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Is it posible for a place to be too perfect?

Hi everyone!

Finally made it to The Colca Canyon after 3 hours delay !!!  weather here cold, but
people friendly, kind and loving. Colca one area for lovers extreme adventure! So far
have: been watching flight of condors  at the Mirador Cruz del Cóndor (wow!),

Been  visiting many places and lanscapes, learning local culture, took selfies (lots) on
Colca . The colca had history, culture, ruins, tradition (magic!!)

The Colca Canyon has a geography for adventure sports: trekking, camping,  done
puenting. (awesome!!) (full adrenaline!!!... lol) also visit to the  thermal baths and
staying in comfortable hostel.

Come for town festival, and here  celebrate their anniversary for a week, dance, wearing
their typical clothes, and there food (lots), if come from another town people receive
you very happily!!☺ ,  made me dance (full)

have seen my best friend from school, she's been working here for a year and have gone
out to a local at night and have seen many tourists in this place ... (lololol) was funny.

Have been wonderful days, I miss you very much!! Spk soon L xx

XOXOXOXO  everyone

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