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UNIT GC3 – THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template


Student number 00498626

Location Bus terminal building, koyambedu, Chennai, India

Date of review 12/ Oct/ 2019

Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place

This safety inspection carried out in the construction site of bus terminal building located at
koyambedu, Chennai on 12 October 2019. The construction work is done by the company KJR
projects, Chennai; the company performs all the construction work activities. The purpose of the
inspection is to analyze the health and safety standard of the company in the work site and to
improve and establish some control measures to increase their health and safety standards as the
company has the moral responsibility to provide safety to the workers and will help in prevent from
occurring of accidents which prevents form legal issues and the direct and indirect cost due to the

The work area is the construction of a terminal building for buses at koyambedu, Chennai. The work
area is around 10 acres. The work area consist of the all work activity the takes place in construction
site like work at height, scaffolding erection, excavation, hot work, temporary works, installation
works and other construction work activities.

Work equipments like grinder, cutter, powered hand tools, concrete breakers, lifting machines and
vehicles like dumper trucks, and excavators are being used in construction site.

The work area consisting of total man power of 150 people where managers 2nos, supervisors
10nos, masonry workers 25nos, welders 10nos, grinders and cutters 10nos, store keeper 8nos, office
assistance 5nos, drivers 20nos, structure fitter 25nos, housekeeping 15nos, helper 20nos.
UNIT GC3 – THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template

Student number 00498626

Location Bus terminal building, koyambedu, Chennai, India Date of review 12 /Oct /2019

Executive Summary

The inspection was carried out at the construction of the bus terminal building at koyambedu,
Chennai on 12 October 2019. The work activity was carried out by a construction company named
KRJ projects. More than 20 hazards are found in the construction site and some good practices like
installation of fire extinguishers at all necessary place and providing welfare facilities like drinking
water at levels of the building are also carried out. But when we look the observations made it
shows that more bad practices are carried out and the risk level arising due to this will be high. The
control measures for the risks are illustrated clearly in the main findings.

This report covers the risk in total construction area in which the management has to focus to
improvise the safety and health standards. The areas that needed to improvise are fire safety,
electrical safety, housekeeping, work at height, noise and vibration exposure. The management has
the moral responsibility to provide safe work place, environment and proper equipments to prevent
the health and safety of the workers.
The fire issues are hot work near chemicals storage area, faulty wiring near documents storage and
smoking near store room which leads to fire accident causing loss of property, life and damage to
building. Proper inspection, risk assessment, supervision will avoid the fire. The electrical issues are
improper isolation of power, overloading, working near overhead power lines causing electrocution,
burns and fatality. Using safety devices like LOTO, circuit breakers like MCB,RCCB and providing goal
post near overhead power lines prevent the accidents. The housekeeping issues are improper
segregation of waste, storing of gas cylinders and cleaning of spills which cause fire hazard, toxic
atmosphere and slipper surface. Proper disposal, arrangement and cleaning will eliminate these
hazards. The work at height issues are not using good materials for erection, not providing guard
rails and toe boards and no riggers to the mobile scaffold which leads to collapse or topple of the
scaffold and fall of people resulting in fractures and death. To eliminate these hazards use good
materials for erection and should be done only by competent person and should be inspected before
use. Diesel generator is placed near site office and manual hand rock drilling machine is used. These
produce high noise level and continuous exposure will result in tinnitus, stress and noise induced
hearing loss. Enclosing the generator parts and replacing it with electric power eliminate the noise.
Provide ear defenders for drilling workers to reduce the noise and substitute the work with an
machine where the worker will be inside the operator cabin is insulated. The usage of hand breaker
machine causes hand arm vibration syndrome where the usage of breaker fitted to excavator will
eliminate the hazard. The overall estimated cost to implement the control measures is about INR
UNIT GC3 – THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template

Student number 00498626

Location Bus terminal building, koyambedu, Chennai, India

Date of review 12 /Oct /2019

Main findings of the inspection

During the inspection many hazards are found which state that the company need to focus on the
proper implementation of safety and health in the construction area as stated in the policy. The
hazards form the observation has potential danger to cause risk to the safety and health of the
workers. The hazards found are electrical, fire, housekeeping, work at height, noise and vibration.

1. FIRE HAZARD (Observations no 1, 6, 8)

The number hazards associated with fire are due to unsatisfactory work practices. The sparks from
the hot work like cutting and grinding falls on the chemicals stored near and faulting wiring in the
office room near documents storage due which sparks are produced falling on the documents and
workers are smoking near the store room without knowing the potential fire create from the
cigarette buds and match sticks.

