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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of





Group No. 24

Roll No. Name

1604088 Rutuja Pawar

1604114 Sahil Tekwani

1604115 Chinmay Umrikar



(Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, TSEC)

Computer Engineering Department

Thadomal Shahani Engineering College
University of Mumbai
This is to certify that the project entitled “Smart Pet Care System” is a bonafide work of

Roll No. Name

1604088 Rutuja Pawar

1604114 Sahil Tekwani

1604115 Chinmay Umrikar

submitted to the University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award


Prof. Manisha Dumbre


Dr. Tanuja Sarode Dr. G. T. Thampi

Head of Department Principal
Project Report Approval for BE

Project report entitled “Smart Pet Care System” by

Roll No. Name

1604088 Rutuja Pawar

1604114 Sahil Tekwani

1604115 Chinmay Umrikar

is approved for the degree of “BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING” in






We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words
and where others’ ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited
and referenced the original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all
principles of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or
fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in our submission. We understand
that any violation of the above will because for disciplinary action by the Institute
and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been
properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.


(Name of student and Roll No.)


(Name of student and Roll No.)


(Name of student and Roll No.)


Pets are an important part of human lives and they are to be taken care of. A proper, suitable
and safe environment has to be provided to them with appropriate care. This system tracks and
monitors the pets remotely. This system is intelligent enough to suggest nearby parks for pets,
also nearby veterinary doctors, contacts in case of emergencies. It also keeps track of
medications, vaccinations given or to be given to the pets. It creates a profile of the pets with
required information along with schedule of pets. It provides outline services for pet care like
pet products and other services. All these services constituent in complete wear and tear of a
pet’s life. This application also provides an adopt function and information about stray dogs.
The user also gets an idea of how to handle pets if he/she is new in the world of petting a pet.

Sr. No. Topic Page No.

List of Figures i
List of Tables ii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Aims & Objective 2
1.3 Scope 3
2. Review of Literature 4
2.1 Domain Explanation 4
2.2 Existing Solution 6
2.3 H/W & S/W requirement 7
3. Analysis 8
3.1 Functional Requirement 8
3.2 Non-Functional Requirement 8
3.3 Proposed System 9
4. Design 11
4.1 Design Consideration 11
4.2 Design Details 11
5. Implementation 13
5.1 Plan for Implementation 13
6. Conclusion 18
References 19
Acknowledgement 20
List of Figures

Figure No. Description Page No.

Figure 3.1 Block diagram 10

Figure 4.1 Use-Case Diagram 12

Figure 5.1 Response for having a pet 14

Figure 5.2 Response for having a pet in the past 14

Figure 5.3 Response for choice of pets 15

Figure 5.4 Feature preferences of people 15

Figure 5.5 Flowchart of Registration Process 17

List of Tables

Table No. Description Page No.

Table 2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements 7

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction
In today’s digital world, a high proliferation of smartphones is responsible for significant
transformation as it helps in natural interaction with the world and gives an in-depth knowledge
of the product. The mobile apps can engage directly with your customer and provides better
services with making a convenient experience. One can use Android flexible platforms to have
a full range of interaction, personalized services and draw more insights at the end. Android
app development comes with compatible and new business opportunities which rely on ongoing
trends with creating powerful apps. All mobile technology grows to fulfil the expectation of
different mobile apps and build a flexible business app for customers.
If we look at the most dominant market share, then the android operating system holds 80% of
the market share worldwide. The Android app developers can find the complex task and make
the most up-front app for Android OS. One will see a large number of Android developers then
compare to any other platforms. The Android application saves your lots of time as they are
developed to run with the single click to get newsfeed, shop, order food online and many more.
On the other hand, wireless sensor networks have attracted increasing attention and play
a vital role in connecting everything in our lives. Today users are more and more immersed into
a complex ubiquitous information. To capture handy information, make use of context
information and interact directly with the physical object is the main request in our modern
world with the mobile client. That’s the main issue of the internet of things (IoT). The IoT
provides a set of standards and methodologies to associate object in the real world. There are
several approaches for the provision of applications that make such interactions as possible.
“Internet of Things” is referred to as the general connection of things, especially to those
objects, that are readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable, and controllable via the Internet.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of unattended, self-organized
microsensors scattered in an area for a specific application. Each microsensor can sense
environmental data, perform simple computations, and transmit data over a wireless medium
to a command center, either directly or through a cluster gateway.[1]

