
probably Hellman-say, "to hell with
Organizational Learning is your oniy sustainabie advantage—learn
that, I'm getting out of here."
front ttie leaders how to use it in your organization—attend Because clear communication, fa-
miliarity, and trust were missing,
I LEADING LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS the firefighters failed to understand
May 29-31, Los Angeles; June 12-14, Boston; July 22-24, Baltimore; that Dodge was actually setting the
August 12-14, Boston; September 18-20, San Francisco; September 25-27, New York fire to clear an area in which they
Learn to build and sustain high-performing organizations and "smart" would be safe. With no structure in
teams—produce results now. place and an absence of clear sense,
it is not surprising that the crew
I SYSTEMS THINKING would refuse to escape one fire by
June 5-7, Chicago; July 10-12, Boston; July 24-26, Seattle; September 25-27, Atlanta
walking into another one that had
Use systems thinking to manage complex problems and identify
high-leverage opportunities.
been set intentionally.


Resilience and Wisdom
June 19-21, San Francisco; June 26-28, Boston; August 6-8, Seattle; There are larger lessons in this
August 7-9, Boston; September 18-20, Ctiicago; September 25-27, San Francisco tragedy for those whose job it is to
Shape a destiny driven by visipn, not circumstance—master the skills to make sense of environments that
lead your organization to inspired performance. suddenly change from the expected
to the unexpected, the inconceiv-
Presented by Innovation Associates, Inc. for executives,
managers, and teams. Teams encouraged to attend.
able, or the incomprehensible. To
point the way to safety in the face of
Based on the principles in The Fifth Discipline surprise, leaders today need to de-
by IA co-founder Peter Senge. velop resilient groups that are capa-
ble of four things: improvisation,
Call (617) 398-8500 to register, or for complimentary copy of wisdom, respectful interaction, and
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The collapse of role systems need
not result in disaster if people devel-
op skills in improvisation. By impro-
visation, I mean bringing to the sur-
New essays, by the author of the face, testing, and restructuring one's
worldwide bestseller Tin Age 0/ Uimason. intuitive understandings of phe-
Beyond Certainty nomena on the spot, at a time when
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Improvisers remain creative under
pressure precisely because they have
or call 1-800-545-7685 ext. 5167 the ability to bring order out of
1-617-495-6192 ext. 5167 chaos. Thus, when situations unrav-
el, they can proceed with whatever
materials are at hand. Dodge knew
"A brave and passionate how to use the things at his disposal,
teacher willing to fire and brush, to create a safe area
risk prophecy." where none existed.
If organizations paid more atten-
AUTHOR OF LEADERSHIP JAZZ tion to improvisation, it would be
possible, when one organizational
In Beyond Certainty, order collapsed, to invent a substi-
Handy "observes the tute immediately. Swift replace-
ment of a traditional order with an
world around him with improvised one can forestall the
a shrewd and perceptive confusion that follows a command
eye... .The essay is such as "drop your tools" or "jump
into this fire."
his natural milieu." Wisdom is the second source of re-
silience. To understand its role in
this case, we need to remind our-
selves of the crew's belief that most
fires could be extinguished by 10 the
Harvard Business School Press next morning. That was consistent