These practices will result in huge fire causing fatality, loss of property, damage to building with
indirect cost of reputation loss to the company, accident investigation time.

It breaches the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 which required
considering fire safety in construction phase plan for site and appropriate arrangements made and
ISO 7010: international standards for safety signs and Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to
undertake fire risk assessment and implement the findings.

The control measures that are to implemented by the management to avoid the danger of fire is to
barricade to hot work area and cover the sparks falling area with fire blankets, insisting workers to
avoid smoking inside the site, using good electrical installations and in the long term measure risk
assessment should be carried out before starting hot work, providing supervision of work,
inspections on electrical installations on every half yearly and rules to be established to punish the
smoking workers inside the site. The cost estimated to implement these control measures is INR
2. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS (Observation no 3, 15, 17)

The electrical hazards are improper usage of protective systems such as LOTO during electrical
installations, misuse of sockets by overloading it the socket with numerous plugs and lifting work
near live overhead power lines without isolating the power.

As the result of these practices leading to electrocution, arching, overheating of the equipments will
damage the equipments and short circuit causing explosion resulting loss of workers life and will cost
the company.

This is a breach in The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 that the work on or near live electrical
system should be prohibited if not possible then there must be an SSW in place to ensure work is
carried out safely.

Intermediately the management should provide LOTOs to the workers, provide sufficient and
required number of sockets in the workstation and install goal posts and barricades to keep the
vehicle contact from the live overhead lines. In the long term control measure the management
should supervise the work, periodic inspections should be done to ensure safe handling and usage to
powered equipments, risk assessment should be done and checklist should be provided to the
workers. The cost estimated to implement the control measures is nearly INR 83000

The control measures are to be implemented as accident will be followed by investigation, reporting
resulting in loss of valuable time of the workers and there will loss of reputation loss, worker morale
3. HOUSEKEEPING HAZARDS (Observation no 2,12, 19)

As several work activity is performed in a construction site huge amount of waste will be produced,
improper collection and segregation of waste the worksite will be filled with debris all over the
working area obstructing the work, improper storage of cylinders inside the room and there are
spills of oils on the floor of the store room.

Improper housekeeping leads to sever hazards where not proper collection and disposal of waste
which contains oil waste, wood waste, chemical waste leading to fire causing damage to property
and building and storing of cylinders inside rooms creates forming toxic atmosphere hazards to
workers and spills of oils leads to slip hazard.

Poor housekeeping results in breaches of The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres
Regulations 2002 in which the employers are required to control risk to safety from fire, explosions
and substances corrosive to metals

The management should involve in cleaning the worksite clearing all the wastes and segregate it
according to the type of waste and implement measures to control the waste from the work activity,
providing separate place for cylinder storage outside with good ventilation and fencing and catch
trays used to avoid the spills on floor and spill kits provided to clean those spills. In the long term
measure the management should ensure safe system of work for housekeeping and proper waste
disposal methods and inspections to ensure good housekeeping. The cost estimated is to be about
INR 145000 for fencing, spill trays and spill kits and the management’s time to perform these actions
for good housekeeping.

The management has the moral responsibility of providing clean, hygiene and safe work place to
their workers in which accidents and other ill health to the workers can be avoided.
4. WORK AT HEIGHT HAZARDS (Observation no 9, 13, 20)

Improper work practices are followed by the workers working at height leads to many hazards at the
worksite. Standards which are damaged with cracks and bends are used in scaffold erection for
plastering work, edge protection like guard rails and toe boards are not installed in the third floor
and mobile scaffold are used without out riggers.

These practices results in collapse of the scaffold and topple of the mobile scaffold and people fall
from height. This leads to injury of the workers and the people in the vicinity. In some instances this
may lead to loss of life also.

It violates the Work at Height Regulations 2005 and ILO Recommendation R175 – Safety and Health
in Construction Recommendation 1988 (no. 16, 17)stating that scaffold used should be of sound
material and of adequate size, strength and should be properly designed, erected and maintained so
as to prevent collapse.

