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Plagiarism vs.

What is cheating?
Cheating is getting unauthorized help on an assignment,quiz or exam.

What is plagiarism?
The act of presenting another’s work or ideas as your own.

Types of Plagiarism
• Fraud (intentional deception)
• Failure to cite information
• Failure to quote

Unintentional plagiarism can be:

• Patch-writing (using sections of writing copied from a variety of sources, linked together
with additional sentences. This is considered plagiarism unless all directly quoted text is
indicated )
• Failing to cite a source (Bibliography)
• Failing to use quotation marks

Intentional plagiarism is:

• Buying
• or Copying Papers

Why do people plagiarize?

1) Laziness: it’s easier and faster

2) “Why reinvent the wheel?"
3) Lack of good planning skills
4) Unclear criteria and expectations for assignments
5) Lack of reading comprehension skills
6) ESL Difficulties
7) Pressure to get good grades
8) Tendency to "search" rather than "research"
9) “Everyone else is doing it.”
10) “I can get away with it.”

What should be done to avoid plagiarism?

1. Be organized!
2. Plan Ahead
3. Create a Bibliography
4. Follow Correct Research Process

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