What To Do After Graduation Article

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18 May 2020

What to do after graduation as Geologist?

During my career path as Geologist, I encountered undergraduate students who all had a one common
question which is (what is next after graduation?) or (what Can I do after graduation?) or (what are the
steps I should follow to get a job in Oil Company?). All these question express one concern and that is the
“Future”. Actually, this concern is asked in the right time where oil industry job market is low as it is loaded
with so many professional and young graduates standing in long lines at companies’ doors or browsing
recruitment websites to find a dream job, sending CVs, making interviews, attending events such as
conferences and seminars, networking with CEOs and Recruiters, with no progress.

Nowadays with healthy restricting laws Implemented because of the impact of COVID-19 on human’s life
and decline in the global economy as oil prices is almost as free as Sand, companies became tending to
unemploy or make a huge redundancy (Reducing map power) therefore thousands of professionals have
become jobs free. Such situation rises the concern of the Geoscience graduates and increase the intensity
of fear about the future. However, these concerns remain just feelings generated by negative thoughts
but they can be reversed into positive thoughts which motivates the graduate and clear his/her vision to
future so make him/her take the first step into great future.

Since oil industry is passing by bad conditions-on economic and politic level, it doesn’t mean that it is not
developing. Everyday there are new softwares, new methodologies, new techniques. Oil fields exploration
and development plans are invading the world (onshore and offshore) to cover the human and industries
demands of HC refineries, regardless of recent poor economy and slow piece. From now and until the oil
industry job market boom again, graduates should increase their level of experience and obtain new skills
or update.

In this article and from my long experience in oil industry as Geologist, I will talk about the most important
skills that any graduate should obtain to (if not master) to be considered for a technical job interview in
oil industry.

The most wanted skills starts with;

1-Language skills

English language is the connection that link the world in every aspect of life. It is the language spoken in
international scientific conferences and political summits. You can call it “Bridging Language” that open
the doors for communication and comprehension among people from different places and races. The
world leaders, industry professionals, decision makers all of them speak English. So if you are form non-
English speaker country then the first thing to do is to improve your English language by joining general
English courses or speaking classes.

Oil industry speak English, all scientific issues, problems, mysteries, solutions are exposed to the world in
English. So make your English language priority number one after graduation.

Multiple language speakers have their CV noticed by recruiters so they have a better consideration for
job interview in comparison with those who speak one language.
18 May 2020

2- Technical skills

1- Computer operating systems

Operating systems such as Windows and Mac are the platforms on which all communications,
calculations, processes, and applications are run. These systems enables us to set up softwares and use
them to accomplish tasks, connect with internet to research and network, store data and organize them,
design graphics and write articles…etc. so for the sake of operating system proficiency test, answer the
following questions:

1. Are you familiar with common operating systems such as Windows and the difference between
2. Can you handle desktop organization, task bars, and system update?
3. Did you solve problems and overcome issues related to system errors without referring to
support from Experts such as; abrupt system stop, files disappeared, huge and scattered data
files, invasion of viruses and spams, hacking related matters….etc?
4. Do you know how to install softwares and run them?
5. Do you know how to uninstall softwares and remove unwanted files from your system?
6. Do you know how to install hardware drives for Printer, Scanner, or Mic?
7. Do you know how to set up settings of your operating system to suit your work needs and your
8. Can you protect your files and maintain your system security and the way to do that?
9. Do you know how to protect your personal photos, videos, documents from “Being Lost” ?

If your answer for some or all the above questions is YES then you are a good Operating System user. In
case your answer is NO, then u need to sharpen your knowledge and learn the basics of mastering
operating systems by practising. You can start by surfing the net for your favorite operating system tutorial
videos. oil industry in general use Windows so pay more focus on this. Social Networks such as Youtube
is loaded with many tutorial videos that teach you how to use Windows from beginner to proficiency level.
Being familiar with operating system control and handling indicate potential capability and flexibility to
learn more and increase skills in softwares related to your major and at the same time required by the

2- Microsoft Office

Which includes (Word, Excel, Power Point, and Access). You should release that there is no oil industry
professional either an Administrator, Engineer, Geologist, Geophysicist, Drilling Engineer, Manager, CEO,
or Secretary doesn’t know how to use office softwares kit on at least the basic level. These tools have and
still been the state-of-are required not only oil industry but by every industry, every government sector,
every business center in the world.

