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Part of speech is a category of words which have similar grammatical properties.

Words that are assigned to the same part of speech generally display simiral behavior in
terms of syntax. They play similar roles whitin the grammatical structure of sentences and
sometimes in terms of morphology. In that they undergo inflection for similar properties.
These are listed English part of speech:

1. Noun (kata benda)

2. Pronouns (kata ganti)
3. Adjective (kata sifat)
4. Verbs (kata kerja)
5. Adverbs (kata keterangan)
6. Prepositions (kata depan)
7. Conjunctions (kata penghubung)
8. Interjections (kata seru)

Kinds of parts of speech

1. Nouns
Noun is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such
as living creatures, objects, place, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas. Noun
can occur as the main word in the subject of a clause, the object of a verb, or the
object of a preposition. These are kinds of noun:
a. Proper nouns
A proper nounis a noun that in its primary application refers to a unique entity,
such as Indonesia, Yamaha, Samulang, or Microsoft, as distinguished from a
common noun which usually refers to a class of entities, city, planet, person, and
corporation, these are examples of proper noun:

Name of Name of Name of Name of Name of

people city school/campus street days
Dhani Makkassar UNHAS Antang Sunday
Fara Ambon UNM Perintis Monday
Najwa Surabaya STKIP Samulang Tuesday
Arnita Selayar UNISMUH Tamalate Wednesday
Aulia Samarinda UMI Latimojong Thursday
Shandri Manila STIKES Veteran Friday
Wana Bangkok STAIN Tidung Saturday

Example in sentences:
 Dhani is my name
 I love Sunday
 I live on the tamaela street
b. Common Nouns
A common noun is the word for something eg: boy, dog , cat, and etc. it ia
different from a proper noun, which is the name we give to something eg: Fara,
Arnit, Najwa, and ets. Common noun is used for a class of person, place, or thing.

Common noun Meaning

Book Buku
City Kota
Tool Alat
Stone Batu
Food Makanan

Example in a sentences:
 My city is not far from here.
 Do you know where his book is?
 I like your food
c. Concrete nouns
Concrete nouns are things that you can experience through you five sense; sight,
smell, hearing, taste, and touch. These are some examplea of concrete nouns.

Concrete noun Meaning

Glass Gelas
Wallet Dompet
Handphone Telepon genggam
Fan Kipas angina
Candle Lilin
Bag Tas

Example in a sentences:
 I cannot find my bag.
 Do you see my mobile phone?
 She needs your notes.
d. Abstract nouns
Abstract noun are like the opposite of concrete nouns. These are nouns that name
things you cannot see, smell, hear, or touch. They refers to emotions, ideas,
concepts, tenets, beliefs, or your state of being.

Abstract noun Meaning

Honesty Kejujuran
Weakness Kelemahan
Strength Kekuatan
Hypocrisy Kemunafikan
Childish Kekanak-kanakan
Cleverness Kepandaian

Example in a sentences ;
 Honesty is the best thing that I have.
 I need to establish justice in this country.
 Your pray must be granted.
e. Countable Nouns
Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a singular
and plural form. The singular can use the determiner ‘a’ or ‘an’ . if you want to
ask about the quantity of a countable noun. These are some examples of countable

Countable noun Meaning

Chair Kursi
Table Meja
Bag Tas
Belt Ikat pinggang
Knife Pisau
Key Kunci

Example in senteces:
 May I borrow your book?
 Why did you take my pencil?
 My father bought a goat?

f. Uncountable noun
Uncountable noun are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They
may be the names for abstract ideas qualities or for physical objects that are too
amorphous to be counted. Uncountable nouns are used with asingular verb. They
usually do not have a plural noun.