With IoT flourishing with each passing day, the concept of smart homes and smart cities
is also becoming more and more prominent. In the scenario of IoT, the mobile devices serve as
the main interface that helps in interacting with the IoT-enabled smart devices. Like, the
smartphones we use nowadays are already powered with apps and sensors that offer great
information about the users.
Apart from this, smartphones can trace several other things as well, such as the orientation
of the device, the condition of light, electricity, and a lot of other things. As these mobile devices
have a variety of features in the form of NFC, Wi-fi, and Bluetooth, so these help the mobile
devices in the community to the other devices and sensors.
Like, today a smartphone is able to interact with an IoT enabled fitness equipment and even a
smartwatch, thus in a way adding to the user experience. Same way, IoT is also helpful in
operating office system remotely and assists in monitoring your office from just anywhere.
Hence, it is clear that IoT has formed a huge market demand for the development of IoT-
integrated app. Owing to this very connectivity that today the top-notch developers can work
easily with one another.
Pets are an important part of human lives and they are to be taken care of. A proper,
suitable and safe environment has to be provided to them with appropriate care. A system to
track and monitor the animals remotely is required. This system should be intelligent enough
to suggest nearby parks for pets, also nearby veterinary doctors, contacts in case of emergencies.
It should also keep track of medications, vaccinations given or to be given to the pets. It will
create a profile of the pets with required information along with schedule of pets. It also
provided outline services for pet care like pet products and other services. All these services
constituent in complete wear and tear of a pet’s life.[3]

1.2 Aim & Objective

Pet Care industry is expanding and changing in a global presence. It is because of the
growth of the pet population, trends inspired by pet humanization as well as the evolving
demand of pet care in developed and emerging markets. Common pet care business paradigms
are found, which are pet food, pet product, and pet service. The paradigms of pet food and pet
products are mainly composed of divisions of product categories, breeds, functions, formation.
Pet food would have a future focus on senior and obese pets; while pet products would have
more technological implementations in the future.
Furthermore, the leading pet care enterprises are Mars Inc. and Nestlé SA globally. They
are international companies which have the food processing manufacturing business

background. Importantly, both of them have a diverse brand portfolio of pet care and they are
using merger and acquisition strategy usually, in order to keep the lead in market shares.
Regarding the US-based dominant pet specialty retailer – PetSmart, it exploits primary
operation strategies of targeting enthusiastic pet owners, product placing formats, low-pricing
strategy and offering all pet solutions in only one place, to keep the dominant position of pet
specialty retailer in North America.
The aim of the project is to develop a mobile application for Android phone users. Once
the users install this application on their phones, they should create a profile of their own pet in
order to access the facilities of the application. The mobile application makes use of IoT to track
the location of their pet. It also uses Google APIs to suggest parks and vet services available in
their vicinity. This application allows the users to create a fixed schedule for their pets and they
shall receive notifications/alarm according to the scheduled activity. This application is
responsible for providing information about the vaccinations already given and to be given to
their respective pets. Also, it recommends relevant products based on the breed of the pet and
other information.

1.3 Scope
The scope of this application is to provide the users with a package of pet care facilities
which constitutes in complete wear and tear of a pet’s life. Based on the conclusions of the
survey report generated from the responses of the people in and around Mumbai, this
application provides the following set of features -
1. Tracking the pet
2. Vaccinations and medical facilities
3. Nearby parks and vet services
4. Alarms/notifications based on the schedule of the pet
The future scope of this project includes an extension of similar services for other pets such as
cats, turtles, fish, etc. It would also include some premium services viz. pet day care centres,
medicine delivery system, breeding platform and chatroom for communication between pet
lovers and vets.

