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Do you believe that one single problem can be a root of all other problems?

If your answer is yes

then we’re on the same boat. As we know, our country is one of the countries that has the most number
of population in the whole world, for that reason, the Philippines is indeed in a case of crisis or what we
call poverty. According to Merriam Dictionary, poverty is the state of one who lacks a usual or socially
acceptable amount of money or material possession which means that it is considered to be a poverty if
there is a scarcity in every aspect of one’s life. In addition, if poverty strikes, there’s a probability that
other problems may occur in person’s daily living just like having sickness, experiencing inequality, being
unemployed, committing crime and lastly experiencing hunger. So as a millennial, I have come up with a
solution to become a progressive individual and to have a dignified life someday whose life can be an
epitome for other people experiencing poverty.

First, Sickness can be one of the effects of poverty. Why? It is simply because if one can’t have
nutritious food to take, one’s body may have a weak immune system and if that happens, he or she may
adopt some serious diseases. My solution to this problem is that I should take good care of my body. I
must refrain myself from eating unhealthy foods like junk foods and carbonated drinks. I also have to
have a proper diet and healthy lifestyle.

Second is inequality. I believe most of us already experience or rather notice or seen having
inequality. Some people are suppressing the right of their fellow to experience having one and the same
treatment. My solution is that I will always keeping my feet on the ground no matter how far I have
already achieved. I will treat other people nicely, kindly and sincerely and I won’t immediately judge
them in a shallow manner.

The third one is unemployment. At this present time, many people have no work. So as a
student, my solution is to always keep in mind that life is not really an easy thing I should prioritize my
studies in order for me to have a degree and live a good life in the future.

Poverty may also lead to crimes. If one can’t sustain his/her family’s living financially, he or she
may start doing things on the other way around – doing the bad side. They will commit undesirable
things in order to withstand the misery of their lives. And that is really happening in reality. My solution
to this problem is that I should always remind myself to keep doing rightful things in a rightful manner
and not be tempted of doing unwanted things like stealing.

The last one is hunger. If there’s a poverty, people may live shorter. They may die on a cause of
hungriness because they don’t have enough money to sustain their basic needs like foods, clothes and
shelter. And as we know, food is very essential in our lives. So my practical solution is that I must not
waste any food that is being served to me and won’t ask for more, I should keep in mind that there are
people who can’t already eat what I have now and I am so lucky that I have a better life than they are.

Big things come from small things just like any problem that we are facing in our daily life. We
must be the solution to the problem instead of being the problem of humanity. Since we are the main
ingredient in creating the kind of society we are living in, in our bare hands lie the solution we can make
in simple little ways.

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