Uncountable noun Meaning

Sugar Gula
Hair Hair
Air Udara
Coffe Coffe
Soil Soil
Gold Gold
Water Air

Example in sentences:
 Can you take me a glass of water?
 Put the oil on the table
 I like your hair

g. Collective nouns
Collective noun is the name we give to group of nouns to refer to them as one
entity. The most common method of doing this is by using words like group or
bunch that can be applicable to some specific names given for certain groups of
nouns to make things more interesting and funny.
Collective noun Meaning
Jury Juri
Team Team
The committee Panitia
People Orang-orang
Audience hadirin

Example in sentences:
 the people come to my birthday party.
 The manager call the committee
 Real Madrid id the best football team

h. Material nouns
Material nouns are names of materials of subtances things out of which things are
made eg: gold , iron, silver and etc. it refers to the type of substance instead of
individual particles of the substance. Material nouns are not countable means we
cannot count them because they are in the forms of liquid, semi liquid or solid.

Material noun Meaning

Gold Emas
Silver Perak
Blood Darah
Water Air
Soil Oil
Air Udara
fire Api

Example in sentences:
 I buy soil for my motorcycle.
 I drink pure water.
 The blood colour is red.
2. Verbs
A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. There are two main
categories of verbs, such as acrion verbs and state of being verbs (also know as
linking verbs). From the forms, there are two forms of verb, such as the regular verb
and irregular verb.
a. Regular verb
Regular vaerb is one that conforms to the usual rule for forming its simple past
tenses and its participle. In English, the “usual” rule is to add –ed or –d to the base
form of the verb to create the past forms. Here are some examples of regular

V1 V2 V3 Meaning
Accept Accepted Accepted Menerima
Accompany Accompanied Accompanied Menemani
Accuse Accused Accused Menundah
Admit Admitted Admitted Mengaku
Allow Allowed Allowed Mengijinkan
Etc Etc Etc dll

Example in sentences:
 Ani apoloziged to me last night.
 Ijha and Arief attended the meeting last week

b. Irregular verb
Irregular verbs are verbs that don’t take on the regular –d, -ed, or ied spelling
patterns of the past simple (v2) or past participle (v3). Irregular verbs are also
known as strong verbs. Here are nine irregular verb example, example aalso
happen to be among the most commonly used words in the English. They, are; go,
get, say, see, think, make, take, come, know.

V1 V2 V3 Meaning
Arise Arose Arisen Timbul
Beat Beat Beaten Memukul
Become Became Become Menjadi
Begin Began Begun Memulai
Bring Brought Brought Membawa
Etc Etc Etc Dll

Example in sentences:
 I went to Jakarta last week.
 We had eaten your meatball this morning.
 Niar found her motorcycle.

c. Transitive verb
Transitive verb is one that is used with an object, a noun,, phrase that refers to the
person or thing that is effected by the action of the verb. A transitive verb has two
characteristic. First, its is an action verb, expressing adouble activity like kick,
want, paint, write, eat, clean, etc. second,it must have a direct object, something or
someone who receives the action of the verb.

Transitive verb Meaning Example

Make Membuat My mother make a cake
Bring Membawa My father brings the book
to the office
Send Mengirim I send a message to you
Tell Menceritakan My grandmother tells us
her story
Buy Membeli My brother buy a new
Example in a sentences:

 Yuty give me a flower

 Ijha and idha tell me their story
 Nurti buys a book for me

d. Intransitive verb
An intransitive verb is one that does not take a direct object. In the other words, it
is not done to someone or something. It only involves the subject. Here are some
more examples of intransitive verb.

Intransitive verb Meaning Example

Rise Nampak, terbit The sun rises in the
Fly Terbang The birds flies on
the sky
Go Pergi I go to campus by
on foot
Swim Berenang She swims in
swimming pool
with her sister
Run Berlari He rounds around
the field

Example in sentences:
 Hasan goes palopo
 Nurti and amalia swim at losari beach.
 We run to campus this morning.

e. Full verb
ull verb is a verb that has own meaning. Full verb that is not an auxiliary verb . full verb
is always called main verb from to be, to do, to have. Example in sentence: “ we have
done it” it is an auxiliary verb.
Complemen of subject:






S (Adjective,noun,adverb)

