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All passages taken from the typing book of Mr Vibhor Vivaan Sharma

DEST for CSS, TA & DEO (2000 keys 15 minutes)

We believe that an empowered woman can change a lot in the
society. Unlike other Women Empowerment programs, we believe that
Money as an energy is one of the most powerful empowerment tools. We
believe in practical steps to create income for women, who are capable and
intelligent and willing to work, however due to various reasons are unable
to do it today. The reasons could be varied for various women, some
women could be deprived of these opportunities because their men don‟t
want them to work, the others may be restricted due to family pressures or
peer pressures. It is time to let go of all pressures and work towards
becoming empowered with regular income coming your way.

It is amazing that from an early age, women start to learn about some
of the finest human qualities like compassion, self awareness, sacrifice,
service, devotion by observing their own mothers, grandmothers and other
women in their lives. If my research is correct, then the four pillars of
business which are dedication, consistency, honesty are also attributes of
women…For many centuries, the role of woman was to be the nurturing
institution for her children, to be the solid foundation for her spouse, and to
be the soldier fighting against the world‟s sufferings. Then came the times
when Women got to the space of equality in the work place, achieving their
own dreams, and becoming equal financial contributors within their
households. Now I believe it is time for them to lead the way forward this
New Year, let focus on Women Empowerment in Business share with as
many women as you think you would like to I am taking the pledge this new
year to work on a business model that is going to empower 3000 women of
India to lead the way in their own special way.
The exact boundary between primary and secondary education also
varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally
around the seventh to the tenth year of schooling. Secondary education
occurs mainly during the teenage years.
DEST for CSS, TA & DEO (2000 keys 15 minutes)