with the general experience of ing to valid beliefs (honesty); and Remember, however, that in the be-
smoke jumpers in 1949 and with respect your own perceptions and ginning the Mann Gulch fire seemed
their belief in their ability to control beliefs and integrate them with the safe and small. And when events are
any fire they landed on. Their major reports of others without depreciat- increasingly interdependent-as they
purpose was to put out fires so fast ing them or yourself (self-respect).^ are in today's world-small, unrelat-
that they didn't become big ones. If a role system collapses among ed flaws can interact to produce a
The "tragic corollary," as Maclean people for whom trust, honesty, and forest fire blowup or a currency mar-
calls it, is that the smoke jumpers self-respect are underdeveloped, ket meltdown. Maclean tells us that
could not learn much about big fires then they are on their own. And fear the fire at Mann Gulch was shaped
by fighting small ones. often swamps their resourcefulness. by "little screw-ups that fitted to-
To state the point more generally, If, however, a role system collapses gether tighter and tighter until all
what most organizations miss - and among people for whom trust, hon- became one and the same thing-the
esty, and self-respect are fateful blowup."
developed, then new op- Maclean's book helps us talk more
tions, such as mutual candidly about little mistakes that
adaptation, blind imita- escalate. Talking about Mann Gulch
tion of creative solutions, at a distance of nearly 50 years en-
and trusting compliance ables us to glimpse vulnerabilities
are created. When a for- that lie much closer at hand. To
mal structure collapses, grapple with those vulnerabilities
what explains why most fail to there are no leaders, roles, or rou- and design our way around them is
learn - is that ignorance and knowl- tines; the situation no longer makes not an exercise in rationality and de-
edge grow together. The more people sense. That is what seems to have cision making. Instead, it is a task
learn about a particular domain, the happened in Mann Gulch. Dodge that requires a closer look at the so-
more questions they raise about couldn't lead, because the role sys- cial context in which sense making
other areas in that same domain. tem in which he was the leader dis- creates the decisions that people
The organizational culture best appeared. Worse, he couldn't rely on think are so crucial.
able to accept that ignorance and his crew members to trust him, Mann Gulch teaches us that the
knowledge grow together is one that question him, or pay attention to real action occurs long before deci-
values wisdom. In a fluid world, him, because they didn't have time sions ever become visible. By the
wise people know that they don't to get to know him. The key ques- time a decision needs to be made,
fully understand what is happening tion is. When formal structure col- sense-making processes have al-
at a given moment, because what is lapses, what is left? The answer is ready determined its outcome.
happening is unique to that time. communication, but only if there That's why, in answer to Maclean's
They avoid extreme confidence and is trust and time. question about the need for better
extreme caution, knowing that ei- It is striking how little communi- structures to meet disaster, we need
ther can destroy what organizations cation occurred during
need most in changing times, name- the three and a half
ly, curiosity, openness, and the abil- hours that the crew
ity to sense complex problems. The was together. There
overconfident shun curiosity be- was apparently little
cause they think they know what discussion during the
they need to know. The overcau- noisy, bumpy plane
tious shun curiosity for fear it will ride or while the men
only deepen their uncertainties. retrieved equipment scattered on to design structures that are resilient
Both the cautious and the confident the ground. After a meal together, sources of collective sense making.
are closed-minded, which means people began hiking toward the river If, instead, we design for better deci-
that neither make good judgments. but quickly got separated. They sion making, then we improve a mi-
In this sense, wisdom, understood as were suddenly turned around and nor portion of organizational life
simultaneous belief and doubt, im- told to run for the ridge, and they that occurs too late to make much
proves adaptability. quickly ran out of breath scaling the difference. Sense making is where
Wise behavior is easier to display steep north slope. The point is an the action-and the tragedy-live.
in a setting where people are respect- important one: Evidence is growing 1. See D.A. Schon, Educating the Reflective
ful of the interactions that hold the that nonstop talk is a crucial source Practitioner (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987].
group together. Respectful interac- of coordination in complex systems 2. See Donald T. Campbell, "Asch's Moral
that are susceptible to disasters. Epistemology for Socially Shared Knowledge,"
tions have three imperatives: Re- in The Legacy of Solomon Asch: Essays in Cog-
spect the reports of others and be Readers may conclude that the nition and Social Psychology, ed. Irwin Rock
willing to base beliefs and actions on world they face is simply not as (Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1990|, pp. 39-52.
them (trust); report so that others threatening or explosive as the one Reprint 96311
may use your observations in com- faced by the men at Mann Gulch. To order reprints, see the last page of this issue.


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