Example in sentences:
 I’m an English student at STKIP MEGA REZKY MAKASSAR.
 we are at campus today
 They do their homework well
 Ijha and arief have a good baby
 I give a flower to ijha

f. Auxiliary verb
An auxiliary verb is a verb that adds fuction or grammatical meaning to the clause in
which it appears, such as to express tense, aspect, modality, voice, emphasis, etc.
auxiliary verbs usually accompany a main verb. The main verbs provides the main
sematic content of the clause example in sentences: “I have finished my dinner” here,
the main verb is finish,and the auxiliary have helps to express the perfect aspect. Here
some example about auxiliary verb:

To –be

S-> To – do

To – have


Example insentences :
 I am sudyig English at campus
 We are playing football
 Ija doesn’t know when you come
 They have eaten my meatball at my home
 Dya will come to Makassar next month
g. Linking verb
A lingking verb is a verb which connect a subject to its predicate without
expressing an action. Linking verb is used to re-identify or describe its subject.
The most common linking verb is the verb to be. Other common ones relate to the
five senses” “ to look, to feel, to smell,to sound, and to taste” .

Subject -> intransitive verb {appears, come,become, fal and dll}

Subject-> to- be {am, is are}

Example in the sentences:

 Aulia appears very busy today
 Your lecturer becomes angry
 My dreams comes true
 Alda is English student
 They are very smart

3. Pronouns
Pronouns ( I , me, he, she, it, herself, you, they, that, each, few, many, who, whoever,
whose, someone, everybody, etc) are word that takes the place of a noun. In the
sentences “ arief saw rika” and “he waved at her”,the pronoun is he and her take the
place of Arief an Rika. Respectively these are three types of pronouns: subject, object,
and possessive.

a. Rule 1:
Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject on the sentences.
Example; she did the job
b. Rule 2:
Subject pronouns are also used if they rename the subject.they will follow to be
verbs, such as is, am, are, was, were, will be, had been, etc.
Example ; she is speaking
c. Rule 3:
This rule surprises even language watchers; when who refers to a personal
pronoun(I, you, he, she, we, they) , it takes the verb that agrees with that pronoun.
d. Rule 4:
In addition to subject pronouns, there arealso object pronouns, know more
specifically as direct object. Indirect object of a preposition. Object pronouns
include “ me, him, her, us, them, you, their, it”.
Example: I saw her
e. Rule 5:
The pronoun who, that, and which become singular or plural depending on the
subject. If the subject is singular, use a singular verb. If it is plural, use a plural
Example; he is the only one of those men who is always on time. The word who
refers to one there, use the singular verb is.
f. Rule 6.
Pronouns that aresingular (I , he, she, everyone, someone, anyone, anybody, no
one, etc) require singular verbs. This rule is frequently overlooked when using the
pronoun each, either, and neither, followed by of. Those three pronouns always
take singular verbs.
g. Rule 7.
To dicide weather to use the subject or object pronoun after the words than or as,
mentally complete the sentences:
Example: fara is as smart as she/her. If we mentally complete the sentence. We
would say “ fara is as smart as she is” therefore, she is the correct answer.
h. Rule 8:
The possessivepronouns yours, his, hers, its, ours, and whose never need
apostrophes. Avoid mistake like her’s and your’s.
i. Rule 9:
The only time it’s has an apostrophe is when it is a contraction for it is or it has.
The only time who’s has an apostrophe iswhen it meanswho is or who has. There
is no apostrophe in oneself. Avoid “ one’s self” a common error.
Example: he’s the one who’s always on time.
j. Rule 10.
Pronouns that end in-self of –selves are called reflexive pronoun. There are nine
reflexive pronoun: myself, yourself, herself, himself, themselves, ourselves,
yourselve, oneself, itself. Reflexive pronouns are used whenboth the subject and
object of a verb are the same person or thing.
Exampl: dila bought it for herself.
k. Rule 11:
The use of they and their with singularpronoun is frowned upon by many
traditionalists. To be consistent, it is a good practice tp try to avoid they and its
variants: example; them, their, themselves, with previously singular nouns or
Example: someone has to do it, and they have to do it well.
The problem is that someone is singular, but they is plural. If we change they to
her or she, we get a rather clumsy sentences, even if it is technically correct.
h. Rule 12;
When the pronoun is linked with a noun by and, mentally remove the end + noun
phrase to avoid trouble;
Example ; she and her friend come over