Now, to have a comprehensive idea of the total flow of production

in the economy, we need to have a quantitative measure of the aggregate
level of final goods produced in the economy. However, in order to get a
quantitative assessment – a measure of the total final goods and services
produced in the economy – it is obvious that we need a common
measuring rod. We cannot add meters of cloth produced to tones of rice
or number of automobiles or machines. Our common measuring rod is
money. Since each of these commodities is produced for sale, the sum
total of the monetary value of these diverse commodities gives us a
measure of final output. But why are we to measure final goods only?
Surely intermediate goods are crucial inputs to any production process
and a significant part of our manpower and capital stock are engaged in
production of these goods.
However, since we are dealing with value of output, we should
realize that the value of the final goods already includes the value of the
intermediate goods that have entered into their production as inputs.
Counting them separately will lead to the error of double counting.
Whereas considering intermediate goods may give a fuller description of
total economic activity, counting them will highly exaggerate the final
value of our economic activity. At this stage it is important to introduce
the concepts of stokes and flows. Often we hear statement like the
average salary of someone is Rs 10,000 or the output of the steel
industry is so many tones or so many rupees in value.
But these are incomplete statements because it is not clear whether
the income which is being referred to be yearly or monthly or daily
income and surely that makes a huge difference. Sometimes, when the
context is familiar, we assume that the time period is known and
therefore do not mention it. But inherent in all such statements is a
definite period of time. Otherwise such statements are meaningless.
Thus income, or output, or profits are concepts.
DEST for CSS, TA & DEO (2000 keys 15 minutes)
Our country India, the land of Gods, is respected in the world for her
mythological culture. The mythological thinking, the deep belief in almighty
and religious nature has made the Indians well cultured. But, sadly there
are some of the stained systems in our country which are the black spots in
our image. Dowry system is one of those much discussed systems. Although
it is one of the most hated systems surprisingly it is growing day by day.
Now- a-days this problem has created a lot of hue and cry in our country.
This increasing system is a growing injustice to our society and morals. It
should be immediately stopped.
Marriage is one of the most sacred and holy ceremonies in our
society. But the horror of the dowry system has made this ceremony one of
the feared institutions. In ancient Indian society there was no question of
the dowry in marriages. It was considered to be a sin. The bride-groom was
voluntarily presented with some useful gifts which were not demanded at
all. In some cases bride's father was offered money to allow her to marry a
young man. Because the bride was considered to be a virtuous arid the
suitable one, But the whole situation has altered.
Nobody bothers to approach a girl's parents for her marriage. The
parents of the girl desperately move in search of a suitable groom for her
now. They persuade the groom's parents and show them the temptation of
money and dowry. Through these unfair means they get the consent of the
groom's parents for his marriage. Thus begins the clandestine atmosphere
of dowry. The groom's father continues to place a series of demands before
the bride's father. He strongly asserts that these demands must be fulfilled
before marriage. Otherwise he can never consent to his son's marriage. The
demands include refrigerator, color television, motor cycle or car,
ornaments of pure gold of sizeable quantity, money and plots of land in the
capital area. In some case bride grooms are demanding money for their
education and for constructing buildings.
DEST for CSS, TA & DEO (2000 keys 15 minutes)
The main occupation of the people in our country is farming. We
depend on rainwater to grow crops. It does not rain regularly throughout
the year. We do not receive the same amount of rainfall in all parts of the
country.Thus we cannot depend only upon rainfall to grow our crops. We
must make other arrangements to water the fields at the proper tme.
Irrigation is one of the important ways to do it. Canals, wells and tanks are
three important means of irrigation. Today, India has one of the largest
irrigation systems in the world.
The canal is the most important source of irrigation in India.
Channels are dug to build canals. River-water is diverted into these canals.
The canals can take river-water to the far-off fields, where there is not
enough water. At some places, the river-water has to be stored. We can
build a barrier of cement and steel to block the flow of river-water. This is
called a dam. A huge lake is created behind the dam. The water from the
lake can regulate the flow of water in the river. The water from such lakes
can also be diverted to the canals for irrigation. Punjab, Haryana, West
Bengal and Tamil Nadu have a good network of canals.
Dams also help in the production of electricity. When water from the
lake behind the dam is made to fall from a high point, it is used to turn
turbines which produce electricity. The dam also helps to control floods in
the river. A project which helps to provide water for irrigation, produces
electricity and controls floods in the river is called a multipurpose project.
our government has built a number of multipurpose projects. Some of them
are shown on the map. Find out the names of the others dams and the
rivers they are built on. When it rains, some water seeps through the soil
and goes deep into the ground. We can reach this underground water
through wells. Where the water is not too deep, we normally use the
Persian wheel to draw out this water. Deep tube wells have to be bored
when the water is at a great depth.
DEST for CSS, TA & DEO (2000 keys 15 minutes)
Some books, particularly those with shorter runs will be printed on
sheet-fed offset presses, but most books are now printed on web presses,
which are fed by a continuous roll of paper, and can consequently print
more copies in a shorter time. As the production line circulates, a complete
"book" is collected together in one stack, next to another, and another.
A web press carries out the folding itself, delivering bundles of
signatures (sections) ready to go into the gathering line. Notice that when
the book is being printed it is being printed one (or two) signatures at a
time, not one complete book at a time. Excess numbers are printed to
make up for any spoilage due to "make-readies" or test pages to assure
final print quality.
A make-ready is the preparatory work carried out by the pressmen to
get the printing press up to the required quality of impression. Included in
make-ready is the time taken to mount the plate onto the machine, clean up
any mess from the previous job, and get the press up to speed. As soon as
the pressman decides that the printing is correct, all the make-ready sheets
will be discarded, and the press will start making books. Similar make
readies take place in the folding and binding areas, each involving spoilage
of paper.
After the signatures are folded and gathered, they move into
the bindery. In the middle of last century there were still many trade
binders – stand-alone binding companies which did no printing, specializing
in binding alone. At that time, because of the dominance of letterpress
printing, typesetting and printing took place in one location, and binding in a
different factory. When type was all metal, a typical book's worth of type
would be bulky, fragile and heavy. The less it was moved in this condition
the better: so printing would be carried out in the same location as the
typesetting. Printed sheets on the other hand could easily be moved. Now,
because of increasing computerization of preparing a book for the printer,
DEST for CSS, TA & DEO (2000 keys 15 minutes)
Businesses that have gone public are subject to regulations
concerning their internal governance, such as how executive officers'
compensation is determined, and when and how information is disclosed to
shareholders and to the public. In the United States, these regulations are
primarily implemented and enforced by the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission. Other Western nations have comparable
regulatory bodies. The regulations are implemented and enforced by the
China Securities Regulation Commission in China. In Singapore, the
regulation authority is the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and in Hong
Kong, it is the Securities and Futures Commission. The proliferation and
increasing complexity of the laws governing business have forced
increasing specialization in corporate law. It is not unheard of for certain
kinds of corporate transactions to require a team of five to ten attorneys
due to sprawling regulation.
Commercial law spans general corporate law, employment and labor
law, health-care law, securities law, mergers and acquisitions, tax law,
employee benefit plans, food and drug regulation, intellectual property law
on copyrights, patents, trademarks and such, telecommunications law, and
more. Other types of capital sourcing includes crowd sourcing on the
internet, venture capital, bank loans and debentures. Businesses often
have important "intellectual property" that needs protection from
competitors for the company to stay profitable. This could require patents,
copyrights, trademarks or preservation of trade secrets. Most businesses
have names, logos and similar branding techniques that could benefit from
trade marking. Patents and copyrights in the United States are largely
governed by federal law, while trade secrets and trade marking are mostly
a matter of state law. A business needs protection in every jurisdiction in
which they are concerned about competitors. Many countries are
signatories to international treaties concerning intellectual property.
DEST for CSS, TA & DEO (2000 keys 15 minutes)
FDDI, Chennai Campus is located at Lrungattu kottai near SIPCOT
Footwear Park, 40 minutes drive from Chennai. The campus area spread
over 15 acres is situated in a calm and serene surrounding with the state-
of-the art Campus housing & buildings having a built-up area of more than
4 laces sq. ft. Campus has an excellent infrastructure and modern facilities,
which assists in conducting the various academic programmers. The
Institute has a state-of-the-art library, computer lab, well furnished and
centrally air-conditioned building, class rooms and lecture halls, latest multi-
media audio-video, educational support for teaching and a fully equipped
auditorium. The Campus is equipped with International Testing Laboratory.
Chennai is the biggest hub of the world leather industry.
Every exporter had an office in Chennai & most of the leather &
footwear industry is located in and around Chennai. Tamil Nadu accounts
for 30 % of leather exports and about 70 per cent of leather production in
the country. The large scale presence of the Tanning industry has resulted
in Tamil Nadu becoming a dominant production centre in the country for
leather and leather based products. In Tamil Nadu many people are
employed in the industries dealing with leather and leather based products.
With the expansion and huge investment coming up in this from the
national and international reputed brands the employment opportunities in
this sector is going to increase many fold. It is estimated that leather
industry will require at least one millions additional man power in the next
five years. The skill gaps at the level of designers, technologists and
management professionals are more stark and demanding. Other Western
nations have comparable regulatory bodies. The regulations are
implemented and enforced by the China Securities Regulation Commission
in China. In Singapore, the regulation authority is the Monetary Authority of
Singapore, and in Hong Kong, it is the Securities and Futures Commission.
DEST for CSS, TA & DEO (2000 keys 15 minutes)