These softwares became essential part of business administration, technical duties accomplishment, and
projects management, it is even used to handle personal matters such as calculating family monthly
budget using Excel, writing an article about interesting subject to publish it on the net By Microsoft Word,
exchanging emails through Outlook, design posters, cards, and slide shows using Publisher and Power
18 May 2020

So you need to learn and practice Microsoft Office Applications or improve your level of expertise then
add them as top important skills to your resume. The Microsoft Office Kit is part of Technical Interview,
it is highly expected be asked and maybe tested for this skill. you don’t want to feel embarrassed when
interviewer asks you to do a pie chart or histogram for certain statistical exercise in Excel and you even
don’t know what Excel is made for ??

To evaluate your experience with these key softwares, go through the following questions;

1. How familiar are you with Microsoft office packages (Access, word, Excel, Power Point) ?
2. Are you able to type quickly with minimum misspelling in Microsoft Word?
3. Do you know to change the settings and colors of the text?
4. Do you know how to control the layout of your report and change the colors and size of the
5. How flexible you are with math and statistic equations typing in Excel?
6. Can you do simple match calculations using equations stored in Excel?
7. Do you know about different Excel charts and their applications?
8. Can you prepare a good and nice looking presentation in a short time and add nice slides
animation in power point?
9. Do you know how to formulate email in Outlook ?

If you think you lack of some skills in these applications then you need to maximize this experience by
joining course such as ICDL course which is “International Computer Drivers License”. This certificate is
provided after you go through exciting courses teaching how to use not only Microsoft office softwares
but even Windows system and Internet. Obtain this certificate because it indicates your Microsoft Office
expertise in your CV. in case you don’t want to join courses, you can do self-teach by exploring the net for
hundreds or thousands of tutorial videos published for free on different websites such as youtube.
Download exercises and practice until you reach acceptable or professional level using Microsoft
softwares. Those who lack or missing the key skills in computer such as Windows and Microsoft Office
rarely get a chance for job interview, let alone recruiting or accepting for a position.

3- Discipline skills

They include the skills required to accomplish projects related to your major and research targets. All of
us had done research thesis/research projects on some certain subjects related to specific discipline or
major and we used certain skills to accomplish them successfully. So what skills that you applied in your
research project? What is the software that you used to support your work and time? Did you do data
analysis or data integration to reach a certain interpretation and How? Did you use a software to design
or to model or to calculate equations to reach a certain conclusion or to display your output results as
Charts and diagrams? …

If you did it .. Then you are on the first step toward a remarkable future. So start charging these skills with
more practice. Choose softwares that are important to your career development. Your selection can be
based on your major and career targets. For example:

If you are a petrophysicist then you need some software to do log analysis and interpretation such as
Geolog from Paradigm or Techlog from SLB
18 May 2020

If you are Geophysicist then you need to gain time practicing and doing exercises on software like
Seismage or Petrel Geophyscis from SLB.

Or maybe you are geologist who is interested and eager to do 3D model for reservoir to evaluate potential
and quality, then you need to practise 3D modeling softwares such as Petrel, RMS …etc

Or maybe you are a reservoir engineer, then you need to update yourself with the most recent reservoir
monitor and simulation softwares

Or you could be a drilling engineer who heard about the last updates in drilling technology and looking to
apply them

Although most of these softwares are not free and sometimes very expensive, you still can familiarize
yourself and get to know them through self-teach tutorials. Look for tutorials videos on the net, ask for a
demo version if possible, talk to your mentor or supervisor for advice, check if the software is available in
your college lab. You can also go to scientific research centers which are related to your major and request
a permission to use the software if it is available to apply in your project.

All these software skills are popular and strongly recommended by oil companies and still there are more.
Imagine that you applied for some open positions and one of these skills was on your resume. Chances of
job interview, if not recruiting, will be much higher compared to those who don’t know these skills.

Each major and discipline has different applicable softwares. So if you are feeling lost or confused what
to choose and learn, explore job postings and check what are the most required Softwares skills linked to
your discipline and wanted by oil company. You can write them down and search for tutorial videos, enroll
in teaching courses, maybe most of them are not free, but do all you can do to obtain knowledge and
practice so to be added to your skills record and in turn increase your chance to be hired. You can also
buy and download them especially those who are cheap and you can effort to purchase.