4. Adjectives
Adjective isa word that describeor clarifies a noun. Adjective describe nouns by
giving some information about an object an object’s size, shape, age, color, origin, or
material. But a lot of English adjectives end with these suffixes; -“ ablel-ible,
“adorable”. “ invisible”, “ educational”, -an “American”, -ar “cellular”,-ent
“intelligent”, -ful “powerful”, -icl-ical “athletic,magical”. –less “careless”, -ous
“continuous”, -some “awesome”. Here are some kind of adjective:

a. Descriptive adjective
Descriptive adjective is as the type of adjectives that are used to express the size,
color, or shape of a person, a thing, an animal, or a place. They are used to provide
more information to a noun by describing or modifying it. Descriptive adjective
adds meaning to the noun that it modifies. Thiskind of adjective describes a noun
in detail by giving an attribute to that particular word. Here are some examples
words of descriptive adjective;

Descriptive adjective Meaning

Big Besar
Kind Baik hati
Thin Kurus
Old Tua
Young Muda
Strong Kuat
Sad Sedih
Lazy Malas
Mad Gila
Difficult Sulit

Example in sentences:
 The new student are kind
 My brother is very rich
 He is not an honest man
 My homework is very easy
 You are very strong

b. Quantitative adjective
 Indefinite adjective
Indefinite adjective is use to describe a noun in a non-specific sense. The
most common indefinite adjective are any, each, few, many, much, most,
several, and some. They are often used to describe a noun to show, an
element of uncertainty.

Quantitative adjective function

Many Untuk menunjukan “ banyak” yang
di gunakan untuk benda yang dapat
di hitum (countable noun)
Much Untuk menunjukan “banyak” di
gunakan untuk benda yang tidak
dapat di hitum.
A lot of Untuk menunjukan “ banyak”
digunakan untuk uncountable and
countable noun.
few Untuk menunjukan “beberapa”
namun tidakbanyak ( hamper tidak
ada) dan digunakan untuk countable
A few Untuk menunjukan “beberapa”
untuk benda yang bisa dihitum.
Little Untuk menunjukan “sedikit” namun
tidak banyak (hamper tidak ada) dan
digunakan untuk benda yamg tidak
dapat di hitum.
A little Untuk menunjukan “sedikit” dan
digunakan untuk benda yang tidak
bisa di hitum.
Some Untuk menunjukan beberapa,
sedikit, ala kadarnya.dipakai
umumnyapada kalimat affirmative,
yang tidak ada notnya. “some”, di
artikan beberapa kalau berada
sebelum countable noun, dan some
diartikan sedikit kalau terletak
sebelum uncountable nouns.
Several Untuk menentukan “beberapa”
digunakan untuk benda yang bisa
Any Untuk menunjukan beberapa sedikit,
ala kadarnya digunakan umumnya
pada kalimat negative, dan pada
kebanyakan kalimat Tanya.
all Untuk menunjukan “semua”
digunakan untuk benda yang bisa di
hitung dan juga tidak bisa dihitung
Example in sentences:
 Fatimah has many friends.
 Do you have any sugar?
 Ani and her sister’s have few dolls.
 Dina and Ana have a lot of English books.

 Numeral adjective
 Coordinal number
Coordinal numbers are a generalization of the natural numbers
used measure that cardinality (size) of sets. The cardinality of finite
set is a natural namber, the number of elements in set.

0 Zero/nought 19 Nineteen
1 One 20 Twenty
2 Two 21 Twenty one
3 Three 22 twenty two
4 Four 30 Thirty
5 Five 40 Fourty
6 Six 50 Fifty
7 Sevent 60 Sixty
8 Eight 70 seventy
9 Nine 80 Eighty
10 Ten 90 Ninety
11 Eleven 100 One hundred
12 Tweleve 101 One hundred
and one
13 Thirteen 106 One hundred
snd six
14 Fourteen 135 One hundred
an thirty five
15 Fifteen 1000 One
16 Sixteen 1.000.000 One million
17 Seventeen One billion
18 Eighteen One trillion