Chapter 2

Review of Literature

2.1 Domain Explanation

The domain requirement for this Smart Pet Care system is Mobile Computing and Internet
of Things (IoT). Mobile Computing is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice and
video via a computer or any other wireless enabled device without having to be connected to a
fixed physical link. Mobile hardware includes mobile devices or device components that
receive or access the service of mobility. They would range from portable laptops, smartphones,
tablet PCs to Personal Digital Assistants. Mobile software is the actual program that runs on
the mobile hardware. It deals with the characteristics and requirements of mobile applications.
This is the engine of the mobile device. In other terms, it is the operating system of the
appliance. It’s the essential component that operates the mobile device. In general,
contemporary mobile computing involves a mobile computing workstation of some form,
commonly referred to as a mobile device, and a wireless network connection based on Wi-Fi
(wireless LAN) or cellular (wireless WAN) technology. Local data storage on the mobile device
is typically provisioned, as well, with access to local data in some cases substituting for the
network connection. Nomadic computing may utilize a wired network connection and AC
electrical power, neither of which is appropriate for fully mobile operations. Access to network
resources is essential to contemporary mobile computing, given the shared and collaborative
nature of computing overall today and the prevalence of cloud-based resources, and it is rare to
find a mobile device without integral battery power.[2]
Mobile devices include notebook PCs, which are functionally equivalent to desktop PCs;
tablets; mobile phones, or smartphones; and a variety of products aimed at vertical and
specialized applications, such as those used in medical applications, surveillance and security,
and telemetry and control. In general, users select the device that is most appropriate to the
applications they require, with notebooks better suited to content creation and tablets often
preferred for content consumption. Smartphones represent a compromise in terms of screen size
and other user interface elements, such as small, screen-based keyboards, but also function as
pocket-size computers and communicators. Most vendors of microprocessor integrated circuits
offer mobile versions of their products, featuring lower power consumption, smaller physical
size and, consequentially, often lower performance than their desktop counterparts. Such is not

an issue for most mobile applications, and the broad range -- including physical size and price
-- of mobile devices available today can address most application demands.
Wireless communications are well-established, and today's Wi-Fi and 4G networks can
offer throughput adequate for essentially every application. With the recent reintroduction of
unlimited cellular data service plans, most users find their monthly data expense bounded and
manageable, with good availability, reliability and throughput. Color graphics displays are
universal on mobile computing devices today, with smartphones, tablets and some notebooks
featuring touch as their primary human-computer interaction model. As displays are a major
consumer of battery power, much product engineering today is devoted to improving the
performance of this vital element, including more efficient backlighting for LCD screens and
OLED displays.[3]
Mobile data storage is rapidly advancing to all-solid-state designs based on flash memory
technology. Costs of flash continue to decline, along with improvements in access speeds and
physical storage density. Today, cloud-based storage is used primarily for backup, bulk storage
and file sharing, but may take on a role as primary storage as wireless services become more
pervasive, reliable, fast and cost-effective. Some local storage will likely always be desirable,
but cloud-based storage will likely result in lower device cost, longer battery life and lower
device weight.
The project requires mobile computing since the application would be used by most of
the android and iOS users and having such kind of system in the form of an application would
be very convenient and easy to use. Also, from our survey regarding the need of this system in
the market, most of the people voted for using this system in the form of an application.
The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs)
and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-
computer interaction. An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use
embedded processors, sensors and communication hardware to collect, send and act on data
they acquire from their environments. IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by
connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to be
analysed or analysed locally.
Internet of Things can connect devices embedded in various systems to the internet. When
devices/objects can represent themselves digitally, they can be controlled from anywhere. The
connectivity then helps us capture more data from more places, ensuring more ways of
increasing efficiency and improving safety and IoT security.

IoT is a transformational force that can help companies improve performance through
IoT analytics and IoT Security to deliver better results. Businesses in the utilities, oil & gas,
insurance, manufacturing, transportation, infrastructure and retail sectors can reap the benefits
of IoT by making more informed decisions, aided by the torrent of interactional and
transactional data at their disposal.
IoT platforms can help organisations reduce cost through improved process efficiency,
asset utilization and productivity. With improved tracking of devices/objects using sensors and
connectivity, they can benefit from real-time insights and analytics, which would help them
make smarter decisions. The growth and convergence of data, processes and things on the
internet would make such connections more relevant and important, creating more
opportunities for people, businesses and industries.
In this project, we make use of IoT for tracking the location of the pets where we would
use the components like GPS sensor for sending longitude and latitude of the pet on the device
and Arduino as an interface of communication between the application and the sensor.