The management should intermediately try to avoid or reduce the work at height activities and
provide supervision to work and in the long term measure implement permit to work systems, safety
harness and safety nets of good standards, and regular induction training to workers who work at
height. The estimated cost to establish the control measures is approximately INR 133000

The management has some moral responsibility to protect the life of workers and people in the
vicinity which can be done by some managerial works which will cost less to the company
5. NOISE AND VIBRATION HAZARDS (Observation no 14, 18, 23)

Work equipments are used to perform the work activity which produces noise and vibration creating
an unpleasant work atmosphere to the workers. The diesel generator is used for producing power
supply for the site office which is placed near the office itself and using manual hand rock drilling
machine for drilling purpose. Due to this workers are exposed to high noise level. And hand operated
concrete breaker in used by the workers by which they are expose to high vibration levels.

The continuous exposure to higher noise levels results in noise induced hearing loss, temporary
ringing in the ears(tinnitus), stress, lack of concentration and continuous exposure to vibration
results in hand arm vibration syndrome, damage in the finger nervous, muscle weakening and joint

Management has the moral responsibility of conducting health surveillance to the workers.
This violates the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 which stated that the noise level should
be controlled at the work, providing hearing protection, controlling duration of exposure and health
surveillance to the workers.

Intermediately the management should enclose the noise producing parts of generator by silencers.
Job rotation and rest breaks should be provided to the workers frequently, ear defenders and shock
absorbing gloves should be provided to reduce the exposure of noise and vibration

In the long term use electrical power source and use diesel generators as backup power source only.
Substitute the manual operating of the equipment with a machine fitted one so the workers are
reduced to the exposure to noise and vibration. The estimated cost of controlling the exposure in
estimated to be INR 105000
UNIT GC3 – THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template

Student number 00498626

Location Bus terminal building, koyambedu, Chennai, India

Date of review 12 /Oct /2019


The inspection is carried out at the construction of bus terminal building, koyambedu by the
construction company KRJ Projects, Chennai. The company establishes good commitment on health
and safety standards in the construction area and provided basic welfare facilities like access to
drinking water to the worker which is a good practice.

The major areas in which some issues are found. The fire issues found is carrying out cutting and
grinding work near chemicals like acetone, toluene which are used as paint solvents, faulty wiring in
the office room and smoking near storage room. These issues results in fire causing damage to
property, building and loss of life. Perform proper risk assessment before starting work, provide fire
blankets to cover the chemicals and replace the damaged wiring. The electrical issue is working on
wiring without providing LOTO, overloading the power socket, lifting near live overhead power line.
These issues result in electrical shock, electrical burns and loss of life. To control these provide
supervision, training to the workers, install multiple number of power sockets, protective devices
like MCB,RCCB in the circuits and install goal post and sign boards near overhead power lines. The
housekeeping issue is improper handling and disposal of waste, improper storage of gas cylinders
inside a room and improper cleaning of spills in the store room which creates a potential for fire and
toxic atmosphere and as result of fire causing damage to building, loss of life and toxic atmospheres
affecting the person with problems like dizziness, headache, unconsciousness and death. The control
measures are proper segregation, collection and disposal of waste, storing cylinders in well
ventilated area by fencing and cleaning to spills with spill kits immediately and using spill stray to
avoid spilling on the floor. The work at height is using damaged standards, no guard rails and toe
boards for edge protection and no outriggers for mobile scaffold. This results in collapse of the
scaffold and fall of people for height causing damage to property, injury to workers. To control this
proper implementation of permit to work system, supervision, performing regular inspection,
installing good standards can prevent accidents. Noise issues like diesel generator located near site
office and using hand rock drilling machine in which workers are exposed to high noise levels causing
noise induced hearing loss, tinnitus and stress. Enclosing the generator parts with silencing parts like
silencer to exhaust pipe and providing insulation with noise absorbing materials. Provide ear
defenders to workers working with manual rock drilling machine and regular maintenance to change
to damage parts and tighten the lose parts which produce noise. Vibration issue is operating hand
concrete breaker which causing hand arm vibration syndrome, nerve damage and muscle
weakening. Provide vibration resistant hand gloves and limit the duration of exposure by job
rotation. Substitute the manual work with a breaker attached to an excavator arm where vibration
can be reduced.
The other issues found that leads to accidents and affect the health of the worker are follows. The
work environment issue is improper shielding extreme heat sources and poor ventilation. This leads
to exposure to high temperature over long period of time causing dehydration, heat stroke, skin
burns and causing difficulty in breathing as toxic gas accumulated inside the room is inhaled by the
worker and long term exposure leading to nausea, irritation in eyes and throat. Provide sheds to
escape heat of sun and give access to cool drinking water. Install local exhaust ventilation to remove
the toxic gases emitted from work activity. Vehicle issues are speeding of dumper trucks and no
marking of safe work load on the mobile crane. As speeding results in hitting of people and collision
with other vehicles and without safe working load marking the operator may overload the crane
leading to topping to crane. The consequences will be loss of life, injury and damage to property and
equipment. The manual handling issue is continuous and repetitive work of bricklaying workers as
they shift the bricks from ground floor to the first floor manually without and manual handling aids
or no enough rest breaks and job rotation provided. This continuous work done by the workers will
result in work related upper limb disorder and back. As workers health is affected causing them to
take leave and loss of productive time. To eliminate this happening provide assistant to the workers,
proper rest breaks and job rotation to be provided and provide lifting equipments hoist for shifting
of materials between floor levels. Machinery issues like no protective guards are provided on the
table saw. This creates the risk for operator while working may come in contact with the moving part
of the blade resulting on injury in arms, fingers and severe lacerations. Install adjustable guards on
the moving part of the blade and frequently inspect that the guard is not removed by the worker
while working. Workers are not using any type of PPE’s for protection against cement dust in the
cement mixer plant. They are exposed for a long time which affects their health and safety. The
inhalation of cement dust causes irritation in the respiratory tract, and long duration of exposure
causes the dust to settle in the lungs leading to lung cancer. The contact of cement dust with eyes
causes irritation and contact on skin causes dermatitis and allergy. To prevent the health of the
workers provide respiratory PPE like dust mask, for eye protection provide goggles and provide
protective clothing for whole body protection.