Example in sentences:
 Our uncle has two cars.
 Do you haave one sister?
 I see four planet on the sky

 Ordinal number
Ordinal number is one generalization of concept of a
natural number that is used to describe a way to arrange a
collection of objects in order, one after another. There are
somemore example of ordinal numbers:

1st = first
2nd = second
3rd =third
4th = fourth
5th = fifth
6th = sixth
7th = seventh
8th = eighth
9th = ninth
10th = tenth

Example in sentences:
 You are my first love
 Mia is in the second floor

 Fraction number
½ = a half/ one second
1/3 = a third/ one-third
¼ = a fourt/ a quarter/ one-fourth

c. Demonstrative adjective
Demonstrative adjective are used to modify a noun so that we know which
specific person, place, or thing is mentioned.

 Defenite demonstrative adjective

Is adjective that used to modify a specific noun .

Definite demonstrative Meaning Example

This Ini (singular) This is my book
These Ini (plural) These cakes are my
mother’s cake
That Itu (singular) That bicycle is under
the tree
Those Itu (plural) Those people are the
student’s of Harvard
The Ini, itu (singular, The cars are expensive
plural) the student is very
The other Yang lain (singular) I have two friends the
one is teacher and the
other is a lawyer
Such Seperti itu (singular) Such book is not

 Indefinite demonstrative adjective

is used to modify a unspecific noun. Here are some example:

Indefinite Meaning Example

A /an Sebuah (singular) This is a book
Another Yang lain (singular) Another teacher will
teach us
Other Yang lain (plural) bisa You can buy other
digunakan pada kalimat books
Any other Yang lain (plural) bisa I have not read any
digunakan pada kalimat other books
negative dan Do you see any other
interrogative students there?
Some Beberapa, biasanya di I have some friends
gunakan dalam kalimat
Any Beberapa, biasanya Do youhave any
digunakan dalam milk?
kalimat affirmative, She does not have
negative, dan any books.

d. Proper adjective
Proper adjective are adjectives that are formed from proper nouns.most of them
identify people, places, languages, or groups. The special adjective in the English
that are privillaged enough to have their firs letter capitalized.

Proper noun Proper adjective

Romania Romanian
Japan Japanese
Chile Chilean
Yugozlavia Yugozlav
United states American
Canada Canadian
England English
Holland Dutch
Indonesia Indonesian
Java Javanese

Example in sentences:
 I am javenese
 My father is an Indonesian
 Ahmad ‘s wife is Canadian

e. Interrogative adjective
Are word that is used to modify nouns and are used examples of interrogative
adjective :

Interrogative adjective Meaning Example

What Apa What food do you want
to eat?
Which Yang mana Which bookdo you want
to buy?
Whose Milik siapa Whose book is that?

f. Possessive adjective
Are used to indicate who or what owns something .

Possessive djective Meaning Example

My Milik saya This is my pen
Your Milik kamu, milik kalian Your father is a teacher
Our Milik kami Our sister is a nurse
Their Milik mereka Their teacher’s name is
mr. sun
His Milik dia laki-laki His mother is still in the
Her Milik dia perempuan I know her telephone
Its Milik benda atau hewan That is my cat, its tail is
very long

g. Distributive adjective
Are normally used with singular nouns, they include “each, every.either, neither,
etc. and are used to refer to members of a group as individuals.

Distributive adjective Meaning Example

Each Masing-masing There are five student
each has a pencil
Every Setiap They play football every
Either Salah satu dari du benda Either you or fara can eat
this aple.
Neither Tak satupun dari dua Neither you or him is a
benda lawyer

5. Adverbs
Adverbs isa word that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, determiner, noun
phrase, clause, or sentence. Adverb can also describe other adverbs. They provide
more information about that other descriptive word.