2.2 Existing Solution

The interaction between human and physical devices and devices in the real world is
gaining more attention, and requires a natural and intuitive methodology to employ. According
to this idea and living well, life has been a growing demand. Thus, how to raise pets in an easy
way has been the main issue recently. The study examines the ability of computation,
communication, and control technologies to improve human interaction with pets by the
technology of the Internet of Things. This work addresses the improvement through the pet
application of the ability of location-awareness, and to help the pet owners raise their pet on the
activity and eating control easily. Extensive experiment results demonstrate the system
performs significantly help on the kidney disease and reduce the symptoms.
There is an existing system for Animal Tracking and Caring using RFID (Radio
Frequency Identification) and IoT for the animals in the zoo. It has services that tracks animal
situation which includes technologies like RFID that identifies animals based on the
information from the tag attached to their body, sensor nodes that sense body temperature of
animals and GPS (Global Positioning System) that locates the animals and their cages. All the
data from the above technology is stored in the database and then provided to the users (zoo
visitors, zookeepers and veterinarians). Zoo visitor can get knowledge and information about a
particular animal from the RFID tag attached with it. Zookeepers can track and locate animals

with GPS. Veterinarians can examine animal’s health status and can give necessary medications
if required.[1]

2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements: Software Requirements:

Mobile Phone or tablet Android Studio

RAM: 512 MB Android Version - Jelly Bean 4.1 and above
Minimum Internal Storage: 4 GB Android Emulator
With internet connectivity Google APIs
Arduino NodeMCU ESP8266 Google Maps
GPS sensor
Connecting wires

Table 2.1. Hardware and Software Requirements

Chapter 3


3.1 Functional Requirements

This system will require various types of information such as the dog breeds, dog diets
based on the breed and age, dog vaccination table, veterinary database, GPS sensor, Arduino
and connecting wires. Based on which the system will perform various functionalities. The user
begins with the completion of registration process by entering dog age, breed and basic user
information. The system will then provide services like Tracking the pet (since the sensor is
attached to the dog’s belt and the location is displayed in the app), providing nearby park
locations and vets available in the vicinity based on the user’s current location. The user will
have to set a particular time schedule for dog activities to which the app will notify about the
next scheduled activity via timely Notifications.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

1. Ease of accessibility:
The system is user friendly and easily accessible to the end user. It provides an interface
which is convenient to every kind of user.
2. Throughput:
The time taken to fetch the current user’s location and display the location of the dog is
minimal, thereby making it anti-stagnant.
3. High accuracy:
The system is determined in providing accurate locations to the user to avoid waste of
time and energy.
4. Maintainability, Scalability and Robustness:
The system is easily maintainable and increase in the number of users and data would not
harm the system in any way possible.
5. High performance:
The system is efficient enough and must give high yields and results depending on the

6. Adaptability:
The system adapts to the environment quickly and operates on all Android devices with
version 4.1 and above. The system adapts to the updates and making changes is not a
tedious task.

3.3 Proposed system

Animals are an important part of human life and they are to be taken care of. A proper,
suitable and safe environment has to be provided to them with appropriate care of their diet.
This system is intelligent enough to handle the following responsibilities:
1. Tracking pets:
This system helps the owner of the pet to track the current location of the pet which is
most important in case the pet is lost. It uses a GPS sensor to give the location coordinates
on the mobile application which helps to find the location.
2. Schedule for pet’s activity:
It gives timely reminders to the owners for the various activities of the pets according to
the schedule provided to the system. It will provide notifications/alarms for this.
3. Emergency Medical Facilities:
This system also offers to give emergency medical services like keeping a track of
vaccinations given and to be given to the pet and consulting and contacting a vet in case
of emergencies.
4. Suggesting Nearbys:
It also suggests nearby parks and pet shops to have easy access to the accessories needed.
5. Complete Information:
This system provides all the information about the pets to an unregistered user and
motivates such people to buy pets.
Here we have developed a system with all the above-mentioned features.