This article specifies that except for Defense, Foreign Affairs, Finance
and Communications, (matters specified in the instrument of accession)
the Indian Parliament needs the State Government's concurrence for
applying all other laws. Thus the state's residents lived under a separate
set of laws, including those related to citizenship, ownership of property,
and fundamental rights, as compared to other Indians.
Similar protections for unique status exist in tribal areas of India
including those in Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Andaman &
Nicobar Islands and Nagaland however it is only for the state of Jammu
and Kashmir that the accession of the state to India is still a matter of
dispute between India and Pakistan still on the agenda of the UN Security
Council and where the Government of India vide 1974 Indira-Sheikh
accord committed itself to keeping the relationship between the Union and
Jammu and Kashmir State within the ambit of this article .
The 1974 Indira-Sheikh accord mentions that "The State of Jammu
and Kashmir which is a constituent unit of the Union of India, shall, in its
relation with the Union, continue to be governed by Article 370 of the
Constitution of India".
In notifications issued as far back as 1927 and 1932, the state
created various categories of residents – with some being called
permanent residents with special rights. Though the law did not
discriminate between female and male PRs, an administrative rule – thanks
to in-built patriarchy or misogyny – made it clear that women could remain
PRs only till marriage. After that they had to seek a fresh right to remain
PRs. And if a woman married someone who wasn‟t a Kashmiri PR, she
automatically lost her own PR status. In 2004, the state high court, in the
case of State of J&K vs Sawhney, declared that there was no provision in
the existing law dealing with the status of a female PR who married a non-
resident. The provision of women losing their PR status after marrying
outside the state,

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