The company has the moral responsibility for the health and safety of the workers. It is required to
provide the workers with safe workplace environment, safe and proper equipments to perform their
work. By providing safer work environment the accidents that happening can be prevented.
Occurring of accidents will be incurred by economic issues like compensation to workers, loss of
materials, court fines, increased in insurance premiums and legal issues like prosecution, penalties,
UNIT GC3 – THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template

Student number 00498626

Location Bus terminal building, koyambedu, Chennai, India

Date of review 12 /Oct /2019


Recommendation Likely resource implications Priority Target date

Fire related
( obs no 1, 2, 3)

 Purchasing fire The estimated cost is about INR High 1 week

blankets 10000
 Purchasing and The estimated cost is about INR Medium 1 month
Installing no 15000
smoking sing
Boards The estimated cost is about INR High 2 weeks
 Replacing of 12000
damaged wiring
Electrical related
(obs no 4, 5, 6)

 Purchasing of 20 The estimated cost is about INR High 3 days

no’s of LOTO 15000
 Purchase and The estimated cost is about INR High 2 weeks
installation of 30000
power sockets,
 Installing warning The estimated cost is about INR Medium 1 month
sign boards , goal 20000
 Training to The estimated cost is about INR Medium Every 3 months
workers on topic 18000
systems and
Housekeeping related
(obs no 7, 8, 9)

 Purchasing dust The estimated cost is about INR Medium 2 weeks

bins 10000
 Hiring of The estimated cost is about INR High 10 days
housekeeping 30000
 Purchasing of The estimated cost is about High 20 days
fences with INR70000
lockable door
 Purchasing of The estimated cost is about INR High 1 week
spill kits and 35000
catch trays
Work at height related
(obs no 10, 11, 12)

 Purchasing and The estimated cost is about INR High 15 days

installing of new 75000
standards, guard
rails, toe boards
 Third party The estimated cost is about INR High After erection and
inspection of 25000 alteration
 Purchasing and The estimated cost is about INR Medium 30 days
Installation of 15000
safety nets
 Purchasing and The estimated cost is about INR High 1 week
installing of 18000
Noise and vibration
related (obs no 13, 14,

 Purchasing and The estimated cost is about INR Medium 25 days

Installing of 35000
sound absorbing
and insulation
 Providing rest The estimated cost is about INR Medium 5 days
breaks, time 15000
shifts and job
 Purchasing The estimated cost is about INR High 2 weeks
suitable PPE’s like 55000
ear defender,
resisting hand

1. and 2. Range of issues identified and number of hazards

Issues Description Issue range Number of hazards Comments

( if covered) Identified

1. Electricity
2. Ergonomics
3. Falling objects
4. Fire
5. First Aid
6. Good practice
7. Hazardous substances
8. Housekeeping
9. Information
10. Machinery
11. Manual handling
12. Noise
13. Obstructions / trailing cables
14. Personal Protective
15. Signage
16. Vehicles / routes
17. Vibration
18. Welfare / hygiene
19. Work at height
20. Work environment
21. Any other appropriate


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