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English Olympics (FUN Quest)

10 Questions (Grade 10)

1. It is a story about gods and goddesses or heroes passed from one generation to another.
A. Legend B. Folktale C. Fable D. Myth

2. Olympus was the home of the gods but there were specific number that lived there. There are
how many great Olympians in Greek Mythology?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 7 D. 9

3. This man, according to the Greek myth designed the labyrinth for king Minos.
A. Perseus B. King MinosC. Daedalus d. Orpheus

4. The Norse god Odin sacrificed one of his eyes to gain wisdom by drinking from a mystical
well. Who was the guardian of the well?
A. Thor B. Loki C. Mimir D. Thanos

5. The moon of Pluto is called Charon. What does Charon do in Greek Mythology?
A. He tows the sun across the sky.
B. He is the messenger of the gods.
C. He ferries the dead across the River Styx.
D. He weighs the heart of the dead.

6. What work begins with the following: "Midway in our life's journey, I went astray from the
straight road and woke to find myself alone in a dark wood."
A. Divine Comedy B. Inferno C. Purgatorio D. Paradiso

7. In The Divine Comedy, the concept of sins being turned back on the sinner in punishment is
called what?
A. Empyrean B. Dis C. Purgatory D. contrapasso

8. The 'Song of Roland' takes place during the time of Charles the Great's (Charlemagne) reign
over Frankish territory. Who were the adversaries of the Franks in this poem?
A. Philistines B. Saracens C. Basques D. Berbers
9. The authorship of the 'Song of Roland', is anonymous, but the approximate dates are known.
About when was this epic work written?
A. 1100 B. 900 C. 1200 D. 1500

10. It is a genre of writing that tries to change the reader’s mind by convincing the readers to
agree the writer’s point of view.
A. Persuasive Essay B. Descriptive Essay
C. Argumentative essay D. Expository Essay

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