Fig. 3.1. Block Diagram of Smart Pet Care System

Chapter 4


4.1 Design Consideration

Our Smart Pet Care System has the major features for handling a pet properly with utmost
care and facilities. For this, it will be necessary to design the app in such a way that it is user-
friendly and convenient to use. It will be designed such that the user experience will be as easy
as possible rather than leaving the user confused while operating the system. Its external design
is also being considered in most of the possible situations to handle component failure, or any
other errors and bug fixes. The most important aspect of any system is its user interface and this
project will provide the most simplified yet elegant UI to its users. Even if the user is not very
expert in using an application, this app provides an ease in operating the system. Also, the users
which are unaware of the idea of petting a pet, this app provides them a detailed information
about everything in a very user-friendly way.

4.2 Design Details

The overall system shows the various processes that are to be conducted in our application
and the attributes included in that functionalities. The following is a use-case diagram
explaining the Smart Pet Care System and giving an overview. A use case diagram at its
simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system that shows the relationship
between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved.

Fig. 4.1. Use-Case Diagram for Smart Pet Care System

Chapter 5


5.1 Plan for Implementation

With the diversity and power of pets, the pet care industry is growing dynamically and
closely following the movements, also the development of human living environment and
quality. The demand of pet care keeps increasing caused by the growing number of pets, the
attitude of how pet owners treat their pets and the fast-changing technology implication. From
essential to dispensable, a variety of components construct the pet care Industry and make this
industry become hundred-billion valued business worldwide. The trend of pet humanization
continues to grow deeply in the pet care industry and there is no sign of abating according to
Euromonitor International. Pet owners are treating their pets like members or a part of their
family increasingly, whereby pets can provide companionship for their owners, especially dogs
and cats. It is because the companionship of pets gives a fundamental psychological need for
many people under a more atomized and urbanized living environment.
Due to pet humanization, pet premiumization trend appears in pet care industry. Pet
premiumization means upgrading the pet products to premium level in order to fulfil the
demand of higher quality pet products from pet owners. In addition, in the emerging markets,
consumers demand premium pet food and products are middle class and urban pet owners.
Considering all the above parameters, we decided to implement this Smart Pet Care System in
order to provide instant services to the users at one click. The actual idea of this system was to
include many features related to pet services such as the following:
1. Tracking the pet in case if it is lost.
2. Selling and Buying pets on an online platform.
3. Emergency veterinary services
4. Suggesting nearby parks and day care centres for pets.
5. Shopping for pet’s accessories online.
6. Providing online medicine delivery.
7. Creating a social media platform like Instagram for pets.
8. Time Reminders for pet’s schedules.
9. Pet Insurance services.

We conducted a survey through which certain facts about the market and the users were
revealed to us. In this survey, we made a google from through which we collected the
information from various age groups of various areas of Mumbai and came to some
conclusions. Following are some questions and their conclusions:

Q. Do you have a pet?

Fig. 5.1. Response for having a pet

Conclusion - Nearly 18% of the total people who contributed in the survey had a pet.

Q. Were you having a pet previously?

Fig. 5.2. Response for having a pet in the past

Conclusion - As shown in the figure, nearly 14% have an experience of petting a pet in the past
and can give better insights for the development of this platform. From the above questions, we
can say that nearly 32% i.e. every 3rd person has or had a pet previously.

Q. Which pet do you have?

Fig. 5.3. Response for choice of pets

Conclusion - From the above pie chart, we can conclude that approximately 39% of the total
pet owners have dogs which gives us an idea for making this application dog-centered.

Q. How keen are you to have the following features in a Pet Care application?

Fig. 5.4. Feature preferences of people

Conclusion - From the above responses and considering votes for all the features, we had set a
threshold of 75% votes for a particular feature to be prioritized for including it in the application.
We found that there are 4 features which crossed the threshold and qualified for their inclusions
in the application.
From the above survey and the conclusions, we came to know the patterns and trends
going on right now in the pet care industry. Hence, we decided to implement the system
particularly for dogs and later on, the scope will be expanded for other animals as well.