 They study too hard

 We study English at the classroom
 We go to campus in the morning
 We study English twice in a week

a. Adverb of manner
 Adverb of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed
either after the main verb or after the object. An adverb of manner cannot be
put between a verb and its direct object. The adverb must be placed either
before the verb or at the end of the clause(eg, “mira ate the chocolate cake
greedily) if there is preposition before the verb’s object, we can place the
adverb of manner either before the preposition or after the object. (eg, “the
child rand happily towards his mother”)

N Adverb of Meaning
o manner
1 Sincerely Dengan sungguh-sungguh
2 Slowly Dengan lambat
3 Quickly Dengan cepat
4 Fluently Dengan cepat
5 Actively Dengan giat
6 Bravely Dengan berani
7 Calmly Dengan tenang
8 Carefully Dengan hati-hati
9 Easily Dengan mudah
10 Quietly Dengan diam-diam
11 Wisely Dengan bijaksana
12 Rapidly Dengan cepat
13 Suddenly Dengan tiba-tiba
14 Fast Dengan cepat
15 Hard Dengan keras

Example :

1. He runs quckly
2. She study hard everyday
3. Hespeaks English fluently

 Adverb of place
Adverbs of place tell us where something happens. Adverbs of place are
usually place after the main verb or after the clause that they modify adverbs
of of place do not modify adjectives or other adverbs.

No Adverbs of place Meaning

1 Here Disini
2 There Disana
3 Above Diatas
4 Around Di sekitar
5 Down Di bawah
6 Below Di baawah
7 Verywhere Dimana saja
8 Somewhere Di suatu tempat
9 Nowhere Tidak dimnapun
10 On the table Di atas mejaa
11 At the office Di kantor
12 In Makassar Di Makassar

Example in asentences :
1. They came here last night
2. They walk down
3. I cannot find any glasses anywhere
4. He drinks coffe at home
5. I live in Makassar

 Adverb of time
Adverb of time tell us when an action happened, but also for how long, and
how often. adverb of time is invariable. Adverb of time has standard positions
in a sentence depending on what adverb of time is telling us.
1. Definite time
Is used to show the specific time.

Definite time Meaning

Now Sekarang
Tonight Malam ini
Tomorrow Besok
Today Hari ini
Everyday Setiap hari
Saturday Sabtu
The day before Kemarin lusa
Yesterday Kemarin
The day after tomorrow Besok lusa
Tomorrow afternoon Besok siang
Example in a sentences:

1. I am study English now

2. They went to the cinema last nigt
3. I meet her in Makassar last week
4. I will come at sevent o’clock

2. Indefinite time
Is used to modify the unspecific adverb.

Indefinite time Meaning

Always Selalu
Never Tidak pernah
Sometimes Kadang-kadang
Often Sering
Soon Segera

Example in a sentences :
1. She is always on time
2. He has never met me before
3. Get well soon, brother!

 Adverb of frequency
Adverb of frequency always describe how often something occurs, either in
definite terms. An adverb that describes definite frequency is one as weekly ,
daily, or yearly

Adverb of frequency Meaning

Usually Biasanya
Alwys Selalu
Often Sering
Rarely Jarang
Never Tidak pernah

Example in the sentences:

1. She never comes late
2. He always wakes up early
3. We often study at night
 Adverbs of quantity
Adverbs of quantity is a word that can tell us how somethingis done .Also can
tell us how much or how many of something you have.It is needed in either
countable and uncountable noun.

Contoh adverb of quantity Meaning

Once Satu kali
Twice Dua kali
Three times Tiga kali
Little Sedikit
Singly Satu demi satu

Example in senteces:
1. She studies English a little
2. He has won the price twice
3. We often study at night

 relative adverb
relative adverb is an adverb that introduces an adjective clause. The adjective
clause identifiesthe noun when this happens. It is known as a restrictive clause,
and it is not offset with commas.

Example in a sentences:
1. I was studyng when she came
2. I don’t know why she loves me
3. You must teach her how she must do it

 Interrogative adverb
Are used to ask question. Tehere are some types of interrogative adverb, for
examples, when is used to asked about time-related matters, where is used to
ask about reasons. The quickly one is how, which is used to ask about matters
related tomanner, time, quantity, amount, and degree.

a. Why were you absent yesterday?
b. Where did you buy this book?
c. When do you work at that office?
d. How long do you live here?

