Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究) Section 2-4 化學試題操練班

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Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr.

Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)

Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
Question 1:
The structures of butane and 2-methyl propane are shown below:

Which of the following statements about these two compounds is/are correct?

(1) They are a pair of allotropes.

(2) Their relative molecular masses are both 58 g.
(3) Butane has a higher boiling point than 2-methylpropane.

A. (1) only
B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only
D. (1) and (3) only

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
Question 2:
Hydrogen diselenide has a chemical formula of H2Se2. It exists as a flammable
liquid at room temperature and pressure.
(a) Given that selenium is a group (VI) element. Its atomic number is 34.
(i) Calculate the number of neutrons in a H2Se2 molecule formed by 1H
atoms and 78Se atoms.
(ii) Calculate the number lone electron pairs in a H2Se2 molecule
(2 marks)

(b)* Describe the bonding and structure of hydrogen diselenide.

(4 marks)

(c) Explain the difference in boiling points between hydrogen diselenide and
hydrogen disulphide.
(2 marks)

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
Question 3:
The number of six-membered ring in 60 g graphite is
(Relative atomic mass: C = 12.0)

A. 1 x 1024
B. 2 x 1024
C. 3.01 x 1024
D. 6.02 x 1024

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
Question 4:
Zinc reacts with steam at high temperature to form zinc oxide and a gaseous product.
(a) Draw a labelled diagram of a safe experimental setup for the reaction.
(2 marks)

(b) State the observable change of the zinc in (a).

(1 mark)

(c) Zinc oxide and iron (II) oxide can be converted back to zinc and iron using
carbon reduction respectively.
(i) Explain the difference in rates between these two reactions under the
same reaction conditions.

(ii) Explain which metal oxide of the same mass requires more carbon for
complete reduction.
(4 marks)

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
Question 5:
A 9.794 M. hydrogen peroxide solution contains 30 % by mass of hydrogen peroxide.
The density of the solution is
(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, O = 16.0)

A. 1.01 g cm-3
B. 1.06 g cm-3
C. 1.11 g cm-3
D. 1.16 g cm-3

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
Question 6:
2 g of compound Y was dissolved in 100 cm3 cold water to form a colorless clear
solution. When excess aqueous ammonia was slowly added to the solution, the final
reaction mixture became cloudy. Compound Y is probably

A. Baking soda
B. Silver nitrate
C. Slaked lime
D. Epsom salt (hydrated magnesium heptahydrate)

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班

Dr Kelvin Lau 中四及中五大考精讀課程:

Plan 課題 堂數 課程簡介/ 備註
✓ 送 4 套中五 Mock Exam Papers
(包括 Paper 1A, Paper 1B, Marking
All-round Exam Skill Scheme, MC 詳解和考評報告)
A 中五 4
Training Course ✓ 極速重溫中四及中五各課題答題技巧
✓ 該課程是中五 Regular Course 的第十個獨
✓ 極速重溫該課題的化學概念和操練相關試
Acids and Bases (酸
中四及 題
B 和鹽基) 8
中五 ✓ 已在中四 Regular Course 跟 Dr Lau 學習這
✓ 極速重溫該課題的化學概念和操練相關試
Redox Reactions

C (氧化還原反應) 中五 8
✓ 已在中五 Regular Course 跟 Dr Lau 學習這
精讀版 課題的同學不用報讀
✓ 學習初階有機化學 – 包括 homologous
Fossil Fuel and series (同系列)、systematic nomenclature
Carbon of organic compounds(有機化合物的系統
Compounds – 命名法)、reactions of alkanes and
Part 1 中四及
D 5 alkenes(烷烴和烯烴的反應)
(化石燃料和 中五
✓ 為學習中六的高階有機化學奠定基礎
碳化合物 – ✓ 該課程是中四 Regular Course 的最後五堂
第一部分) (即是中四 Regular Course 的第九個獨立課

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
問題 1:
丁烷和 2-甲基丙烷的結構表示如下:

(1) 它們是一對同素異形體。
(2) 它們的相對分子質量是 58 g。
(3) 丁烷比 2-甲基丙烷具有較高的沸點。

A. 只有(1)
B. 只有(3)
C. 只有(1)和(2)
D. 只有(2)和(3)

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
問題 2:
二硒化氫的化學式是 H2Se2。它是在常溫常壓下是一種易燃液體。
(a) 已知硒是一種第(VI)族元素。它的原子數是 34。
(i) 計算一個由 1H 原子和 78Se 原子組的 H2Se2 分子中的中子數。
(ii) 計算一個 H2Se2 分子中的孤偶電子對數目。
(2 分)

(b)* 討論二硒化氫的鍵合與結構。
(4 分)

(c) 解釋二硒化氫和二硫化氫沸點上的差異。
(2 分)

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
問題 3:
在 60 g 石墨中的六角環數目是
(相對原子質量: C = 12.0)

A. 1 x 1024
B. 2 x 1024
C. 3.01 x 1024
D. 6.02 x 1024

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
問題 4:
(a) 繪出一個有關該反應的安全實驗裝置。
(2 分)

(b) 指出在(a)中鋅的一項可觀察變化。
(1 分)

(c) 利用碳還原法可以分別把氧化鋅和氧化鐵(II)轉化成其金屬。
(i) 解釋在相同反應條件下這兩個反應速率上的差異。

(ii) 解釋哪種相同質量的氧化物需要較多碳進行完全還原
(4 分)

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
問題 5:
一個 9.794 M 的過氧化氫溶液含有 30 %質量比的過氧化氫。該溶液的密度是
(相對原子質量: H = 1.0, O = 16.0)

A. 1.01 g cm-3
B. 1.06 g cm-3
C. 1.11 g cm-3
D. 1.16 g cm-3

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班
問題 6:
把 2 g 化合物 Y 溶於 100 cm3 冷水,並生成一無色清澈溶液。把過量的氨水加入
該溶液,最終的混合物變成混濁。化合物 Y 很可能是

A. 蘇打粉
B. 硝酸銀
C. 熟石灰
D. 瀉鹽 (七水合硫酸鎂)

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.
Chemistry/ Beacon Live 2020 Dr. Kelvin Lau (抄襲翻印,必定追究)
Section 2-4 化學試題操練班

Dr Kelvin Lau 中四及中五大考精讀課程:

Plan 課題 堂數 課程簡介/ 備註
✓ 送 4 套中五 Mock Exam Papers
(包括 Paper 1A, Paper 1B, Marking
All-round Exam Skill Scheme, MC 詳解和考評報告)
A 中五 4
Training Course ✓ 極速重溫中四及中五各課題答題技巧
✓ 該課程是中五 Regular Course 的第十個獨
✓ 極速重溫該課題的化學概念和操練相關試
Acids and Bases (酸
中四及 題
B 和鹽基) 8
中五 ✓ 已在中四 Regular Course 跟 Dr Lau 學習這
✓ 極速重溫該課題的化學概念和操練相關試
Redox Reactions

C (氧化還原反應) 中五 8
✓ 已在中五 Regular Course 跟 Dr Lau 學習這
精讀版 課題的同學不用報讀
✓ 學習初階有機化學 – 包括 homologous
Fossil Fuel and series (同系列)、systematic nomenclature
Carbon of organic compounds(有機化合物的系統
Compounds – 命名法)、reactions of alkanes and
Part 1 中四及
D 5 alkenes(烷烴和烯烴的反應)
(化石燃料和 中五
✓ 為學習中六的高階有機化學奠定基礎
碳化合物 – 第一 ✓ 該課程是中四 Regular Course 的最後五堂
部分) (即是中四 Regular Course 的第九個獨立課

S2/ P1 of 2/ Microscopic World / Dr. Kelvin Lau–PhD (Pure Chemistry - HKU)/ All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved by Beacon College Ltd
except that all public exam questions, if any, are licensed by copyright owner HKEAA.

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