These are defined as personal characteristics that enable you to interact and work effectively with people.
There are seven types of softskills that you need to master some if not all of them. Let me go through then
one by one

1. Leadership Skills.

It is the ability to lead projects and supervise workers. Companies need people who can build
relationships, motivate, evaluate employees, and build teams.

2. Teamwork.

It is the potential of joining and working with others. Successful projects are always accomplished by a
team / group of people not only individual. Having the value of teamwork keeps in the spot for important
and profitable projects that companies plan to set.
18 May 2020

3. Communication Skills.

The communication skills includes ability to speak clearly and comprehensively, ability to listen effectively,
ability to write different types of documents, and ability to communicate non-verbally through body
language and face expression. All these skills support your career and keep you in the spot.

4. Problem Solving Skills.

This is very important skills. Why you think companies hire people … simply to find solutions for problems.
So you need to use knowledge, analytical skills, connections or combination of all to find solutions for
problems and excel in your future career.

5. Work Ethic.

It is the measurement of respect and loyalty to the company regulations or COC code of conducts which
is related to punctual work times (arriving work place), meeting deadlines for duties, results quality
control, and going extra mile in your work. When you are committed to these rules, then make sure that
you will be performing your work on excellence level which is what the companies need from their

6. Flexibility/Adaptability.

Is to be able to shift positions, work in different places, and change directions. As you know life changes
and time never wait for you. As time changes, the competition among companies increases so they need
workers who can support them with new economic conditions and new challenges so you have to be
ready to work on multiple tasks. You have to flexible and adaptable.

7. Interpersonal Skills.

It includes skills of maintaining relationships, building rapports, to be tolerant, and accept constructive

4- Get noticed

Now you have the skills and good knowledge of your aspect it is time to get noticed. As you know the oil
industry is heavily crowded with professionals from different disciplines in addition to fresh graduates
who are standing in the queue to employment to get a dream job. Don’t want to wait for a chance to
come just make that chance gets to you. How to do that? by getting noticed and attract attention of
employers or recruiters to your CV and skills. You can do that by applying the following ideas:

1- Formulate a professional CV

Resume is your history of skills and experience in addition to your talents. It tells who you are and what
you can do and what you have done of projects related to your major. Put your Graduate Research project
as “Qualifications” and if you have several projects then organize them under “Experience” title. So get
that resume ready to send and make it look so professional so recruiters would be interested in reading
it. If you don’t know how to formulate your resume then ask CV writing expert to support you. You will
find many Freelancers online who can assist you to write a professional CV. if you want to write yourself
18 May 2020

and you can’t find the right format, surf the net for thousands of free CV format that you can download
and follow the instructions inside.

2- Membership in societies

It is another thing strongly advised to do right after graduation. Be a member in your local society or in
international societies like SPE-Society of petroleum engineers, EAGE European association of
Geoscientists, AAPG America association of Petroleum Geologists…..etc. find your favorite society that
focus on your area of specialty, connect with the members, attend workshops and lectures presented by
senior members, ask questions and listen effectively, and share your thoughts with the members, be
interested and curious.

3- Connect and network

Social networks like Facebook and Linkedin are very huge areas for networking with thousands of
professionals of your major or specialty. Open account in each one of them, write a summary about
yourself and what you can do, write about issues and problems related to your major and share thoughts
with your connections, problems you encountered during your thesis project and how you solved them,
publish a video record for your research project discussion with your seniors on linkedin so others learn
what you did, join groups and ask questions, be proactive more than active.

Participate in global events like conferences and workshops related to the industry you want to join,
convert your thesis to a scientific paper and publish it online or present it in a conference or workshop.
Such activities are powerful and make sure that they would attract the attention of employers to yourself
and they will be glad to ask you for your resume. Remember companies are looking for proactive,
innovative and problem solving employees to add value and maximize revenue and overcome issues and

5- Be positive and take action

To accomplish your goals you need to be positive, believe in yourself and your ideas, in your skills and
experience, and think of all good things you have got on the way to your career dream and those yet to
gain and dumb those negative thoughts. Don’t be lazy or frustrated, keep taking actions, if one step didn’t
work then switch to another one. But don’t stop because if you stop you fail and remember the world is
very wide and much larger than we think so make sure that your opportunity is 100% for sure is
somewhere there and all you need to do is just keep taking actions and by committed.

Thank you for your time reading my article ... go ahead on your journey to dream job … never stop,…. and
keep learning

Written By Tajeddin Benissa

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