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School Base Assessment


Secondary School

Candidate Name : Roshaun Thomas

Candidate Number :

Subject : English Language

Centre Code : 090051

Topic : comedy

Sub-topic : advantages of comedy in society

Territory : Guyana

Year of Exam : 2020

Name of Teacher : Miss A. Cummings

Content page

Content Page

Introduction 1

Acknowledgement 2

Topic 3

Schedule of Activity 4

Plan of Investigation 5

Reflection 1 6

Reflection 2 7

Reflection 3 8

Plan of Oral Presentation 9

Group Report 10

Oral Presentation 11

Conclusion 12

Bibliography 13

First, the researcher would like to thank the heavenly father for giving
her wisdom, knowledge and understanding to complete this S.B.A.
Secondly, she would like to thank her parents for providing the
necessary utensils and equipment to complete this S.B.A in a timely manner.
Lastly, the researcher would like to thank her subject teacher for the
help and support in preparing this S.B.A.

In a modern scene, comedy is a genre of fiction that refers to any discourse of

work generally intended to be humorous or amusing by including laughter, especially
in theatre, television, film, stand-up comedy, books and novels or any other medium
or entertainment.

Comedy has a great impact on human lives and laughter to a great way to
starts your day Maeve Higgins one said laughter is a lubricant and is expected and
it’s really hard no tot do it.
Topic: Comedy

Sub Topic: what are the advantages of comedy in society?

Plan of Investigation

The researcher choose the theme comedy because it is popular in society and
she and her fellow peers plan to listen and watch comedy to find out what causes
people to react the way they do.
The researcher expected benefits as a student of English to improve her
thinking skills, reading skills and vocabulary skills.
The researcher plans to collect relevant information form articles and internet
pertaining to sub-topic.
Plan of Oral Presentation

Step 1- the researcher will be reflecting on the research she have done.

Step 2- start planning what to insert in the poem.

Step 3- write the poem and short speech.

Step 4- practice how to act out the poem and memorize the speech.

Step 5-carry out the process of completing the presentation.

Entry 2

In the second piece which was a printed poem helped to shape the researcher’s
thinking in that it helped her to get a clearer understanding about the aspect of
comedy and see the viewer’s emotions when listening and watching it.
The language used in the second piece was clearly understood-this was good
to the researcher since every aspects of the topic was broken down.
In doing this S.B.A it helped the reader and researcher to be more open
minded and enlightened and to have a good look into the advantages of comedy in
our society.
Entry 3

The final piece is an article on comedy which has more detailed description on
the advantages of comedy in society. This help the researcher to have a clearer vision
of the aspect and a better understanding of the theme comedy.
The language technique used in the final entry are a bit complicate to
understand but after reading it researcher got a better understanding of the article.
After reading the article on comedy the researcher attitude toward this topic
has showed her how to be a better person in society. It also help her to know the
advantages of comedy, therefore the researcher is more aware of the benefits and
advantages of comedy in society.
Topic: Comedy

Sub Topic: what are the advantages of comedy in society?

In a modern scene, comedy is a genre of fiction that refers to any discourse of
work generally intended to be humorous or amusing by including laughter, especially
in theatre, television, film, stand-up comedy, books and novels or any other medium
or entertainment.

Comedy has a great impact on human lives and laughter to a great way to
starts your day Maeve Higgins one said laughter is a lubricant and is expected and
it’s really hard no tot do it.

Plan of Investigation
The researcher choose the theme comedy because it is popular in society and
she and her fellow peers plan to listen and watch comedy to find out what causes
people to react the way they do.
The researcher expected benefits as a student of English to improve her
thinking skills, reading skills and vocabulary skills.
The researcher plans to collect relevant information form articles and internet
pertaining to sub-topic.

Plan of Oral Presentation

Step 1- the researcher will be reflecting on the research she have done.

Step 2- start planning what to insert in the poem.

Step 3- write the poem and short speech.

Step 4- practice how to act out the poem and memorize the speech.

Step 5-carry out the process of completing the presentation.

Entry 3
The final piece is an article on comedy which has more detailed description on
the advantages of comedy in society. This help the researcher to have a clearer vision
of the aspect and a better understanding of the theme comedy.
The language technique used in the final entry are a bit complicate to
understand but after reading it researcher got a better understanding of the article.
After reading the article on comedy the researcher attitude toward this topic
has showed her how to be a better person in society. It also help her to know the
advantages of comedy, therefore the researcher is more aware of the benefits and
advantages of comedy in society.

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