6. Conjunctions
A conjunction is the glue that holds words, phrases, and clause or theword which used
to join the words or sentences.
a. Coordinating conjunction
Coordinating conjunction is what come to mostpeople’s minds when they hear the
word “conjunction” they can join together words, phrases, and independent
They are called “FANBOYS”
 I go to the market everyday, for I love to buy a chiken.
 Igo to market everyday a chikens and my mother go to prty.
 I don’t go to for the fresh air nor really for the the ducks.
 The football in the park is entertaining in the winter, but its better in the heat
of summer
 The men play on tearms; shirt or skins
 I always take a book to read , yet I never seem to turn a singke page
 I over sleep so I came late

a) Cumulative conjunction
Cumulative conjunction merely add one statement to another.

Conjunction Meaning
Not only… but also Tidak hanya…. Tapi juga
As well as Maupun
Both… and Keduanya….. dan
And Dan
Besides Disamping itu
Likewise Seperti itu pula
Furtheremore Lebih-lebih lagi
Moreover Lebih-lebih lagi
Again Lagi, lagi pula
Similiarly Demikian pula
In addition Tambahan

Example :
 Dani in handsome and smart
 I saw not only car but also motorcycle
 Arief , as wll as aman , invites me to come soon
 He both plays the guitar and sings

b) Alternative conjunction
Are the conjunctions which present two alternatives are called
disjunctive or alternative:

Conjuction Meaning
Or Atau
Either …. Or… …..atau
Or else…. Kalau tidak
Otherwise Jika tidak
Neither Bukan
Neither… nor Bukan….ataupun
Etc Dll
Example in sentences:
 Neither adi nor jusmi are late today
 You must drink tea or coffee
c) Adversative conjunction
Express contrast between two statement
 She is happy but she is sad
 Youmay sit down while I stand
 I want to go there , however I don’t have time

d) Illative conjunction
Express something inferred from another statement or fact.
 It is time to start, so let’s go
 Its very hot therefore, we will cancel the picnic
b. Subordinating conjunction
Always introduces a dependent clause, tying it to an independent clause. A
subordinating conjunction can often come first in a sentences.
Example :
 Rina left the houses as soon as the rain stopped
 We trust her word because dina speaks the truth
 He could not pass, although he tried often

c. Correlative conjunction
Correlative conjunction are sort of like tag team conjunction. They come in pairs,
and you have to use both of them in different places in a sentence tomake them
 I want either the cheesecake or the frozen hot chocolate
 I will have both the cheesecake aand the frozen hot chocolate
 You want neither the cheesecake nor the frozen hot chocolate
 Not only the chessecake but also frozen hot chocolate, I will eatthem both

7. Preposition
Preposition is a word that express the relationship between to other nearby words. A
preposition precedes a noun or pronoun to show the noun’s or pronoun’srelationship
to another word in the sentences . example:
 Dani lives in Makassar
 My book is on the table
 We arrived at home today.

There two kinds of preposition :

a. Preposition which consist of two syllable of word

Preposition Meaning
At Di /pada
Among Di antara
Above Di atas
Behind Di belakang
Beside Di samping
Down Di bawah
From Dari
Under Di bawah
Without Tanpa
With Dengan
Etc Dll

Example :
 She is at home now
 My parents sat among their children
 The plane flew above our school
 Ahmad walked besides his father
b. Preposition which consist of two or more syllable of word:

Preposition Meaning
According to Menurut
Instead of Dari pada
Next to Di samping
Through out Sepanjang
Upside down Membolak-balik
Outside of Diluar
In front of Didepan
In the centre of Di tengah-tengah
In the back of Di belakang
In the middle of Di tengah

Example :
 According to Adi, English is an international language.
 Najwa lives next to my home
 Aul is standing in front of me

8. Interjection
An interjection is word that shows emotion. Interjection are usually one to two words
that come at the beginning of a sentences. They can show happiness , sadness. Anger,
surprise, or any other emotion.

1. Oh God! = oh tuhan!
2. My God! = ya allah
3. Oh dear! = astaga
4. Bravo! = baguss
5. Well! =baiklah

 Oh dear! Thatis beautiful.
 Bravo! We win the game
 Well! The class is over

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