The survey also revealed what features should be included in our system which are of utmost
need from the current scenario. Thus, the following features are included for the first update:
1. Tracking the pets
2. Schedule for pet’s activity
3. Suggesting nearby parks
4. Emergency medical facilities
The project requires mobile computing since the application would be used by most of
the android and iOS users and having such kind of system in the form of an application would
be very convenient and easy to use. Also, from our survey regarding the need of this system in
the market, most of the people voted for using this system in the form of an application.
We are using the Android Studio software to build our Android application. At present,
more than 76.6% of Smartphones, including HTC, LG and Samsung Models use Android as
their operating system (OS), and expecting that Android will be in smart watches, laptops, car
very soon. Android powered devices including tablets have become the foremost need of all the
tech-savvy people across the world and the prime reason is that it provides an open source
platform for the development of great apps plus allows app developers to immediately publish
them. Instead lots of developers want to get associated with Android application because of
incredible growth.
The app requires IoT for tracking operation. In this, we are using a GPS sensor to extract
the coordinates of the pet’s location and this data will be sent to the Arduino NodeMCU through
the ESP8266 Wi-fi module used and thus the pet owner will come to know the pet’s exact
location in the app.
The system also uses Google APIs for finding nearby parks. Google APIs is a set of
application programming interfaces (APIs) developed by Google which allow communication
with Google Services and their integration to other services. Examples of these include Search,
Gmail, Translate or Google Maps. Third-party apps can use these APIs to take advantage of or
extend the functionality of the existing services.[3]
The most important aspect of any system is its user interface and this project will provide the
most simplified yet elegant UI to its users. Even if the user is not very expert in using an
application, this app provides an ease in operating the system. Also, the users which are unaware
of the idea of petting a pet, this app provides them a detailed information about everything in a
very user-friendly way.
As a part of 20% implementation of the project, the following flowchart depicts the flow
of the registration process in the system.

Fig. 5.5. Flowchart of Registration Process

Chapter 6

As per our survey conclusions, we have decided to go with android app development and
IoT as our domains and the four prominent features as voted by the people are selected to be
implemented for the application. This system will take care of all the necessary amenities
required for a pet's overall development and daily care. Also, this project helps newbies who
don't have any idea of a petting a pet and the GUI will be as simple that anyone can operate it
easily. Thus, our Smart Pet Care System is a complete package of a pet's wear and tear and it
acts like a caretaker for a pet. It provides all the required facilities and services for a pet’s care
in a most compact and easy to use way with some personalised features like all the information
regarding pets to a beginner and attention to customer satisfaction.

[1] Dr. Kirti Wankhede. Sayali Pednekar, Animal Tracking and Caring using IoT and RFID,
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering - 2018.
[2] Chung-Ming Own. Research Article for the Pet Care Appliance of Location Aware
Infrastructure on Cyber Physical System, International Journal of Distributed Sensor
Networks, Volume 2012, Article ID 421259.
[3] Chung-Ming Own, Haw-Yun Shin, Chen-Ya Teng. The Study and Application of the IoT
in Pet Systems, Advances in Internet of Things, 2013, 3, 1-8

It gives us great pleasure in presenting this project report titled “SMART PET CARE
SYSTEM”. We express our gratitude to our project guide Prof. Manisha Dumbre, who provided
us with all the guidance and encouragement throughout the project development.
We would also like to thank our project coordinators for providing us the needed
assistance, detailed suggestions and also encouragement to do the project.
Our sincere gratitude to our respected principal Dr. G.T THAMPI and the management
of Thadomal Shahani Engineering College for providing such an ideal atmosphere to build up
this project with well-equipped library with all the most necessary reference materials and up
to date IT Laboratories. We are extremely thankful to all staff and the management of the
college for providing us all the facilities and resources required.

1604088 – Rutuja Pawar

1604114 – Sahil Tekwani
1604115 – Chinmay Umrikar


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