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(As per Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Name of Course Instructor : Dr.J. Venkateswara Rao
Course Name & Code : Applied Mechanics& 17CE 02
Program/Sem/Sec : B.Tech., CE., II-Sem., Sections- A A.Y : 2019-20
Q.No Question Description (Minimum 10 Questions) CO BL Assignment Date
1. a) Define i) Speed ii) Velocity iii) Acceleration Iv ) Uniform Assignment
1. velocity and acceleration 5 L1 06/06/20
b) Derive three equations of motion under uniform
A stone is thrown vertically upwards from the ground with a Assignment
velocity 49 m/ s. After 2 seconds another stone vertically
2. upwards from the same place. If both the stone strike 5 L2 06/06/20
the ground at the same time, Determine the velocity with which
the second stone was thrown upwards.
A stone dropped from the top of a cliff 120 m high. After one Assignment
second, another stone is thrown down and strikes the first stone
3. 5 L3 06/06/20
when it has just reached the foot of the cliff. Find the velocity
with which the second stone was thrown.
A car moves along a straight line whose equation of motion is Assignment
given by s = 12t + 3t2-2t3, where ‘s’ is in meters and ‘t’ is in
4. seconds. Calculate i) Velocity and acceleration at a start, and ii) 5 L3 06/06/20
acceleration, when the velocity is zero.
The equation of motion of a particle moving in a straight line is Assignment
given by s = 18t+3t2-2t3, where s is in meters and t is in
5. seconds. Find i) velocity and acceleration at start ii) time, when 5 L3 06/06/20
the particle reaches its maximum velocity, and iii) maximum
velocity of the particle.
A body moves along a straight line and its acceleration 'a' Assignment
which varies with time’t’ is given by a = 2-3t. Five seconds
after the start of observation, the velocity is 20 m/ s. The
distance moved by the body 10 sec after the start of observation
6. of motion from origin is 85 m. Identify the acceleration, 5 L3 06/06/20
velocity and distance from the origin at the start of observation.
The time after the start of observation at which the velocity
becomes zero and the distance travelled from the origin.
A train starting from rest, is uniformly accelerated. The Assignment
acceleration at any instant is 10/ (v+1), where v is the velocity
7. of the train in m/s at the instant. Find the distance, in which the 5 L3 06/06/20
train will attain a velocity of 35 kmph.
a) Formulate an equation for the trajectory of a projectile and Assignment
show that it is a parabola. b) A particle is projected with a
8. velocity of 105 m/s at an angle 35° to the horizontal. Find the 5 L3 06/06/20
range, the maximum height attained and the time of flight.
Derive the equation for range of projectile motion A projectile Assignment
shot at an angle of 600 above the horizontal strikes a building 80
9. m away at a point 48 m above the point of projection. (i) Find 5 L3 06/06/20
the initial velocity (ii) Identify the magnitude and direction of
the velocity when it strikes the building.
a) A body is projected upwards with a velocity of 30 m/s at an Assignment
angle of 300 with the horizontal. Determine i) The time of
flight ii) The range of the body iii) The maximum height
attained by the body.
10. b) Prove that the range on an inclination plane will be 5 L3 06/06/20
maximum if 2- = 90° when projectile projected up the
inclined plane, where = angle of projection and ( =
inclination of the inclined plane with the horizontal.
Note: BL-Bloom’s Taxonomy Level (L1/L2/L3/L4/L5/L6)
Course Instructor Course Coordinator Module Coordinator HOD
(Dr.J.V.Rao) (Dr.J.V.Rao) (Mr.B.R.K) (Dr.V.R.K)

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