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The graph compares the proportions of Australian males and females in six age categories who were
physically active on a regular basis during the year 2010.
Overall,close to half of Australian adults did some kind of routine physical activity in 2010.Midle aged
females were the most physical active,proportionally,while males aged 35 to 44 did the least physical
In the youngest age category(15 to 24),almost 53% of Australian men but only 47.7% of women did regular
physical activity in 2010.However,between the ages of 25 and 44 men,were much less active on average
then women.In fact,in the 35 to 44 age group,a mere 39.5% of males did some form of regular
exercise,compared to 52.5% of femeles.
Between the ages of 45 and 64,the figure for male physical activity clustered to around 45%,while the
proportion of active females remained around 8% higher.Finally,the percentages of Australian women and
men aged 65 and over who exercised regularly were almost identical,at approximately 47%.
Knowledge is power.Freedom of expression and speech is a crutiaal part of most modern societies.Within
this culture,many people believe that by sharing information freely among all humanity,the future of the
world is enhanced.Although some reasons for sharing information freely including rapid development of
science and benefit of humanity,I opine it should not be solicited without pay because information needs
finance and security.
Scientific breakthroughs can be achieved faster and more when people do not need to have financial
backing to acquire the necessary knowledge.There are many smart scientists who do not have the funds to
acquire important information to complete their research.However, when the information is free, this is not
an obstacle for their progress.For instance,information on cancer can be accessed freely on the Internet,and
this allowed Dr.James Cornick,a poor scientist from Ireland,to come up with a pill which helps cure skin
cancer and benefits people around the world.Even though in this situation free knowledge is beneficial,it is
not valid in all situations.
Much information requires payment to be produced and maintained.Also,certain type sof information can be
devastating for society.There are many professionals whose jobs are to produce reasearch and new concepts
When they are not paid for this work,they can no longer generate science.In addition,some of this research
deals with dangerous fields such as nuclear physics and pharmaceuticals.For instance,last year an act of
terror ocuured because some criminals were able to learn how to make explosives using free information on
the Internet.This clearly should not be permissible, and for this reason,not all information should be free to
access for everyone.
In conclusion,distributing information free of charge can help in certain aspects but can also be deterimental
to society.

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